

Research on Distribution of Land Expropriation Benefit with Urbanization in China

【作者】 田旭

【导师】 张桂文;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 政治经济学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 中国的问题是农民问题,农民的问题是土地问题。在中国农村人地关系高度紧张的压力下,土地资源显得尤为珍贵。农村居民收入水平低下,且缺少覆盖农村的社会保障,土地不仅是农民的最为重要的生产资料,也是农民安身立命的生存保障。随着工业化、城镇化和市场化进程的推进,土地增值的收益预期,更使农民把土地视为手中最重要的财富和资产。现行征地制度使地方政府成为城镇建设用地的唯一供给者,政府单方面制定征地补偿标准,农民不仅难以分享土地增值收益,甚至连长远生计也难以保障。政府通过低价征地,高价出让获取了巨额的土地收益,形成了国家公权对农民私权的侵害。近年来与土地相关的纠纷和冲突,已成了威胁政治稳定和社会和谐的主要因素。2008年十七届三中全会决议首次提出改革征地制度,包括严格界定公益性和经营性建设用地、逐步缩小征地范围、实行同地同价合理补偿、逐步建立城乡统一的建设用地市场等。2013年十八届三中全会决议又进一步提出要改革征地制度,提高农民在土地增值收益中的分配比例,加快完善城乡发展一体化体制机制。虽然中央政府改革征地制度的决心很大,但从2008年中央决定颁布以来的情况看,地方政府征地规模不仅没有缩小,反而越来越大。逐步缩小征地范围、只进行公益性征地成为一句空话。当前征地矛盾集中表现在征地收益分配不合理上和大量占用耕地资源等问题,征地收益分配矛盾集中在补偿标准制定不合理、不同用途不同区域土地补偿额差别较大、土地补偿费在村委会和村民之间分配比例等问题。现行征地制度下,地方政府垄断征地权,决定征地数量和征地补偿标准,农民在征地中没有任何参与权和话语权。加之地方政府对土地财政的高度依赖,推动地价和房价高涨,加重企业经营成本和城市居民生活成本。现行的征地制度和土地制度为我国工业化建设和城镇化发展提供了巨大的制度红利,发挥了重要“蓄水池”和“稳定器”功能。但是现行征地制度是计划时期征地制度的延续,已不适应当前的社会经济发展和城镇化建设,征地引起的利益冲突也成为社会主要矛盾之一,必须对现行征地制度进行改革。征地制度改革的重点在于合理分配土地收益,切实维护和保障农民土地财产权益,明确征地目的,规范国家征地权的使用程序和范围。征地制度的改革离不开制度实施环境,我国正处在城镇化快速发展阶段,发展经济和提高人民生活质量仍然是主要任务,需要大量资金投入,在没有其他税收补充情况下,土地仍然是地方政府投资建设发展经济的主要资金来源。改革征地制度的核心是征地收益分配问题,即利益相关者之间合理分配征地收益。因此研究征地收益分配问题,分析征地收益分配不合理根源,发现征地收益分配不合理问题所在。通过对不同征地补偿方式的绩效分析,建立符合征地相关者利益的征地补偿方式转移模型,提出合理分配征地收益的改革方案,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。论文的主要内容如下:第一部分为论文的理论基础。一是对国内外的研究文献进行了系统梳理和归纳总结,在此基础上确立本文研究的重点;二是城镇化进程中征地收益分配的基础理论,主要有地租理论、产权理论和土地经济理论,并分析了城镇化与征地的关系;三是在此基础上构建理性征地模型,并为后续研究提供理论基础。第二部分分析了征地收益分配现状及其社会影响。通过分析征地相关利益主体之间的收益分配现状,得出土地收益分配不合理。并进一步分析土地收益分配不合理对社会的影响。通过对调查资料进行数理统计分析,深入证实了征地制度和征地收益分配方面存在的问题,以及农民对征地制度的看法和意见。第三部分分析征地收益分配不合理的成因。主要成因包括:农村土地制度所有权主体不明确、所有权残缺;征地范围宽泛、国家垄断征地权;地方政府高度依赖土地财政;村委会的双重代理困境等。这些制度因素的存在造成了征地收益分配不合理,也阻碍征地收益分配制度的改革推进。第四部分对不同征地补偿方式进行绩效分析,构建征地补偿方式转移模型。对不同征地补偿方式进行绩效分析,建立反映效率、公平和生态等指标体系,根据绩效指标值的差异,构建不同补偿方式下农民满意度模型,对不同补偿方式的补偿度-满意度模型回归分析曲线,建立征地补偿方式转移模型,为征地收益分配制度改革提供理论依据和实践指导。第五部分征地收益分配的改革对策建议。围绕十八届三中全会决议的征地制度改革方向,从土地财政、土地产权制度、征地制度、村委会代理约束机制和集体建设用地入市交易等方面提出对策和建议,提出多元化征地补偿方案,以推进征地收益合理分配。

