

【作者】 张富林

【导师】 黄强;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 章学诚(1738——1801),字实斋,浙江省绍兴府会稽县(今绍兴)人,清代乾嘉时期重要的史学家、目录学家及文史批评家。毋庸置疑,章学诚作为清代重要的史学大师,其史学成就最为显著,同时,他在文学上也颇有建树,其以文证史、以史统文的文史观,决定了文学思想在其整个学术思想中的重要地位,可以说,章学诚的文学思想与文学实践丰富多彩,别具一格,是其整个学术思想与创作实践的重要组成部分。目前,学界对其文学成就的研究尚显薄弱,研究领域还有待拓展,探研深度还有待深化,有鉴于此,本人在前人研究的基础上,从文学视角出发,对章氏在文学理论和创作实践方面所取得的成就进行了较为全面的探研和总结,这对研究章氏的文学思想,甚至其整个学术思想,有一定价值。论文由导论、正文和附录三部分构成。导论部分,对该选题的来源以及研究的意义、现状和方法进行了具体阐述。正文部分共分为八章。第一章主要从历时的视角出发,梳理了章学诚的生平及其文学思想。章学诚不合时好,一生过着浮家泛宅、颠沛流离的漂泊生活,为养家糊口,他多次主讲书院,历聘志局,在车尘马足之隙,笔耕不辍,为世人留下了丰厚的学术著述,但由于居无定所,部分著述散佚不存。纵观章氏一生,其文学思想由萌生到成熟历经三个时期:家学熏染形成志趣时期、文学思想的形成时期及文学思想的成熟时期。第二章具体阐述了章学诚的古文理论与实践。古文理论着重阐述了章氏在文道、文质及文气方面的观点,在文道关系上,章氏提出了文以明道、道不离文的观点;在文质关系上,章氏提出了文生于质、质重于文、质不离文的辩证观点;在文气观上,章氏提出了气贵于昌、文非气不立及集义养气的观点。章学诚的古文实践最为丰富多彩,成就卓著,其游记散文,短小精悍,结构谨严,层次分明,详略得当,重点突出,语言质朴,通过记游,表达人生感悟,给人以哲理上的启迪。章学诚关心国计民生,主张文期经世,其在晚年连续上书六篇政论文章,直陈时务,提出整顿吏治、完善举报制度、改良科举制度等革新举措,其政论散文,能结合社会现实,针对时弊,有感而发,结构严谨,主次分明,议论缜密,具有无可辩驳的逻辑力量。学术散文是章学诚古文创作的重镇,其学术散文深于设喻,精于通类,长于排比,善于用事,结构缜密,内容翔实,论说雄奇,具有很强的逻辑性和说服力。第三章具体阐述了章学诚的诗学观及其诗歌创作。在诗歌理论上,章氏认为,由于诗体异于文的特殊性,运用比兴寄托寓意,是诗歌创作中经常运用的手法。章学诚轻视诗歌的工艺,反对片面讲究形式技巧,相反,他特别强调诗义的重要性,认为诗与非诗的标准不在于工艺的完美与否,而在于有无诗义,因此,章氏强调作诗应以学问为基础,要言之有物。章学诚不擅写诗,所作诗歌无多,从内容上看,可分为三个部分:一是咏史诗,借咏史来发抒自己的思想情怀;二是作《题<随园诗话>》,批判袁枚蛊惑闺壶及诬枉黑白;三是作七古长诗一篇,历叙一生的遭际。第四章具体阐述了章学诚的小说理论与实践。章学诚的小说理论丰富多样,他把中国古代小说的流变分为四种类型,即目录学小说、志怪小说、传奇小说和演义小说,提出了中国古代小说“历三变”的流变理论;阐明了小说运用虚构手法进行叙事的虚构理论,论述了小说虚构叙事的原因,分析了小说进行虚构应遵循的原则,即必须符合伦理道德标准,历史人物要符合历史真实,符合“实则概从其实,虚则明著寓言”等原则,对于虚构的作品,在阅读时应做到心知其意和意会;阐明了小说在补正史所缺、编撰方志史籍及劝诫教化等三个方面的功用理论。当然,章学诚在其小说理论中也表现出两难抉择的矛盾心理:既轻视小说,又看到小说所具有的作用;既要求小说创作应遵循史家的实录原则,又承认小说创作中运用虚构手法的合理性;既为小说突破史家固有的传统观念而哀叹,又认为小说的嬗变非人力所为。这种矛盾心理,是由其史家固有的传统观念与其进步的文学观相互冲突造成的,同时,他也提出了解决的方案。章学诚的小说创作主题多样,或表现劝善惩恶,或表达感恩图报;叙事方法精妙纷呈,或巧于虚构,或巧设悬念,或善设对比,或善用巧合,此外,小说精于取材,善于剪裁,人物描写方法不拘一格,语言平实,朴拙无华。第五章具体阐述了章学诚史学著述中的文学实践——传记理论与实践。章学诚界定了传记的内涵,梳理了传记文体的流变,提出了传记撰写的文学性原则,即传人者文如其人,述事者文如其事的原则,论断宜守谨严的原则等。章学诚传记创作数量可观,类型多样,不拘一格,有传、列传、家传、别传、小传等,这些传记有的出自文集,也有的出自方志,章学诚注重从具体需要出发,选择与实际内容相适合的传记形式,使内容与形式得到完美统一。章学诚的史学传记无论是叙事方法,还是人物刻画,都颇具文学价值。第六章具体阐述了章学诚的八股文理论及其影响下的写作教育。章学诚明确提出了自己的八股文理论:八股文有高下不同的品位,八股文有特定的为文原则,八股文有鲜明的技巧趣味。但也不难看出章氏对八股文的矛盾心理:一方面轻视八股文,另一方面,又时对八股文持肯定的态度,章氏虽反对八股文的写作,但并非主张要废除这一重要文章形式,而是倡导一种高品位的有质八股文的写作,也正是通过这一主张,来调和他的八股文理论中固有的矛盾心理。章学诚一生主讲于多家书院,教授八股时文,为读者留下了关于写作教育的丰厚论述,其写作教育深受八股文理论的影响。第七章具体阐述了章学诚的文学批评理论与实践。章学诚是重要的文史批评家,有着丰富的批评实践,并在此基础上形成了独特的文学批评理论。他认为批评主体应具备文德思想,即“临文必敬”和“论古必恕”。章学诚在批评实践中总结出丰富多样的批评方法,即源流互质法、心理批评法、反证批评法、采择批评法及比喻批评法等。章学诚一生致力于文史校雠事业,以品评古今文史利病得失为己任,他对桐城派古文文统、义法提出了质疑和批判,此外,章学诚对袁枚亦深恶痛绝,对其诗学观、古文观、考据观及其《随园诗话》也进行了批评和清算。第八章具体阐述了章学诚关于文学史的意识观念及其当代意义。章学诚通过“辨章学术、考镜源流”的方法,以诗教为中心,构建起了文学的史的初步体系,他指出了中国古代文学发展演变的历史,即由六艺之文发展为战国之文,又由战国之文流变为后世之文,虽然形态各异,但一脉贯穿,构成了完整的文学发展的历史序列。章学诚还对文体流变的历史作出了梳理,认为后世文体源于六经,至战国时期,后世文体大致已发展完备。附录分两部分内容:一是根据章氏原著以及参考相关资料,制作了章学诚著作年表,通过年表,可以清晰直观地了解章氏的著述历程;二是考证了章学诚部分佚文篇目。

【Abstract】 Zhang xue-cheng (1738-1801), the word real lent, shaoxing, zhejiang province, the government will take the county (now shaoxing), period of qing scholars important historians, bibliography and literature critics. There is little doubt that zhang xue-cheng as an important historical master in the qing dynasty, its historical achievements are the most significant, at the same time, he also in literature to have done, its the history and Shi Tongwen history view, determines the literary thoughts in the important position of its entire academic ideas, and, arguably, zhang xue-cheng colorful literature thought and literature practice, having a unique style, is an