

Research on China-Africa’s Emerging Trade and Economic Relations

【作者】 拉海·法拉(RAHAL Farah)

【导师】 王厚双;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 国际贸易学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 在经济全球化以及国际政治格局多极化发展的新形势下,非洲经济与政治的发展越来越受到世界各国的关注。从经济发展的角度来看,非洲是一个很有潜力的市场。非洲拥有雄厚的土地资源和农业资源,丰富的地下矿产资源以及独特的人文景观和旅游资源,这些丰富的资源都为未来非洲经济的发展提供了必不可少的条件。除此之外,非洲作为世界商品的原料产地、销售市场、以及世界资本的投资场所,其战略地位也日显重要。从政治发展的角度来看,在非洲国家和国际社会的共同努力下,和平与发展已渐成主流,政治局势总体上趋向相对稳定的态势,这些都为中非之间政治与经贸的友好往来提供了坚实的基础。中国和非洲友谊源远流长,基础坚实。中非有着相似的历史遭遇,在争取民族解放的斗争中始终相互同情、相互支持,结下了深厚的友谊。中华人民共和国成立和非洲国家独立开创了中非关系新纪元。半个多世纪以来,双方政治关系密切,高层互访不断,人员往来频繁,经贸关系发展迅速,其他领域的合作富有成效,在国际事务中的磋商与协调日益加强。中国向非洲国家提供了力所能及的援助,非洲国家也给予中国诸多有力的支持。真诚友好、平等互利、团结合作、共同发展是中非交往与合作的原则,也是中非关系长盛不衰的动力。中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,非洲是世界上发展中国家最为集中的大陆,所以在国际事务中,中国和非洲有着广泛的共同利益。面对新的国际形势,中非之间建立更加密切的友好合作关系,不仅对双方具有重大的战略意义,而且顺应世界和平与发展的历史潮流。在中国和平崛起的过程中,非洲扮演着举足轻重的角色。一方面,非洲大陆不仅为高速发展的中国提供资源和能源、而且为中国制造业产品的出口提供广阔的市场,另一方面,当中国在国际政治舞台中扮演着越来越重要的角色时,尤其是在应对美国等西方发达国家遏制中国快速崛起时,非洲友好国家都是不可缺少的力量。21世纪中非关系能否更进一步发展,将直接影响到中国和平崛起的进程,不仅如此,还会直接影响非洲经济的全面振兴与发展以及世界政治与经济格局。因此,进一步研究中非关系的发展前景,并且提出有效的战略对策,除此之外,全面研究中非关系,特别是经贸关系,对中非双方都具有重要的理论与实践意义。基于以上背景,本文主要研究以下几大问题:非洲国家将如何充分利用中非合作带来的机遇来削弱贫困,促进发展;非洲国家将如何才能更好地利用双边合作以实现长期的发展目标;欧美对非洲的贸易战略与中非贸易战略相比是否略胜一筹;中非贸易战略和欧美对非洲的贸易战略有哪些不同之处。本论文共分为以下六章:第一章概述了论文的研究背景、研究意义、研究方法,对中国与非洲经贸关系的相关文献做了详细的综述,以及本论文的创新点与不足之处。第二章阐述了中非经贸关系的理论基础并做出了评价。第三章概述了在各历史阶段中中非经贸关系经历的变化及特点。第四章分析了中非经贸关系发展的相关因素,并且探讨了欧美对中非贸易的反应,以及如何确保中非贸易优势,此外,本章还通过对北非的实证研究来分析中非经贸关系的发展绩效。第五章提出了中非经贸关系存在的机遇与挑战,特别是中非经贸往来对非洲乃至欧美的影响。第六章提出了促进中非经贸关系的发展对策以及对未来前景的展望。

