

Service Function of Farmer Specialized Cooperatives:Theoretic and Empirical Study

【作者】 高钰玲

【导师】 黄祖辉;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 农业经济管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 “三农”问题是国家工作的重中之重,而“三农”问题的核心是农民问题,农民问题的关键是农民收入问题,而农业收入是农民的基本收入。所以,以农民为主体成员的农民专业合作社,以实现成员利益最大化为目标,是解决“三农”的有效组织载体。农民专业合作社以服务成员为宗旨,是为农民提供最直接、最有效的农业服务组织。它可以通过自身的服务功能切实解决农民小生产和大市场的对接问题,将外部性内在化,减少农民市场经营的风险和不确定性,减少交易障碍,实现规模经济,提高产品附加值。最为关键的是,与其他服务组织相比,农民专业合作社是能够真正代表农民利益的服务组织。所以,在农民切实需求其服务功能和政府十分重视对其服务功能的政双重推动下,农民专业合作社正进入蓬勃发展的新阶段。但在我国农民专业合作社快速发展的同时,其服务功能的实现也面临一些问题和挑战。其一,合作社成员对其服务功能的认识不全面,主要还是停留在农资供应、技术指导、产品销售等较低的服务层面,对产品加工服务的需求还有待引导。其二,合作社自身服务供给能力不强,人才匮乏和资金缺乏等问题严重影响了其对服务的供给能力。其三,合作社服务功能的实现程度不深,成员认知问题、合作社服务供给能力以及服务使用的制度保障都严重阻碍着合作社服务功能的实现。这些问题是如何产生的,又应该如何去解决?这对于合作社服务功能的实现并最终促进成员收入提高具有显著意义。鉴于此,本研究基于相关理论基础和借鉴已有研究成果,结合中国合作社发展的实际情况,建立合作社服务功能分析框架,尝试对合作社服务功能进行系统性地研究。具体说明如下:首先,从农业产业价值链角度,将农民专业合作社的服务功能细分为四部分,即农资供应服务、标准化生产管理服务、产品销售服务、产品加工服务,从而为后续的研究提供了可能性。其次,基于这四项服务功能,结合各产业的产品特性,本研究探讨了成员对农民专业合作社的服务需求、农民专业合作社对成员的服务供给,以及供求驱动下的农民专业合作社服务实现与演进逻辑,形成了一个整体的农民专业合作社服务功能理论分析框架。随后,基于农民专业合作社服务功能的理论分析框架,结合资源基础理论,利用浙江、四川、黑龙江3省238个合作社组织层面和531个成员个体层面的实地调查一手数据,对合作社服务功能的需求、供给、实现进行了统计分析并对它们主要的影响因素进行了计量分析。其一,利用531个成员数据,统计描述了他们的基本情况、对合作社的基本认识以及对合作社服务功能的需求现况;同时,实证分析了影响他们对合作社服务功能需求差异的影响因素。其二,利用238个合作社数据,描述了合作社的基本情况和合作社服务功能的供给现况;同时,实证分析了影响合作社服务功能供给差异的影响因素。其三,共同利用531个成员数据和238个合作社数据,描述分析了合作社服务功能的实现程度以及对成员福利的改善情况,对相关服务功能的实现方式也进行了简单分析;进而对合作社服务功能实现程度的差异进行了实证分析。再次,通过对案例研究方法的规范使用,选取黑龙江的粮食合作社为典型案例,对合作社服务功能的演进路径进行了探讨。最后,通过对前述研究的总结,得出主要结论:(1)产品特性对合作社服务功能的需求、供给及实现程度都有一定程度的影响;(2)成员的人力资源和生产资源会约束其服务需求,而合作社组织资源会促进成员的服务需求,资金扶持和政策法规引导其需求;(3)合作社拥有的人力资源和经营资源约束其服务供给和服务实现,而资金扶持和政策法规为服务供给和服务实现提供了可能性;(4)合作社内部相关保障服务功能的制度,如农资价格、产品价格、二次返利直接影响着服务的实现程度;(5)正是在这些因素的不断作用下,合作社的服务需求与服务供给不断作用与反作用,最终形成合作社的演进路径。基于主要结论,结合中我国实际情况,本研究从合作社的人力资源建设、产品品牌培育、服务保障机制及资金扶持投入方面提出相应促进农民专业合作社服务功能实现的政策启示。

