

A Study on Industrial Structure Adjustment and the Employment of Migrant Workers

【作者】 相征

【导师】 赵鑫;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 产业经济, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 2006年我国颁布了《国务院关于解决农民工问题的若干意见》,对农民工这一群体的关注已达到了空前高度。2014年中央一号文件进一步具体指出,积极促进有能力在城镇合法稳定就业和生活的农业转移人口有序实现市民化。现代经济的发展必然导致劳动力人口由第一产业向二三产业转移。自从我国取消农村入城务工政策限制以来,大量农民向其他产业转移,客观上为产业结构调整提供了充足的劳动力保障。值得注意的是,农民工就业与产业结构调整二者间不是孤立的,产业结构调整无疑是保障和改善农民工安居乐业的重要手段之一。劳动力的质量、数量与结构对于产业结构调整具有重要作用,产业结构的调整在要求劳动力素质不断提高的情况下,也将持续扩大农民工就业与促进经济增长。因此,如何实现农民就业工与产业结构调整二者间的良性互动、共同发展将是伴随我国当前经济和社会发展的重大课题。黑龙江省作为全国农业大省,近年来的经济发展明显滞后于国内其他地区。主要表现为经济结构和产业结构不合理、非公有制经济比重小、传统产业比重大、第三产业特别是现代服务业成长缓慢、工业对农业的反哺能力弱、农民工就业难等问题,这些都严重制约着黑龙江省经济的可持续发展。在这样的背景下,研究黑龙江省农民工就业与产业结构调整的相互作用,对于促进农民工就业、加快产业结构转型升级、推动黑龙江省经济发展具有重要意义。伴随农业产业化的加速发展,黑龙江省做为农业机械化率全国排名第一的农业大省,大量农村富余劳动力“从日出而作,日入而息”的农村生活中解放出来涌入城市,转变为城市建设和发展不可或缺的重要群体。据相关部门资料显示,黑龙江省现有农民工500万人,占全国农民工总数的8%左右。庞大的农业人口从农业生产中转移出来,这不仅对于城镇化建设、促进城乡一体化产生推动作用,也使城市、农村人口结构发生了巨大变化。大量的农业剩余劳动力转移到城市,有效的促进农业产业结构优化,促进农业经济发展,同时农民工进入城市务工,也促进了城市各个行业的蓬勃发展,为城市注入了新的活力,并利于城市市场机制和竞争机制形成充分发挥它们的有效调节机制,进而为优化黑龙江省城乡二元结构起到积极推动作用。本文首先以农村剩余劳动力转移理论、产业结构演进相关理论和人力资本理论的理论为基础,考察了农民工就业与产业结构调整的相互作用机理,描述性地分析了黑龙江省产业结构演进规律和农民工就业结构演进规律,找出黑龙江省农民工就业与产业结构调整中存在的问题,探索了黑龙江省农民工就业与产业结构调整的关联性。通过分析发现,农民工为产业结构调整提供了劳动力保障,而产业结构调整无疑是保障和改善农民工就业工作中的重要环节之一。黑龙江省农民工就业与产业结构调整的变化方向总体上看是一致的,调整速度保持同步。接着本文引入相对劳动生产率、就业弹性、相关分析和协整分析等工具对黑龙江省农民工就业与产业结构二者之间的关系进行定量分析,并把黑龙江省的产业结构调整与农民工就业结构同国内部分地区及国际标准模式进行横向比较分析,发现黑龙江省产业结构与农民工就业结构之间存在结构性偏差,第一产业存在大量剩余劳动力亟待转移,第二、第三产业吸纳劳动力能力有待增强。最后,总结了农民工就业结构滞后于产业结构的表现,然后分别从三次产业出发,探析农民工与产业结构升级之间的相互作用。在此基础之上,分别从发挥农民工对产业结构升级的劳动力支撑作用;加快产业结构升级步伐,提高农民工就业能力;通过政府顶层设计,促进农民工就业与产业结构调整良性互动以及加强农民工自身素质建设等方面提出了促进黑龙江省农民工就业与产业结构调整协调发展的对策建议,从而促进黑龙江省产业结构转型调整、农民工充分就业以及城镇化目标的实现。

