

Research on the Relationship between Top Management Team Behavioral Integration and Firm Performance

【作者】 田瑞岩

【导师】 刘力钢;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 企业管理, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 经济转型背景下,我国企业所处的技术环境、市场环境和制度环境越来越动态和复杂,加剧了企业高管团队的认知局限性,高管团队通过行为整合过程开发出来的稀缺的决策能力必须聚焦到企业最突出的矛盾问题上来才能有效提升企业绩效。然而,现有高管团队行为整合与企业绩效之间关系的研究大多基于高阶理论,决策质量作为二者之间关系的解释过于模糊,缺乏具体可操作性,高管团队行为整合与企业长期绩效及短期绩效之间的关系也存在争议。本研究基于动态能力理论,认为高管团队行为整合过程能够产生高阶动态能力,并促进企业协调与整合探索式创新与开发式创新的双元能力,通过双元能力的中介作用,高管团队行为整合促进企业长期及短期绩效的提升,从而为高管团队行为整合与企业长期及短期绩效的作用关系提供了新的理论视角及中介机制。双元能力的提出能够从高管团队运作过程层面有效解决企业当前面临的探索与开发之间的两难困境,即为了适应环境变化,企业究竟应该继续固守现有业务,对资源和能力持续开发与改进,还是承担必要的风险,探索新的能力和新的竞争优势之间的两难选择与组织困境。为了验证双元能力的中介效应,本研究使用动态能力理论对变量之间的关系进行假设推演,并通过20家企业的小样本预试及环渤海省市98家企业高管团队的大样本问卷调查实证检验了高管团队行为整合、双元能力以及企业绩效之间的关系,双元能力的中介作用得到验证。主要研究结论如下:第一,协调与整合探索式创新和开发式创新达到相对平衡的双元能力是高管团队行为整合与企业长期及短期绩效之间的不完全中介变量。第二,虽然开发式创新同样能够在高管团队行为整合与企业长期及短期绩效之间起不完全中介效应,但平衡与整合两种创新活动的双元能力的不完全中介效应更好,通过双元能力的中介作用,企业长期绩效和短期绩效的提升更为平稳,企业的环境适应性更好。第三,探索式创新和开发式创新的相对平衡必须通过组织层面的双元能力进行协调与整合,而不仅仅是两种创新活动在财务层面的简单线性组合。第四,探索式创新在高管团队行为整合与企业长期绩效间起不完全中介效应,对企业长期绩效的影响最为显著,但对企业短期绩效的影响不显著,对短期绩效的中介效应也不显著。

【Abstract】 Under the background of economic transformation, the technology environment,market environment and the institutional environment which enterprises of our countryfaces become more and such more dynamic and complex that the cognitive limitations oftop management team grows intensified. Therefore it is necessary for the enterprises tofocus the decision-making resources that are developed from behavioral integrationprocess of top management team on the most pivotal issues to promoteperformance.However, the recent researches on the the relationship between topmanagement team behavioral integration and firm performance base on the upperechelons theory through decision-making quality as the interpretation mechanism whichis obscure and lack of specific operability. Moreover, the relationship between behavioralintegration and firm short and long-term performance is also a matter of debate.Based on the dynamic capability theory, this study proposes that top managementteam’s behavioral integration process can raise high order dynamic capability, andpromote the ambidexterity capability which is defined as the ability to integrate andcoordinate exploratory innovation and exploration innovation. Through ambidexteritycapability’s intermediary effect, top management team’s behavioral integration processcan promote firm’s long-term and short-term performance. Dynamic capability theorycan be a new theoretical perspective between top management team behavioralintegration and firm performance. Ambidexterity capability can be regarded as a criticalmeasure to solve the dilemma between exploratory innovation and explorationinnovation namely the organizational dilemma, in order to adapt to environmentalchanges, whether enterprises should continue to stick to the existing business, continuousexploit and improve exisiting resource and ability, or take some necessary risks toexplore new ability and the new competitive advantage.In order to verify the mediation effect of the ambidexterity capability,based ondynamic capability theory this study proposes hypothesises of the relationship amongambidexterity capability, behavioral integration and firm performance. Throughquestionnaire survey based on a small sample of20companies’ top management teamand a larger sample of98companies’ top management team around Bohai Sea Districtof,this study empirically test the hypothesises of the relationships among variables above, and the intermediary role of ambidexterity capability.The main research conclusions are as follows:First, the ambidexterity capability which is defined as the ability to integrate andcoordinate exploratory innovation and exploration innovation is the incompleteintervening variable between short and long-term performance and top managementteam’s behavioral integration. Second, although exploration innovation can also play aincompletely intermediary effect between short and long-term performance and topmanagement team’s behavioral integration, the ambidexterity capability’s role is moreimportant. Through ambidexterity capability, the promotion of firm’s long-termperformance and short-term performance is more stable and the environment adaptabilityis better. Third, it is firm level ambidexterity capability that makes exploratoryinnovation and exploration innovation coordination and integration. Ambidexterity is notthe simple linear combination of exploratory innovation and exploration innovationfinancial level. Fourth, exploratory innovation is the incomplete intervening variablebetween long-term performance and top management team’s behavioral integration andhas the most significant impact on firm’s long-term performance, but has no significanteffects on firm’s short-term performance. The intermediary effect is not significant forshort-term performance and top management team’s behavioral integration.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期