important part of their entire academic thought and creation. At present, the academic research on his literature achievement is generally weak, research remains to be expanded, the description depth remains to be deepened, because of this, I on the basis of previous studies, from the literary perspective, to finally in the aspect of literature theories and creation practice achievements has carried on the comprehensive description and summary, this study finally literary thought, and even the whole academic thoughts, have a certain value.The paper consists of introduction, text and appendix. The introduction part, the source of the topic and research significance, the present situation and methods.The text is divided into eight chapters. The first chapter mainly from the diachronic perspective, combed the zhang xue-cheng’s life and his literary thought. Zhang xue-cheng not good, its academic thoughts and the inherent mainstream academic studies, their writings and makes him dare not ideal earners, as a result, finally life lived a wandering life, living in the boat, displaced to feed their families, he repeatedly on the academy, through employment bureau, in the gap of car horse full of dust, been ceaseless, left the world with a rich academic writings, but because of no fixed abode, some writings but still stored does not save. Throughout life finally, his literature thoughts from initiation to mature and experienced three periods:the family man, inclination, the formation of literary thought and literary thought of mature period.The second chapter elaborates the zhang xue-cheng’s prose theory and practice. Ancient prose theory emphatically elaborated finally in a way, and angry point of view of language, in a way, finally proposed the article with md, tao from point of view; On the relationship of language, finally proposed the papers in quality, quality is better than, mass from the dialectical point of view; On the view of angry, finally proposed the gas your Yu Chang, the air is not set and set the righteous relating point of view. Zhang xue-cheng the ancient practice of the rich and colorful, accomplished, his travel notes prose, short, structure exactly, distinct, detailed slightly proper, focused, language starkness, through JiYou, express the life feeling, give a person with philosophical enlightenment. Zhang xue-cheng CARES about the national economy and people’s livelihood, upheld the period of studying, the continuous wrote in his later years, six political article, straight Chen declared, overhaul management, improve the system of reporting, the improvement of the imperial examination system innovation measures, such as its political prose, can be combined with social reality, in view of the malpractices, penned classic structure is rigorous, primary and secondary distinct, of meticulous, has the irrefutable logic strength. Academic prose is zhang xue-cheng’s prose creation, set deep in allusion to its academic prose, in class, than say, be good at head, rigorous structure, informative, expatiating the grand, has a strong logical and persuasive.The third chapter elaborates the view of zhang xue-cheng’s poetics and poetry creation. In the poetry theory, finally argues that due to the particularity of verse different text, use of metaphor on moral, is often used in poetry writing technique. Zhang xue-cheng despise process of poetry, oppose the one-sided exquisite form of skills, on