

【作者】 吕园

【导师】 刘科伟;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 人文地理学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 城镇化研究是近年来学者们持续关注的焦点。随着我国传统城镇化发展带来的空间发展失衡、城乡差距扩大、生态环境恶化等问题的日渐凸显,城镇化研究逐步转向以谋求区域城镇空间和社会、经济、生态环境和谐发展为诉求的新型城镇化研究。城镇化从城镇空间层面向区域城镇群体空间层面的延伸是一个视野不断拓展、认识逐步深化的过程。从区域尺度研究城镇化空间发展问题,对整合区域空间资源、提升区域战略地位、解决区域内部失衡等问题意义深远。同时,在当前全面推进以各领域协调共进为重要内涵的新型城镇化的时代背景下,基于区域城镇化空间演变规律,探究经济、社会、生态环境等领域的响应,对于丰富新型城镇化的实践路径具有重要意义。为此,本文立足于区域城镇化发展,以“空间”为切入点,以陕西省为研究区域,以探索城镇化发展规律、引导城镇化健康发展为目标,按照“格局—过程—机理—响应—路径”的思路,采用统计分析、空间分析、探索性空间分析、GIS可视化表达、遥感影像解译等多种方法,试图从人地关系角度揭示城镇化发展格局、过程及其内在机制,探究其与经济、社会、生态环境等领域的反馈响应,进而提出调控路径,试图建立综合性的城镇化空间研究范式以丰富和完善城镇化空间研究框架体系。得到的主要结论如下:(1)城镇化空间格局主要体现为城镇化空间差异和城镇体系的发育程度。在区域城镇化空间格局上,需要从省域、市域及县域三个不同层面进行全方位审视,以期总结不同尺度下的城镇化发展规律与特征。通过多种统计描述与计量方法,认为陕西城镇化整体进入了快速发展时期,但空间差异明显,其中县域城镇化空间聚集趋势逐步显现。在区域城镇空间格局上,需要从城镇等级规模结构、空间分布以及职能解析三个方面进行审视。①城镇等级序列较为完整,城镇规模整体偏小,核心城市首位度较高。②城镇空间分布上,呈现出城镇密度中高南北低、城镇空间布局差异较大、城镇空间关系松散且受核心城市——西安的影响颇大、多个城镇化重点发展区已经形成等特征。③城镇职能结构上,陕西仍以工业为主要职能,建筑、金融不动产、交通运输、商贸信息服务职能不显著;各城市的职能差异较大;根据优势职能的测算结果,将区域内城镇划分为农业型、矿产开发型、工业型、交通主导型、科技型、商贸服务型、文化旅游型、行政中心型以及一般型城镇。(2)建国以来陕西城镇化演化过程可划分为计划经济影响下的城镇化政策驱动时期及市场经济驱动下的城镇化自主发展时期,并以第二个阶段中2000年及以后为时间范围展开后续研究。城镇化空间演变过程仍从城镇化率变化和城镇体系演化两方面展开。区域城镇化空间格局变化研究应基于不同时期城镇化率的增长速度,判别城镇化增长类型,在此基础上探索城镇化率的空间变化规律。根据城镇化增长率,将区域内城镇划分为快速增长型、稳定增长型和缓慢增长型,并得出县域城镇化率不断升高、增长趋于稳定、城镇化空间差异逐渐缩小、区域城镇化均衡发展态势逐步显现等结论。区域城镇体系演变从城镇等级规模变化、空间结构演变以及职能结构嬗变三方面展开研究。①综合城镇等级与规模的变化,将城镇等级规模确定为Ⅰ-Ⅴ级:与2000年相比,Ⅰ级城镇仍为西安,Ⅱ级城镇以地级市为主,Ⅲ、Ⅳ级城镇数量显著增多,V级城镇数目大幅减少。②以点—轴开发理论为基础,通过“中心城镇—城镇空间轴带—城镇化重点发展区—城市群”的演化模式,最终形成了“一核多级、两轴两带、一群多区”的区域空间结构。③区域城市职能类型趋于多元化。小城镇职能在数量上体现为农业型城镇有所下降,工商服务型、交通主导型、一般型城镇显著增多;在职能类型空间变化上,体现为城镇职能类型布局分散,规模聚集效益尚未形成,需通过极化与扩散作用改变孤岛式发展格局;在不同区域城镇类型上,关中地区小城镇职能类型趋于多元化,陕北地区矿产开发型、农业型城镇显著增多,陕南地区行政中心型和一般型城镇增多。(3)初步探索出城镇化过程与经济、社会、生态环境等要素之间的作用机制。一方面,经济、社会、生态环境等要素的演变形成了推动城镇化空间格局变化的机理:以工业化为核心的经济发展是城镇化发展的内在动力;社会发展对城镇化的质量提升具有重要影响;资源环境条件奠定了城镇化的基础空间格局。另一方面,城镇化也会对经济、社会和生态环境产生一定的作用:城镇化进程的推进导致依附于人口聚集的经济活动在空间上不断向城镇区域聚集,能够进一步优化产业结构和就业结构,实现经济增长,提高居民收入水平;城镇化过程通过城市文明的扩散和传播实现农村生活、生产方式向城镇生活、生产方式转变;城镇化的快速推进对区域生态环境是一种胁迫作用,制约着区域的可持续发展。(4)从经济、社会和生态环境三个方而得出城镇化发展的多维度响应。城镇化的经济响应主要体现在经济活动的空间聚集、产业结构及就业结构的变化上。①经济活动倾向于在市区范围内聚集,且关中地区市区聚集程度高于陕南地区、陕南地区高于陕北地区;②城镇化引起的第三产业的逆向变动强于第一产业的逆向变动,城镇化与第二产业高度正相关;③城镇化引起的第一产业就业的逆向变动强于第二、三产业就业的正向变动是引起农村人口向城镇聚集的原因之一,也是第二、三产业就业弹性较大的主要原因。根据经济响应强度的相对差异,将区域划分为强、较强、中度、较弱以及弱五种响应类型,便于县域之间的横向比较。城镇化的社会响应主要体现在人口流动、半城镇化和城乡差距上。①区域流动人口规模大幅增长,且陕西属于人口外流省份,经济总量落后、吸引力薄弱是造成人口外流的主要原因;②小城镇半城镇化人口较多使得区域整体半城镇化人口规模较大、比重过高,半城镇化人口的市民化进程缓慢;③城乡收入、设施、生活条件差距不断扩大。城镇化的生态环境响应主要体现为土地利用结构的变化、水资源短缺、能源掠夺式开发带来的生态问题以及空气质量污染。①耕地数量锐减,破坏了土地资源的复合生态功能;城市建设用地扩张问题较为突出,城市新区成为城市扩张的主要原因;②人口增长带来的用水量剧增以及水体污染共同造成水资源短缺现象;③能源的掠夺式开发造成了环境污染、地表沉陷、水体污染等一系列难以恢复的生态问题;④城镇化进程中工业废气和各类烟尘是造成大气污染的主要原因。(5)基于区域城镇化空间格局与演变过程,提出区域城镇化空间整合构想,即城镇分等级引导、区域整体协同发展及地区差异化发展的路径。基于城镇化的多维度响应,在经济响应调控上,提出要以提升第三产业为手段来优化产业结构,加快市辖区产业结构升级,加速县域产业空间集聚,分区域合理引导产业发展等调控路径。在社会响应调控上,提出要强化城镇化的产业支撑、革新户籍管理制度、增强市民化的财政支撑、设定城市建设用地增长边界、缩小城乡差距等调控路径。在生态环境响应调控上,提出以区域资源环境承载能力为依托,科学确定城镇适宜规模;提高资源利用效率,优化资源利用结构;加大生态环境治理投入;转变规划发展理念,将集约、节约理念深刻融入城镇化发展过程中。综上所述,本研究通过对区域城镇化空间格局、过程及其响应的系统性研究,在理论层面上为丰富城镇化质量内涵、构架城镇化空间研究范式进行了有益尝试;实践层面上以城镇化发展格局与过程的深入分析为城镇化空间政策的制定提供理论依据,以城镇化空间响应及其调控路径的探讨拓宽了城镇化推进渠道。本研究的创新之处在于:构建了以“格局—过程—机理—响应—路径”为研究思路的城镇化空间研究范式;提出了“中心城镇(点)—城镇空间轴带(线)—城镇化重点发展区(面)—城市群(面)”的区域城镇空间结构演化模式;建立了城镇化的经济响应系数模型,即非农化率与城镇化率的比值;提出了基于生态承载力的区域城镇化发展适宜人口规模的概念及其确定方法,即边际生态净收益为零时所对应的人口规模。

