

The Study on Teacher Quality Monitoring of Compulsory Education in County

【作者】 于海英

【导师】 秦玉友;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 农村教育, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 在教育质量提升时代,作为教育质量的核心影响因素的教师质量受到教育领域空前关注。教师质量监控是全面了解和有效提高县域义务教育教师质量的基础,全面系统的县域义务教育教师质量监控研究不仅可以完善和补充相关领域研究成果,而且是全面提高县域义务教育教师质量的关键。与这个问题的重要性形成鲜明对照的是,目前学术界并没有深入而系统的县域义务教育教师质量监控方面的成果。县域义务教育教师质量监控问题成为当前教育研究领域一个值得关注的问题。本论文以县域义务教育教师质量监控问题为研究主题进行了系统的探讨。在文献研究的基础上,梳理了县域义务教育教师质量监控的理论框架,建构了县域义务教育教师质量监控体系。从专业维度、利益维度、过程维度论述了县域义务教育教师质量监控不同监控主体的条件、监控内容、监控特征、监控限度的解决。对县域义务教育教师质量监控的多元主体与专业标准的价值冲突与整合、监控指标取向、监控指标确定原则、监控指标展开方式与表达、指标底线、指标体系建构等问题进行了系统的阐述。这为县域义务教育教师质量监控的实施关键策略提供了理论指导。在实证研究方面,通过黑龙江省H市(县级)义务教育教师质量监控现状调研,从不同主体获取义务教育教师质量监控的现实情况并进行分析,一是对教师质量监控问题进行描述分析,二是对教师质量监控问题进行特征分析。通过实证研究发现县域义务教育教师质量监控现状与理论框架和建构的指标体系之间存在差距。对这些差距的认识与理解,能够为县域义务教育教师质量监控的实施关键策略提供了实践支撑。为了给县域义务教育教师质量监控提供具有可操作性的参考建议,探讨了县域义务教育教师质量监控的实施关键策略,主要涉及如何制定县域义务教育教师质量监控目标,如何探索县域义务教育教师质量多元主体监控的有效途径,如何依据教育实践需要灵活选择教师质量监控指标,如何选择适合县域义务教育教师质量监控的主导方式,如何形成基于县域义务教育教师质量提高的监控反馈路径,如何加强对监控系统的再监控。

【Abstract】 In the era of enhancing the quality of education, teacher quality as the core factorsaffecting the quality of education has received unprecedented attention in the field ofeducation. The monitoring on teacher quality is the basis of fully understanding andeffectively improving the quality of teachers in compulsory education within the county.Comprehensive and systematic study on teacher quality control in compulsoryeducation within the county is the key to improve the teacher quality of it as well asimprove and complement research in related fields. And in stark contrast to theimportance of the problem, there is no in-depth and systematic result on the monitoringon teacher quality in compulsory education within the county which becomes a matterof concern in current research in the field of education issues.This paper discussed systematically about the thesis on the problem of themonitoring on teacher quality in compulsory education within the county. Withliterature research as a base, the paper combed the theoretical framework of themonitoring on teacher quality in compulsory education within the county, constructedthe system of it, discussed the conditions of different monitoring bodies, monitoringcontent, monitoring features and the solution of monitoring limitation from thedimensions of profession, benefit and process. It also elaborated systematically issuessuch as the value conflict and integration between multiple subjects and professionalstandards, the orientation of monitoring indexes, the principles of monitoring indexes tobe determined, methods and expression to start monitoring index, the bottom line of theindex, the index system construction and so on, which provided a theoretical guidancefor the key strategies of the monitoring on teacher quality in compulsory educationwithin the county.In empirical research on the present situation in the monitoring on teacher qualityin compulsory education through the investigation of H city (county) in Heilongjiangprovince,the paper described the situation and analyzed characters of data obtained fromdifferent subjects in the actual situation of the monitoring on teacher quality incompulsory education, which found differences between the the present situation andthe theoretical framework,and the system of the monitoring on teacher quality incompulsory education within the county. And the realization about the differences,which offered supports in practice for the key strategies of the monitoring on teacherquality in compulsory education within the county. In order to offer the workable suggestions for reference to the monitoring onteacher quality in compulsory education within the county, the paper discussed the keystrategies, mainly involving how to develop the monitoring goals, how to explore theeffective ways of the multiple subjects monitoring on teacher quality in compulsoryeducation within the county, how to choose monitoring index flexibly based on theneeds of educational practices, how to choose leading the way of the monitoring, how toform a feedback path to improve the quality of teachers in compulsory education incounty, how to strengthen the re-monitoring of monitoring system.

【关键词】 县域义务教育教师质量监控再监控
【Key words】 countycompulsory educationteacher qualitymonitoringre-monitoring