

Research on the Present Situation and Effect of Public Investment in the Northeast Old Industrial Base

【作者】 李宏英

【导师】 张虹;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 投资经济学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 2003年中央提出东北老工业基地振兴战略,这一战略实施使得东北地区进入经济快速发展的轨道。2012年全国GDP排名中辽宁省第7位,吉林省第22位,黑龙江省第17位。东北老工业基地在转变政府职能,促进私人经济发展的同时,公共投资力度也不断增强,尤其2008年金融危机以后,伴随我国政府提出的4万亿投资计划,东北老工业基地的公共投资规模大幅增加,但由于其公共投资领域的历史欠账较多,因此东北老工业基地仍然存在着基础设施落后,环境污染严重,教育、科研落后等问题。2013年在东北老工业基地振兴十周年之际,国家发改委出台了《全国老工业基地调整改造规划(2013-2022年)》,《规划》中提出将工作重点放在老工业城市调整改造上。在这样的背景下,东北老工业基地公共投资的作用就更显重要。对东北老工业基地而言,公共投资不仅仅是为区域创造良好的投资环境、改善人们生活质量,而是担负着“稳经济,促增长,调收入,优结构,利社会”的综合作用。但是目前东北老工业基地公共投资应主要投向哪些领域?公共投资规模和结构现状是否合理?公共投资效应如何?如何监管这些公共投资的使用?这些都是在老工业基地振兴过程中亟待解决的问题。本文就是在这样的背景下来对其公共投资现状及效应进行研究。本论文的主要观点如下:1.认为东北老工业基地公共投资的领域包括:第一,公共基础设施领域,如电力、交通运输、邮电通讯等;第二,公共服务领域,如教育、文化、广播、体育、卫生等;第三,科研领域;第四,生态环境建设领域;第五,处于初期阶段有发展潜力的新兴产业和瓶颈产业;第六,涉及国家安全的公共设施和公共服务。鉴于数据的可获得性,本文主要研究前四个方面的公共投资,可以归结为三类:公共物质资本投资、公共人力资本投资和公共研发投资。2.对东北老工业基地公共投资规模现状及影响因素进行分析。认为1986年以来东北老工业基地公共投资规模呈现缓慢增长、停滞状态和急速扩张三个阶段。通过与沿海地区和西南地区的比较分析,认为东北老工业基地公共投资总量不断增加,但整体规模不足。本文深入剖析了公共投资规模不足的影响因素,认为政府职能定位模糊、区域经济发展战略的变化、资金来源渠道的单一性及偶然性因素是造成公共投资规模不足的原因。3.在阐述东北老工业基地公共投资结构演变的基础上,对其公共投资的项目结构、区域结构和城乡结构现状进行分析,认为东北老工业基地公共投资的项目结构不合理,人力资本投资和研发投资的比例严重偏少;公共投资的区域结构和城乡结构不合理,导致区域及城乡间差距扩大。认为计划经济时期的历史遗留、公共投资规模不足、政府职能转变缓慢以及政府工作考核指标体系的经济导向是东北老工业基地公共投资结构不合理的主要原因。4.认为东北老工业基地公共投资效应主要体现为经济增长效应和社会福利效应。用VAR模型对公共投资规模的经济增长效应进行分析,得出东北老工业基地的公共投资、私人投资与经济增长均具有正向关系,但影响不大;用协整分析方法对公共投资结构的经济增长效应进行分析,认为物质资本投资对经济增长的贡献最大,人力资本投资的影响其次,研发资本投资对经济增长产生负向影响;在社会福利效应方面,认为随着区域经济的发展,东北老工业基地公共投资的社会福利效应不断提高,但就业效应和教育效应较低。最后从制度层面深入剖析了公共投资效应较低的原因,认为公共投资范围不清晰、公共投资决策程序不科学、公共投资的投融资体制不健全和公共投资的监督体系不完善是影响公共投资效应的主要因素。5.提出了东北老工业基地公共投资优化的对策建议。第一,确定公共投资适度规模。用最小二乘法估计出东北老工业基地的公共投资适度规模为12.07%,也就是说当公共投资占GDP比重达到12.07%时,经济增长最快。第二,优化公共投资结构。认为应该在保持物质资本投资适当比重的前提下,增加人力资本投资和研发投资的力度;增加不发达区域的公共投资力度,以缩小区域差距及城乡差距。第三,提高公共投资效应。认为应该确定合理的公共投资范围,明确公共投资目标;建立科学的公共投资决策制度;完善公共投资监督体系;健全公共投资项目的投融资体制,以吸引私人投资进入到公共投资领域。