【Abstract】 Research on urbanization is the focus paid attention by scholars in recent years. Currently, the development of urbanization in our country is facing with a series of problems such as space spatial imbalances, widening of gap between urban and rural areas, the ecological environment deterioration. At the same time, research on urbanization has transformed to new urbanization seeking the harmonious development among regional space, society, economy and ecology. The transforming of urbanization research from urban space to urban group space is a research process that horizon expands constantly and cognition deepens gradually. Research on spatial development of urbanization in the view of regional scale is profound to the integration of regional space resources and the promotion of regional strategic position. Therefore, in the background of new urbanization with all-round coordinated progress in various fields, it is of great significance to explore the economic, social and ecological environment in the areas of the response for enriching the practice of the new urbanization paths based on regional urbanization space evolution.Therefore, this study, based on regional urbanization, is trying to explore the pattern, process, mechanism and response of urbanization and then raise the regulation paths from the perspective of man-land relationship in accordance with the line of "pattern-process-mechanism-response-path", taking Shaanxi province as the study area, and adopting methods such as spatial analysis, statistical analysis, Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis, GIS visualization and remote sensing image interpretation. This study is trying to establish a comprehensive urbanization spatial research paradigm to enrich and perfect the spatial research framework of urbanization. The main conclusions are as follows:(1) On regional level, spatial pattern of urbanization is mainly embodied in the spatial difference of urbanization and urban system development degree.On the spatial pattern of regional urbanization, it is necessary to summarize urbanization development regularity and characteristics of different scales from the provincial, district and county levels. Through a variety of statistical description and measurement methods that urbanization level in Shaanxi province has entered a period of rapid development, but spatial differences of city region are obvious, the gathering trend of county urbanization gradually appear.On regional urban spatial pattern, urban scale structure, urban spatial distribution and urban functions are needed to analysis the spatial pattern. On urban scale structure aspect, urban hierarchy is relatively complete, while their scales are quite small, urban primary index of Xi’an is quite high. On urban spatial distribution aspect, the urban spatial layout shows the features like density of cities and towns of Guanzhong area is higher than northern and southern Shaanxi, the relationship among cities and towns is loosen and most of them are affected by Xi’an greatly, many key urbanization regions has been formed. On urban spatial distribution aspect, Shaanxi is still a province of significant function of industry, functions such as building industry, finance and real estate, transportation, trade and business service are not so notable; functions among cities differ greatly; counties can be divided into agricultural, mineral, industrial, traffic dominant, scientific and technological, trade and business service, cultural tourism, administrative center, regular type according to the calculation of prominent functions.(2) Period since the foundation of the state are divided into2stages in this study, they are the policy drive urbanization period under the influence of planned economy and economy independent development period of urbanization driven by market economy. The year after2000in the second stage is chosen to go on the study. Spatial evolution process of urbanization is also embodied in the change of spatial difference of urbanization and urban system evolution.Research on the change of spatial pattern of urbanization level should be based on different growth of urbanization to judge the urbanization growth type, and then explore the spatial changing rules of urbanization. The