

The Effect of Chinese Environmental Values on Multi-featured Environmental Decision Making

【作者】 张玮

【导师】 何贵兵;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 应用心理学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 环境决策是个体对几种环境结果进行评估和判断,进而对产生这几种环境结果的行为或方案进行选择的过程。而环境结果通常在一定时间之后,以一定可能性发生在某些地方,使得某些人群受到影响,也就是说,环境结果往往同时具有时间延迟性、不确定性、社会性等多维特征。因此,环境决策具有典型的多特征属性,它涵盖三个基本的维度:时间、风险与社会性,个体在进行环境结果评估和做出环境决策时必然受环境结果的时间距离、概率距离、人际距离等多种因素的影响。Simon认为,决策评估主要基于事实前提和价值前提。事实上,对环境结果的认知,也无可避免地受价值观影响。环境价值观是中国文化价值观中对环境行为和决策产生直接影响的部分,是能够指导个体做出环境相关决策与行为的稳定的持久的信念。它与时间距离、概率距离和社会距离一同对人们的环境评估和决策产生影响,而且当不同的心理距离复合在一起时,环境价值观的作用又与单一心理距离时不同。本研究结合环境结果的多特征性质,以水资源为例,探讨了中国环境价值观对环境跨期决策、环境风险决策、环境社会决策和环境复合决策的影响。研究共分成五个部分,研究一对中国环境价值观的内容和结构进行了探讨,并编制了中国环境价值观量表;研究二探讨了中国环境价值观对水资源跨期决策的影响;研究三探讨了中国环境价值观对水资源风险决策的影响;研究四探讨了中国环境价值观对水资源社会决策的影响;研究五探讨了中国环境价值观对水资源多特征复合决策的影响。研究一编制了中国环境价值观量表,并进行了大样本的调查,探索性和验证性因素分析的结果显示,中国环境价值观包括团结和谐、重视亲缘、正义利他、博爱平等、自然知足和谦虚自律等六个维度,体现了儒家、道家和佛家思想的影响。其中,博爱平等侧重于世界观,重视亲缘、团结和谐和正义利他侧重于社会观,谦虚自律和自然知足侧重于个人观。研究二设计了两个实验。实验1探讨了中国环境价值观不同的被试在延迟时间为1年、10年和50年时的水资源时间折扣率。结果表明,中国环境价值观和时间折扣率有显著的负相关。实验2中考察中国环境价值观不同的被试对增加和减少废水再利用项目科研经费政策的支持程度,发现中国环境价值观强的被试更支持增加经费的政策,且中国环境价值观通过未来时间取向的部分中介作用影响环境政策支持度。研究三设计了两个实验。实验1探讨了中国环境价值观不同的被试在水资源问题的发生概率为95%、65%和5%时的概率折扣率,并让被试在“获得较大的利益但有较大可能会破坏环境”和“获得较小的利益但有较小可能会破坏环境”之间做出选择,结果表明,中国环境价值观高分组比低分组有更多人选择有较小概率会破坏环境的决策,中国环境价值观通过环境风险知觉的中介作用影响环境风险决策,还发现中国被试对于以数字形式呈现的概率信息存在加工不畅,中国环境价值观和概率折扣率的相关基本不显著。实验2进一步研究以语言描述的形式呈现概率信息时的概率折扣情况,让被试分别评估在确定、中等概率和很小概率时1200吨的水短缺和2000000吨的水污染所带来的环境问题的严重程度,发现中国环境价值观与水污染严重性评估显著正相关,且环境价值观弱的被试认为随着发生概率的减小而严重性减小,而对环境价值观强的被试没有这种现象存在。研究四设计了三个实验。实验1探讨了当水资源问题发生在不同社会距离的承担者身上时严重性评估的情况,结果表明,中国环境价值观与水污染严重性评估显著正相关;对于发生在母亲以外的承担者身上的水资源问题,价值观与社会折扣程度显著正相关。实验2中让被试回答当水污染承担者分别是自己或他人时排放污水的量是多少,发现中国环境价值观与排水量显著负相关,中国环境价值观与社会折扣程度显著正相关。实验3中让被试回答在分别与熟人和陌生人进行博弈实验时的取水量,发现中国环境价值观与取水量显著负相关,并通过人际信任的中介作用负向预测取水量。研究五设计了两个实验。实验1采用研究四实验2的范式,让被试回答在同时有概率距离和社会距离时,以及同时有时间距离和社会距离时,排放污水的量是多少,发现中国环境价值观与排水量显著负相关,与社会折扣程度显著相关不显著。通过与研究四实验2进行对比发现,在即时确定情境下,中国环境价值观与社会折扣程度显著正相关,但是在增加了情境的风险或时间维度之后,相关变为不显著。实验2采用研究四实验3的范式,让被试回答在同时有概率距离和社会距离时,以及同时有时间距离和社会距离时,取水量是多少,发现中国环境价值观与取水量显著负相关,与社会折扣程度显著相关不显著。还通过与研究四实验3进行对比发现,在即时确定情境下,中国环境价值观与社会折扣程度显著正相关,但是在增加了情境的风险或时间维度之后,相关变为不显著。最后,研究者总结了本研究结果对中国环境价值观研究、环境决策研究、行为决策理论及心理距离研究的启示。