【Abstract】 Under the new situation in the world economy to globalization, international politics multipolar development, Africa has drawn increasing concern around the world. African lands and agricultural resources, rich underground of mineral resources, unique cultural and tourism resources are the development of economic and trade potential markets. Commodity sales market, raw materials and favorable investment location are playing an important strategic position in Africa. In the international political relations, African countries have also a significant political force.Relationships between China and Africa were formally established in the1950s but trade and cooperation dates back over100years. Recently, as China’s economy has continued to grow and transform the country into a major global player in all spheres, it has become clear that China increasingly needs to secure reliable sources of resources to support its economic development. The establishment of the People’s Republic of China has opened up a new era of Sino-African economic and trade relation. In order to develop the Sino-African cooperation more deeply in21st century, China and Africa create a new form of cooperation the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. The FOCAC Summit witnessed the birth of the establishment of a new type of strategic partnership between China and Africa featuring political equality and mutual trust, economic win-win cooperation and cultural exchanges.Africa is important to China as a vast source of resources to feed its growing manufacturing base, as well as a source of energy security. In addition, China sees Africa as an important destination for its affordable manufactured goods. China’s interests in Africa, however, are not only confined to economics, but extend to diplomacy as well. China is attempting to position itself as an important power in the international system and, in so doing, promote its own views and policies within international multilateral organisations. With a history of external exploitation, not quite successful economic experimentation and more recent rapid market-based development, China is in a unique position to understand the challenges and complexities facing Africa. In doing business in Africa and establishing a development framework, one is confronted with many options. It is therefore contended that China’s presence on the African continent presents both opportunities as well as threats, although African governments need to be pro-active in order to exploit the potential opportunities. In this context, Sino-African cooperation is seen as an important element of a strategy to address the challenges and emerging threats facing the region. It also provides an opportunity for African countries to induce technological change, transform the structure of their economies and lay the foundation for high and sustained growth.Against this background, this paper examines some key questions which are:How African countries are to make the most of the possibilities and address the challenges which China brings for poverty reduction and development at large? How the region could make better use of the bilateral cooperation to further its long-run development objectives? Do the trade strategies of the EU and the US compare favorably to those of China in Africa? To what extent is China in Africa following a different approach than Europe and the US? However, we mostly concentrate on the northernmost region of the African continent. Nevertheless, the implications of the financial crisis on China-Africa cooperation are excluded from our scope of research.The full text is divided into six chapters and is organized as follows:The introductory chapter outlines the research question and the research methodology.The second chapter presents the main theories of international trade where Africa’s cooperation with China is involved.The third chapter bases on the economic and commercial development of Africa’s cooperation with China, reviewing the historical background of Sino-African relations as well as the latest development; and analyzing the principles and main characteristics of the partnership.The fourth chapter highlights the evolution of China’s engagement in Africa through aid flows, investment and trade strategies. China’s trade with Africa is expanding swiftly. It has increased ten times in the last ten years. China’s traditional exports to Africa (like textiles, clothing and furniture) keep increasing, while electrical home appliances, cell phones, motor vehicles and other electronic and high-tech products have begun to pick up. China is rapidly becoming the main trading partner of Africa (exports plus imports), bypassing the US, and the EU. First, it provides a historical overview and comparative perspective of Sino-African aid assistance, investments (FDI) and trade relationships focusing on the North African region. Noting that the bilateral trade grows rapidly, the structure unceasingly optimizes from the general trade to mutual union way such as foreign investment, contract project, official development assistance, zero-interest loans and concessional loans for poor African countries. Then, it will find out to what extent China’s trade strategy is different from the trade strategies of the European Union or the United States with respect to assuring trade advantages to Africa.The fifth chapter discusses the implications of China’s engagement in Africa for the African continent (underlining its presence in the North African region), the United States and the European Union. Beyond the quantitative impact of growing aid, finance, trade and investment flows, this engagement have significant qualitative impacts on African development, positive and negative. The chapter approaches these debates using as much as possible a quantified framework, in an attempt to go beyond the common wisdom. The issues addressed include aid effectiveness, trade creation as:the economical and political risk in Africa, the unbalance of Sino-African trade, not real transfer of wealth, technology or skills to African countries.Finally, the last chapter presents the main policy recommendations/future prospects for consideration by the Sino-African cooperation, China and African countries for the development in the region.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期
  • 【分类号】F125.5
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1198