

Research on the Constructing of Spotrs and Leisure Space in City

【作者】 宋铁男

【导师】 李建国;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育人文社会学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 作为人类生活的核心聚居区,城市是运动性休闲活动开展的重要场所,而在有限的城市空间范围内,要找到便利性和品质感兼具的运动休闲空间有时并非是一件易事。因此,为了塑造良好的运动休闲空间场所,促进城市居民运动休闲生活质量的提升,需要对城市运动休闲空间这一事物进行全面而深刻的理性分析和认知,进而开展相应的规划布局。基于此,本研究以理论——实证为基本研究范式,主要研究了两大部分内容:(一)城市运动休闲空间基础理论。包括:概念、要素、特征、类型、形态、价值、构建原则(二)沈阳城市运动休闲空间布局模式。包括:沈阳城市运动休闲圈的范围;沈阳城市运动休闲圈空间结构特征;沈阳市民运动休闲活动参与状况;沈阳城市运动休闲空间布局的基本模式主要得出如下结论:(一)城市运动休闲空间基础理论1、概念:是指在城市建成区及周围都市圈的范围内,充分考虑人们运动休闲的实际需求和自然条件,以各种运动设施为主,同时兼顾周边的景观环境建设,为运动休闲参与者提供恢复身体机能,享受运动游戏乐趣,体验生命活力的行为环境。2、构成要素:硬件、软件3、主要特征:识别性、社会性、舒适性、愉悦性、文化性、生态性、多样性、模糊性、便利性、安全性4、类型划分标准:按形成机理划分、按服务半径划分、按使用频率划分、按运营性质划分、按受益途径划分、按功能专一性划分、按人类影响程度划分5、基本形态:广场形态、公园形态、滨水区形态、度假区形态、社区形态、商业综合体形态6、主要价值:有助于实现全面小康社会的建设目标;有助于实现“健康城市”的建设目标;有助于实现“体育强国”的建设目标;有助于丰富城市居民的休闲生活方式;有助于完善城市全民健身公共服务体系;有助于推进旧城区的改造和面貌更新;有助于完善都市生活圈的功能配套;有助于培养市民对城市文化的认同感;有助于塑造城市自然和人文特色景观7、构建原则:以人为本、文化导向、可持续发展、多样化、公正平等性、公共效益优先。(二)沈阳城市运动休闲空间布局模式1、沈阳城市运动休闲圈的范围:日常圈——沈阳市的社区、周末圈——沈阳市域辖区、节假日圈——大沈阳都市圈直至大东北城市连绵区(带)2、沈阳城市运动休闲圈空间结构特征:层次性、模糊性、外推性、叠加性3、沈阳市民运动休闲活动参与状况(1)参与现状:日常圈,以对场地和器材要求不高的传统性项目为主,住所旁的小区空地、公园绿地、社区健身点是主要活动空间,利用半径为1000米;周末圈,以健身类、娱乐类项目为主,社区健身点、广场、公园是主要活动空间,利用半径为3000米;节假日圈,以亲水类、亲山类等与自然环境十分贴近的项目为主,旅游景点、远郊公园是主要活动空间,利用半径为400公里。(2)参与倾向:日常圈,徒步、健身舞、羽毛球是理想活动项目,社区健身点、公园绿地、体育场馆是理想活动空间,500米是理想利用半径;周末圈,钓鱼、羽毛球、游泳是理想活动项目,城市公园、综合性体育场馆、林带运动设施是理想活动空间,3000米是理想利用半径;节假日圈内,与自然环境融合度较高的项目是理想活动项目,运动休闲特色度假区是理想活动空间,400公里是理想利用半径。4、沈阳城市运动休闲空间布局的基本模式:日常圈,按照社区健身点(覆盖人群为0.5万人,利用半径为500米)、苑(覆盖人群为1万人,利用半径为1000米)、中心(覆盖人群为2万人,利用半径为2000米)进行三级布局;周末圈,按照二环内(布局具有商业综合体运动休闲功能区、游泳馆、乒乓球和羽毛球馆、公园、滨水运动休闲带,利用半径为5公里)、三-四环(布局综合性运动中心、大型运动游乐场、滨水运动休闲带,利用半径为11公里)、五环及以外市域(布局森林公园、度假区、体育主题公园,利用半径为50公里)进行三级布局;节假日圈,按照大沈阳都市圈(布局山川型、温泉型、山水型、海洋型运动休闲活动区,利用半径为100公里,适合2—3日的运动休闲度假)、大东北城市连绵区(布局滑雪、草原骑马、沙漠徒步、森林探险、海上帆船活动区,利用半径为400公里,适合4—7日的运动休闲度假)进行两级布局。

