

Research on Industry Chain Integration of High Quality and High Price of Rice in Heilongjiang Province

【作者】 陈艳红

【导师】 胡胜德;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 稻米在我国消费量很大,消费的范围也很广,将稻米作为主食的人口大约占全世界总人口的1/2,全球大米消耗量持续增长。人们消费的质量、结构和观念伴随社会进步均发生了巨大变化,由单纯追求数量安全向追求质量安全转变。所以,优质农产品越来越受到人们的欢迎,无公害、绿色、有机食品将成为人们消费的热点。黑龙江省是国家重要的粮食主产区和最大的商品粮基地,其中稻米是主要粮食作物,全省水稻面积约占全国粳稻面积的1/3,是全国最大的粳稻种植区。黑龙江统计年鉴数据显示,2012年粮食总产5761.5万吨,其中水稻总产2171.2万吨,占整个粮食总产的37.68%,仅次于玉米产量;2012年绿色水稻总产1111.2万吨,占水稻总产的51.18%。稻米作为口粮,消费它的人口众多,大概有8亿多,占我国总人口的65%,我国口粮消费中稻米位居第一位:全世界约有1/2的人口以稻米为主食,其中亚非拉地区约4/5的人口以稻米为主食,全球大米消耗量持续增长。人民消费的质量、结构和观念伴随着社会进步和经济发展均发生了很大变化,由单纯追求数量安全向追求质量安全转变,无公害稻米、绿色稻米、有机稻米等越来越受到人们的欢迎。2008年黑龙江省制定了《水稻优势区域布局规划(2008-2015年)》,目标是稳定扩大水稻种植面积,不断提高单产和品质;并力争到2015年,水稻种植面积达到约5800万亩,产量约2800万吨,优质率75%以上。黑龙江省对优质稻米产业的重视以及消费者对优质稻米的消费需求为以优质粳稻生产为主的黑龙江省带来了难得的机遇。在获得机遇的同时,黑龙江省也不得不面临一个极大的挑战,那就是稻米优质不优价的问题长期存在,没有得到根本解决。本文通过文献查阅和实地调研等方法,在对黑龙江省稻米产业链的生产、加工、储运与销售的各个环节进行实地考察的基础上发现稻米产业链存在很多问题,主要包括物流基础设施薄弱、加工企业开工不足、稻米优质不优价、稻米品牌杂乱、产业链各环节衔接不紧密、产业链各主体利益分配不合理、优质稻米供需矛盾突出、产业链监管漏洞多及产业链发展缺乏相关政策支持等。稻米优质优价产业链整合需要从农户和消费者两个方面来探讨其应该具备的条件。稻米优质优价产业链整合的四个基本条件分别是:稻米生产的标准化、稻米质量全程可追溯、消费者对优质稻米的认同、消费者对优质稻米的有效需求。运用数学模型从生产者与消费者两个层面,分别对稻米优质优价产业链中的生产者行为和消费者行为进行了定量分析,并揭示了影响生产者行为和消费者行为各因素的影响方向、影响程度。探讨产业链整合过程中核心企业主导模式、合作社主导模式、家庭农场主导模式等的优势、局限性、适用条件与适用范围,提出核心企业主导模式应是稻米优质优价产业链整合的主体模式,并探讨了核心企业主导优质稻米产业链整合的方式,最后提出稻米优质优价产业链整合的对策建议。主要观点如下:(1)稻米优质优价产业链整合即指优质稻米产业链网中的某个经济主体(企业、其他组织等)凭借自身实力通过各种方式对产业链上其他主体进行控制、调整、优化使其能够协调一致地行动控制稻米质量、提高产业链运行效率并最终能够达到稻米优质优价的过程。(2)稻米优质优价产业链整合的四个基本条件分别是:稻米生产的标准化、稻米质量全程可追溯、消费者对优质稻米的认同、消费者对优质稻米的有效需求。首先,没有标准化生产就不能保证稻米质量稳定性;其次,实施稻米质量全程可追溯,使得稻米质量信息透明化,消费者建立消费信心;再次,优质稻米还必须得到消费者的认同,如果不认同就不会购买;最后,有支付能力的认同才可能转化为消费行为,消费者的有效需求是必不可少的条件。所以,以上四个条件必须同时具备,缺一不可。(3)优质稻米产业链最基础的环节就是生产环节。农户是否愿意种植优质稻米是优质稻米产业链形成的关键。对农户优质稻米生产的影响因素的实证分析结果表明,优质稻米与普通稻米价差、是否获得良种补贴、是否参加技术培训、是否参加合作社、文化程度、家庭年收入、水稻种植面积、农户所在地区的其他农户的种优质稻米的成功经历及所在的地区是否提供农技服务对农户优质稻米种植意愿产生不同程度的正向影响。(4)消费者优质稻米消费是优质稻米实现优价的关键。对消费者优质稻米消费的影响因素的实证分析结果表明,消费者家庭月收入、消费者对自身健康的关注程度、消费者对环境问题的关注程度、消费者对食品安全问题的担忧程度、消费者对优质大米的信任程度、消费者性别、消费者年龄、消费者文化程度及是否首选品牌对消费者优质稻米消费意愿产生不同程度的正向影响。(5)稻米优质优价产业链整合可能采用的模式有三种,即合作社主导模式、家庭农场主导模式及核心企业主导模式。由于农民专业合作社存在组织规范程度差,经济实力和市场竞争力弱,经营管理水平低,资金、技术与人才缺乏等劣势;家庭农场存在土地经营规模较小,机械化生产及规模化作业不够等缺陷,两者很难主导稻米优质优价产业链整合。与合作社及家庭农场相比,核心企业依靠其雄厚的资金实力拥有市场开发、产品营销、组织管理、技术指导培训等方面诸多优势,核心企业主导模式应是稻米优质优价产业链整合的主体模式。(6)核心企业整合稻米优质优价产业链的方式。核心企业主导产业链生产、储运、加工及销售各环节的整合,生产环节对土地流转、生产资料供应及技术标准等进行整合;储运环节对储藏运输标准及配送路线进行整合;加工环节对加工技术标准、稻米品级分类及包装等进行整合;销售环节对品牌推广、营销渠道及客户服务等进行整合。核心企业采用不同方式对产业链各环节进行控制,主要包括合同契约、投资、技术指导及扶持。同时,外部环境对优质稻米产业链整合起推动作用。

【Abstract】 The rice consumption in our country was very big and rice consumers’range was also very wide. The rice was the staple food of about1/2of the population of all over the world. With the social progress,the consumption concept, consumption quality, consumption structure have changed greatly, from pure pursuit of quantity security to the quality and safety. So high quality agricultural products got more and more welcome of people and pollution-free food, green food and organic food would become people’s consumption hot spots. Heilongjiang province was the important grain producing areas and the largest commodity grain base. The rice area in the whole province accounted for a third of the japonica rice area and was the biggest japonica rice growing area in our country.The Heilongjiang statistical yearbook showed that the total grain output was57.615million tons in2012, of which the rice output was21.712million tons, accounting for37.68%of the total grain output (second to corn production) and the green rice output was11.112million tons in2012, accounting for51.18%of the total output of rice.As rations, rice consumption was wide, involving a large population. The rice was the staple food with a population of more than800million,(accounting for65%of the total