【Abstract】 The problem of China lies on farmers and the problem of the farmers lies on theland. With the intensive pressure of the relationship between farmers and land in the ruralarea, the land is becoming more and more important. The rural residents are sufferingfrom not only low income but also few social insurance, which makes the land the mostimportant and only production materials to survive. With the development ofindustrialization, urbanization and marketization and the higher expectation of landproliferation, farmers consider their land as the most important wealth and assets.However under the current land system, the local rural government becomes the soleprovider of urban for construction by expropriation. On one hand, the compensationstandards of land expropriation are determined by the government. It is not only difficultfor farmers to share the value growth of the land but also impossible to make a long-termlivelihood. On the other hand, the government expropriates land in quite low price,which were sold sky-high price later on. It significantly deteriorates the benefit of thelocal rural residents by abusing public power. Current land-related disputes and conflictsaccounted for more than half of the country’s petition case, which threats the politicalstability and social harmony. The20083rd Plenary Meeting of the17th Congress of theChinese Communist Party firstly proposed the reform of land system, including strictdefinition of public welfare and operational construction land, gradually narrow thescope of land expropriation, implementation of reasonable compensation and graduallyestablishment of a unified urban and rural construction land markets. The20133rdPlenary Meeting of the18th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party further proposesto reform the land expropriation system by increasing farmers’ income distribution ratioof land value and accelerating the improvement of the integration of urban and ruraldevelopment. Although the central government’s determinates to reform the landrequisition system, the scope of land expropriation has rapidly grown since the policy isissued. Gradually narrow the scope and only make nonprofit land expropriation becamean empty promise.The current conflict of land expropriation lies in unfair income distribution unreasonable take over. The conflict of income distribution lies in unreasonablecompensation standard, significant compensation difference between different usages ofthe land and distribution ratio between local government and farmers. Under the currentsystem, local governments monopolize land expropriation by determine the number ofthe transaction and compensation standards. The local farmers do not have any right toparticipate in the process or the right to speak. In addition, local government is highlydependent on the finance from the land expropriation, which results in rising land andapartment price and increasing operating and living cost of urban residents. The existingland system and expropriation systems greatly benefit the industrial construction anddevelopment of urbanization, as an important "reservoir" and "stabilizer". However, thecurrent land expropriation system is a continuation form of planned economy, which nolonger meets the current socio-economic development and urbanization. The conflicts ofinterest caused by land expropriation have become one of the major social contradictions.As a result, we must reform the current land system. Focus on land expropriation reformshould lie in the rational allocation of land revenue system, which effectively guards andprotects farmers’ property rights; a clear purpose which regulates the procedures and thescope performed by the local government. The reform of land expropriation system isinseparable from the environment. China is in the stage of rapid urbanization, economicdevelopment and improving people’s quality of life. Land is still the very resource for thelocal government to finance for development in the context of lacking capital investmentand other tax supplement. The core of land expropriation reform lies in incomedistribution system, known as the rational allocation of land revenue betweenstakeholders. As a result, to study the distribution of land expropriation revenue, toanalyze the root cause and the problem of unreasonable of revenue distribution, toestablish the transfer model to meet of the interests of the relevant parties in landexpropriation compensation and to propose a reasonable revenue allocation scheme, hasa important theoretical and practical significance. The main contents are as follows:The first part is the theoretical basis of the study. Firstly, the study conducts asystematic literature summary to establish the focus of this study. Secondly, the studydesigned land income distribution index formula with rent theory, property rights andincome distribution theory, which serves as a base of ideal model and transition model land expropriation and provides a theoretical foundation for subsequent research papers.The second part analyzes the current situation and the social impact of current landexpropriation system. Draw the conclusion of unreasonable distribution of landexpropriation revenue by analyzing the current situation of income distribution of landexpropriation among the main stakeholders. Further analyze income distribution andunreasonable impact on society. Survey conducted by mathematical statistical analysisconfirmed the issue of current land expropriation and income distribution and the viewsof farmers on land expropriation system.The third part analyzes the causes of imbalance in the distribution of land revenue.The main causes include: the ownership of rural land system is unclear and defects; widerange of land expropriation and the monopoly of land rights; local government financehighly dependent on land; performance evaluation mechanism for government officialsrelying on quantity rather than quality; double agent plight of the village committee;farmers collective self-factors, all of which caused the imbalance in the distribution ofland expropriation revenue also hindered reform forward.The fourth part conducts performance analysis of different compensation ways,building land compensation metastasis model. Conduct performance analysis of differentways of land expropriation compensation, building the index system reflecting theefficiency, equity and ecology. According to the difference among the values ofperformance indicators, build the model of farmer satisfaction models in differentcompensation methods. According to the degree of Compensation-SatisfactionRegression Analysis curve, establish land expropriation compensation metastasis modelto provide a theoretical basis and practical guidance for reform income distributionsystem.The fifth part proposes suggestions for the land expropriation system reform.According the policies that made during the3rd Plenary Meeting of the18th Congress ofthe Chinese Communist Party, proposes strategy and suggestions from the aspects of landsystem, land expropriation system and transaction of collective construction landpromote the reform process.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期