

Monitoring on Physical Function and Special Training Methods during Sub-altitude Training in Rowing Athletes

【作者】 王刚

【导师】 周里;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 运动人体科学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 目的:(1)通过观察优秀男子赛艇运动员低氧预适应结合长时间亚高原训练以及后续平原训练过程中生理生化指标和有氧运动能力的变化,系统研究低氧预适应结合长时间亚高原训练对优秀男子赛艇运动员身体机能状态的影响。(2)通过对优秀男子赛艇运动员冬训和夏训长时间亚高原训练过程中专项训练手段监控的研究,结合以前的研究基础,初步建立男子赛艇运动员长时间亚高原训练过程中专项训练手段监控指标和方法。研究方法:以上海男子赛艇队16名运动员为研究对象,根据经历高原训练的次数,分为2组:A组为多次高原训练组,共8名队员;B组为初次高原训练组,共8名队员。2011年冬训运动员进行10d低氧预适应结合8周亚高原训练,训练目的为提高有氧运动能力。分别在低氧训练前、低氧训练第3d、低氧训练后、亚高原训练第3d以及亚高原训练每周、下高原后第1~3周测试血常规、CK和BUN;在低氧训练前、低氧训练后、亚高原训练第3d以及亚高原训练第3、5、8周和下高原后第2周测试EPO、T、C、免疫球蛋白、铁代谢指标。在低氧训练前1周、亚高原训练第5~6周、下高原后第1周进行专项有氧运动能力测试。2011年夏训运动员进行8周亚高原训练,目的是为了提高运动员比赛时的机能和竞技状态。分别在亚高原训练前、亚高原训练第3d及亚高原训练每周、下高原后第1~3周测试血常规、CK和BUN;在亚高原训练前、亚高原训练第3d以及亚高原训练第3、5、8周和下高原后第2周测试T、C。冬训和夏训的亚高原训练过程中,在运动员专项训练不同时段进行血乳酸、心率以及训练学指标测试。结果:冬训过程中与低氧训练前相比,EPO在低氧训练第3d和亚高原训练第3d分别升高26.27%、26.60%,导致Hb在亚高原训练第3d达到峰值,并保持到亚高原训练第3周(P<0.01),下高原后第2、3周再次出现峰值(P<0.01);A组在亚高原训练初期EPO、Hb升高幅度低于B组,但下高原后升高幅度高于B组。T/C在低氧后下降(P>0.05),低氧训练第3d升高(P<0.05),结合Hb指标变化提示两组运动员在亚高原训练第3d对高原低氧环境产生一定程度的适应;A、B两组T/C变化与总体变化一致,但A组在每个测试点增高幅度均高于B组(P<0.05或P<0.01)。3种免疫球蛋白中IgA、 IgG整个试验期间无显著性变化,A、B两组变化与总体变化基本一致,但A组IgG在每个测试点增高幅度均大于B组(P<0.05),IgM在低氧训练后升高(P<0.05)。BU、 CK两组变化与总体一致,在亚高原训练初期受低氧环境的影响,表现出升高趋势,亚高原训练后期与训练负荷变化一致。专项有氧运动能力测试,亚高原训练后,运动员测功仪6km测试总成绩总体提高28s(P<0.01),A组提高1.50%(P<0.01),B组提高3.05%(P<0.01),即刻心率下降2.66%(P<0.05), A组下降3.33%(P<0.01),B组下降2.00%(P<0.01)。6级递增负荷测试后发现无氧阈水平下运动强度增大,乳酸运动强度曲线右移,B组提高幅度大于A组。冬训和夏训亚高原训练中,各训练周期训练负荷分配呈现不同特点。运动量方面:冬训平均为168.5km/周、夏训平均为174.1km/周。运动强度方面:冬训期间总的有氧训练比例达到93.3%,夏训期间为86.9%,亚高原训练后期,夏训期间明显加大了耐酸训练比例。与亚高原训练前相比,冬训期间亚高原训练第3d血红蛋白显著增加(增幅9.77%,P<0.01),夏训期间同期血红蛋白显著下降(增幅-5.68%, P<0.01),冬训中Hb在亚高原训练第4周开始下降,而夏训中,Hb在亚高原训练第3周开始下降,亚高原训练后期,两次亚高原训练Hb变化基本一致。夏训期间WBC在亚高原训练第5、8周下降(P<0.01)。BU、CK在亚高原训练初期受低氧环境影响出现升高趋势,亚高原训练后期与训练量和强度变化一致。夏训期间T、T/C受到低氧和训练因素的影响处于较低状态。结论:(1)10d低氧预适应训练缩短了赛艇运动员亚高原适应时间。低氧预适应结合亚高原训练对运动员机能状态产生良好影响,具体表现为:血液载氧能力提高,机体合成代谢处于正平衡状态,免疫能力未出现下降。低氧环境对初次高原训练经历运动员刺激较深,但所获得高原训练效果持续时间较短;多次高原训练经历运动员亚高原环境适应能力强于初次高原训练经历运动员,整个亚高原训练期间,其身体机能状态优于初次高原训练经历运动员。(2)提高有氧运动能力的亚高原训练和赛前亚高原训练对运动员身体机能状态的影响表现出不同特点。赛前亚高原训练由于受到低氧和训练负荷的双重刺激,表现为机体免疫力下降,分解代谢旺盛,身体机能状态较差,尤其亚高原训练第8周应注意训练强度的控制和营养补剂的补充。(3)8周亚高原训练对运动员Hb、RBC、铁代谢指标、2,3-DPG产生良好影响,运动员机体载氧能力及血液氧向组织扩散能力得到提高,多次高原训练经历运动员升高幅度大于初次高原训练经历运动员。测功仪6km测试成绩显著提高,多级递增负荷测试中乳酸无氧阈下的运动强度明显提高,运动员的专项有氧能力得到发展。初次高原训练经历运动员提高幅度大于多次高原训练经历运动员,多次高原训练经历运动员高有氧运动能力提高显著,而初次高原训练经历运动员有氧运动能力发展比较均衡。(4)根据训练目的的不同,运用不同训练手段,男子赛艇运动员亚高原训练期间专项训练方法分为:中低有氧能力训练,监控要求:乳酸1~3mmol/L,心率120~160b/min。高有氧能力训练,监控要求:乳酸2~4mmol/L,心率140~160b/min。有氧~无氧混合能力训练,监控要求:乳酸3~8mmol/L,心率140~180b/min。耐酸能力训练,监控要求:乳酸8~12mmol/L,心率170~190b/min。速度能力训练,监控要求:乳酸8~12mmol/L,心率170~190b/min。