population in China). Rice ranked the first in a number of food consumption in our country, and rice market supply and demand in China has been expected to close balance for a long time.The rice was the staple food of about1/2of people in the world and rice was the staple food of about4/5of the population in Asia, Africa and Latin America areas.Global rice consumption continued to grow. With the development of economy, the progress of the society and the continuous improvement of people’s living standard, people’s consumption idea, consumption structure and consumption quality have changed greatly, by shifting from pure pursuit of quantity security to the pursuit of quality and safety. The pollution-free green rice, organic rice and green rice etc. got the welcome of people. The rice regional layout planning (2008-2015) was formulated in2008in Heilongjiang province, whose goal was to expand the rice planting area stably, to improve yield and quality, to strive to plant rice about58million mu,to get the production of about28million tons and the merit factor of more than75%by2015.The attention of the high-quality rice industry in Heilongjiang province and consumers’consuming demand for high quality rice have brought a rare opportunity for Heilongjiang province. Meantime, Heilongjiang province had to face a great challenge-the problem of high-quality rice not getting high price. The problem has existed for a long time, which has not been fundamentally solved. In this paper, through literature review and field survey methods, on the basis of reality investigation, production, storage and transportation,processing and sales link in rice industry chain in Heilongjiang province, some problems have been found,including weak infrastructure of logistics,inadequate Processing enterprises,high-qualitybut not high price, cluttering brand.Not close cohesion among each link in industry chain, unreasonable profit distribution among different subjects in industrial chain, obvious contradiction between supply and demand of high quality rice, many regulatory loopholes in industrial chain and lack of relevant policies support on industrial chain development. The industrial chain integration of high quality and high price of rice required to explore the condition from two aspects of farmers and consumers.The four basic conditions such as the standardization of rice production, rice quality traceability, consumer identity and consumers’effective demand for high quality rice hve been put forwarded.From the aspects of producers and consumers respectively, using the mathematical model, producer behavior and the behavior of consumers in the industrial chain have been quantitatively analysed, revealing direction, extent and mutual relations of the various factors affecting the producer behavior and consumer behavior. The advantages, disadvantages, applicable conditions and scope of application on core enterprise leading mode, cooperative leading mode and family farm leading mode in the process of industrial chain integration have been discussed. The core enterprise leading mode should be the main body of industrial chain integration of high quality and high price of rice.That how the core enterprise dominated the high-quality rice industry chain integration has been discussed and finally countermeasures for industrial chain integration of high quality rice has been put forward. The main points were as follows:(1)The industry chain integration of high quality and high price of rice referd to the process in which one or certain economic subject(enterprises and other organizations, etc.) in the high quality rice industrial chain network, with its strength by various means to control,adjust and optimize the other body in the industrial chain,in order to control rice quality, improve the efficiency of the industry chain and finally to achieve high quality and high price of rice.