

Study of the Negotiation of the Relationgship between Koguryo and Beiwei

【作者】 常乐

【导师】 朴灿奎;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 世界史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 公元4世纪中叶,就在北魏逐渐统一北部中国的同时,彼时雄踞朝鲜半岛的高句丽经过自身几代帝王的开拓进取,也得到了长足的发展。随着长寿王的迁都,其自身发展重心也旋即移向了南进政策上。尤其是高句丽充分利用了当时中国境内南北分裂的大体局势,灵活运用外交策略积极发展壮大自身实力。借助南朝及北魏周边政权的牵制得以获取了最大限度的生存空间。长久以来,研究北魏与高句丽两者的关系,史家学者多关注于围绕北燕问题双方展开的外交博弈。但是纵观高句丽与北魏接触的历史进程,层面繁多,涉及内容不胜枚举。既有国家政权层面上的政治、军事领域内的接触与纠纷,也不乏民间范围内的交往互动。在梳篦双方关系的同时,可以大致勾勒出魏丽双方并存时期内交涉关系的整体轮廓。本文主要针对于两国并存时期发生的相关史事,结合文献资料和史实记载进行考察及论证,力求将相关问题加以厘清,将两国间的这段历史尽量完整地呈现出来。文章主要涵盖绪论、正文及结语三大部分内容:在开篇绪论部分扼要阐述本课题的选题目的、意义和学界的相关研究动态以及本文的创新点。正文共计五章。第一章着重考察在高句丽与北魏正式建立外交关系之前,双方就已经发生了接触,即大批高句丽人被迁徙入魏。见于史载的有北魏天兴元年(398)大批被北魏迁徙至平城的高句丽人,他们是如何被大批迁徙,又为何迁至平城,对其缘由、路线、人数及去向等来龙去脉的综合考证是理清这些问题的切入点。除此之外,呈零散性陆续入魏的高句丽人在魏的生活状况又是如何,则是本章另一力图要阐述分析的内容。此外还主要围绕北魏两位具有高句丽血统的皇后之身世及其活动,以及高氏王族的背景来作进一步考证,试说明入魏高句丽人在北魏期间的动向。第二章着重考述在北魏与高句丽关系史上具有重要地位的历史事件——魏燕战争,也正是因这场战争双方最初建立起来的正式双边关系从一开始就陷入了对峙状态。早在魏燕战争之前,双方就已然开始了接触,并互派使者。然而北魏对北燕的攻伐之举,使得高句丽出于地缘政治角度的考量对此不能坐视不理,进而双方刚刚缔结的外交关系又滑向了战争边缘。此间过程反复,影响其走向的因素很多。最后,北燕为北魏所灭,北燕国君冯弘东遁高句丽不久又为高句丽所杀,促使当时的地缘政治又发生了新的变化。厘清其前后脉络,归纳高句丽就此事件所采取的措施和结果及影响是本章主要任务。第三章则专门研究双方和亲问题。北魏质令高句丽献女一事,成为使双方走出对抗迈向和平的一个契机,是魏丽为构建新的外交关系而展开的摸索时期。魏燕战后经过持续一段时期的冷淡,双方开始谋划新的外交联系。北魏其时为献文帝时期,但实为冯太后主政;高句丽则是长寿王为君时期,两者皆有意重启外交大门。北魏因视自身为中华正统地位,而将高句丽视为自身藩属夷狄之臣,求其献女入朝为质。北魏政权缘其自身的民族特质,婚姻制度上具有开放性,加之北魏实际掌权者冯太后本人出身自北燕,出于前朝与高句丽结好的历史情结使得北魏致力于纳高句丽女入魏和亲。而高句丽方面却采取了消极抵制的姿态,前后推诿,刻意延宕,高句丽为何如此,我们可以从高句丽内部以及一些希珍史料中找到端倪。第四章主要论述两国往来遣使的史事,彼时双方和平友好地互派使节成为这一时期外交关系的主流。北魏对高句丽的册封体现了北魏自视其为华夏正统继承者的地位。本文在对高句丽所受“护东夷校尉”一封号加以考察的时候,可见南北朝之际随着中原王朝的分裂动荡,周边势力政权趁势崛起的时代特征。文章以高句丽遣使来魏朝贡的时间、次数来分析当时双方关系的密切程度,并结合其时高句丽遣使往南朝的双向外交我们可以大致把握高句丽自身灵活务实的外交策略。第五章考述北魏末叶之乱象对高句丽产生的影响。随着北魏一分为二,双边交涉关系也随之步入了终结阶段。在北魏末年动荡不安的局势下,营州一代产生了大量流民,一大部分流民为躲避战祸而流入高句丽境内。这批流民出现的原因、为何进入高句丽境内,高句丽又怎样对待和处置这批流民,这些是北魏末年与高句丽关系的又一重点考察内容。随着北魏的落寞衰败,当时的政治格局已发生了重大变化,也对高句丽产生了不小的影响。最后为结论部分,综合全文论述及考证结果,作以总结和提升。第一,北魏立国之初虽未正式与高句丽缔结官方层面上的外交关系,但是借助道武帝天兴年间的大批徙民政策,使得双方在实际上还是产生了交往。而且凭借这批高句丽徙民的力量,对北魏初年的发展建设起到了不可忽视的巨大作用。第二,北燕问题是对双方外交关系发展进程中极具影响的历史事件,连同随后的北魏要求高句丽献女入魏事件,围绕这些问题的前前后后,高句丽展现出灵活务实的外交策略,力保均势外交是高句丽保持与北魏平等共处的原则。第三,高句丽长寿王时代致力于同北魏和平友好,北魏方面孝文帝时期也将重心至于发展国内汉化政策上,进而和平友好还是成为了双方交涉关系上的主线。第四,面对北魏末年的动乱,因之而产生的流民迁移进入高句丽,高句丽此时的外交策略还是恪守与北魏的对等原则,积极保有入魏流民正是高句丽面对与彼时北魏交涉而添加的外交砝码。第五,总结北魏时期高句丽面对与中原王朝交涉时所采取的外交策略,高句丽利用了当时大的周边互制的时局总是可以获得最大限度上的利益。