region can be divided into fast, steady and slow developing types according to urbanization. Conclusions can also be drew that county urbanization are getting higher and higher, the growth is getting stable, the spatial distance is reducing and balanced developing trend is getting obvious.Regional urban system evolution study should be done from urban hierarchy change, the spatial structure and function evolution aspects. Urban hierarchy can be divided into five classes; compared with2000, grade I still for xi’an, class II is given priority to the prefecture level cities, the number of grade III and IV are significantly increased, while the number of grade V dropped sharply. Regional spatial structure of "one core, many poles, one urban agglomeration, many key urbanization regions, two main axes and two secondary axes" are established by the evolution path of "center cities-axes-key urbanization regions-urban agglomerations" based on the pole-axes theory. Cities’functions tend to be diversify, the number of agricultural type towns declined, trade and business service, traffic dominant and regular type towns increase. The function type spatial change embodied in scattered layout and the scale aggregation benefit has not been formed, which needs polarization and diffusion to change the non-isolating development pattern; Functions tend to be diversify in Guanzhong area while mineral and agricultural type towns in northern Shaanxi and administrative center and regular type towns in southern Shaanxi increased.(3) Mechanism between urbanization process and economy, society and ecology are raised preliminary.On one hand, the evolution of economy, society and natural environment have been the mechanism which promoting the change of urbanization spatial pattern:economy development with industry as the core is the internal impetus of urbanization, the quality of urbanization is affected by social development greatly, and natural environment has laid the basic urbanization pattern.On the other hand, urbanization also affects economy, society and natural environment: the urbanization process has led to the economic activities depending on population concentration aggregate to urban area gradually, and the gathering of economic activities can optimize the industrial and employment structure to realize economic growth and the income levels rise; the urbanization process can realize the transformation from rural production and lifestyle to urban production and lifestyle by the diffusion and broadcast of urban civilization; fast urbanization produce a stress to regional ecological environment, which restrict the sustainable development of the region.(4) Multi-dimensional integrated responses of urbanization are raised from economy, society and ecological environment aspects.Response of economy to urbanization is embodied in spatial gathering of economy, the change of industrial structure and employment structure. Firstly, economic activities tend to be gathered in urban area, the degree of gathering in Guanzhong area is higher than southern Shaanxi, and southern Shaanxi is higher than northern Shaanxi. Secondly, urbanization shows high positive correlation with secondary industry which leads to stronger adverse changes of the third industry than the first industry. Thirdly, adverse changes of the first industry employment is stronger than positive changes of the secondary and third industry employment that caused by urbanization. These changes are main reasons of rural population’s gathering to urban and greater employment elasticity. The region can be divided into five classes that are stronger, strong, medium, weak and weaker types according to relative differences of economy response intensity which is convenient to horizontal comparison of