

Research on the Regional Difference and Mode of Coordinative Development of Urban and Rural Economy in Northeastern China

【作者】 李刚

【导师】 金兆怀;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 区域经济学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 东北地区作为我国重要的商品粮生产基地,农业现代化正处于成长阶段,但是农村经济发展中还存在着农业劳动力比重大、非农产业不发达、农民收入水平低,解决“三农”问题还受到很多因素制约。东北地区还是我国重要的老工业基地,正处于工业化发展的中期阶段和城镇化加速发展阶段,工业反哺农业的能力有限,城镇带动农村发展的能力不足,城乡经济协调发展还面临诸多困境。在中央提出统筹城乡发展战略和城乡发展一体化目标以来,东北地区以工业化、城镇化和农业现代化同步发展,围绕着农民增收、农业增效的基本目标,通过加大以工哺农和以城带乡的力度,积极推进城乡发展一体化。从区域经济整体发展的角度而言,城乡经济协调发展作为区域经济重要的组成部分,成为影响区域经济发展的主要因素。因而研究区域城乡经济协调发展差异,有利于从更微观的视角分析城乡发展差距产生的原因,有利于揭示区域城乡发展规律的差异性,从而因地制宜选择城乡经济协调发展模式,实施分类指导,以此推进东北地区城乡经济协调发展的进程。本篇论文以城乡关系基本理论为研究基础,在客观分析东北地区城乡经济协调发展的区域差异现状的基础上,从理论层面上探寻了区域城乡经济协调发展差异的形成机理,在实证层面上分析了区域城乡经济协调发展差异的作用形式,并以此为基础研究区域城乡经济协调发展的基本规律,在总结和借鉴国内外城乡经济协调发展成功经验和教训的基础上,提出了东北地区城乡经济协调发展的主要模式和分类指导的对策建议。本篇论文由导论、正文、结论等三个部分构成。导论部分重要介绍了本篇论文的选题依据,研究背景、论文的理论与实践价值,论文写作的主要思路,研究内容、基本框架、创新之处、研究方法等方面的内容。正文共分五章。第一章是论文的主要研究基础,对城乡经济关系的基本内涵进行了全面的诠释,梳理了国内外城乡关系研究的基本理论与最新进展,总结了国内外城乡经济协调发展的实践探索,并对东北地区城乡经济协调发展面临的主要困境进行了深入的分析。第二章、第三章、第四章、第五章是本篇论文的核心部分。在第二章中,利用主成分析法对东北地区城乡经济协调发展的区域差异现状进行了实证研究,利用了二元回归分析方法分析了影响区域城乡经济协调发展差异的主要因素,在此基础上使用合成数据法对主要因素在区域城乡经济协调发展中的作用程度进行了实证分析,以此解释区域城乡经济协调发展差异产生的根本原因。第二章为本篇论文提供了实践依据。第三章从区域城乡空间结构演变的角度研究了区域城乡经济协调发展差异的形成机理。区域工业化、城镇化与农业现代化作为区域城乡经济协调发展的动力作用形式,三者之间的组合形态决定了区域城乡关系发展演化的程度,也为本篇论文提供了理论研究基础。第四章在总结国内外城乡经济协调发展典型模式的基础上,结合第二章与第三章的研究结果,提出了东北地区城乡经济协调发展应选择工业化与城镇化的外援带动型和农村综合发展型等两个一级模式和六个二级模式。在第五章当中,首先提出了解决区域城乡经济协调发展差异应采取分类指导的对策,并提出了推动东北地区城乡经济协调发展的政策体系和实现途径。在结论部分主要概括了本篇论文的主要结论、观点,并提出了论文研究的不足之处、未来研究的展望。

【Abstract】 As an important commercial grain production base in northeastern China,agriculturalmodernization is in development stage,but rural economics is facing large proportion ofagricultural labor, undeveloped non-agricultural industries, low-income level of farmers,"three agricultural" problems is restricted by various factors. Also as old industrial base innortheastern China, industrialization is in the middle development stage and urbanization is inaccelerating development stage, because of lack of ability to drive rural development,coordinated development of urban and rural economy still faces many difficulties. With thedevelopment of the strategy of coordinating and integration development of urban and rural,it is making efforts to increase sources of income for farmers and efficiency for agriculture innortheastern China in order to push forward integration development of urban and rural,through the synchronous development of industrialization and urbanization. But In terms ofregional economy, the revitalization of the old industrial base in northeastern China isrestricted by problems of region and urban and rural, as the main part of regional economy,the relationship between urban and rural areas has become the main problem of regionaleconomy.Though the study of difference in regional urban and rural economic development, It ishelpful to reveal the reason of development gap and the rules of regional difference of urbanand rural that In order to promote the process of coordinated development of urban and ruraleconomy in northeast China by suiting the mode of coordinated development and classifiedguidance.This paper takes the basic theory of relationship between urban and rural as the researchfoundation, which objectively based in the difference of regional coordinated development ofurban and rural economy, in order to explore the differences between urban and ruraleconomic from theory, the form of the regional coordinated development difference frompractice so as to explain the rules and characteristics of regional urban and rural economicdevelopment, the summary and reference of domestic and foreign urban and rural harmoniousdevelopment of successful experience and lessons, the selection of main mode of coordinateddevelopment of urban and rural economy in the northeast area, and puts forward theCountermeasures of classified guidanceThis paper includes three parts which are the introduction, the main body and theconclusion.The introduction analyzes the basis of subject selection, the research background, thetheoretical and practical value, the main ideas of thesis writing, research contents, basicframework, innovation, research methods and content.The main part of the paper is divided into five chapters. chapter one is the foundationwhich makes a general analysis on the basic connotation of the relationship between urbanand rural economy, summarizes new progress of research on the basic theory and the basicconnotation of the relationship between urban and rural economy undertook comprehensive interpretation, the practice and exploration of the coordinated development of urban and ruraleconomy at home and abroad, the main difficulties of the coordinated development of urbanand rural economy in northeast China. Chapter one, chapter two, chapter four, chapter five isthe key part of this thesis. Empirical research bases on the principal component analysis inorder to reveal the main status analysis on differences of regional economic development inurban and rural areas in Northeast China, the main factors on the basis of the impact of thecoordinated development of regional urban and rural economic bases on the two regressionanalysis, explain the reasons of differences between urban and regional economicdevelopment in chapter two. Chapter two provides the practical basis for this thesis.According to the analysis of the evolution of the regional spatial structure of urban and rural,it reveals formation mechanism of difference in regional urban and rural economicdevelopment in chapter three. As the applying styles of regional industrialization,urbanization, agricultural modernization, The combination between the three forms decide theextent of the evolution of the regional spatial structure of urban and rural areas,also itprovides basic theory research for this thesis. Chapter four summarized the mode of thecoordinated development of urban and rural economy at home and abroad, combined with theresults of chapter two and chapter three, puts forward two main modes of industrialization andurbanization driven by foreign aid and integrated rural development in northeast China.Chapter five put forward to classified guidance countermeasures which can solve regionaleconomic development differences urban and rural, policy system and realization way whichcan promote the coordinated development of urban and rural economy in northeast China.The last part concluds the main conclusions, the key points, deficiencies, researchprospect..

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