

【作者】 李娟伟

【导师】 王忠民; 任保平;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 西方经济学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文从文化资本视角出发,立足中国多元文化理念体系,从理论和实证两方面探讨了以市场经济竞争和创新理念为特征的市场文化资本和以传统儒家文化理念为核心的传统文化资本影响经济长期增长的逻辑机理,目的在于寻找支撑中国经济长期增长的新动力,以应对次贷危机和投资驱动增长方式对中国经济的长期影响,同时从经济发展视角为文化建设提供新的方向和思路,最终为中国经济和文化建设提供理论与现实依据。本文借鉴文化资本概念,首先,通过梳理新制度经济学派以及社会学家关于文化、文化资本与经济增长关系的研究,利用归纳法总结出传统文化资本、市场文化资本影响中国经济增长的三个理论假说:(1)传统文化资本通过影响市场主体物质和人力资本积累促进经济增长;(2)市场文化资本通过激励市场主体进行技术创新促进经济增长;(3)传统文化资本与市场文化资本在积累过程中能够通过制度选择影响经济增长效率,促进经济增长。其次,在内生经济增长框架下,通过加入市场文化资本和传统文化资本变量,从数理演绎角度探讨异质性文化资本对稳态经济增长路径的影响,从而在逻辑层面对上述三个理论假说进行验证。再者,选取1997-2012年《中国统计年鉴》公布的省级面板数据,依据永续盘存法从家庭和产业两个角度对中国传统文化资本和市场文化资本进行有效估计,并利用固定效应(FE)和随机效应(RE)模型实证检验了传统文化资本影响经济增长的机理,结论显示传统文化资本通过物质资本和人力资本积累渠道对经济增长有积极作用,与理论假说(1)是一致的,而且因地区间传统文化资本存量的差异,导致传统文化资本对地区经济增长的作用也有所不同;此外,本文依据随机前沿模型(SFA)分别验证了异质性文化资本影响经济增长的理论假说(2)和(3),实证结果表明市场文化资本能够通过提高创新效率促进经济增长,与理论假说(2)一致,同时传统文化资本和市场文化资本在积累过程中,一方面能够通过融合提高增长效率促进经济增长,另一方面却在冲突过程中降低增长效率抑制经济增长,这种效应在区域之间和不同创新主体之间表现较为明显,一定程度上支持了理论假说(3)阐述的逻辑。和现有研究相比,本文所作的工作主要有:第一,从多元文化视角出发,在内生增长模型基础上初步构建了异质性文化资本影响经济增长的逻辑框架;第二,在测度异质性文化资本存量的过程中,克服现有研究仅仅从产业角度度量文化资本存量的不足,既结合家庭和产业层面的文化统计指标确定最终文化资本的存量,又利用市场化指数和经济结构指数作为区分中国异质性文化资本的权重,有效估计中国省级异质性文化资本存量;第三,利用SFA方法分析了异质性文化资本影响经济增长效率和创新效率,较早从实证层面谈论了异质性文化资本对全要素生产率变化趋势以及技术创新效率的影响;第四,本文在详细测度传统文化资本基础上,采用面板计量方法对省域面板统计数据进行实证分析,支撑了国内学者对中国传统儒家文化与经济增长之间关系的理论研究。

【Abstract】 This article discusses the logical mechanism of market cultural capital characterized by competition and innovation in a market economy and the traditional cultural capital characterized by traditional Confucian culture as the core concept affecting the long-term economic growth, in order to find a new driving force of China’s economic growth and solve the long-term impact of the subprime crisis and investment-driven growth pattern of China’s economy. Meanwhile, this article aims to provide a new direction and ideas for culture construction from the perspective of economic development. In the end, it is supposed to provide theoretical and practical basis for the economic and cultural development in China.This article, based on cultural capital, firstly combing the research of the relationship among the culture, cultural capital and economic growth of the new institutional economics and sociology, summarizes the three theoretical propositions that traditional cultural capital and market cultural capital impact China’s economic growth by induction:1. Traditional cultural capital promotes economic growth by influencing market players accumulation of physical and human capital;2. Market cultural capital promotes economic growth by encouraging market players to participate in market competition and innovation;3. The accumulation of traditional cultural capital and market cultural capital can affect efficiency of economic growth by institutional choice. Second, based on endogenous growth framework, this article investigates the effects of heterogeneous cultural capital of steady economic growth path from the point of view of mathematical logic and tests these three propositions on the theoretical level by adding the variables of market cultural capital and traditional cultural capital. In addition, this article selects Provincial Panel Data1997-2012of published "China Statistical Yearbook" effectively estimates the Chinese traditional culture capital and market cultural capital based on the perpetual inventory method from the perspective of the family and the two industries, empirically tests the influence of traditional culture to economic growth through physical capital and human capital accumulation by use of fixed effects (FE) and random effects (RE) model and estimated results verify the impact of cultural capital markets and heterogeneous cultural capital for innovation and economic growth, verifies the impact of cultural capital markets and heterogeneous cultural capital for innovation and economic growth based on estimated results of stochastic frontier model (SFA). Finally, the research findings show that traditional cultural capital and market cultural capital promote Chinese long-term economic growth along the noted propositional logic theory.Compared with existing research, this paper mainly made the work above:First, from multicultural perspective, this paper initially construct of the logical framework of heterogeneous cultural capital affecting economic growth on the endogenous growth model; Second, In the process of measuring heterogeneous cultural capital stock, overcomes the lack of measuring cultural capital stock of existing research only from the industrial point of view, which effectively estimates Chinese provincial heterogeneous culture capital stock not only combining both household and industrial culture of statistical indicators to determine the level of capital stock of the ultimate culture, but also using market-oriented index and economic structure as the distinction between Chinese cultural capital weights. Thirdly, this paper analyzes of the impact of idiosyncratic cultural capital efficiency of economic growth and efficient innovation by using SFA model,Earlier talking about the impact of heterogeneous cultural capital on TFP trends and technology innovation efficiency from the empirical level; Fourth, the paper empirically analyzes of provincial statistical data by using the panel data in a detailed measure of traditional cultural capital, which completes the theoretical study of the relationship between traditional Confucian culture and the growth of China’s economy in domestic.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期