counties.Response of society to urbanization is embodied in population flowing, semi-urbanization and urban-rural gap. Firstly, Shaanxi belongs to population outflow provinces; backward economy and weak attraction are the main reasons for the outflow of population under the background of increasing regional flowing population. Secondly, more semi-urbanization population in small towns which is the main reason for the big scale and high level of semi-urbanization, and slow process of complete urbanization are the characteristics of semi-urbanization. Thirdly, the gap of income, facilities, and living conditions between rural and urban area is widening.Response of ecology to urbanization is embodied in the change of land use structure, water shortages, ecological problems caused by predatory development of energy, and air pollution. Firstly, the decrease of arable land damages the complex ecological function; city construction land expansion problem is serious, and the new districts are the main cause of urban sprawl. Secondly, increasing water usage and water pollution caused by population growth lead to water shortage commonly. Thirdly, the predatory development of energy causes a series of ecological problems such as environmental pollution, surface subsidence, and water pollution and so on. Fourthly, industrial emissions and all kinds of smoke in the process of urbanization are main reasons to air pollution.(5) Effective spatial integration paths of the development of urbanization are required for Shaanxi province in the future based on spatial pattern and evolution process of urbanization. Therefore, the idea of space integration, namely development guidance by town hierarchical, coordinate development in regions and regional difference development are proposed in this paper.Based on the multi-dimensional responses, it is effective regulation to optimize the industrial structure in city area, accelerate industrial spatial agglomeration in the county area, and guide areal industrial development in the perspective of economy response. It is effective regulation to strength the industry support of urbanization, reform the household registration system, enhance financial support, set urban growth boundary for urban construction land and narrow the gap between rural and urban in the perspective of society response. It is effective regulation to define appropriate size of town scientifically based on bearing capacity of regional resources and environment, improve efficiency and structure of resource, increase investment in ecological environment, and take intensive and economical concept into process of urbanization in the perspective of ecology response.In conclusion, the systematic study of spatial pattern, process and its response of regional urbanization is a beneficial practice to enrich the connotation of urbanization and establish the paradigm of the spatial study of urbanization in theory. The analysis of spatial pattern, process can provide evidence for spatial policy and the analysis of response and corresponding paths can broaden the promoting channels of urbanization in practice.The innovation:Built with "pattern-process-mechanism-response-path" for research on urban spatial paradigms. Put forward an evolution theory model of regional spatial structure which is "center cities-axes-key urbanization regions-urban agglomerations". Established economic response coefficient of urbanization which corresponds to the ratio of non-agricultural rate and urbanization level. Based on ecological carrying capacity of regional urbanization, proposed the concept and determination of suitable population size, which corresponds to the size of the population marginal ecological net gain is zero.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期