【Abstract】 The strategy of rejuvenating the northeast old industrial base was put forward by thecentral government in2003. With the implementation of the strategy, it has greatlypromoted the economic development in the northeast region. According GDP ranking in2012, Liaoning province ranked7th, Jilin province ranked22th and Heilongjiangprovince ranked17th. In the process of transforming the government function andpromoting the development of private economic sector, the northeast old industrial basehas also been increasing public investment, especially after the2008financial crisis.Along with the4trillion yuan investment plan by the central government, the publicinvestment scale in northeast old industrial base has increased significantly. However,because of its historical debt in this field, the northeast old industrial base still faces somany problems such as poor infrastructure, serious environmental pollution, backwardeducation and scientific research.Upon the10th anniversary of the establishment of the northeast old industrial base,the National Development and Reform Commission issued “the national old industrialbase adjustment planning (2013-2022)". The priorities in the planning are focusedurban renovation and adjustment of the old industrial bases. Under this background, therole of public investment in northeast old industrial base becomes increasingly important.For the northeast old industrial base, the function of public investment is not just to helpcreate a good investment environment and improve people’s lives in the region, but totake on the comprehensive effect of "steadying economy, promoting growth, adjustingincome and optimizing structure ". What sectors should public investment be poured in?Is the public investment scale and the structure reasonable? Is the public investmentefficiency reasonable? How to regulate the use of public investments? These problem areto be solved in the process of revitalizing the northeast old industrial base. This thesisaims to study the current situation and effect of public investment in northeast oldindustrial base in this context.The main perspectives are as follows:1. The areas of public investment in the northeast old industrial base include: First,the public infrastructure areas, such as electric power, transportation, warehouses and telecommunications, etc. Second, the public services areas, such as education, culture,radio, health, sports, etc. Third, the R&D areas. Fourth, the ecological environmentconstruction areas. Fifth, the emerging industries and bottleneck industries. Sixth, thepublic facilities and public services related to national security. Given the availability ofdata, the paper mainly studies the first four areas of public investment, and summarizes itin three types: public physical capital investment, public human capital investment andpublic R&D investment.2. This paper also explores the current situation and influencing factors of publicinvestment in northeast old industrial base. Public investment scale in northeast oldindustrial base should be divided into three stages: slow-growth stage, standstill stage,and expanding rapidly stage. By comparing and analyzing the data of coastal andsouthwest regions since2003, the paper indicates that public investment scale innortheast old industrial base has been increasing, but the overall scale is insufficient. Italso offers in-depth analysis of the influencing factors of insufficient public investmentand finds the main reasons as follow: ambiguous government function positioning, thechange of the regional economic development strategy, the onefold funding channels andoccasional factors, etc.3. On the basis of describing the evolution of public investment structure in thenortheast old industrial base, the paper makes a present situation analysis about it, whichincludes project structure, regional structure and urban and rural structure. The authorbelieves that unreasonable public investment project structure leads to the proportion ofpublic human capital investment and public R&D investment less serious; unreasonableregion structure and urban and rural structure lead to the larger regional gap andurban-rural gap, and find the left over by history during planned economy era, theinadequate of public investment, the slow change of government function and thegovernment working index system measured by economics are the main reasons.4. The paper considers that public investment effect in northeast old industrial basemainly includes the economic growth effect and social welfare effect. Using the VARmodel to analyze the economic growth effect of public investment scale, the paper drawsa conclusion that it is a positive correlation among public investment, private investmentand economic growth, but the impact is not so significant; At the same time, by using the co-integration analysis method to analyze the economic growth effect of publicinvestment structure, it finds that the largest contribution to economic growth is materialcapital investment, investment in human capital posterior while R&D investment posesba negative impact on economic growth. In terms of social welfare effect, with thedevelopment of regional economy, it has constantly improved the social welfare effect ofpublic investment in northeast old industrial base, but has low employment effect andeducation effect. Finally, the paper analyzes deep-rooted factors of lower publicinvestment effect at institutional aspect, and finds out the main reasons as follow: scopeof public investment is not clear, decision-making process of public investment is notscientific, investment and financing system of public investment is not sound andsupervision system of public investment is not complete.5. Put forward optimization suggestions for public investment in the northeast oldindustrial base. First, determine the moderate scale of public investment. By using theleast square method, the estimation for public investment appropriate scale in thenortheast old industrial base is12.07%. That is to say, when a public investment as ashare of GDP reaches12.07%, the economies will grow the fastest. Second, optimizepublic investment structure. The paper suggests that human capital investment and R&Dinvestment as well as the public investment in underdeveloped region should beincreased both on the premise of maintaining appropriate physical capital investmentproportion. Third, improve public investment effect. The paper thinks that the followingmeasures should be taken: specify reasonable scope of public investment and publicinvestment objectives, establish a scientific public investment decision-making system,improve the public investment supervision system, improve the financing system ofpublic investment projects and attract private investment into public investments.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期