【Abstract】 At the middle of the4th century AD, the Northern Wei Dynasty gradually unified northern China at the same time, ranked at the northeast corner of Koguryo and make full use of the time big background, after several generations of emperors of pioneering spirit, make its obtained the considerable development. With capital longevity king, its own development goals are soon turned to the Baiji and Xinluo south. Especially by general situation was North and South China division, flexibility in the use of foreign policy to actively develop their own. Around the northern Yan problem, more is to take a flexible diplomacy to deal with the Northern Wei Dynasty, also can obtain the largest living space by means of the Northern Wei regime and surrounding containment. For a long time, study on the relations between the two Koreas, historians, scholars pay more attention to the problems around the northern Yan both diplomacy and tributary relationship canonized, but Koguryo in Northern Wei and contact history, a variety of different level, involving all lift. Not only have contact with political, military disputes between countries, also there is no lack of individual behavior to scattered. Through the history between the two countries history, all can be found by the investigation, because of the history origin, ethnic culture, ethnic and regional characteristics of different, making each other between peace and war coexist, and in conflict with. Because of the diversity differences exist objectively, make social interactions showed a colorful picture scroll, relations between the two sides in comb history at the same time, it can be found in different nationalities, different culture in the collision of the refraction of the different traits.Happened in this paper, based on a two-state period related to both combination of documents and records of both investigation and argumentation, makes every effort to clear about related problems with kame, will this period between the two countries both to show full out as far as possible, this period of history between the two countries to completely displayed. This article mainly covers six chapters:In the beginning, the introduction part expounds the purpose of this thesis, the significance and the academic research and the innovation point of the paper. The first chapter focuses on the establishment of diplomatic in Northern Wei and Korea, that had happened, that a large number of Koguryo to Wei, become the diplomatic interaction to the beginning period. In the history of the Northern Wei Xing first year (in398) migrated to the large Northern Wei Dynasty, Koguryo, how they are migrated in large numbers, why to Pingcheng, comprehensive research on the origin, route, and the number of the whereabouts of the-sequence of events is focused on clarifying the emigration history. In addition, scattered gradually into the Goguryo Bei Wei in life and how, this chapter tries to elaborate the contents of another. The Queen’s life and activities with Goguryo descent of the Northern Wei Dynasty in two, and the royal family background research to further explanation to Wei Goguryo People in the Northern Wei Dynasty activities.The second chapter focuses on the history of events has extremely important status in history-Wei Yan war between Northern Wei and Korea, because of both sides, bilateral relationship is established in the beginning of a confrontation. Around the back and forth in the diplomatic game by both of sides, The two parties before already started contact, and send messengers, northern Yan problem however parties has play a decisive role in the development of their influence on the diplomatic relations has just concluded and the brink of war, this process is repeated, factors influencing the trend of non-A. Finally, the northern Yan state, the monarch North Yan Feng Hong escaped to Koguryo immediately after Koguryo was killed, the East Asian Geopolitical change. To clarify the context, measures and results are summarized Koguryo incident take effect is the main tasks in this chapter.The third chapter devoted