(2)The four basic conditions of industrial chain integration of high quality and high price of rice included the standardization of rice production, rice quality traceability, consumer identity and consumers, effective demand for high quality rice. First, no standardized production could not guarantee the quality stability of rice; Second, the implementation of rice quality dates back all the way made the rice quality information transparent and made consumers build consumer confidence; Again, the high quality rice must also get consumer’ recognition, no recognition not buying; Finally, the recognition of the ability to pay could be translated into consumer behavior, the effective demand of consumer was essential. So, above four conditions cannot be ignored.(3)The rice planting was the most basic link in industry chain. Whether farmers were willing to grow high quality rice or not was the key to rice industry chain formation. The empirical analysis resulted on the factors affecting the farmers’high quality rice production showed that the degree of culture, family income, rice planting area, whether to participate in technical training, whether to participate in cooperative, the price margin between high quality rice and general rice, whether the farmers received subsidies for growing superior seed varieties, whether other farmers got successful experience of high quality rice planting in the region and whether the region provided agricultural extension services produced positive influence of different level.(4)The consumers’consumption of high quality rice was the key to achieve high price. The empirical analysis results on influencing factors of consumption of high-quality rice showed that gender, age, the degree of culture, family income, consumers’ concern for their health, consumers’ concern for environmental problems, consumers’concern about food safety issues, whether consumer’s trust in the quality of rice and the preferred brand produced the positive influence of different level.(5)There were three modes that should be adopted by industrial chain integration of high quality and high price of rice, namely the cooperatives leading mode, the family farm leading mode and the core enterprise leading mode. Because of cooperatives’ poor standardization degree, weak economic strength and market competitiveness, low management level, lack of capital, technology and talent disadvantage and family farm’less land management scale, not enough mechanized production and scale operation, it was hard for the two modes to dominate the industrial chain integration. Compared with the cooperative and the family farm, the core enterprise had many advantages,such as, market development, product marketing, organization management, technical guidance, training and so on, relying on its solid financial strength. So the core enterprise leading mode should be the body of industrial chain integration.(6)The core enterprise led industrial chain integration, leading production, storage and transportation, processing and sale in industry chains. In the production process, the core enterprise led land circulation, production supplies and technical standard of integration; in processing, it led processing technology of processing standards,the rice grade classification and packing and so on;in storage and transport link, it led distribution route,storage transport standards in storage and transportation links; in sales link,it led brand promotion, marketing channels and customer service, etc. Core enterprises could adopt different ways to control every link of the industrial chain, including contract, investment, technical guidance and support.
