

Research on Dynamic Capability of Construction Enterprises and Its Relationship with Competitive Advantage

【作者】 郝晓明

【导师】 郝生跃;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 从国内建筑业的发展态势来看,我国建筑业呈现了明显的“投资拉动”效应,大规模的固定资产投资、城市化建设、工业化建设、交通网络建设等对工程建筑服务领域释放了巨大的市场需求。而国际建筑市场虽然经历了金融危机、欧盟国家债务危机等一系列不利因素的影响,美国、日本、欧盟等发达国家和地区的建筑市场逐步低迷,但随着亚太、中南美洲、中东、非洲以及部分东欧等新兴市场的需求拉动,全球建筑市场仍将维持稳定的增长态势。而得益于国内外建筑市场的良好发展态势,我国建筑企业在营业收入、企业规模等方面呈现了快速稳定的发展趋势。但与国际领先建筑企业相比较,我国建筑企业在项目运营能力、一体化工程服务能力等方面还存在较大差距。特别是随着人口红利效应的减弱、投入要素价格的上涨、绿色施工和低碳经济的推行、行业投资审批政策的快速变化,我国建筑企业长期依赖的传统优势正在逐步被吞噬。同时,新的建筑市场环境也对企业发展提出了新的挑战,强调内涵式、节约式、可持续的发展正在对我国建筑企业的发展提出新的要求。因此如何适应新的并且正在不断变化的市场环境,培育并维持企业的竞争优势已经成为我国建筑企业亟待解决的重要问题。本文以我国建筑企业为研究对象,以企业竞争优势和动态能力为核心问题,首先系统回顾了关于企业竞争优势的相关理论,并重点分析了动态能力在企业获得并维持竞争优势中的重要作用。其次,根据目前关于建筑企业力态能力理论研究和应用研究的现状和不足,本文提出了基于组织情境因素的建筑企业动态能力形成的作用模型以及建筑企业动态能力与企业竞争优势的作用模型,并对理论模型中提出的相关假设进行了论证和阐释。然后,结合建筑企业的特征要素和国内外学者设计的变量测量工具,本文设计了37个测量项目并以此为基础进行了问卷调查。最后,本文对问卷的测量量表进行了信度和效度分析,并对建筑企业动态能力形成及其对企业竞争优势影响的作用关系进行了实证检验。根据实证研究的结果,本文归纳了如下结论:(1)组织情境的不同要素,即组织结构——有机结构、组织文化——创业精神和组织氛围——建设性冲突对建筑企业动态能力的形成具有显著的正向作用关系。(2)建筑企业的动态能力是多维度的综合概念,由企业的环境感知能力、学习吸收能力、创新能力、组织柔性能力和整合协调能力组成。(3)建筑企业的动态能力对企业的竞争优势具有显著的正向作用关系。(4)建筑企业动态能力的不同维度对企业竞争优势的作用关系并不都具有显著的正向作用关系,这也更加反映了企业动态能力是企业综合能力的体现,单独的某一能力不一定能对企业竞争优势造成影响。

【Abstract】 From the development trend of domestic construction industry, Chinese construction industry has taken on the apparent effect of investment drawing. The extensive investment in fixed assets, urbanization, industrialization and transportation network construction, had released abundant market demand in engineering and construction services. However, having experienced the financial crisis, the Euro-area debt crisis and other negative factors, the construction market had progressively depressed inthe European Union, and the United States other developed countries and regions. But with the demand pull in the Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East, Africa, part area of Eastern Europe and other emerging market, the global construction market will remain stable growth. And due to the good momentum of the global construction market, Chinese construction enterprises (CCEs) had achieved rapid development in operating income, firm size, and other aspects. But compared with leading international construction enterprises, there are still some gaps on the project operational capability, integrated engineering services capabilities and so on. Especially with the weakening of the demographic dividend, rising in the priceof input factors, implementation on green construction and low-carbon economy, the rapid changes of the industry investment policy, the traditional advantages of CCEs are gradually being swallowed. Meanwhile the new construction market environments have posed new challenges to the development of CCEs. Therefore, how the CCEs adapt to new and changing market environment, cultivate and maintain the competitive advantage had become an important issue to be solved.This dissertation focuses on the research of competitive advantage (CA) and dynamic capabilities (DCs) of CCEs. Firstly, the relative reviews are systematically reviewed, and the important role of dynamic capabilities is mainly analyzed. Secondly, based on the current research status and insufficient of dynamic capabilities, the theoretical model are proposed which elaborate the relationship between organizational context (OC) and DCs, DCs and CA. And some underlying assumptions are demonstrated and explained according to this theoretical model. Thirdly, integrating the characteristic elements of the construction companies and existing measuring tool of related variables,37measurement items are designed which could provide basis for the questionnaire survey. Finally, the reliability and validity of the measurement items are analyzed, and the proposal assumptions are verified with the AMOS software. According to the results of empirical research, some conclusions are summarized as follow:(1)The different elements of OC:organizational structure (the organic structure), organizational culture (entrepreneurship) and organizational atmosphere (constructive conflict) have the significant positive effect on the formation of DCs of CCEs.(2) DCs of Construction enterprises is a multi-dimensional concept, which is a composite of environment sensing, learning and absorptive capacities, innovational capacities, organization flexible capacities and integration and coordination capacities.(3) DCs of construction enterprises has the significant positive effect on enterprise competitive advantage.(4) Especially in the dynamic environment of construction industry, not all dimensions of DCs have the significant positive effect on enterprise competitive advantage, which reflects that not only the dynamic capability is a comprehensive set of kinds of capacities, but also demonstrates a lone capacity may not be able to impact on the competitive advantage,.

  • 【分类号】F271;F426.92
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】274
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