

The Central Inner Mongolia Coal Resources Development and Regional Effect Research

【作者】 刘立志

【导师】 孙启明;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 区域经济学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 当前我国经济正处于高速发展期,但主要的增长方式还是以粗放型增长为主,在经济增长的同时给环境造成了极大的破坏,环境问题的产生已经影响到了人民的正常生活,进而也将影响未来经济发展,因此,对于工业生产及生活当中的高污染高消耗行业和产品,需要进行环保的改造,满足当前我国社会节能减排的要求。煤炭加工行业属于高消耗、高污染行业,对于该行业的整体流程进行环保改造,对于我国实现经济集约增长和实现循环经济绿色工业开发具有重要的意义,也能极大地缓解我国环境污染的现状。从转变经济发展方式的意义上说,区域能源开发必须注重区域经济的发展,必须注重整体效应的研究。各区域经济的发展对于我国经济水平的整体提高具有重要的意义,内蒙古中部区域褐煤资源的应用覆盖面直接涵盖了京津唐地区和东北老工业基地,其经济发展对于我国具有重要的意义,另外重要的一点是,内蒙古中部区域除了褐煤资源外,其他的资源特别是水、耕地等必需资源严重缺乏,因此,对于这个区域的资源进行合理布局的分析研究,是充分有效及时的利用当地能源以及下游相关产品的供应这将是区域经济发展的重要前提和保证,在我国能源问题日益突出的大背景下,如何根据循环经济和可持续发展思想,对于现有的能源开发利用进行研究,能否进行循环经济绿色开发直接关系到区域经济发展的前景。本文以区域发展理论、区域创新理论、循环经济理论、可持续发展理论等理论作为研究基础;首先介绍内蒙古经济发展概况、内蒙古中部区域经济发展概况,以及周边地区,包括京津唐、东北老工业基地、西部大开发地区等周边地区的基本区域和经济状况,此后根据内蒙古地区的相关区域统计数据,从时间序列分析和横截面数据分析两个方面,通过回归分析和相关分析的方法,获取相关褐煤能源资源的区域影响效应。在数据分析基础之上,从政策、环境、区域产业、交通等方面提出了内蒙古中部地区褐煤资源的区域发展总体建议,并对现有的具体规划提出本文的看法,从总体规划原则、可行性分析、主要意义、区域内项目格局、煤电运协调战略,到区域内外项目联动、港口的扩展和周边地区的关系以及区域内整体管理体系建设等方面阐明了自己的观点,并从区域经济增长贡献以及区域辐射效应来说明内蒙古中部褐煤循环经济绿色开发利用的具体区域效应。

【Abstract】 China’s economy is currently in a period of rapid development, however in a way ofextensive mode. It has brought great damage to the environment and influenced people’s dailylife, and it certainly will affect the economic development in the future. Therefore, it isnecessary to transform high-energy-consumption and high-pollution industries and theirproducts so as to make them environmentally friendly and meet China’s requirement ofenergy saving and emission reduction. To transform the overall processes of coal processingindustry, one of the high-consumption and high-pollution industries, is important to therealization of intensive development and green industry. It can also alleviate the environmentpollution to a great extent.In the sense of the transformation of economic development, the focus of regionalresource investment dwells on the economic development and research on its overall effect.Furthermore, regional development is important for the overall economic improvement ofChina. Lignite resources of central and western Inner Mongolia apply in the area rangingfrom Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan to Northeast industry base, so its economic developmentcarries significant meaning. Moreover, central and western Inner Mongolia is in a seriousshortage of necessary resources, such as water and arable land, etc. As a result, the reasonableplanning of regional resources, which make the full, efficient and timely supply of energy andits products possible, is an important prerequisite and guarantee for regional economicdevelopment. As the energy issue of China becomes prominent day after day, how to plan andapply existing energy resources based on the ideas of circular economy and sustainabledevelopment will affect the prospect of regional development.This dissertation is based on theories such as regional development theory, regionalinnovation theory, circular economy theory and sustainable development theory. It beginswith the introduction of economy of Inner Mongolia, including central Inner Mongolia, andits surrounding areas, which covers Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan, Northeast industry base,Western Region Development area, etc. Afterward, effects of regional impact of ligniteenergy resources are obtained by conducting time-series and cross-section statistical analysison relevant data of Inner Mongolia. Based on data analysis, general suggestions on regionaldevelopment of Inner Mongolia lignite energy resources are proposed from aspects of policy,environment, regional industry and transportation, etc. Then, specific planning is designed onthe basis of the achieved, including general planning principle, feasibility analysis, regionalproject, coal-electricity-transportation coordination project, projects out of the region, portexpansion project, surrounding area project and regional construction of overall managementsystem, etc. Effects of planning are discussed in respect of the contributions for regionaleconomy growth and radiation effect.
