

Study on the Relationship between the Basketball Affordance Perception and Shooting Accuracy

【作者】 冯建立

【导师】 张宏杰;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 研究目的(1)探讨篮球可供性知觉和投篮准确性的关系(2)探索篮球可供性知觉的影响因素(3)探讨篮球可供性知觉的学习途径研究方法1,文献资料法:通过上海体育学院图书馆查阅和环境可供性相关的文献资料,了解此方面的研究现状及动态;同时阅读生理学、心理学、训练学等方面的专著,为本研究提供理论依据和实践支撑。2,实验法:根据实验目的,选取不同的实验对象,通过实验设计、实验程序、实验条件控制等手段得出实验结果。3,数理统计法:采用spss20.0统计软件对实验数据进行处理,根据不同实验目的进行统计分析,包括重复方差测量分析、相关分析等。研究结果实验一的研究结果:新手通过拍球(动力性接触)感知篮球可供性和投篮准确性之间不存在显著性相关,专家型篮球运动员通过动力性接触感知篮球可供性和投篮准确性之间存在显著性相关。新手的篮球感知偏好重复测量方差分析:材质的主效应显著,超级纤维材质篮球、pvc材质篮球、橡胶材质篮球相互之间有显著性差异。比较不同材质篮球的感知偏好均值,超级纤维材质篮球感知偏好分值最大,pvc材质篮球次之,橡胶材质篮球最小。重量的主效应显著,7号篮球、6号篮球、5号篮球相互之间有显著性差异。比较不同重量的篮球的感知偏好均值,6号篮球感知偏好得分最大,7号篮球次之,5号篮球最小。新手的投篮命中率统计结果表明,材质和重量的主效应都不显著,材质和重量无交互效应。专家型篮球运动员的篮球感知偏好重复测量方差分析:材质和重量的主效应显著。材质上,超级纤维材质篮球、pvc材质篮球、橡胶材质篮球之间存在显著性差异。比较不同材质篮球的感知偏好均值,超级纤维材质篮球感知偏好分值最大,pvc材质篮球次之,橡胶材质篮球最小。重量上,7号篮球和6号篮球不存在显著性差异,7号篮球和5号篮球以及6号篮球和5号篮球之间存在显著性差异。比较不同重量的篮球的感知偏好均值,7号篮球感知偏好分值最大,6号篮球次之,5号篮球最小。专家投篮命中率重复测量方差分析:材质和重量的主效应都显著。材质上,超级纤维材质篮球和pvc材质篮球不存在显著性差异,超级纤维材质篮球和橡胶材质篮球以及pvc材质篮球和橡胶材质篮球都存在显著性差异。从不同材质篮球的投篮命中率均值可知,超级纤维材质篮球投篮命中率最高,pvc材质篮球次之,橡胶材质篮球最低。重量上,7号篮球与6号篮球之间不存在显著性差异,7号篮球与5号篮球以及6号篮球与5号篮球之间存在显著性差异。从不同重量的篮球投篮命中率均值可知,7号篮球投篮命中率最高,6号篮球次之,5号篮球最低。实验二的研究结果:从男女篮球运动员的不同材质篮球感知偏好均值来看,他们的篮球感知偏好次序相同,超级纤维材质篮球感知偏好分值最大,pvc材质篮球次之,橡胶材质篮球最小;重量和性别存在交互作用,固定性别因素,考察重量在不同性别水平上的差异。男性水平上,不同重量的篮球感知偏好存在显著性差异,7号篮球感知偏好分值最大,6号篮球次之,5号篮球最小。女性水平上,不同重量的篮球感知偏好存在显著性差异。6号篮球感知偏好分值最大,7号篮球次之,5号篮球最小。对于男子篮球运动员,偏好更重的7号篮球,而对于女子篮球运动员,偏好更轻的6号篮球。重量x材质x性别存在交互作用。在超级纤维7号篮球水平上,男女篮球运动员感知偏好存在显著性差异,男子篮球运动员的感知偏好分值大于女子篮球运动员的感知偏好分值。在超级纤维5号篮球、pvc6号篮球、pvc5篮球、橡胶6号篮球水平上,男女篮球运动员感知偏好存在显著性差异,男子篮球运动员的感知偏好分值小于女子篮球运动员的感知偏好分值。男女篮球运动员投篮命中率主体间效应检验:性别间投篮命中率存在显著性差异。男子篮球运动员通过动力性接触感知篮球可供性和投篮命中率之间存在显著性相关;女子篮球运动员通过动力性接触感知篮球可供性和投篮命中率之间存在显著性相关。实验三的研究结果:投篮前,随着任务难度(距离增加)增大时,篮球可供性知觉分值变小,但是在每个投篮位置,知觉判断最适合投篮的篮球都是6号篮球。在投篮后的篮球可供性知觉中,随着任务难度(距离增加)增大,篮球可供性知觉分值变小,但是在每个投篮位置上所选择最佳篮球都是6号篮球。在投篮阶段,随着距离的增加,投篮命中率降低,但是投篮命中率并没有随着篮球重量减少而提高。篮球可供性知觉和投篮命中率相关性分析,投篮前,在4.25m投篮位置,三种篮球可供性知觉和投篮命中率都存在显著性相关;在5.25m投篮位置,7号、6号篮球可供性知觉和投篮命中率存在显著性相关,而6号篮球可供性知觉和投篮命中率之间相关系数更大;在6.25m投篮位置,只有6号篮球可供性知觉和投篮命中率存在显著性相关。投篮后,在4.25m投篮位置,7、6号篮球可供性知觉与投篮命中率之间存在显著性相关,而5号篮球可供性知觉与投篮命中率之间不存在显著性相关;在5.25m投篮位置,7号、6号篮球可供知觉和投篮命中率之间存在显著性相关,但是6号篮球可供性知觉和投篮命中率相关系数更大;在6.25m投篮位置,只有6号篮球可供性知觉和投篮命中率之间存在显著性相关。比较投篮前后篮球可供性知觉和投篮命中率的相关性,投篮后,随着距离的增加,篮球可供性知觉和投篮命中率的相关系数变小,从4.25m到6.25m,最后只有6号篮球可供性知觉和投篮命中率存在显著性相关。实验四的研究结果:篮球初学者经过8周投篮练习,投篮命中率显著提高,其拍球(动力性接触)感知篮球可供性和投篮命中率之间存在显著性相关。比较投篮练习前后被试的篮球可供性知觉,其感知偏好发生变化。尽管投篮练习前后超级纤维7、6、5号篮球的感知偏好存在显著性差异,但是比较投篮练习前后篮球感知偏好均值,练习后篮球感知偏好均值增大。Pvc7号篮球、橡胶7号篮球感知偏好不存在显著性差异,但是比较练习前后感知偏好均值,篮球感知偏好分值在训练后变小。而pvc6号篮球、pvc5号篮球、橡胶6号篮球、橡胶5号篮球在训练前、后存在显著性差异,投篮练习前后感知偏好比较,投篮后篮球感知偏好分值变小。研究结论(1)具有篮球专项经验的运动员感知篮球可供性与投篮准确性之间存在正相关;篮球初学者感知篮球可供性与投篮准确性之间不存在正相关。具有篮球运动经验的运动员感知越适合的篮球投篮越准确。(2)拍球是感知篮球可供性知觉的探索行为,篮球的重量和材质是篮球运动员感知篮球可供性的关键信息。(3)篮球可供性知觉差异受到有无训练背景、不同性别以及任务难度变化的影响。(4)投篮练习过程包含篮球可供性知觉学习,即投篮练习有助于篮球可供性知觉的习得。在篮球可供性知觉学习过程中,练习者通过不断练习投篮,逐渐习得哪些篮球更适合投篮。

【Abstract】 Objective1, Discussing the relationship between the basketball affordance perception andshooting accuracy.2, Exploring influence factors of basketball affordance perception.3, Exploring the way of basketball affordance perception learning.Methods1Literature: understanding the research status and dynamic by the Shanghaisports university library about topics related to affordance study literature, At thesame time, reading the aspects of physiology, psychology, sports training book,looking for theory and practice basis for this study.2Experiment: according to the experiment purpose, selecting different subjects,experimental results are obtained through the experiment design, experimentprocedure and experimental condition control.3Mathematical statistics: adopting spss20.0statistical software to deal with theexperimental data according to different experimental purposes, including therepetitive measurement of variance, correlation analysis, etc.ResultsExperiment one results: The novice’s affordance perception by dynamictouch and shooting accuracy are not positive correlation, there is positivecorrelation between expert athlete’s affordance perception, by dynamic touch, andshooting