

A Study of the Raltionship between the Ming Dynasty and Ryukyu

【作者】 易红

【导师】 赵毅;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 明琉关系,从时间跨度来说,指的是从明初洪武元年(1368)太祖始册封琉球至崇祯十七年(1644)明亡,共270多年的一个历史时段;从地域范围来讲,明琉仅是东亚世界内部的一个较为重要的区域而已。明琉关系,在其研究的性质上,既属于断代性的,又属于区域性的一个专题研究。本课题之研究,致力于从琉球与东亚区域关系之发轫处——明琉关系入手,溯其本,清其源,探其流变,进而能对明琉相关问题做一适度的裁断,以期可为琉球(冲绳)及其东亚历史与现实等相关问题的理解与解决提供一些可资参考的历史发展脉络与史实构建,文章内容分为以下几个部分:绪论集中总结和梳理了先贤关于中琉问题研究的成绩、问题以及不足。国内外对于中琉关系史的关注,从学术研究的意义上而言,是从近代日本并吞琉球,并将琉球废藩改置“冲绳”开始。由于日本对琉球的吞并进而占领,日本学界从琉球已被占领的现状出发,其研究的起点从1609年萨摩藩岛津氏入侵琉球始,故而对中琉关系的研究也主要集中于清代以及晚清琉球被日本的占领与吞并。中国学界对中琉关系的研究,由于清代以及晚清关系史料比较丰富而且集中,所以其研究也主要集中在晚清时期。为数不多的关于明代中琉关系的论述,大多以论文呈现,研究甚为薄弱,主要原因在于史料的弥寡和零散。第一章对明代以前中国史籍中的琉球认识略为概述。古代琉球,“国无典籍”,而对其的最早记载始见于《隋书》,稍后的《宋史》和《元史》出现了对琉球的一些记载。然而,无论是《隋书》,还是《宋史》和《元史》,其中所记载的古代中国和琉球的关系并不是很多,百字而已,内容也并不是很详细,即便连最基本的琉球地理方位、风土人情也记载得很是模糊,尤其是现今已经规定好的“琉球”之地名,都有“流求”、“瑠求”等不同的称谓,故而也为此一阶段古代中国与琉球相关问题的深入探讨造成了史料上的不足及由此而引发的一些具有非学术性质的争议。第二章对所关涉到的明代外交特征以及明代对琉球的外交管理机构简述。在明朝276年的历史发展中,除了明末耶稣会士来华传教活动,与西方世界有一些关联外,基本上是按照自己的方式,行走在自己的道路上。明代外交表现出了鲜明的三大特征:所涉及到的国家之多与地域之广,亘古未有;“不征”与和平主义;对外交活动的主动性记述。明代中央外交机构如礼部主客司、会同馆、四夷馆、鸿胪寺和行人司以及地方上的市舶司,其规模和安排,大致上超过了前代,而专门培养外交通译人才的四夷馆在明代才开始单独建制。第三章对明初太祖至宣德年间明琉关系的建立、展开进行梳理。太祖洪武四年(1371)至宣宗宣德九年(1434)乃明琉关系的初始、发展阶段。自洪武五年(1372)琉球中山王向明朝正式朝贡与明廷授予琉球历法,标志着琉球被纳入到以明朝为中心的东亚华夷秩序体系,也是明琉关系正式建立的标志。洪武、永乐、宣德年间,琉球向明朝朝贡分别达50、63、33次,明朝遣使出使琉球发布诏谕以及册封有6次。明琉关系从建立伊始,就显示出了起点较高的一种发展态势。第四章对从宣德至嘉靖年间明琉关系的发展情形进行勾勒。此一时段,历经英宗、宪宗、孝宗、武宗、世宗大致130年的发展,琉球王国也经历了尚巴志、尚忠、尚思达、尚金福、尚泰久、尚円、尚真、尚清、尚元这十人之治,明琉关系继续展开、平稳发展。明朝册封琉球8次,琉球朝贡明朝达124次,主要围绕进贡、谢恩、庆贺、对琉球留学生入国子监之赏赐等事件展开。正统、景泰、天顺年间琉球进贡次数较多,成化十一年(1475),明朝要求琉球两年一贡后,弘治、正德、嘉靖年间的贡次大为减少。第五章主要对明隆庆至崇祯时期的明琉关系予以了把握。自嘉靖后,明朝由盛转衰,特别是“海禁”政策的波折,明琉关系出现了危机。加之万历年间财政危机、丰臣秀吉入侵朝鲜、1609年萨摩入侵琉球,万历四十年明朝定琉球朝贡为十年一贡,明朝对琉球的册封与琉球对明朝的朝贡急遽萎缩,其原因则在于这一时期明朝国力衰败与日本在东亚的搅局。第六章对明代琉球在东亚世界中的生存发展作一整体观察和总结。可以说,在15世纪至17世纪初,在以明朝居于支配中心的东亚世界里,琉球王国自始至终以睦邻友好甚至是谦卑的姿态、小心谨慎地与明朝、朝鲜、日本这几个近邻国家保持着政治经济往来,不断扩大自身的生存发展空间。一方面,积极加入明朝为中心的册封朝贡体系,寻求政治庇护和经济利益,另一方面,与日本、朝鲜和平相处,互通商贸,获取最大利益。处于前近代以明朝为中心的朝贡体系中,琉球的国家利益始终与宗主国明朝的国家兴衰相连。在明末国家势力衰退之时,1609年受萨摩藩岛津氏的入侵,体现出了日本试图构建东亚日本式“华夷秩序”的觊觎野心。附录部分主要是对明琉关系以及明琉问题在东亚历史中的编年史实进行了整理。明琉关系表主要整理了从洪武开始到崇祯结束终明276年间,历朝历代、历代历年、历年历月、历月历日明琉关系的史实进行了编集并对相关史实进行了图表和数据对比分析。明代东亚大事年表,主要是对明代历年明琉关系以及东亚中、朝、日、琉球等国相关史实进行了整理和编集,以期对明代东亚关系有一个时间上的把握和认知。

