

A Performative Approach to Communicative Competence in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language

【作者】 于海阔

【导师】 郑通涛;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 对外汉语教学事业近年蓬勃发展,很多学生虽然掌握了大量的词汇、语法知识,但他们的汉语交际能力却并不乐观。对外汉语教学的主要任务是使学生获得在真实的社会语境下使用汉语进行自然、得体、流利、有效地交际互动的能力。关于“交际能力”的定义和内容,语言学界及语言教学界目前尚无明确、统一的认识和比较可靠的标准。传统的交际能力理论在教法、教材、考试和教学效果评估方面都表现出弱势。以往交际能力的定义过于片面,本文提出的人类交际能力是指人与人之间针对不同的交际对象和交际场景,通过调动全部感官及所有表现手段进行的即时、动态、全方位、立体化、多层面信息交流的综合能力。从广泛的意义上说,人类的所有交际行为都可以视为人类的表演行为,表演是人类的基本生存方式。“表演与交往一样,处理和面对的都是人与人之间的关系。从过程来看,表演的过程,就是交往的过程,是表演者和观看者以角色为依据的交往行为。同时,交往的过程,也是表演的过程。”语言交际能力从某种意义上说可理解为人的表演能力。将语言交际能力定义为表演能力,使语言交际更具真实性;有利于激发学习者的兴趣;对不同年龄人的语言能力获取过程进行模拟训练,全方位地进行语言交际能力训练,比传统教学要完整;合理的重复手段在情景中能更好、更科学地分配刺激量,安排语言学习的频率,有助于更好地掌握语言技能和交际能力;有利于解决人们长期以来关于交际能力的种种争议,将肢体语言、面部表情、眼神等纳入语言交际能力的训练范围,使交际能力的训练更为科学和完整。结合人类表演理论的主要内容,我们认为人类表演理论视域下的对外汉语语言交际能力培养应集中于以下方面进行:(一)交际中把握针对性原则,针对不同人物、不同场景能够随机应变;(二)应把握交际的即时动态性特征;(三)应能调动人类所有的感官和表现手段,全方位、立体化地进行信息交流。实验结果表明,学生在表演理论指导下进行汉语学习对其交际能力的全面进步起着十分重要的作用,同时即时互动能力、针对性的把握和调动全部表现手段的能力也都随着表演能力的提高而获得提高,进一步证明了交际能力与表演能力的同质性。

【Abstract】 In recent years, Teaching Chinese as a Second language (TCSL) has been developing rapidly. Although many foreign students have acquired good knowledge of vocabulary and grammar, their communicative competence are still unsatisfactory. The main task of TCSL is to enable the students to communicate naturally, appropriately, fluently and effectively in the Chinese language in real social context.There has been no definite and common view, or a rather reliable criterion on the definition and content of communicative competence in the field of linguistic research as well as language teaching. The traditional theories on communicative competence are weak in teaching methods, teaching materials, examinations and evaluation of teaching effects. The author of this paper holds that the human communicative competence means the comprehensive abilities of real-time, dynamic and multi-dimensional information exchanges between people through all human senses and in all possible ways according to different people and situations.In the broad sense, all the communicative actions of human beings can be seen as human performance. Performance is one of the basic ways of living for human beings."Both communication and performance are about interpersonal relations. The process of performance is a kind of communicative act of the performers and viewers in accordance with the roles."In a sense, communicative competence can be seen as human performing capacity. This definition has many advantages. First, it makes verbal communication more authentic, as it is conducive to the simulation of human languages’ acquisition process. Secondly, it is conducive to arousing learners’ interest. Simulated training of the language competence acquisition process of different age groups multi-dimensionally is more complete than traditional teaching. Thirdly, reasonable repetitions make the distribution of stimulus more scientific and help students master the language skills and communicative competence. Finally, it is beneficial to resolving the various long-standing disputes on communicative competence, as the new concept of communicative competence encompasses body language, facial expressions and eye contact, making the training of communicative competence more scientific and complete.According to the human performance theory, communicative competence training in TCSL should focus on the following aspects:(1) Pertinence Principle: playing to the score;(2) The fact that communication is real-time and dynamic;(3) Multi-dimensional information exchanges through all human senses and in all possible ways according to different people and situations. These have been proved by the experimental results in this paper. Communicative competence and performance capacity have the same nature.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期