

【作者】 田东娜

【导师】 李悦铮;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 《中国旅游业“十二五”发展规划纲要》和《国民旅游休闲纲要(2013—2020年)》中明确提出鼓励休闲农业和乡村旅游的发展,不仅提升了乡村旅游在旅游业中的战略地位,还推动了各地区乡村旅游发展的进程。在政策和市场的双重推动下,乡村旅游在我国大部地区呈现快速扩张的发展态势,为解决三农问题、城市化问题提供了诸多选择和途径。但快速发展也会不可避免的出现问题,如产品单一、竞争激烈、发展失衡等,这些问题集中体现在旅游产业要素在一定地域空间内的组合方式、分布状态及经营效果,对区域乡村旅游的健康持续发展有着决定性影响。论文选择从空间视角对大连市乡村旅游进行分析和总结,一方面旨在梳理大连市乡村旅游的发展和演化在空间上的投影,从理论和实践上总结其动力机制、存在问题和解决方案,一方面是对大连市政府提出“全域旅游化”战略所做的基础性研究,为乡村地区的旅游空间优化提供理论支持和策略建议。论文采用了文献综述、实地考察、问卷调查、定性分析及定量分析等方法,总结了大连市乡村旅游空间结构的形成及发展现状、研究了大连市乡村旅游空间类型、阐述了大连市乡村旅游空间演化机制、确定了大连市乡村旅游地乡村性的主要载体、提出了针对大连市乡村旅游空间优化的策略,并且在空间演化机制分析和乡村性载体确定两个方面在本领域属于创新。论文全文内容如下:第1章为绪论部分,主要阐述论文的研究背景、研究意义、研究方法、研究内容体系和技术路线。第2章为研究综述,一是对近二十年来国内外文献进行回顾,重点归纳出国内外的主要研究领域,对相互之间的研究领域、研究方法和研究区域进行比较;二是介绍文章所要采用的其他学者的研究成果,包括相关概念和理论,为后续写作提供借鉴和引用,其中涉及到的相关理论有:增长极理论、点-轴-渐进理论、核心-边缘理论、产业集聚理论、资源禀赋理论及空间竞合理论等。第3章到第8章为大连市乡村旅游空间系列问题的总结和分析,其中:第3章对大连市乡村旅游的发展概况进行了介绍;第4章总结并分析了大连市乡村旅游的空间类型;第5章总结并分析了大连市乡村旅游的空间演化和机制;第6章总结并分析了大连市乡村旅游的空间竞合关系;第7章总结并分析了大连市乡村旅游的空间分布和特点;第8章总结并分析了大连市乡村旅游的空间优化策略;第9章为结论、创新与不足,总结了主要研究成果和创新点,分析了研究存在的不足。

【Abstract】 In the documents of Outline of Chinese Tourism Industry during theTwelfth Five-Year Development Plan and Outline of National Tourism and Leisure(2013-2020), our government made it clear that rural tourism should be the strategicpart in tourism industry, which can be used to solve problems about agriculture,ruralareas and peasantry. This policy promoted rural tourism develop rapidly in rural areasin Dalian municipality, but meanwhile many problems aroused also, such as lots ofsame products in one place and the competition among them, unbalanced developinglevel in different areas and so on, which will be obstructive factors in rural tourism.Since all the problems are represented in spatial appearance, a summary is needed tobe done based on spatial angle of rural tourism in Dalian, which will get twooutcomes, one is a sum-up about rural tourism distribution, category, developinghistory, mechanism of spatial structure, co-competition and optimization suggestions,the other one is a foundational research for the strategy of “whole area tourism inDalian”. According to these aims, some research methods were used in thisdissertation, such as literature review, investigating in rural ares, questionnairesinvestigating, quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, etc.,which attributed tothe conclusions as follows: summarized the developing history and the spatial statusof rural tourism in Dalian, analyzed the spatial categories in terms of three standards,elaborated the spatial evolution mechanism of rural tourism in Dalian, defined therurality carriers of Dalian and proposed some strategies for rural tourism spatialdistribution. Of all the research outcomes, the third and the fourth are the innovationsin this research field.The contents of this dissertation are as followed:Chapter1is the introduction of the study. Firstly it mainly demonstrates the researchbackground, research significance, research methods, research contents and thetechnical route of the dissertation. Secondly it made a summary of previouslyresearch of the past two decades, summarized literatures at home and abroad, made acomparison among research areas, research methods and research regions, whichsupplied many references to this study.Chapter2is the introduction of basic theories and some key concepts related to thispaper. The former mainly includes Growth-pole Theory, Pole-axis Theory,Industrial-cluster Theory, Core-edge Theory, Resources endowment theory, SpatialCo-competition Theory. The latter includes some concepts related to rural tourismand tourism spatial structure.Chapter3to8is about the study of Dalian rural tourism based on spatial angle: Chapter3is the brief introduction of rural tourism in Dalian;Chapter4is the spatial category of rural tourism in Dalian;Chapter5is the evolution history and the mechanism of rural tourism in Dalian;Chapter6is the analyzation of spatial co-competition of rural tourism in Dalian;Chapter7is the rural tourism spatial distribution and its characteristic points;Chapter8is the spatial optimization and countermeasures to the problems in spatialstructure of rural tourism in Dalian;Chapter9is the conclusions and outlook of this paper. It summarizes the majorresearch and some innovations, the shortcomings of the study also analyses anddiscussed.

【关键词】 乡村旅游大连市空间视角
【Key words】 rural tourismDalian Municipalityspatial angle