【Abstract】 The relationship between Ryukyu and Ming Dynasty, from the time span, refersto a historical period of more than270years from the first year of Hongwu in MingDynasty in which the first founder of Ming Dynasty conferred Ryukyu to the firstyear of Shunzhi in Qing Dynasty. From the geographical range, Ming Dynasty andRyukyu were just an important area in East Asia. The relationship between Ryukyuand Ming Dynasty is a monographic study belonging to cohort studies and regionalstudies. This doctoral dissertation is aimed at tracing the origin of the relationshipbetween Ming Dynasty and Ryukyu, and then sorting out the questions concerningMing Dynasty and Ryukyu properly in order to provide some historical developmentskeleton and historical facts for understanding and solving the problems aboutRyukyu and east Asian history and realityPreface summarizes the achievements, problems and deficiency of the study onthe relationship between China and Ryukyu which have been gained by scholars ofthe past. From the sense of academic research, the domestic and overseas focus on thehistory of the relationship between China and Ryukyu has been starting from the timewhen Japan annexed Ryukyu, abolished the han system and established Okinawa.Because of Japan’s annexation and occupation of Ryukyu, based on the presentsituation that Ryukyu had been occupied, Japanese academia has been starting from1609when Ryukyu was invaded by Shimazu Family from Satsuma Domain. So theresearch on the relationship between China and Ryukyu also mainly has focused onJapan’s annexation and occupation of Ryukyu in Qing Dynasty and the late QingDynasty. On account of the rich and intensive historical materials on the relationshipbetween China and Ryukyu in Qing Dynasty and the late Qing Dynasty, Chineseacademia’s research has mainly focused on the last Qing Dynasty. A few discussionsabout the relationship between China and Ryukyu in Ming Dynasty are mostlypresented in the form of essays. Its research is very weak, because the historicalmaterials are few and scattered.Chapter one summarizes the discourse about Ryukyu in Chinese historicalrecords before Ming Dynasty briefly. In ancient Ryukyu, there were no historicalrecords. The earliest record was seen in Book of Sui, latter in History of SongDynasty and History of Yuan Dynasty some records about Ryukyu appeared. However,neither Book of Sui nor History of Song Dynasty and History of Yuan Dynasty havefew words concerning the relationship between China and Ryukyu, the content is notvery detailed, even the geographic orientation and local customs and practices arerecorded vaguely. Most of all, the name “Ryukyu” has various versions. So there isnot enough historical materials for the deep research on relevant questions concerningthe relationship between China and Ryukyu in this period, which arouses somenonacademic controversies. Chapter two sketches briefly the features of diplomacy in Ming Dynasty and theforeign agencies for Ryukyu. In the development of Ming Dynasty, China mainlydeveloped in its own way, walking on their own path, except in the late Ming Dynastysome Jesuits preached their religion to Chinese, which had some connections withwestern world. The diplomacy in Ming Dynasty has three distinctive features:connected with more countries and regions unprecedentedly; no wars and pacifism;recording the diplomatic activities actively. The central foreign agencies in MingDynasty had larger scale and arrangements than before, such as the department for theguest of honor in the Ministry of Rites, Huitong Guan, Siyi Guan, Honglu Si,XingRen Si and the Bureau for Foreign Shipping in local provinces. What’s more,Siyi Guan which was used to train professional translators began to have separatedestablishment in Ming Dynasty.Chapter three is about the establishment and development of the relationshipbetween Ryukyu and Ming Dynasty from the first founder of Ming Dynasty toXuande. The relationship between Ryukyu and Ming Dynasty began and developedfrom Hongwu four years (1371) to Xuande nine years (1413). It was symbolizedthat Ryukyu