

Subjectivity Ideological and Political Education and Its Realization Option

【作者】 孙若梅

【导师】 谢晓娟;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 思想政治教育, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放35年来,中国社会的许多方面都发生了深刻变化。改革给中国人的精神世界带来深刻变革,主体意识被唤醒,独立性逐渐增强,创造活力得到空前激发。思想政治教育担负关注人自身发展,解读人生价值,促进人全面发展的终极使命。因此,站在新的历史起点,更为深刻地认识和准确把握思想政治教育的地位与作用比以往任何时候都显得重要。审视思想政治教育的现实,我们就会发现,一方面是思想政治教育作为“生命线”的价值与作用的高扬,另一方面则是“短路”现象和事实的广泛存在。要解决思想政治教育所面临的困境,必须运用马克思主义的基本原理与方法,不断对思想政治教育进行深入思考。如今,在思想政治教育领域,尊重人性,强调人文关怀,坚持“以人为本”的主体性思想政治教育逐渐形成体系。本文共分四部分:第一部分主要是对主体性、主体性思想政治教育的相关概念进行梳理,阐释主体性思想政治教育的理论依据,概括归纳出主体性思想政治教育的科学内涵。第二部分从现实角度出发,首先反思了思想政治教育的困境:重视群体性忽视人的个体性、强调知识性忽视人文关怀、以灌输为主忽视人的主动性、强调规范性忽视人的创造性。其次,从人本化、民主化、生活化角度分析了思想政治教育的时代诉求。第三部分主要论述了主体性思想政治教育的特征及其现实意义。在分析主体性思想政治教育价值定位的基础上,总结出主体性思想政治教育的主要特征:教育地位的平等性、教育方式的开放性、教育对象的差异性、教育过程的互动性。实现主体性思想政治教育对于重视思想政治教育的人性基础,实现思想政治教育的范式转化,提升思想政治教育的实效性都具有重要的现实意义。第四部分是本文的重点部分提出主体性思想政治教育的实现路径。本文认为主体性思想政治教育的实现,一是要实现教育理念的转变,从泛政治性走向兼顾人性、从外化走向自我、从封闭走向开放。二是实现受教育者的主体化,提出坚持以人为本的教育理念、注重人文关怀和建立民主平等关系。三是实现教育目标的科学化,要做到社会价值与个人价值统一、尊重受教育者的差异性和遵循受教育者的成长规律。四是实现教育内容的生活化。教育内容要吸纳最新理论成果、反映改革开放伟大实践、贴近受教育者思想实际。五是实现教育方法的双向互动,主要通过交往对话、情感交流、教育与自我教育改变传统思想政治教育强制灌输带来的厌烦情绪和逆反心理。思想政治教育从根本上来说指向的是人的精神世界。主体性思想政治教育充分尊重人的人格和人性,满足人内在的道德需要,体现了一种基于人性尊严的价值观。本文把现实的个人作为主体性思想政治教育的研究线索,在运用哲学、教育学、心理学、人学等多学科理论的基础上,探索实现主体性思想政治教育的基本路径,为解决思想政治教育面临的现实困境与挑战,寻找一个新的视角和切入点,希望能进一步丰富思想政治教育理论,为思想政治教育改革创新提供新的思路。

【Abstract】 Profound changes of China have taken place in many ways in35years of reformand opening up. Reform brings the profound changes to the spiritual world of Chinese.The subjective consciousness has been awakened, the independence has beenenhanced gradually, and the creativity has been stimulated unprecedented. Theideological and political education shoulders the attention to its own development, theinterpretation on the value of life, as well as the ultimate mission of promoting theall-round development of human beings. Therefore, standing at a new historicalstarting point, it’s become more important than any time before to understand moreprofound and accurately grasp the status and role of the ideological and politicaleducation.Look at the reality of ideological and political education, we will find on the onehand, the ideological and political education is soared as a "lifeline"; on the otherhand, the phenomenon and the fact of "short circuit" are widespread. To solve thedilemma that the ideological and political education faces, we ourselves must reflectdeeply on the contemporary ideological and political education by means of the basicprinciple and method of Marxism. Today, in the field of the ideological and politicaleducation, it has been gradually formed for the ideological and political education torespect human nature, to emphasize the humanities concern, and to adhere to the"people-oriented" subjectivity.This paper is divided into four parts: the first part mainly deals with clarifyingthe related concepts of the subject, the subjectivity of the ideological and politicaleducation, explaining the theory of the subjectivity of the ideological and politicaleducation, summing up the subjectivity of the ideological and political education. Thesecond part is to firstly illustrate the dilemma of ideological and political education inrelation to the problems of reality: attaching great importance not to the individualitybut to the group, emphasizing the knowledge while ignoring the humanistic care,basing primarily on lessons while ignoring people’s initiative, emphasizingnormalization while neglecting people’s creativity; Secondly, to analyze appeal of theideological and political education from the points of view of humanism, democratization, and living era. The third part mainly discusses the characteristics ofthe subjectivity of the ideological and political education and its practical significance.On the basis of the analysis of the value orientation of the subjectivity of theideological and political education, it is concluded that the main characteristics of thesubjectivity of the ideological and political education are: the equality of educationalstatus, the openness of the educational mode, the difference of educational objects,and the interactivity of the educational process. To realize the subjectivity of theideological and political education is significant to pay attention to the humanisticfoundation of the ideological and political education, to realize the paradigmtransformation of the ideological and political education, and to improve thetimeliness of the ideological and political education. The fourth part is the key part ofthis article dealing with the way of implementation of the subjectivity of theideological and political education.This paper considers that there are five ways to realize the subjectivity of theideological and political education. The first is to realize transformation ofeducation philosophy: from the virtue to humanity, from the external education to theself-education, from closed to open. The second is to realize the change of thestudents from the object to the subject: putting forward to insisting on the educationalidea of people-oriented, laying stress on humanistic concern, and building therelationship of democratic equality. The third is to realize the change of theeducational goals scientific: grasping the idea of the values of unity between socialvalue and individual value, respecting the differences of the students, and followingthe rules of the growth of the students. The forth is to realize the educational contentadaptation. The educational content absorbs the latest theory, reflects the greatpractice of reform and opening up, and is in line with the actual thought of students.The last is to realize the change of the educational method from the one-way infusionto the bidirectional interaction. Adopting the communicative way, implementing theprinciple of emotion and strengthening self-education could change the dislike and theadverse psychology caused by the brainwash of the traditional ideological andpolitical education.The ideological and political education basically refers to the people’s spiritual world. The subjectivity of the ideological and political education fully respectspeople’s character and nature, satisfies the need of people inner moral, and reflects thevalue on the basis of people self-respect. In this paper, the realistic individual is theresearching clue of the subjectivity of the ideological and political education. On thebasis of using many subjects such as philosophy, pedagogy, psychology, and humanstudies, it is to explore the basic path of realizing the subjectivity of the ideologicaland political education, to find a new angle of view and the breakthrough point forsolving the realistic predicament and challenge in relating to the ideological andpolitical education, to hope to further enrich the theory of the ideological and politicaleducation, and to provide a new thinking for the reform and innovation of theideological and political education.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期