

【作者】 李旭然

【导师】 张岂之;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 中国史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 “诚”是中国思想史的重要范畴之一,被认为是最难理解的概念。“诚”字最早出现在古代文献中,在先秦时期被思想家们广泛讨论。随着讨论的不断深入,“诚”的意义也逐渐以人为中心而不断发展,由最初的信、真实之意,逐步增加了主体性、道德性、统一性、政治性等多方面的意义。在此过程中,孟子和荀子的贡献是巨大的,“诚”在儒家思想中的地位,远比在其他学派思想中的地位重要,集中体现在《大学》与《中庸》之中。汉唐时期的儒学以注疏经学为主,收录了《大学》与《中庸》的《礼记》地位不高,《大学》与《中庸》中“诚”长期不受重视。出于对抗佛教的目的,唐代的韩愈和李翱开始重视《大学》与《中庸》,李翱提出了以“诚”复性的学说。这种风气延续至北宋初年,《论语》、《孟子》、《大学》、《中庸》的地位上升,《大学》与《中庸》从《礼记》中独立出来而成为经典。在这样的学术背景中,周敦颐、张载和二程高度重视《大学》与《中庸》中的“诚”,以“诚”为中心,对世界的构成与发展、伦理道德的培育、封建国家学说等问题进行了系统的讨论,在理论上进行了创新,形成了关于“诚”的理论,简称为“诚”论。宋明理学是哲学化的儒学,“性与天道”是理学讨论的核心问题。周敦颐、张载和二程,作为宋明理学的奠基人,从儒学的传统中寻找资源,发掘出了《大学》与《中庸》中的“诚”,肯定天道因为“诚”而为真实,人性也是由“诚”而真实的,由此达成人性与天道的一致。周敦颐、张载和二程又将《大学》、《中庸》与《易》、《礼》相结合。《易》所说的天尊地卑、阳主阴从,是社会礼乐制度的直接来源,人在在现实生活之中,必须遵从礼乐制度,理学家们将《易》、《礼》与“诚”相结合,确立了“诚”在政治上的意义。周敦颐、张载和二程都极为重视人以诚为依据的道德修养,在肯定诚为天道的前提下,以自诚、诚之、思诚为现实的出发点,追求的是天人合一,既与礼乐制度相符合,又自强不息而与《易》的生生不息合一,“诚”最终落实到了人的活动中。他们的“诚”论,在继承前人的基础上,发展出了“诚”的本体论,建构以人为中心的心性论与道德培育的境界论,最终以政教论的方式实现于人的社会活动,将中国思想史的“天人和谐”的思维模式提升到了到了新的高度。周敦颐、张载和二程以“诚”作为中心,围绕着“诚”进行的一系列的论述,“诚”就成为周敦颐、张载和二程的理论基石。通过对周敦颐、张载和二程的“诚”论进行研究,厘清四子作为理学奠基者的思想线索,对于宋明理学的产生与发展等问题的研究,具有非常重要的意义。从中国思想史的发展来看,体现了融汇诸家学说而贯通为独特的思想系统的发展脉络。

【Abstract】 Cheng (integrity), an important category in the history of Chinese thoughts, is regarded as the most difficult concept to be interpreted. Its source can be found in some classic works of the pre-Qin period, which show that it was widely discussed by philosophers of that time. As the discussion went further, the meaning of Cheng developed gradually along a people-oriented approach, then some new contents, such as subjectivity, morality, uniformity and politics had merged into its core meaning which was originally composed by truthfulness and truth. And in this progress, Mencius and Xuncius had made great contribution. Cheng is more prominent in Confucianism than in other schools, and this significance was expressed especially in Daxue (The Great Learning) and Zhongyong(The Doctrine of Mean).The main stream of Confucianism in the periods Han and Tang was annotation and interpretation upon classic works, and the Confucianists of that time did not pay enough attention to Liji(Book of Rites), which embodies Daxue and Zhongyong, therefore, Cheng was ignored for long during the periods. Han Yu and Li Ao spoke highly of Daxue and Zhongyong in the purpose of out against Buddhism, Li Ao had even proposed "recovering the human nature with Cheng". This trend of thought became much prevalent in the early years of the Northern Song dynasty, Daxue and Zhongyong had been chosen from Liji as new classics, and composed Sishu(The Four Books) together with Lunyu(The Analects) and Mengzi(The Mencius). In the trend, Zhou Dunyi, Zhang Zai and the Cheng brothers highly valued the idea of Cheng in Daxue and Zhongyong, and systematically discussed on the formation and the development of the world, the cultivation of ethics and morality, the theories of feudal state around Cheng. Therefore, the theory of Cheng was established on the foundation of the theoretical innovation.The Neo-Confucianism is philosophized, and its core problems are Human Nature and Heavenly Way. As the founders of Neo-Confucianism, Zhou Dunyi, Zhang Zai and the Cheng brothers searched resources in the classics of Confucianism, explored the idea of Cheng in Daxue and Zhongyong. They had unified the interpretation of Daxue, Zhongyong with that of Yijing(The Book of Changes) and Liji(The Book of Rites), so they could bind Cheng to Yijing and Liji to gain its political meaning that every man should follow the system of rites and music which originated from Heavenly Way. According to Zhongyong, Human Nature and Heavenly Way are united, men should keep Cheng in themselves to get close to the Heavenly Way. Based on the inheritance of former thoughts, the theory of Cheng had established various theoretical dimensions, such as ontology, mind-nature, life realm and political education. It had also brought the Tian Ren He Xie (Harmony Between Man and Nature), a traditional idea in Chinese philosophy, to a new height.Zhou Dunyi, Zhang Zai and the Cheng brothers focused on the discussion of Cheng, which established the foundation of their theories. Therefore, the revealing of the theory of Cheng in the above four masters’works has great significance in the studies of the Neo-Confucianism, and even the whole history of Chinese thoughts.

【关键词】 理学周敦颐张载二程
【Key words】 Cheng (integrity)Neo-ConfucianismZhou DunyiZhang Zaithe Chengbrothers
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期