was included in East Asian Sino-centric sphere of order and it was alsothe beginning of the relationship between Ryukyu and Ming Dynasty in Hongwu fiveyears (1372) when the King of Zhongshan in Ryukyu paid tribute to Ming Dynastyofficially and the royal court of Ming Dynasty granted Ryukyu calendar. Ryukyupaid tribute to Ming Dynasty50times in Hongwu,63times in Yongle,33times inXuande. Ming Dynasty dispatched an envoy to release imperial edict and confer titles6times. From the beginning, the relationship between Ryukyu and Ming Dynastyrevealed a development trend from a higher starting point.Chapter four is about the development of the relationship between Ryukyu andMing Dynasty from Xuande to Jiajing. In this period of time, Ming Dynasty hadexperienced the emperor of Ying Zong, Xian Zong, Xiao Zong, Wu Zong and ShiZong, which nearly developed130years. Ryukyu also experienced Shang Bazhi,Shang Zhong, Shang Sida, Shang Jinfu, Shang Taijiu, Shang Yuan, Shang Zhen,Shang Qing, Shang Yuan. The relationship between Ryukyu and Ming Dynastydeveloped continuously and steadily. Ming Dynasty conferred titles on Ryukyu8times, and the times Ryukyu paid tribute to Ming Dynasty reached up to124, mainlyabout paying tribute, expressing gratitude, celebrating, enrolling the students ofRyukyu to the Imperial College and so on. Ryukyu paid more tribute in the years ofZhengtong, Jingtai, Tianshun. In Chenghua11years, Ming Dynasty requested Ryukyuto pay tribute once every two years. The times of paying tribute reduced greatly in theyears of Hongzhi, Zhengde and Jiajing.Chapter five is about the relationship between Ryukyu and Ming Dynasty fromLongqing to Chongzhen. After Jiajing, Ming Dynasty was from prosperity to decline. Because of the twists and turns of the ban on maritime trade with foreign countries,the relationship between Ryukyu and Ming Dynasty was at risk. What’s more, therewas financial crisis in the years of Wanli. Toyotomi Hideyoshi invaded Korea.Satsuma invaded Ryukyu in1609. In Wanli40years, Ming Dynasty let Ryukyu paytribute once every ten years. The times of conferring titles and paying tributedecreased sharply because of the decline of Ming Dynasty and Japan that made amess in East Asia.Chapter six summed up the survival and development of Ryukyu in MingDynasty in the world of East Asia. From fifteenth century to early seventeenth century,Ming Dynasty was the dominating center in East Asia. At that time, Ryukyu Kingdomcarefully maintained political and economic ties with Ming Dynasty, Korea and Japanwith neighborliness and a humble attitude all the time in order to expand its livingapace continuously. On the one hand, Ryukyu Kingdom took part in the Conferingand Tributary System of Ming Dynasty actively, asking for political asylum andeconomic benefits; on the other hand, Ryukyu Kingdom lived in harmony with Japanand Korea, exchanged commerce and trade with them to get the maximum interest. Inthe pre-modern Tributary System of Ming Dynasty, the national interest of RyukyuKingdom had closed relationship with its suzerain, namely the rise and decline ofMing Dynasty. In1609, Ryukyu Kingdom was invaded by Shimazu Family fromSatsuma Domain. Japan had wild ambition to establish East Asian Japanese style“Sino-foreign country system” when the national power of Ming Dynasty wasdeclining.Appendix sorts out the chronological historical facts about the relationshipbetween Ryukyu and Ming Dynasty in the history of East Asia. The form of therelationship between Ryukyu and Ming Dynasty mainly arranges the historical factsconcerning the relationship in276years from Hongwu to Chongzhen in detail. Somehistorical facts are illustrated by diagrams and data. The timeline of East Asia in MingDynasty mainly arranges and compiles the historical facts about the relationshipbetween Ryukyu and Ming Dynasty and the historical facts concerning China, Korea,Japan, Ryukyu and so on, which will throw light on the chronological grasp andcognition of the relationship between Ryukyu and Ming Dynasty.

【关键词】 明朝琉球关系朝贡东亚
【Key words】 Ming DynastyRyukyurelationshippay tributeEast Asia