

【作者】 郭东敏

【导师】 许门友;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 社会主义作为人类历史上一种先进的社会形态和理想的社会制度,其具有内在的本质规定性和历史发展的特点。“什么是社会主义,怎样建设和发展社会主义”,曾是无数思想家、革命家以及广大无产阶级和劳动人民反复思考和探索的基本问题。在中国,社会主义是近代100多年来广大人民的历史选择,从最初的中国先进分子选择社会主义,到新中国成立后社会主义基本制度的确立,再到改革开放新时期中国特色社会主义道路的开辟,这一过程都是社会主义在中国被认知、实践并不断演进发展的逻辑过程。在这一过程中,曾涌现出了无数个伟大的思想家、革命家以及怀抱社会主义理想热望的志士仁人,他们不断追求和探索社会主义,为社会主义在中国生根、发芽、开花、结果做出了不可磨灭的贡献。作为新中国缔造者的毛泽东则是其中的杰出代表。社会主义是毛泽东一生为之追求和奋斗的理想目标,他不仅带领党和人民将中国导入了社会主义轨道,而且他对“什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义”进行了多角度、全方面的认识和探索,虽然他关于社会主义的认识和探索不都是成功的,但其社会主义思想为新时期中国特色社会主义事业留下了十分宝贵的理论遗产。马克思逝世后,恩格斯在给李卜克内西的一封信中曾这样写道:“我们之所以有今天,都应归功于他;现代运动当前所取得的一切成就,都应归功于他的理论的和实践的活动;没有他,我们至今还会在黑暗中徘徊。”①笔者认为,恩格斯的这句话同样适用于毛泽东。没有毛泽东,就没有新中国,没有毛泽东对于社会主义的艰辛探索,就没有改革开放后欣欣向荣的中国特色社会主义事业的新局面。因此,邓小平在1980年会见意大利记者奥琳埃娜·法拉奇的谈话中曾指出:“尽管毛泽东过去有段时间也犯了错误,但他终究是中国共产党、中华人民共和国的主要缔造者。拿他的功和过来说,错误毕竟是第二位的。他为中国人民做的事情是不能抹杀的。”“没有毛主席,至少我们中国人民还要在黑暗中摸索更长的时间”②。同时他强调:“从许多方面来说,现在我们还是把毛泽东同志已经提出、但是没有做的事情做起来,把他反对错了的改正过来,把他没有做好的事情做好。今后相当长的时期,还是做这件事。当然,我们也有发展,而且还要继续发展。”③邓小平的这个历史评判是十分客观而且中肯的。事实证明,新时期的中国特色社会主义事业正是在改革开放前毛泽东认识和探索社会主义的基础上,在借鉴了毛泽东关于社会主义理论与实践的经验教训后不断向前推进的。也正是基于此,2013年初,习近平总书记在新进中央委员会的委员、候补委员学习贯彻党的十八大精神研讨班的讲话中明确提出改革开放前后两个历史时期不能相互否定,即提出了“两个不能否定”的重要命题,这为我们正确对待和客观评价改革开放前后两个历史阶段的社会主义探索实践提供了正确的方法论指导。毛泽东虽然没有正式提出中国特色社会主义的命题,但纵观他探索社会主义的一生,其理论和实践都是在为“关怀与拯救”终极价值情怀下的社会主义“理想圣域”而不懈奋斗。可以说,“关怀与拯救”的价值追求一直萦绕在毛泽东的脑际,而当他发现并选择了社会主义这个可以实现他“理想圣域”的先进的社会形态和制度后,他便要进行一场探索社会主义的大实验。为此,他曾付出了艰辛的努力,在取得巨大成就的同时也付出了惨重的代价。当然,无论是成就还是失误,无论成功还是失败,这都和毛泽东关于社会主义的或科学或错误的认识有关。因此,新时期的中国特色社会主义事业要继续在毛泽东探索社会主义的基础上发展前进,就必须深入研究毛泽东对社会主义的认识和探索,即要继续研究毛泽东的社会主义思想。本文试图将毛泽东“关怀与拯救”的终极价值情怀与社会主义这个可以实现其“理想圣域”的社会形态和制度相结合,考察毛泽东社会主义思想的渊源;考察毛泽东社会主义思想萌芽、形成、发展及曲折发展的总过程;全面分析毛泽东社会主义思想的基本内容和主要特征;分析毛泽东社会主义思想的当代价值;分析中国特色社会主义与毛泽东社会主义思想之间内在逻辑关系及其关联性;并总结和归纳出毛泽东社会主义思想带给我们的基本启示。同时,从这些考察和分析中探究始终蕴藏在毛泽东心中的“关怀与拯救”价值情怀的内涵,探究毛泽东社会主义思想在萌芽、形成、发展及曲折发展总过程中其思想的变化,并力求探究毛泽东探索社会主义成功与失误的深刻原因。另外,本文还试图将毛泽东时代人们普遍的社会心态和新时期人们的社会心态做比较分析,以期能使毛泽东社会主义思想中关于公正、公平思想以及防止和打击官僚主义、遏制腐败消极主义等思想对解决新时期的许多社会问题起到很好的借鉴作用。总之,本文从历史研究与心理分析两条线纵向展开的方式进行论述和研究,力图得到比较客观和有价值的研究成果。

