

The Research of Mechanism Optimization in Agricultural Extension under the Background of Peasant Differentiation

【作者】 赵玉姝

【导师】 高强;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 农业经济管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 农业科技是现代农业发展的核心要素,农业科技对现代农业发展的重要性,不仅体现在过去技术对我国农业增产、农民增收的积极影响,更重要的在于农业技术在现代农业发展乃至整个国民经济发展中扮演的角色越来越多元化。农业科技能否转化为现实的生产力,关键在于把先进的适用技术推广到农业经营主体手中,实现农业科技有效转化。与农业发达国家相比,我国农业科技转化率较低。农技推广是推动农业科技有效转化的关键环节,特别是在我国农业科技知识转化率较低的情况下,如何提高农技推广效率至关重要。农技推广效率的提升可以通过多种途径进行解决,其中完善的农技推广机制是提升农技推广效率的基础要素。另一方面,从农技采纳对象的需求特征看,农户分化形成的小规模兼业户、专业大户、家庭农场、农民专业合作组织、农业企业等异质性农业经营主体在农技需求内容、供给途径、服务方式等方面呈现日益显著的差异性。在此背景下,从哪些方面对现阶段的农技推广机制进行优化,并通过制定相应的优化方案来提升农技推广的效率和效果,是本文关注的核心内容。基于上述原因,本文从农户分化形成的异质性农业经营主体农技需求特征差异化的视角对我国农技推广机制优化问题进行了系统分析。首先通过相关理论回顾探究了本文的理论基础并构建了理论分析框架;其次,通过分析我国农技推广机制现状,总结农技推广供给特征,比较农业经营主体的农技需求特征,明确现阶段我国农技推广机制的主要特征及优化方向;再次,在农技供求特征分析的基础上,构建农技供求契合度模型,评价我国农技推广机制的运行效果,探究农技推广机制存在的主要问题;最后,针对农技推广机制存在的主要问题探究了我国农技推广机制优化的方案选择及实施措施。论文得出以下研究结论:(1)我国农技推广体系的发展与变迁可以大致分为原始阶段、政府主导阶段和多元化主体参与阶段,现阶段我国农技推广模式仍属于较典型的“政府供给主导型”,而自上而下的技术传递路径显然无法适应市场经济的发展。农技推广组织的构成中,政府主导的农技推广组织外,教育型农技推广组织、企业型农技推广组织与自助型农技推广组织开始形成并不断发展。我国农技推广机制发展取得主要成就表现在:国家推广体系逐步完善;重大技术推广成效显著;依法监管能力不断增强;国际交流合作蓬勃发展。我国农技推广机制未来的发展趋势表现为:农技推广内容的综合化;农技推广方式的多样化;农技推广组织的多元化;农技推广保障法制化;政府仍发挥重要作用;农技推广机制的需求导向性趋势愈发明显。(2)从农业技术属性入手,通过分析农业技术从研发、到推广、再到应用的过程,阐述了我国农业技术推广机制中农业技术的供给现状。从传统农业与现代农业对比的视角,分别描述传统农业技术供给模式和现代农业技术有效供给的不同特征,通过描述各类型农业技术供给主体及行为特征,总结我国农业技术推广机制中农业技术供给的特征,尝试论证这些特征对我国农技推广机制优化的启示性价值。从农业技术质量、技术成果结构、技术信息交流渠道、农业技术供给主体等方面归纳农业技术在供给环节存在的缺陷和问题。(3)对农户分化背景下农业经营主体变动及其技术需求特征进行了比较,认为农户的农技需求行为同其农业生产规模、劳动力就业结构、农业技能水平等因素相关,同时又受技术供给途径、风险程度及使用成本等因素的影响。综合以上各种因素,通过农户决策行为分析法构建了农户技术需求模型。在此基础上利用典型农户调查数据,对比分析了不同农业经营主体在技术内容、服务方式需求等方面的差异性,通过回归分析辨识了各类型农户技术需求的主要影响因素。在此基础上,总结了农户分化背景下农业经营主体多元化、技术需求多样化及需求层次差异化等特征,论证这些变化特征对我国农技推广机制改革的启示性价值。(4)依据农业技术的不同属性,将农业技术划分成公共物品类农业技术、半公共物品类农业技术和私人物品类农业技术,在明确各类型技术属性的基础上阐述他们的供求平衡状态。构建了农技供求契合度模型,利用典型农户的调查数据,从技术内容和技术途径两个维度对我国现行农技推广机制中的供给环节与不同农业经营主体需求环节的契合水平进行测度。(5)从农户分化背景、农业技术供需契合程度以及现行农业推广运行机制存在的问题入手,总结归纳了需求导向型农技推广机制、农技外包和多元化农技推广组织模式三种优化方案。首先对需求导向型农技推广机制的研究将沿循构建背景、构成要素、内部关系以及运行机理的逻辑进行阐述。其次对农技外包的概念和产生背景进行分析,从微观角度辨识不同形式农技外包带动农业产出效益提升的作用机理,在此基础上对影响农技外包服务发展的关键环节——外包合约形式的选择进行分析。从农业技术供需双方的视角出发,阐述利益机制在技术外包运行过程中的关键作用,利用数理模型分析农技外包利益创造和利益分配机制。最后对多元化农技推广组织模式作出了简要的介绍与总结。(6)在借鉴国内外经验的基础上,提出了优化我国农业技术推广机制的对策与建议,包括改革传统“自上而下”的推广模式,建立以农户需求为导向的“自下而上”的农业技术推广机制;依据不同技术需求主体提供多样化的技术服务;完善农技推广相关的政策与法律、优化推广环境;倡导多元化技术供给主体并提高农业技术质量;建立信息网络平台及技术信息反馈渠道等。

【Abstract】 Agricultural science and technology is a core element of modern agriculturaldevelopment, the importance of agricultural science and technology development ofmodern agriculture, not only reflected the positive impact of technology on our pastagricultural production and farmers’ income in the more important is the developmentof agricultural technology in modern agriculture and the whole economy the role ofdeveloping increasingly diverse. Agricultural science and technology can betransformed into real productivity, the key is to apply advanced technology to thehands of the agricultural business entities, to achieve effective conversion ofagricultural science and technology. Compared with developed countries, agriculture,agricultural technology transformation rate is low. Agricultural extension is topromote the efficient conversion of agricultural science and technology key,especially at lower conversion rate of agricultural scientific and technologicalknowledge of the situation, how to improve the efficiency of agricultural extension iscritical. Enhance the efficiency of agricultural extension can be resolved through avariety of ways, including improved agricultural extension mechanism is to enhancethe efficiency of the basic elements of agricultural extension. On the other hand, thedemand characteristics of the object to see the adoption of agricultural technology,farmers differentiate to form the main body of the heterogeneity of small-scalefarming households and