

Marx’s Consumption Theory and Its Practical Significance on Expanding Consumption Demand in China

【作者】 徐敏

【导师】 张桂文;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 政治经济学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 消费在国民经济中占有重要地位和作用,特别是作为最终需求和社会再生产过程的最终环节,消费对拉动一国经济增长具有重要作用。改革开放30多年来,我国经济始终保持高速增长,但消费率却出现了下降趋势。1978年到1992年是改革开放以来我国消费率最高的时期,这一时期的消费率始终维持在60%到70%之间。但1992年之后我国消费率呈现持续波动下降的形势:1993年到1998年期间,消费率下降至50%到60%之间;1999年到2001年三年间,消费率虽小幅提高,但始终维持在61%到62%之间;2002年到2010年消费率则出现了大幅度下滑,从59.6%下降到48.2%;2011年以来消费率虽小幅提升,但也没有超过50%,2011年的消费率是49.1%,2012年的消费率是49.5%。投资、消费、出口是拉动经济增长的三驾马车,但消费在我国经济增长中的作用不强。我国当前正处于经济转型和经济结构调整的关键期,消费需求不足是制约我国经济结构调整的主要症结。特别是2008年国际金融危机爆发后,扩大内需特别是扩大消费需求的重要性凸现出来。作为国民经济中重要的一环,扩大消费需求关系到我国经济发展方式的转变,关系到我国经济发展的全局。扩大消费需求需要理论的指导。马克思消费理论与西方消费理论是当今世界两大并存的理论体系,西方消费理论应用数理分析、计量分析等方法对消费问题进行了大量研究,被国外学术界公认为消费理论的主流理论。我国当前正处于一个从二元经济向一元经济转型、从计划经济向市场经济转型的特殊双重转型期,消费需求不足受到更多的是转型和制度因素的影响。但是,西方消费理论就消费而论消费,并不考虑社会转型和制度因素对消费的影响。因此,西方消费理论并不能完全满足我国扩大消费需求的需要,我国经济实践迫切需要马克思消费理论的指导。但是从国内外对马克思消费理论的研究来看,马克思消费理论的主要内容还没有清晰地呈现出来,针对马克思消费理论产生与发展过程、马克思消费理论的历史贡献与当代价值的研究更是稀缺。国外学术界对马克思经济理论的研究很少涉及消费理论,仅有的一些研究也是在马克思社会再生产理论和经济危机理论的框架内探寻与消费有关的问题。国内学者对马克思消费理论进行了大量研究,并且很好地处理了马克思消费理论与马克思再生产理论以及经济危机理论的关系,从而使得马克思消费理论能够作为一个独立的理论出现。但是国内学者对马克思消费理论的研究更多地集中在对马克思消费理论具体内容的解读,缺乏对马克思消费理论的系统梳理,对马克思消费理论的产生与发展过程、历史贡献与当代价值的研究明显不足。论文应用归纳演绎法、比较分析法、数理分析法对马克思消费理论产生与发展的过程、马克思消费理论的主要内容、马克思消费理论的历史贡献与当代价值等进行了研究。同时以马克思消费理论为基础,提出了扩大我国消费需求的对策及建议。论文的研究主要得出了以下结论:第一,马克思消费理论在19世纪40年代萌芽、19世纪50年代至60年代初步形成,19世纪70年代至80年代最终形成。第二,马克思消费理论的主要内容包括消费及消费结构理论、消费在社会再生产中的地位和作用理论、生产和消费比例关系理论、消费力理论、消费信贷理论、消费观理论。第三,马克思消费理论对消费理论的发展具有重要的历史贡献:(1)将个人消费引入经济学的研究范围;(2)确立了宏观消费理论的基本范畴和主要内容;(3)科学界定了生产、分配、交换和消费的辩证关系;(4)提出了科学的生产和消费比例关系理论;(5)深入研究了收入分配对消费的影响;(6)为消费差距的研究奠定了理论基础。第四,马克思消费理论的方法论和基本原理具有重要的当代价值。马克思消费理论的方法论有助于对消费形成科学而深刻的认识,有助于进一步创新和发展消费理论。马克思消费理论的基本原理说明:(1)生产、分配、交换、消费要整体推进,不可偏颇;(2)投资、消费、出口要协调增长,不可顾此失彼;(3)生产力和消费力必须协调发展,不能片面重视生产力而忽视消费力;(4)消费信贷对消费有一定影响;(5)正确的消费观同样非常重要;(6)合理的消费结构和消费差距对消费有重要影响。马克思消费理论的基本原理在当今社会依然适用,具有重要的当代价值。第五,以马克思消费理论为指导,我国当前扩大消费需求应从正确处理投资消费比例关系、保持产业结构与消费结构的良性互动、改革收入分配制度、促进流通业的发展、促进消费信贷健康发展、推动正确消费观形成等几方面着手。