accuracy.The repetitive measure analysis of variance at novice’s perception preferenceresults: there are basketball material including super fiber, pvc, rubber impactingon novice’s perception preferences, which are very significant differences eachother. The super fiber basketball preference’s score is the biggest, the pvcbasketball is second, the rubber basketball is the smallest. Weight affect novice’sperception preferences, there is significant difference among the number7,6,5basketball. The number6basketball preference score is the biggest, the number7basketball is the second, the number5basketball is the smallest. The statisticalresults of novice’s shooting accuracy show that the main effects of the materialand weight are not significant.The repetitive measure variance analysis of perception reference results: Thematerial and weight affect expert’s perception preference. There are basketball material including super fiber, pvc, rubber impact on expert basketball perceptionpreferences, which are very significant differences each other. The super fiberbasketball preference score is the biggest, the pvc basketball preference score issecond, the rubber basketball is the smallest. Weight affect experts perceptionpreferences, there is significant difference between the number7and5basketball.,Also between the number6and the number5basketball. The number7basketballpreference scores is the biggest, the number6basketball is second, the number5basketball is the smallest.The repetitive measure variance analysis of expert’s basketball shootingpercentage results: the main effects of material and weight are significant,material and weight influence on expert’s shooting percentage. There is nosignificant difference between the super fiber and pvc basketball, the super fiberand rubber basketball exist significant differences, also the pvc and rubberbasketball. From different material basketball shooting percentage, the super fibershooting percentage is the highest, the pvc basketball is second, the rubberbasketball is the lowest. There is no significant difference between the number7and number6basketball, there is significant between the number7and number5basketball, also the number6and number5basketball. The number7basketball’sshooting percentage is the highest, the number6basketball is second, thenumber5basketball is the lowest.Experiment two results: from the mean value of perception preferenceabout material, the male’s basketball athlete and female’s basketball athlete’sperception preference order are same. The super fiber basketball’s perceptionpreference value is the biggest, the pvc basketball is second, the rubber basketballis the smallest. Weight and gender exists interaction, fixed gender factors, weightthat is in levels of gender are different. at male level, the basketball weight ‘sperception preferences exist significant difference, the number7basketball’sperception preference value is the biggest, the number6basketball is second, thenumber5basketball is the smallest. At Woman level, the basketball weight’sperception preference exist significant difference. The number6basketball’sperception preference value is the biggest, the number7basketball is second, thenumber5basketball is the smallest. The male’s basketball players prefer theheavier basketball, the female’s basketball athletes prefer the lighter basketball.The main effects of material and weight are significant, material and weight influence on shooting percentage. The super fiber and pvc basketball are nosignificant different, the super fiber and rubber basketball exists significantdifferences, also the pvc and rubber basketball. The super fiber basketball’sshooting percentage is the highest, the pvc basketball is second, the rubberbasketball is the lowest. There is no significant difference between the number7and number6basketball, there are significant differences between the number7and the number6basketball, also the number6and number5basketball. Thenumber7basketball shooting percentage is the highest, the number6basketball issecond, the number5basketball is the lowest.The shooting