【Abstract】 As the center of human life, the city is the important place where sportsrecreation activities are carried out, but in the limited urban space, to find a sports andleisure place with convenience and quality is not an easy task. Therefore, in order tocreate a good space for sports and leisure venues, to promote sports and leisure ofurban residents, to enhance the quality of life, and to meet the need for recreationalspace for the city, the conduction of a comprehensive, profound and rational analysisand understanding of the sports and leisure space in the city is essential, andcorresponding layout the city should be worked out. Based on these, this study usestheory-fact criteria as the basic empirical research paradigm, including two majorparts:1.Basic sports and leisure space in city theory. Including: concept, elements,characteristics, type, shape, value, constructing principles2.The layout of sports and leisure space in Shenyang. Including: the range of sportsand leisure space in Shenyang; spatial and structural characteristics of sports andleisure space in Shenyang; Shenyang public sports and leisure activity participationstatus; basic model of space layout of sports and leisure space in Shenyang.Conclusions:1. Basic sports and leisure space in city theory.1.1Concept: refers to the environment in range of the built-up areas in the city andthe surrounding metropolitan area, fully consider the actual needs of people andthe natural conditions, in a variety of basic sports facilities, taking into account ofthe surrounding landscape and environmental construction, to provide recoveryand the fun of sports games and experience of life vitality for sports and leisureparticipators.1.2Elements: hardware, software.1.3The main features: identification, social, comfort, pleasure, culture, ecology,diversity, ambiguity, convenience, security.1.4Type dividing standard: according to formation mechanism, according to theservice radius, according to frequency of use, according to nature of theiroperations, according to benefit, according to function-specific nature, accordingto human influence attainment.1.5Basic forms: square, park, waterfront, resort, community form, businesscombination form.1.6The main value: helps to achieve the aim of building a well-off society in anall-round way; Help to achieve the construction goal of "healthy city"; Help toachieve the construction goal of "sports power"; Help to enrich the leisure life ofurban residents; Help to improve the urban public service system of nationalfitness; Help to promote the old city transformation and outlook; Help to perfectthe function of the urban life to form a complete set; Help to develop people’ssense of belonging in the urban culture; Help to shape the urban natural andhumane landscape.1.7Construction principles: people-oriented, cultural orientation, sustainable development, diversification, justice, equality, preferred public benefit.2. The layout of sports and leisure space in Shenyang2.1Shenyang city sports leisure circle range: daily circle-shenyang community,weekend circle-shenyang district jurisdiction, holidays circle-big shenyang citycircle to the northeastern city of interlocking region (belt).2.2Shenyang city spatial structure of sports leisure features: the gradation, vagueness,extrapolation, and superposition.2.3Public participation in sports and leisure activities in Shenyang.2.3.1Participation status: daily circle, given priority to traditional project with lowequipment requirements, near the residence community space, park green space arethe main activity spaces, using the radius of1000meters; Circle over the weekend,given priority to fitness and entertainment project, the community found, square, parkare major activity space, using the radius of3000meters; Holidays, such as water,close to mountain and close to natural environment, tourist attractions, the countrypark are major activity spaces, using the radius of400km.2.3.2Participation tendency: daily, hiking, dancing, badminton are ideal activityprojects. Community found, park green space are ideal activity spaces, using idealradius of500meters; Weekend, fishing, badminton, swimming are ideal activityprojects. City parks, comprehensive sports venues, forest sports facilities are idealspaces, using ideal radius of3000meters; Holiday circle, higher alignment withnatural environment project is an ideal activity, leisure holiday resort is an idealactivity space, using ideal radius of400km.4.The basic layout of sports leisure space in Shenyang: daily, according to thecommunity found (covering5000people, using the radius of500meters), garden(covering the crowd of10000people, using the radius of1000meters), center(covering the crowd of20000people, using the radius of2000meters) for3levels’layout; Circle over the weekend, according to the second (commercial layout withcomplex sports leisure area, swimming pool, table tennis and badminton hall, park,waterfront sports leisure belt, using the radius of5km), the three–four circle of thecity (layout comprehensive sports center, large sports playground, waterfront sportsleisure belt, using the radius of11km), rings and outside area (layout between forestparks, resorts, sports theme park, using the radius of50kilometers) for3levels’layout; Holiday, according to Shenyang’s city circle (layout mountains, hot springs,landscape, marine sports leisure activity area, using the radius of100km, the sportsleisure vacation for2-3days), the northeastern city of interlocking region (layoutskiing, hiking, horseback riding, desert grassland forest adventure, activity of sailingon the sea, using radius of400km, the sports leisure vacation for4to7days) for twolevels’ layout.

【关键词】 沈阳城市运动休闲空间布局模式
【Key words】 Shenyangcitysports and leisure spacemodel of layout