

Research on the Evolution and the Trend of Development of College Counselor System

【作者】 赵海丰

【导师】 耿丽华;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 思想政治教育, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 高校辅导员制度在不同的发展阶段,内涵是不尽相同的,但所反映出来的本质属性是一致的,是适合我国国情的思想政治教育制度。随着高等教育改革的逐步深入,大学生思想政治工作提到了前所未有的高度,辅导员在育人中的价值愈发凸显,客观上对辅导员制度建设提出了更加严峻的挑战。可以说,近年来辅导员队伍建设中出现的诸多问题与辅导员制度的问题紧密相连,或者说由辅导员制度所决定。辅导员制度承载着重要的功能,是社会主义大学人才培养目标实现的保证,是大学生社会主义意识形态教育的主渠道,同时也是维护校园稳定的重要保障。辅导员制度60余年的发展历程充分显示了其在大学生思想政治教育中的重要性。以马克思主义人的全面发展理论、马克思有关制度变迁的理论以及新制度经济学有关制度变迁的理论为基础,审慎地探究辅导员制度的演变进程,深入分析了其演进的原因、模型及规律,从更深层次对辅导员制度理论进行了研究。总结辅导员制度的基本经验,除普遍性和一般性的经验外,更要着眼于辅导员制度建设特有的经验,归纳起来包括必须将辅导员工作作为一门科学、必须坚持以学生为本的价值理念、必须注重提升辅导员的政治素质和业务能力等三个方面的内容。通过对全国128所高校904名辅导员进行辅导员层面的问卷调研,同时以辽宁省辅导员制度为样本进行教育行政部门层面的调查分析,探究辅导员制度落实、建设与发展等现实情况。以实证分析为基础,从制度总体、工作内容、配备制度、发展制度、管理制度等方面对辅导员制度所存在的问题进行了梳理。机遇与挑战并存,目前辅导员制度也面临着前所未有的良好发展机遇,是大学生思想政治教育的实践呼应,是高等教育大众化的必然选择,是制度对象变化的现实诉求,同时也是辅导员工作职业发展的内在需求。在当前高等教育迅速发展的背景下,世界各国高等院校都非常重视学生事务管理工作。高校学生辅导与管理制度作为高等教育制度的一个重要组成部分,是高校人才培养的一项重要制度,由于国情的不同以不同的形态普遍存在于高等教育的体制之中。通过对美国、英国、日本学生事务管理制度的典型考察,并与我国辅导员制度进行对比分析,发现既有共性规律,又有各自不同的特点,带给我们以下几个方面的启示和借鉴:一是更加科学定位我国辅导员制度的内涵,二是更加强化以学生为本的工作理念,三是加强“专业、专项”的辅导员职业化队伍建设,四是完善辅导员工作的相关法律法规。探讨辅导员制度的未来发展,既要考察其发展趋势,又要提出其完善的实施路径。对辅导员制度发展趋势的分析,不是在操作层面上对某一项具体制度的微观预测,而是从某方面发展范畴厘定的视阈对辅导员制度发展趋势进行考察,具体包括辅导员制度内容健全化趋势、辅导员队伍建设专业化与综合化发展趋势、辅导员职责与角色不断优化趋势、辅导员工作方式与方法不断创新趋势、辅导员制度理论建构完善化趋势等五个方面的内容。在辅导员制度完善路径方面,分别针对辅导员制度推进机制、工作制度、配备制度、发展制度、管理制度进行了详细地分析和探讨,提出了加强和改进辅导员制度的措施或方法指导。

【Abstract】 The connotation of college counselor system at different stages of development isnot the same, but the essential attribute which is reflected by it is the same, which issuitable for China’s ideological and political education system. With the gradualdeepening of the reform of higher education, the ideological and political education ofcollege students is attached unprecedented importance, and the value of counselors ineducating people is becoming increasingly prominent, which makes great challenge tothe construction of counselor system. In other words, many problems about counselorsoccurring in recent years are closely linked with counselor system, or the problemsdepend on the system. Counselor system has important function, including ensuing theobjective of personnel training in socialism universities, educating the college studentsthe socialist ideology, and guaranteeing the stability of the campus.Over60years’ development of counselor system fully demonstrated its importancein the ideological and political education of college students. Exploring the evolution ofcounselor system prudently on the base of human comprehensive development theory ofMarxism, Marxist’s theory about the institutional change and new institutionaleconomics of institutional change, analyzing the reasons, model and laws of theevolution in-depth, and studying the theory of counselor system on a deeper level.Summarizing the basic experience of the counselor system, in addition to universal andgeneral experience, we should focus on the unique experience of counselor system’sconstruction, which is summed up in three aspects, including considering the counselor’swork as a science, insisting the student-centered values, and improving the political andprofessional ability of counselors.By the survey conducted among904counselors in128colleges and universitiesacross the country, the author takes Liaoning counselor system as a sample to analyze theadministrative departments of education, and explores the implementation, constructionand development of counselor system. According to the analysis of the examples, theproblems in counselor system are analyzed in terms of the overall system, work content,provided systems, development systems, and management systems. There are both opportunities and challenges. Currently counselor system is also facing unprecedentedopportunity of development, which is the echoes of practice in the ideological andpolitical education, is the inevitable choice of popularization of higher education, is thedemands of the system object change, and is also the internal demand of counselors.In the current background of rapid development of higher education, colleges anduniversities around the world attach great importance to student affairs administration. Asan important part of the higher education system, college student counseling andmanagement system is an important system of personnel training in colleges anduniversities, which is existing in higher education in different forms due to differentcountries. By inspecting the typical examples of student affairs management in theUnited States, Britain, and Japan, and comparing with our counselor system something incommon are found, but also different characteristics are found. Inspiration and referenceare as followed: First, more scientific connotation of counselor system, the secondenhancing student-centered philosophy, the third strengthening the "professional, special"team of professional counselors, and the fourth, improving work-related laws andregulations.On discussing the future development of counselor system, not only studying itstrends, but also put forward to improve the implementation. Analysis of trends incounselor system is not a microscopic forecast on a given specific system at theoperational level, but from the development of certain aspects of the scope of thecounselor system inspects the developing trends in counselor system, including the trendof completing the counselor system, trend of counselors’ specialization and integration,the trend of optimizing counselors’ responsibilities and roles, the trend of counselorsworking methods innovativing, and the trend of perfecting counselors institutional theory.On the aspect of perfecting methods of counselor system, namely promoting institutionalmechanisms for the counselor, working system, provided system, development system,management system are carried out a detailed analysis and discussion, and measures ormethods of guidance of strengthening and improving the counselor system are proposed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期