【Abstract】 In the year2006, the State Council issued Suggestions on Sovling the Problem ofMigrant Workers, showing the greatest concern for the group of migrant workers. In2014,Government Document No.1further pointed out that efforts should be made to activelypromote the urburnization of migrant workers so as to ensure their job and life. Thedevelopment of modern economy inevitably leads to the shifting of laborors from the primaryindustry to the second and tertiary industry. Ever since the abolition of the restriction offorbidding migrant workers from working in cities, quite a large number of farmers have lefttheir home villages to work in industries other than agriculture, makng it possible to providesufficient workforce for industrial structure adjustment. It is worth noting that there is a closeconnection between the employment of migrant workers and industrial structure adjustment,for industrial structure adjustment is undoubtedly an important means to ensure and improvethe lives of migrant workers. The quality, quantity, and structure of workforce play asignificant part in industrial structure adjustment. If the qualities of migrant keeps improving,industrial structure adjustment will enlarge the number of migrant workers who can findsatisfactory jobs and promote economic development at the same time. It is of greatimportance to realize the interaction between the employment of migrant workers andindustrial structure adjustment and mutual development in our country’s economic and socialdevelopment.As an industrial city and one of the northeast old industrial bases in the early years ofnew China, Heilongjiang Province, with its powerful economy, was the backbone of theRepublic’s industrial development, and had a glorious history. However, its economicdevelopment has lagged behind other regions in recent years. On the whole, it is mainlybecause of the unreasonablel economic and industrial structure, the small proportion ofnon-public economy, inverse proportion of traditional industries, slow-growing of thetertiary-industry, especially the modern service industry, the weakness of industry nurturingagriculture, and the employment of migrant workers, etc., which are seriously hindering thefurther development of the economy of Heilongjiang Province. The non-coordination of theemployment structure of migrant workers and upgrading of industrial structure inHeilongjiang Province is also very prominent. In2012, the three industries of Heilongjiangare constituted as12.56:50.19:27.25, while the employment ratio of migrant workers in thethree industries is41.3:19.4:39.3. In this context, the study of the evolution of the relationshipbetween the citizenization of migrant workers and upgrading of industrial structure hasimportant significance to effectively ease the employment pressure in Heilongjiang Province,thus achieving the goal of the growth of economy, structural optimization, expansion ofemployment and promoting the citizenization of migrant workers.Firstly, based on the transfer of rural surplus labor theory, the theory of evolution ofindustrial structure and human capital theory, this paper investigates the interaction betweenthe citizenization of migrant workers and the upgrading of industrial structure, anddescriptively analyzes the evolution law of the industrial structure and employment structureof migrant workers of Heilongjiang Province, finds the existing problems in the citizenizationof migrant workers and the upgrading of industrial structure of Heilongjiang Province, and explores their characteristics and causes. The analysis reveals that the citizenization ofmigrant workers provides labor security for optimizing and upgrading industrial structure,which is an important part for job security and improves the citizenization of migrant workersundoubtedly. On the whole, the changing direction of citizenization of migrant workers andupdating of industrial structure in Heilongjiang Province is consistent, and keeps pace witheach other, followed by the introduction of relative labor productivity, employment flexibility,correlation and co-integration analysis and other measures for quantitative analysis andcomparative analysis between the industrial structure, employment structure of migrantworkers in Heilongjiang Province and domestic regions and international standard models.The result reveals that there is some structure deviation between Heilongjiang industrialstructure and employment structure of migrant workers. In the first industry there existsplenty of surplus labor to be transferred, while the ability of second and tertiary industries toabsorb the labor needs to be enhanced. Finally, this paper summarizes the performance of theemployment structure of migrant workers lagging behind the industrial structure. From thethree industries, combining with the historical and institutional reasons in the development ofvarious industries to further expand the study, we analyze the reason of lagging. Based on this,this paper puts forward the suggestion for improving the industrial structure and employmentstructure of Heilongjiang Province from three aspects: regional distribution of industrialstructure, the best choice of industry, and industrial organization structure, to promote the fullemployment of migrant workers and citizenization.

  • 【分类号】F323.6;F249.21;F121.3
  • 【下载频次】920