【Abstract】 As a progressive social pattern and an ideal social system in human history, Socialism has its inherently special essence and characteristics of development."What is socialism, and how to build and develop socialism" This was a basic problem for numerous thinkers, revolutionists and the majority of the proletariat and the working people to think and explore. In China, socialism is the historical choice made by people for100years in modern times, from choosing socialism by the Chinese intellectuals to establishing the basic socialist system after the founding of New China, and then to ushering in the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics during the new period of reforming and opening up. This process is logical, in which socialism is perceived, carried out and developed in China. In this process, there are many great thinkers, revolutionists and people with aspiration of socialist ideal and they continue to pursue and explore socialism, making indelible contribution to its germination, sprouting, blossoming and fruiting in China. Of course, as the founder of China, Mao Zedong is included.Socialism is the idealistic goal that Mao Zedong pursuits and strives for in his lifetime. He not only leads the Party and people to the track of socialism, but also has a comprehensive understanding and exploration in "What is Socialism and How to build Socialism". Although he doesn’t succeed in perceiving and exploring socialism,his socialist ideology provides precious theoretical heritage for socialist cause with Chinese characteristics in new period. After the death of Marx, Engels wrote in a letter to Liebknecht saying:"what we have today should be attributed to Marx; all the achievements from modern movement are attributed to his theories and practice, we remain lingering in the darkness up to now without him." I thought, Engels’words are also true of Mao Zedong. Without Mao Zedong, there won’t be a New China. Without his arduous exploration into socialism, there won’t be a prosperous new situation of socialism with Chinese characteristics after reforming and opening up. Therefore, when meeting with Italy journalist Oriana Fallaci in1980, Deng Xiaoping pointed out that:"Chairman Mao’s contributions are primary. He is the main founder of the Communist Party of China and the People’s Republic of China, and what he has done for Chinese people cannot be denied. He has saved the Party from crises for many times. Without Chairman Mao, we Chinese people still need to grope in the darkness for a longer time at least. At the same time, he emphasized:" The flag Mao Zedong thought shall not be lost. Lost the flag, actually denies the glorious history of our party.""In many ways, right now we still do what Mao Zedong has been proposed but did not do the things, and correct his erroneous opposition and do he did not do well. For a long period of time, we have to do this thing. Of course, we also have the development, but also continue to develop."The historical evaluation from Deng Xiaoping is very objective and impartial. In fact, the socialism with Chinese characteristics in new period is developing just because of the lessons from Mao Zedong’socialist theory on the basis of the understanding of and exploration into socialism before the reforming and opening up. And It is also based on the reason above, in the early2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly put forward the important "the Two undeniable" proposition, that we cannot deny the history before reforming and opening up period with that after the reforming and opening period, Vice versa on the seminar where the members and alternate members of the Central Committee studied and implemented the spirits of the18th CPC National People’s Congress.Mao Zedong is not only the great founder of the People’s Republic of China, but also the forerunner of exploring the Chinese socialism. He did not formally proposed the proposition of socialism with Chinese characteristics, but throughout his life, he made unremitting efforts for the value of socialism under the ultimate value of "care and save" with his theory and practice. So to speak, the value pursuit of "care and save" has been lingering in the mind of Mao Zedong, and when he discovered and chose socialism, the advanced social pattern and system which can realize his "ideal realm", he’s going to conduct a big experiment to explore socialism. To this end, he has made arduous efforts and also paid a heavy price while making great achievements. Of course, whether success or failure, this is related to Mao Zedong’s scientific or false understanding concerning socialism. Therefore, only when Mao Zedong’s understanding of and exploration into socialism are kept on, that is, Mao Zedong’s socialist Thought must be researched continuously, can the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics in new period be constantly developed and advanced on the basis of Mao Zedong’s exploration into socialism.This paper will combine Mao Zedong’ultimate value" care and save" with the socialism which can realize the "ideal sanctuary" to investigate the origin of Mao Zedong socialism thought and Mao Zedong Socialism Thought’s germination, formation, development and unsmooth development. Analyze the basic content and major characteristic of Mao Zedong’s socialist thought in a comprehensive manner and its contemporary value and the world influence as well as the internal logical relationship between the socialism with Chinese characteristics and Mao Zedong Socialism Thought. Conclude the lessons and inspirations for us from Mao Zedong’s understanding of and exploration into the socialism. At the same time, explore the connotation of value of "care and save" hidden in the hearts of Mao Zedong from the inspection and analysis, and probe into the germination, formation, development of socialist ideology and mentality changes of Mao Zedong in the total process of unsmooth development, so as to grasp the essence of making efforts to combine the Marx doctrine with the China’s reality and strive to find out the profound reasons why Mao Zedong explores socialism successfully and unsuccessfully. In addition, this paper also tries to compare people’s social mentality in old time with that of new period. In order that the thought of justice and fairness, preventing and combating bureaucracy, curbing corruption and other passivism included in the Mao Zedong Thought of socialism can be useful for solving many social problems in new period. In short, this paper discusses and studies from the two lines of historical research and psychological analysis developing in a vertical way, trying to get more objective and valuable research results.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期