industry, specializing in large, family farms, specializedfarmers’ cooperatives, agricultural enterprises in agricultural demand content, aspectsof the supply route, such as a service rendered increasingly significant differences. Inthis context, from what stage of the agricultural extension system optimization, and toimprove the efficiency and effectiveness of agricultural extension through thedevelopment of appropriate optimization program, is the core of this article.For these reasons, the heterogeneity of farming in this article from the mainagricultural farmers demand characteristics differentiate into differentiatedperspective on China’s agricultural extension mechanism for a systematic analysis ofthe optimization problem. First, through the relevant theoretical review paper exploresthe theoretical foundation and build a theoretical framework; secondly, by analyzing the current situation of China’s agricultural extension system, summarize the supply ofagricultural extension features, more agricultural demand characteristics of theagricultural business entities, a clear stage of China the direction of the main featuresof agricultural extension and optimization mechanisms; once again, on the basis ofagricultural supply and demand characteristics of the analysis, the model fit to buildagricultural supply and demand, operating results of the evaluation mechanism ofagricultural extension, agricultural extension mechanism to explore major issues exist;Finally, the main problems of agricultural extension program explores mechanismsexist to select and implement measures to optimize our agricultural extensionmechanism.Paper can draw the following conclusions:(1) The development and changes of China’s agricultural extension system can beroughly divided into primitive stage, government-led stage and diverse body ofinvolvement stage, China’s agricultural extension model at this stage still belongs tothe more typical "supply-led government", and since technology transfer path downclearly unable to adapt to the market economy. Constitute agricultural extensionorganization, outside the government-led agricultural extension organizations,educational type agricultural extension organizations, entrepreneurial organizationsand self-help agricultural extension agricultural extension organizations began to formand continue to develop. Mechanisms to promote the development of agriculturalperformance in China has made major achievements: the national extension systemgradually improve; major technology promotion remarkable; continuously enhancedsupervision according to law; international exchanges and cooperation to flourish. Thefuture development trend of China’s agricultural extension system performance:integrated agricultural extension content; diversify agricultural extension methods;diversified agricultural extension organizations; agricultural extension guaranteelegalization; government still plays an important role; agriculture demand-orientedmechanisms to promote technology trends increasingly apparent.(2) Starting from the technical attributes of Agriculture, through the analysis ofagricultural technology from research and development, to marketing, and thenprocess the application, describes the status of the supply of agricultural technologypromotion mechanisms in agricultural technology. From the perspective of traditionalagriculture and modern agriculture contrast, describe the different characteristics oftraditional and modern agricultural technology supply mode effective supply ofagricultural technology, agricultural technology by describing the main supply of various types and behavioral characteristics, summarized in our agriculturaltechnology promotion mechanism supplying agricultural technology feature, try todemonstrate these features for optimization of agricultural extension mechanismrevelatory value. Induction defects and problems in the supply of agriculturaltechnology from existing agricultural aspects of technical quality, technologicalachievements structure, technical information exchange channels, supply ofagricultural technology and other subjects.