to the study of both sides and the problems, which has become out of antagonism towards peace period. Wei Yan after a period of cold war, both sides began to plan a new diplomatic link. The time for the Xian Wen period, as the mother’s; Koguryo was in the Changshou Wang period, both want to restart diplomatic door. The Northern Wei Dynasty as its legitimacy, and Koguryo as their vassal Yi Di, for its offer for female in Korea. And the edge of its national traits, with open marriage system, combined with the actual ruler The Empress Dowager Feng himself from the northern Yan, out of the former and the Koguryo knot historical complex of Northern Wei Dynasty to make from Koguryeo female to Wei and. While Koguryo has adopted on a negative resist attitude, before and after the shuffle, deliberately delayed, the reason how can from past events that can find the answer from the domestic reasons of Koguryo.The fourth chapter discusses the coexistence of contacts between the two countries in the lazarist history, peaceful and friendly exchanges became the mainstream of this period. Northern Wei Koguryo canonized himself reflected the Chinese orthodox position, and to "protect Dongyi Xiaowei" title to study. In addition to the Koguryo sent to Wei Pay tribute time, to examine the relationship between times when cold, combined with its Koguryo sent to two-way foreign Southern can see Koguryo flexible and pragmatic foreign policy.The fifth chapter is the end of the Northern Wei Dynasty chaos on Koguryo produce what kind of effect, with the one divides into two., bilateral relations have entered the final stage. The late Northern Wei volatile situation, camp state generation produces a large number of refugees, a majority of refugees into Koguryo territory to escape war. This batch of refugees causes, why to Koguryo territory, Koguryo and how to take measures to treat and dispose of this batch of refugees is the Northern Wei Dynasty and Koguryeo contact a focus on content. With the Northern Wei Dynasty lonely declined, when the political situation had changed and its influence on Koguryo.The last part is the conclusion, summarizes this paper and research results, to summarize and promote. First, at the beginning of the North not officially concluded on the official level diplomatic relations with Goguryeo, but with a large number of emigration policy Hing Road Emperor days in between the two sides had in fact or exchanges. And by virtue of the power of these Koguryo emigration, the development of the construction of the Northern Wei Dynasty played a huge role can not be ignored. Second, the problem is extremely Northern Yan impact on the development process of diplomatic relations between the two sides in the history of the event, together with the subsequent requirements Koguryo Wei Wei Xian women into events surrounding the ins and outs of these issues, Koguryo show a flexible and pragmatic foreign policy, preserve the balance of power diplomacy is to maintain the principle of Koguryo and Wei equal coexistence. Third, the king of Koguryo longevity era of peace and friendship committed to working with the Northern Wei Dynasty Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei period will also be the focus areas as for the development of the domestic Chinese policy, and thus became the main peace negotiations and friendly relations, or on both sides Fourth, in the face of the Northern Wei Dynasty unrest arising consequent refugee migration into Goguryeo, Goguryeo’s foreign policy at this time, or abide by the principle of reciprocity and the Northern Wei Dynasty, active ownership is displaced into the Wei Wei Koguryo face negotiations with wound added diplomatic weight. Fifth, summarize the Northern Wei Dynasty Koguryo face foreign policy negotiations with the Central Plains have taken advantage of the system was a big current situation surrounding mutual benefit and thus can always maximize on.

【关键词】 高句丽北魏政治交涉关系
【Key words】 KoguryoBei WeiRelationship of Negotiation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期
  • 【分类号】K312.31;K239.21
  • 【下载频次】226