percentage between the male basketball athletes and the femalebasketball athletes is not significant difference. The male basketball athletesperception preference and shooting percentage are positive correlation, the femaleperceive preferences and shooting percentage are significant positive correlation.Experimental three results: before shooting, with increased task difficultyincrease (distance increase), the basketball’s affordance perception is reduced, butat the end of each distance shooting location, the number6basketball is perceivedthe most suitable for shooting. After shooting, as the task difficulty increases(distance increases), the basketball’s affordance perception is reduced, but thebest ball chosen is the number6basketball in each distance shooting location.At shooting stage, with distance increase, the shooting percentage is reduced,but the shooting percentage does not increase with basketball weight reduction.Correlation analysis of the affordance perception and shooting percentagebefore shooting, at4.25m shooting location, there is significant positivecorrelation about affordance perception and shooting percentage of three kindbasketball; at5.25m shooting location, there is significant positive correlationabout affordance perception and shooting percentage between the number7andthe number6basketball, the number6correlation coefficient is larger. At6.25mshooting location, there is significant positive correlation only about the number6basketball affordance perception and shooting percentage. At4.25m shootinglocation, there is significant correlation of number7,6basketball’s affordanceperception and shooting percentage, there is no significant correlation aboutaffordance perception and shooting percentage in the number5basketball. At5.25m shooting location, the number7,6basketball is positively correlated toaffordance perception and shooting percentage, but the number6basketball affordance and shooting percentage’s correlation coefficient is more larger; At6.25m shooting location, there is a positive correlation between affordanceperception and shooting percentage in the number6basketball. The correlationbetween affordance perception and shooting percentage before and aftercomparison, with the increase of distance, affordance perception and shootingpercentage’s correlation, only the number6basketball’s affordance and shootingpercentage is significant.Experiment four results: the novice’s perception preference and shootingpercentage is positive correlation. After8weeks shooting training, theparticipant’s shooting percentage gets significantly higher. The participant’sperception preference also produces change, although the super fiber7,6,5basketball’s perception preference is no significant difference, compared beforeand after training, the perception preference value enlarges after training. The pvc7and rubber7number basketball’s preference value are no significant difference,but after training, the preference value decrease. And the pvc6, pvc5, rubber5,rubber6basketball have a statistically significant difference, compared before andafter the training, basketball perception preference values decrease.Conclusions1, There is a positive correlation between basketball affordance perception andshooting accurate for basketball player with basketball experience, there is anegative correlation between basketball affordance perception and shootingaccurate for novice with no basketball affordance. The basketball is perceivedmore suitable, it is shot more accurate for the basketball players with experience.2, Beating the basketball is exporing action of basketball affordance perception,the weight and the material of basketball are the key information of affordanceperception,of basketball.3, Sport experience, gender and task difficulty influence on the basketballaffordance perception differences.4, The basketball shooting’s practice process contains affordance perceptuallearning. In process of basketball affordance’s perceptual learning, throughconstant practice learners gradually learn which basketball is more suitable forshooting.