【Abstract】 Consumption occupies an important position and role in the national economy,especially as the ultimate demand, consumption plays an important role in stimulatingeconomic growth. More than30years since reform and opening up, China’s economy hasmaintained rapid growth, but the consumption rate is on a downward trend. Consumptionrate is the highest since reform and opening up from1978to1992, with consumption ratemaintained from60percent to70percent. But after1992, China’s consumption ratedecline. From1993to1998, the consumption rate decreased from50percent to60percent. From1999to2001, the consumption rate is slightly increased but stillmaintained from61percetn to62percent.From2002to2010, the consumption rate hasappeared to glide substantially, from59.6percent down to48.2percent, since2011theconsumption rate is slightly increased but also no more than50percent, with49.1percent in2011,49.5percent in2012.Investment, consumption, exports are three carriages stimulating economic growth,but the role of consumption in China’s economic growth is not strong. Especially after2008the international financial crisis, expanding domestic demand, especially theimportance of expanding consumption demand highlights. Currently our country is in thekey period of economic transformation and economic structure adjustment, lacking ofconsumption demand is the main reason restricting China’s economic structureadjustment. As an important part in the national economy, expand consumption demandis related to our economic development transformation, related to the overall situation ofChina’s economic development.Expanding consumption demand needs theory. Marx’s consumption theory andwestern consumption theory are the two coexisting theoretical system, westernconsumption theory applies mathematical analysis and econometric analysis methods toresearch on consumption, and is recognized as the mainstream consumption theory byforeign academia. China is currently in a special dual transition period from dualeconomy to unified economy, from planned economy to market economy, so lacking ofconsumption demand has been most affected by transformation and institutional factors. However, western consumption theory does not consider the influence of socialtransformation and institutional factors on consumption, therefore, western consumptiontheory can not fully meet the needs of expanding consumption demand in china. China’seconomic practice urgently needs Marx’s consumption theory.But from domestic and international research on the Marx’s consumption theory, themain contents of Marx’s consumption theory has not been clearly demonstrated, researchon development process of Marx’s consumption theory, historical contribution andcontemporary value of Marx consumption theory is more scarce. Research on Marx’seconomy theory of foreign scholars rarely involve consumption theory, some studiesexploring consumption is related only in the framework of Marx’s social reproductionand economic crisis theory. The domestic scholars have conducted researches on Marx’sconsumption theory, and properly deal with the relationship between Marx’sconsumption theory and Marx’s reproduction and economic crisis theory, which makesMarx’s consumption theory can appear as an independent theory. But domestic scholars’study on Marx’s consumption theory focused more on the interpretation of specificcontent of the Marx’s consumption theory and lacking of the system research on Marx’sconsumption theory, which makes the content system of Marx’s consumption theory cannot be clearly shown. Domestic scholars’ study on the development process of Marx’sconsumption theory, historical contributions and contemporary value of Marx’sconsumption theory is lacking.Applying induction and deduction, comparative analysis, mathematical analysis,this paper studies the development process of Marx’s consumption theory, the maincontents of Marx’s consumption theory, the historical contribution and contemporaryvalue of Marx’s consumption theory, on the basis of Marx’s consumption theory, we putforward suggestions and countermeasures to expand our country’s consumption demand.The main research of this paper draws the following conclusions:First, the germination of Marx’s consumption theory is in the1940s, the initialformation of Marx’s consumption theory is from1950s to1960s, the final formation ofMarx’s consumption theory is from1970s to1980s.Second, Marx’s consumption theory mainly includes the consumption andconsumption structure theory, the role of consumption in the social reproduction, the production and consumption ratio theory, the productive capacity theory, theconsumption credit theory, the consumption concept theory.Third, Marx’s consumption theory has important contribution to the development ofthe consumption theory. First, introducing personal consumption into economic researchscope.Second,establishing the basic categories and main contents for macro consumptiontheory.Third,defining scientifically the dialectical relationship between production,distribution, exchange and consumption. Fourth, putting forward the scientific productionand consumption ratio theory. Fifth, studying deeply the impact of income distribution onconsumption. Sixth, laying a theoretical foundation for the study of consumption gap.Fourth, methodology and the basic principle of Marx’s consumption theory haveimportant contemporary value. Marx’s consumption theory’s methodology contributes tothe formation of profound understanding on consumption, and is helpful to theinnovation and development of consumption theory. The basic principle of Marx’sconsumption theory has important contemporary value. First it shows production,distribution, exchange, consumption should be promoted together, cannot be biased.Second, investment, consumption, export should be coordinated growing, may not getthis and lose that. Third, productivity and consumption capacity must be coordinated, cannot be one-sided emphasis on productivity and ignore consumption capacity. Fourth,consumption credit have important impacts on consumption. Fifth, and consumptionconcept is very important. Sixth,reasonable consumption structure and consumption gaphave important effect on consumption.Fifth, base on Marx’s consumption theory, currently expanding consumptiondemand in China should adjust the ratio between investment and consumption, correctlyhandle the relationship between investment and consumption ratio, keep the benigninteraction between the industry structure and consumption structure, reform the incomedistribution system, developing circulation industry, promote the healthy development ofconsumption credit, promote the formation of correct consumption concept.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期