【Abstract】 Environmental decision making is complicated because it is not a single-featured decision making process but a multi-featured one. Environmental issues often are characterized by high levels of uncertainty, by strongly delayed consequences, and by consequences that occur at distant places and are-therefore-borne by others. Thus, the temporal distance, probability distance and interpersonal distance of environmental outcomes will inevitably take important roles in severity assessment. These psychological distances may cause people underestimating severity of environmental outcomes which usually not occur for sure, now, and to oneself.Values were considered to influence ecological decision making from the perspective of intertemporal choice, risky choice and social decision making. Cultural values are considered to influence perception and severity assessment of environmental outcomes. Many researches showed that Chinese cultural values (CCVs) could promote people to value future goals and outcomes, attach importance to environmental risks, and encourage pro-environmental decision, because CCVs advocated altruism and environmentalism. Chinese environmental values (CEVs) are part of CCVs, which will have direct and most influence on environmental decision making and behaviors. CEVs will affect environmental outcome evaluation and decision making along with psychological distances. Thus the present study the influence of CEVs on multi-featured environmental decision making using water resource as an example. This study included five parts:Part1investigated the content of CEVs; Part2investigated the effect of CEVs on water intertemporal decision making; Part3investigated the effect of CEVs on water risky decision making; Part4investigated the effect of CEVs on water social decision making; Part5investigated the effect of CEVs on water multi-featured decision making.Part1concentrated on the content of CEVs. The results showed that CEVs consist of six dimensions, namely natural and contented, modest and self-discipline, interpersonal harmonious, family-focused, just and altruistic, and humanitarianism.Part2included two experiments:Experiment1investigated the effect of CEVs on delay discounting rate of water resource. The results showed that CEVs was negatively related to delay discounting rate of water resource. Experiment2investigated the effect of CEVs on support water resource related policies. The results showed that participants who are high in CEVs will be more supportive for the policies with short-term negative economic consequences and long-term positive environmental consequences, as compared to individuals low in CEVs. It was also demonstrated that CEVs can influence supportive for the policies with negative economic consequences and positive environmental consequences through the mediating role of future time perspective.Part3included two experiments:Experiment1investigated the effect of CEVs on water resource risky choices. The results showed that CEVs could positively predict water resource related risky choices through the mediating role of environmental risk perception. Experiment2investigated the effect of CEVs on severity assessment of water resource determination of different possibility. The results showed that participants who are high in CEVs didn’t discount severity assessment of water resource determination, while participants low in CEVs did.Part4included three experiments:Experiment1investigated the effect of CEVs severity assessment of water resource determination happening on different people. The results showed that participants who are low in CEVs didn’t discount severity assessment of water resource determination, while participants high in CEVs did. Experiment2investigated the effect of CEVs on waste water decision making. The results showed that CEVs was negatively related to the amount of waste water discharged, while positively related to social discounting degree. Experiment3investigated the effect of CEVs on water intake decision making. The results showed that CEVs was negatively related to the amount of water intake, while positively related to social discounting degree. It was also showed that CEVs could positively predict amount of water intake through the mediating role of interpersonal trust.Part5included two experiments:In experiment1,170participants were asked to decide how much waste water they would discharge in intertemporal condition and risky condition with victims being themselves and others. The results of the experiment showed that CEVs help reduce the emission of waste water, in the mean time the correlation between CEVs and social discounting degree became insignificant. Experiment2investigated the effect of CEVs on water intake decision making in intertemporal condition and risky condition. The results showed that CEVs was negatively related to the amount of water intake, in the mean time the correlation between CEVs and social discounting degree became insignificant.In the end, the theory implications of the results to CEVs, psychological distance and construal level theory, environmental decision making, and other decision making theory were concluded.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期