

Research on Product Quality and Safety Risk Warning Based on Internet

【作者】 李文琼

【导师】 宁云才;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 管理科学与工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,世界范围内开始频发产品质量安全事件,已经引起社会各界的广泛关注和高度重视。产品质量安全问题不仅是技术问题、质量问题或管理问题,更是关系经济安全、政治安全、社会安全、国家安全的公共安全问题。各国政府为了降低和消除质量安全风险,己经开始采取有针对性的解决措施来对产品质量安全事故进行有效预防。本论文以互联网为平台,构建产品质量安全风险预警体系为总体目标,通过对产品风险信息的描述、信息传播规律的研究,提出了产品质量安全风险预警方法,构建出产品质量安全风险监测体系,实现质量安全风险预警的理论、方法和实际应用的有效衔接,提升我国政府监管部门对质量安全风险信息的监测和预警决策水平。

【Abstract】 In recent years, product quality and safety accidents have taken place again and again around the whole world, which has arisen widespread attention and has been attached great importance by all sectors of society. Product quality and safety issues are not only technical issues, quality issues and management issues, but also public safety issues which are related to economic security, political security, social security and national security. In order to reduce and eliminate the risk of quality and safety, governments have set about taking measures with aims to provide against product quality and safety accidents effectively.This paper uses the Internet as a platform whose general goal is to build the early warning system of product quality and safety and put forward warning methods of product quality and safety through the description of product risk information and the research on the law of information dissemination,to construct the monitoring system of product quality and safety risk which is suitable for China’s actual conditions, dovetail theories, methods and practical use of the warning of quality and safety and raise the decision-making level of monitoring quality and safety information and the early warning of regulative sectors of our government.