【Abstract】 "Agriculture, Countryside and Farmer" issue is the most important national work, and the farmers’issue is the core issue of that, which most concerns about the farmers’basic income. Therefore farmer specialized cooperatives are the effective organization to solve the "Agriculture, Countryside and Farmer" issue, which the farmers are the main members and the goal of that is maximizing the interests of members. Farmer specialized cooperative is the most direct and effective agricultural services organization with the purpose of serving members. It can reduce the risk and uncertainties of farmers’market through the service function, in addition it internalizes externalities, reduces barriers to trade and achieves economies of scale, raises the value added of products. The most critical is that, compared with other service organizations, farmer specialized cooperative is the organization represents the interests of farmers. Therefore, farmer specialized cooperative is entering a new vigorous development stage driving by the demand of fanners and the attention of government.However, with the rapid development of China’s farmer specialized cooperative, the service functions of cooperative are also facing some problems and challenges. First, the cooperative members’ don’t comprehensive understand the service functions, which mainly focus on the agricultural resource supply, technical guidance, product sales and other lower levels service, ignoring the demand for products processing services. Secondly, the cooperative is lacking of service supply capability of its own, which due to the lack of labor and money. Third, the degree of realization of cooperative service functions is not well developed, because of the problems of members’cognitive, the capabilities of cooperative service supply and the institutive security of service. How do these problems generate, and how to solve them? This are significant important for the realization of cooperative service function and ultimately promote members’ incomes.Therefore, based on relative theory and existing research results, combined with the actual situation of China’s development of cooperatives, this study establishes the framework of cooperative service function, attempts to systematically analyzes the cooperative service, which specifically as follows: First, from the perspective of the agricultural industry value chain, this study divides service function of farmer specialized cooperatives into four parts for subsequent research, namely the supply of agricultural resource service, standardization service of production management, product marketing service, products processing services.Secondly, based on these four service functions, combined the characteristics of product in each industry, this study discusses the demand for services of cooperatives’ members, as well as the service function supply of farmers’ cooperatives, and this study analyzes the evolution logic of service function of farmer specialized cooperatives driving by supply and demand, forms a integral theoretical framework of service function of farmer specialized cooperatives.Thirdly, based on the theoretical framework of service function of farmer specialized cooperatives, combined with resource-based theory, using238cooperative organizations and531members survey data in Zhejiang, Sichuan, Heilongjiang, this study analyzes the demand, supply and implementation of service function of farmer specialized cooperatives, and empirical analyzes the main impact factors of that. First, using531members’ data, statistical description of their basic situation, basic understanding of cooperatives and the demand of cooperative service; while empirical analyzes the factors that influence their demand for cooperative service functions.Second, using238cooperatives data, this study describes the status of cooperatives and the service supply of cooperatives; while empirical analyzes the factors influence the service supply of cooperatives. Third, using238cooperative organizations and531members data, the study analyzes the degree of realization of the cooperative service functions and the improvement of members’ welfare and analyzes the way of the implementation of service functions:in addition this study empirical study the degree of the implementation of service functions.In addition, through the use of case study method, this study selects Heilongjiang grain cooperatives case, illustrates the evolution path of cooperative services.Finally, based on the aforementioned study, the main conclusions are as follows:(1) the product characteristics have an influence on service demand, service supply and service implementation.(2) the human resource and production resource of members may obstruct the demand for services, and the cooperative organizations resources may promote the service demand, and financial support, policies may guide the demand.(3) the human resource and market resource may obstruct the service demand and service implementation, while financial support, policies provide the possibility for realizing the service supply and service implementation.(4) the relevant institution of cooperative service security, such as agricultural resource prices, product prices, the secondary rebate may directly affect the degree of realization services;(5) With the role of these factors, the service demand and service supply are continued acting and reacting, which ultimately format the cooperatives evolution path. Based on the main conclusions, combined with the actual situation of China, the study have some policy implications from three aspects, namely the members of the cooperative level, the level of cooperative organizations, cooperatives external environment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期