

【作者】 王霏

【导师】 黄民兴;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 世界史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文以叙利亚现代民族国家构建为研究对象,以历史学理论与民族学理论为指导,首先将叙利亚现代民族国家构建的历史分为法国委任统治阶段(1920-1946年)、独立的探索阶段(1946-1963年)及复兴党统治阶段(1963年至今)三个阶段,并总结其特点如下:一、法国委任统治阶段(1920-1946年)又分为法国委任统治初期(1920-1925年)和法国委任统治后期(1926-1946年)。法国委任统治初期的主要特点有:领土开始确定;银行、邮政、交通等经济基础设施的建立;族群结构与族群认同发生巨大变化;国家机器的形成与最初党派活动的开始;民族斗争的总爆发;民族主义的广泛传播等。法国委任统治后期的主要特点有:叙利亚民族政府的建立;现代议会民主政治的萌生;经济现代化的启动;领土的最终确定及取得彻底独立等。二、独立的探索阶段(1946-1963年)又分为探索阶段的初期(1946-1958年)和探索阶段的后期(1958-1963年)。探索阶段的初期的主要特点有:民族国家初具雏形,政治制度上继承了法国委任统治时期的代议民主制,颁布了1950年宪法;建立中央银行,将一些国家重要部门收归国有,促进民族经济的发展;传统社会结构发生显著变化,城市化发展迅速,新中产阶层发展壮大;温和的民族主义者上台执政,新党派兴起,国家意识形态从传统的伊斯兰教变为民族主义;1949年的三次军事政变动摇了宪政体制,从此军事政变频发成为政治生活的一个重要特征。探索阶段的后期的主要特点有:阿拉伯联合共和国的建立及解体;土地改革和国有化等政策的实施;军事政变的频发与议会民主政治的终结。三、复兴党统治阶段(1963年至今)又分为复兴党统治初期(1963-1970年)、阿萨德统治时期(1970-2000年)及巴沙尔统治时期(2000年至今)。复兴党统治初期的主要特点有:复兴党一党专政、党政合一的军政体制初步确立,军队成为效忠复兴党的工具;复兴党新左派崛起,党内矛盾激化;政府实行激进的政治、经济政策;少数族群、军队、农民、新中产阶层等力量进一步上升。阿萨德统治时期的主要特点有:国家政治体制的重构和阿萨德个人集权的确立;党政合一体制的进一步深化;以军队为代表的国家暴力机器实现高度现代化;经济调整与改革;成为对抗以色列的主要国家及外交强国;大力发展民族教育和文化;在中产阶级、知识分子等阶层形成的同时,建立支持政府的“跨阶层社会联盟”。巴沙尔统治时期的主要特点有:采取收缩的对外政策,承认目前的国家领土范围;实行“自由主义”的经济改革;弱权威主义政体的形成;政治上放松管制,公民社会开始展开活动;库尔德民族运动的高涨。继而,本文在论述中以叙利亚现代民族国家构建的阶段为主线,在研究过程中始终贯穿阶段与阶段之间、影响叙利亚现代民族国家构建的诸要素之间的复杂联系,以分析和呈现叙利亚现代民族国家构建的历史过程与主要特点,并尝试得出以下几点结论:一、作为阿拉伯民族主义的发源地,叙利亚现代民族国家构建具有更深刻的意义,且各种“民族主义”思潮对其民族国家构建产生了深远影响。二、族群、部落、区域等问题对叙利亚现代民族国家构建产生了复杂的影响。三、复兴党的统治对叙利亚民族国家构建产生了独特的影响。总的来说,叙利亚现代民族国家构建的过程曲折而复杂,但经过几代人的努力,叙利亚独立的“民族国家”观念已深入人心,即使是现在叙利亚陷入内战的状态下,也没有组织提出要分裂叙利亚。但是,叙利亚国家没能妥善处理各族群、阶层之间的关系,没有构建起法制完善、公平透明的政府管理体制,其民族国家内部矛盾重重,未来仍任重道远。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is about the modern nation-state building of Syria. In this dissertation, by using history theory and ethnological theory as a guide, the history of the modern nation-state building of Syria can be divided into French mandate stage (1920-1946), independent exploration stage (1946-1963) and the Ba’ath Party rule stage (1963-present) three stages, and summarizes its characteristics as follows:First, the French mandate stage (1920-1946) is divided into the early French mandate period (1920-1925) and the later French mandate period (1926-1946). The main characteristics of the early French mandate period are:the territory began to be determined; bank, postal, transportation and other economic infrastructure had been set up; structure of ethnic group and ethnic identity changed; the state apparatus and the first party activities began to form; the national struggle broke totally; the wide spread of nationalism, etc. The main characteristics of the later French mandate period are:the establishment of the Syrian national government; the initiation of modern parliamentary democracy; the modernization of the economy; the finalized of the territory and the complement of the independence, etc.Second, the independent exploration stage (1946-1963) is divided into the early independent exploration period (1946-1958) and the later independent exploration period (1958-1963). The main features of the early independent exploration period are:the national-state had its embryonic form, the political system had inherited the French mandate of representative democracy, inherited the representative democracy political system of French mandate periods, enacted the1950constitution; the central bank had been set up, some important sectors of departments had been nationalized, promoted the development of the national economy; the significant change of traditional social structure, the rapid development of urbanization, the great development of the new middle classes; moderate nationalists came to power, the new party