【Abstract】 Objective:The changes in physiological and biochemical indicators and aerobic exercisecapacity of the elite men rowers’ hypoxic preconditioning combined with prolongedsub-altitude training as well as the follow-up plain training were observed.The effectof hypoxic preconditioning combined with prolonged sub-altitude training to thephysical condition of the elite men rowers.were systematic studied. Through the twolong period sub-plateau training special training methods of elite man rowers,combined with previous studies, he special men rowers prolonged sub-altitudetraining process training monitoring indicators and methods were initiallyestablished.Method:16athletes of Shanghai men’s rowing team were selected as the subject,2ofthem are called world-class athlete,6of them are an national-class athlete,8of themare level one-class athlete. According to the number of experienced altitudetraining, the subjects were divided into two groups:8athletes in group A they allhad several altitude training experience; the others are group B include8athletes,which had not altitude training experience.In2011winter training period the subject had10d hypoxic preconditioningcombined8weeks of sub-altitude training for improve aerobic exercise capacity.Blood routine examination, CK and BU were determined before hypoxia training,the3rdday of hypoxia training, post hypoxia training, the3rdday of altitudetraining, and every week of altitude training,1to3weeks post the altitude trainingrespectively. EPO, T, C, immunoglobulins, iron metabolism indicators weredetermined before hypoxia, post hypoxia, the3rdday of altitude training and3rd,5th,8thweeks of altitude training and the2ndweek post the altitude training. Specialaerobic capacity were test1week before hypoxic training, the5th to6th week ofaltitude training, one week after the plateau training.The subject had eight weeks sub-altitude training in the summer of2011in orderto improve conditioning and competitive performance. Blood routine examination,CK and BUN were determined before altitude training,3rdday of altitude training, every week of altitude training,1to3weeks after altitude training. T, C weredetermined before altitude training, the3rdday of altitude training and3rd,5th,8thweeks of altitude training and the2ndweek post the altitude training.During2sub-altitude training process, blood lactate, heart rate and trainingindex were tested in different period of special training.Results:During winter training period,compared with anterior hypoxic training, the EPOin3rd day of hypoxic training and3rd day of altitude training were increased by26.27%,26.60%, resulting in Hb peak was shown on the3rd day of altitude trainingand maintain to the3r dweek of altitude training (P <0.01). Two weeks after thealtitude the peaks was shown again and keep to3weeks altitude training (P <0.01),the EPO maintain a steady state after3rdday of altitude training. In anterior periodof altitude training the increase of EPO, Hb in Group A is lower than group B, butincreased more than in group B after the altitude training. T/C (P>0.05) is declinedin hypoxic and rebound in the3rdday of hypoxic training (P<0.05) then maintain asteady state, combined with changes of Hb, It suggest that the two groups athleteshave a certain adaptation after the3rd day of altitude training to high altitudehypoxia environment. Overall changes of T/C in two groups is unanimous, but groupA is higher than group B in the every test points. The Ig A, Ig G is no significantchanges throughout the trial period.The changes of group A and B is same to theoverall change, but the group B than in group A (P>0.05) in every test points. Ig M inhypoxia training is increased (P <0.05), increase of group A is higher than group B,after which no significant changes in all groups. BU, CK of two groups is consistentto the total system, in the early days of altitude training environmental for hypoxiaimpact, showed an increasing trend. BU, CK of two groups is consistent to trainingload in later altitude training.The special aerobic capacity test after Asian plateau and the follow-up plaintraining, total score of6km ergometry test is overall improvement in28s (P <0.01),the immediate heart rate is decreased by2.66%(P <0.05). The total score of groupA is increased by1.50%(P <0.01), group B is increased by3.05%(P <0.01),immediate heart rate of group A is declined by3.33%(P <0.01), and that of group Bis decreased by2.00%(P <0.01). After6incremental load test, It shown anaerobicthreshold level of exercise intensity is increased, lactate exercise intensity curve wassignificantly shifted to the right,, the increase of group A is greater than group B. Intensity and volume of exercise of every training period shown differentcharacteristics in the two sub-altitude training. In the winter training, the averageexercise intensity is168.5km and that is174.1km/week in the summer training. Inexercise intensity, during the winter training the total aerobic training proportionreached93.3%and that is86.9%during summer training. During later altitudetraining, the proportion of acid-proof training in summer training was significantlyincreased.Compared before altitude training, Hb, RBC of twice altitude training wereshown difference greatly in the early period of altitude training (1-4weeks ofaltitude training).On the3rdday of the winter training during altitude training thehemoglobin was significantly increased (9.77%, P <0.01). On3rdday of the summertraining in altitude training hemoglobin was significantly decreased (increase of-5.68%, P <0.01). In the winter training, Hb began to decline in the first four weeksof altitude training. In the summer training Hb began to decline in the3rdweek ofaltitude training. Hb changes was consistent in two later altitude training. Duringsummer training WBC have decreased, of which the5th,8thweek of altitude trainingwas statistically significant (P <0.01), It has been restored after the altitude training,but below the plateau before (P>0.05). In the early days of altitude training forhypoxic environmental impact BU and CK increased. BU and CK was consistent tovolume and intensity of training in the later altitude training. During the summertraining, T, T/C by factors of hypoxia and training at a low state.Conclusions1)10-day hypoxic pre-conditioning training shortened the athletes’ adaptation to theplateau. The training mode of10-day hypoxic training and8-week sub-altitudetraining had good effects on athlete function condition, especially onoxygen-transport capacity, anabolism and immunity. Hypoxia stimulate deeper thenew altitude training athletes, but the shorter duration of the effect of altitudetraining. Several altitude training athletes plateau environmental adaptability arebetter than the new altitude training athletes body functional state is even better thanthe new altitude training athletes during the whole sub-altitude training.2) Sub-altitude training to improve aerobic capacity and before the match effect ofaltitude training on athletes’ physical function status show different characteristics.Sub-altitude training before the match due to the low oxygen and the training load ofdouble stimulation, decline in performance for the organism immunity, full ofcatabolism, poorer physical function status, especial in the8thweek. In that time training intensity and nutritional supplement should be cared about.3)8weeks after the sub-altitude training athletes’ Hb, RBC, the iron metabolismindicators,2,3-DPG have a good impact. The oxygen-carrying capacity and bloodoxygen to the tissue diffusion capacity of athletes is improved. The increase of thousindictor of several altitude training are greater than the new plateauathletes.Ergometer6km test scores significantly increased,lactate anaerobicthreshold exercise intensity, multi-level incremental load test significantly improvedthe special aerobic capacity of the athletes develop.The increase of thous indictor ofthe new plateau athletes are greater than several altitude training. The aerobicexercise capacity of the several altitude training experienced players was increasedsignificantly. Aerobic exercise capacity development new altitude trainingexperienced athlete was more balanced.4) Different training method was used for different training aim. Men’ s rowingspecific training is divided into aerobic capacity training: low aerobic capacitytraining, lactic acid requirements1-3mmol/L, high-aerobic capacity training of lacticacid requirements2-4mmol/L. Aerobic-anaerobic mixed ability training of lacticacid3-8mmol/L. Anaerobic capacity training: acid capability training, lactic acidrequirements8-12mmol/L, speed training of lactic acid requirements8-12mmol/L,heart rate170~190b/min.

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