(3) The differentiation of farmers operating under the background of the maincharacteristics of changes in its technical demands of agriculture compared thatdemand behavior of farmers with agricultural production scale agriculture,employment structure, skill level and other factors related to agriculture, but also bythe technical supply impact pathways, risk and cost and other factors. Taking all thesevarious factors, the law needs to build a model farmer technology decisions byfarmers behavior analysis. On this basis, the use of a typical household survey data,comparative analysis of the different business entities agricultural technical content,services and other aspects of the way the needs of differences, identification byregression analysis of the main factors of various types of household technologyneeds. On this basis, summed up the diversification of agricultural operations,technical requirements and needs of diverse characteristics such as lower levels ofdifferentiation farmers differentiation context, these changes demonstratecharacteristics of the reform of agricultural extension mechanism revelatory value.(4) Based on different attributes of agricultural technology, agriculturaltechnology will be divided into categories of public goods agricultural technology,agricultural technology class of semi-public goods and private goods class agriculturaltechnology, elaborate on their supply and demand balance in various types explicitlyon the basis of technical attributes. Construction of the Agricultural Trade fit model,using typical household survey data from the technical content and technical approachto the two dimensions of our current supply of agricultural extension mechanism linksand fit the needs of different levels of the main aspects of farming carried measure.(5) Differentiated from farmer background, the degree of fit between supply anddemand of agricultural technology and the existing mechanism of AgriculturalExtension Problems running start, summarized the demand-oriented agriculturalextension system, agricultural technology outsourcing and diversified agriculturalextension organization mode three optimization schemes. First study ofdemand-oriented agricultural extension mechanism will follow along to build background, elements, relationships, and the operation mechanism of the internallogic to elaborate. Secondly, the concept of outsourcing and agricultural backgroundto analyze, identify different forms of agricultural technology outsourcing drivenmechanism to enhance the efficiency of agricultural output from the microscopicpoint of view, on this basis, the impact of agricultural development in key outsourcingservices-outsourcing contract the choice of form for analysis. From the perspectiveof both the supply and demand of agricultural technology, and expounds a key role inthe technology outsourcing benefit mechanism during operation, the use ofmathematical model to analyze the creation of agricultural interests and benefits ofoutsourcing distribution mechanism.(6) In the experience from home and abroad on the basis of proposed mechanismsto optimize our technology to promote agricultural countermeasures and suggestions,including the reform of the traditional "top-down" campaign mode, to establish ademand-driven farmers’ bottom-up "agricultural technology promotion mechanism;provide a variety of technical services according to the needs of different technologiessubject; improve agricultural extension-related policies and laws to promoteenvironmental optimization; advocate diversified technology and improve the supplyof main agricultural technical quality; establish an information network platform andtechnical information feedback channels.