rose, state ideology from traditional Islam into nationalism; the three military coups in1949shook the constitutional system, military coups became an important feature of political life. The main features of the later independent exploration period are:the establishment and the dissolution of The United Arab Republic; the implementation of land reform and nationalization policies; frequent military coups and the end of the parliamentary democracy.Third, the Ba’ath Party rule stage (1963-present) is divided into the early Ba’ath Party rule period (1963-1970), the reign of Assad (1970-2000) and the reign of Bashar (2000-present). The main characteristics of the early Ba’ath Party rule period are:the Ba’ath party’s dictatorship and the military and political party system had been initially established, the army become a tool that be loyal to the Ba’ath Party; the new left of the Ba’ath Party rose, inner-party contradictions became more acute; the government carried out a radical political, economic policy; the strength of the minorities, army, farmers and the new middle classes further increased. The main characteristics of the reign of Assad are:the reconstruction of the country’s political system and the establishment of Assad’s personal centralization; party and government combination system further dept; the army as the representative of the violence of the state achieved a high degree of modernization; economic adjustment and reform; became the main national and foreign powers against Israel; promoted the development of ethnic education and culture; while the middle class and intellectual class formed, a pro government "cross class social union" formed at the same time. The main characteristics of the reign of Bashar are:take the contraction of foreign policy, agreed the country’s current territory; implementation of the "liberal" economic reform; forming weak authoritarian regime; political deregulation, civil society began an activity; The rise of the movement of Kurdish nationalist.Then, this paper takes the modern nation-state building of Syria as the main line, runs through the course of the study the complex links between the stage and the stage, the various elements that impact the nation-state building of Syria, analyzing and presenting the process and the main features of the nation-state building of Syria, and try to draw the following conclusions:First, as the birthplace of Arab nationalism, the modern nation-state building of Syria has a more profound meaning, and "nationalism" thoughts made a profound impact on the nation-state building of Syria. Second, ethnic, tribal and regional problems in Syria had a complex influence on its modern nation-state building. Third, the Ba’ath Party’s rule in Syria has a unique effect on its nation-state building.Overall, the process of the modern nation-state building of Syria is tortuous and complicated, but through the efforts of several generations, the concept of the independent "nation-state" of Syria has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, even now Syria has been engulfed fell in the civil war, there is no organization proposed to split Syria. However, Syria failed to properly handle the relationship between the various ethnic groups, sects and classes, without setting up legal system, fair and transparent government management system, there is lots of contradictions in the internal nation-state, there is still a long way to go in the future.

【关键词】 叙利亚民族国家复兴党民族主义族群
【Key words】 SyriaNation-stateBa’ath PartyNationalismEthnic Groups
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期
  • 【分类号】K376
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】323