the contrary, he especially emphasized the importance of poems of righteousness, that the standard of poetry and the poetry is not process is perfect or not, but in the presence of poetry, therefore, finally stressed that poetry should be based on the knowledge, to having substance in speech. Zhang xue-cheng held in temperament, for mark, emphasized the importance of true feelings in poetry creation, at the same time, he put the halal as judge of the highest standard of poetry. Zhang xue-cheng not good at writing poetry, poetry made little, from the content point of view, can be divided into three parts:one is recalling antiquity, borrow to poems expressing their thoughts feelings; two is to make the topic<with garden zhen>, criticizing the yuan mei bewitch best pot and WuWang black and white; three is to make a QiGu long poems, through Syria the vicissitudes of life, the most available for the material. The fourth chapter elaborates on the theory and practice of zhang xue-cheng’s novel. Zhang xue-cheng’s novel theory rich variety, he put the ancient Chinese novel rheological is divided into four types, namely the bibliography novel, mystery novels, romance novels and historical novels, puts forward the ancient Chinese novels "through three changes of rheological theory; Illuminates the novel on the basis of the theory of fictitious technique of narrative fiction, this paper discusses the reasons of fictitious narrative analysis of fictional should follow the principle of the novel, namely must conform to the ethical and moral standards, historical figures to conform to the historical truth, accord with "from actually, but almost empty Ming the fable" principle, for the fictional works, should do when reading the heart knows its meaning and intentions; Illustrates the history of novels in the correction of the missing, compiling local Chronicles history and exhorts the function of education in three aspects, such as theory. Zhang xue-cheng, of course, in his novel theory also show the dilemma of ambivalence:both despise novels, and see the role of the novel; Requires both novel creation should follow the principle of records of historian, and acknowledge the rationality of use fictitious technique in the novel creation; Both lament for novel breakthrough historian inherent in traditional idea, and that the evolution of human behavior of the novel. This ambivalence, is by the historian inherent traditional concept and its progressive literature conflict each other, at the same time, he also puts forward the solutions. Zhang xue-cheng theme rich variety of novels, poetic justice thoughts or performance, or performance kind of thoughts, or ideals of education; Skillful in fictional narrative method, sophisticated, or set the suspense opportunely, or good contrast, or use a coincidence, in addition, the novel materials, adept at tailoring, figure description method, not stick to one language level nature, giving the flatness.The fifth chapter elaborates on the zhang xue-cheng historical biography literature practice, theory and practice of writing. Zhang xue-cheng defines the connotation of biography, and combed the biographical literary style of the rheological, put forward the principle of literariness of biographical writing, namely the descendant, the style is the man of matter, the style is the matter, the principle, the judge should keep exactly principle, etc. Various types of zhang xue-cheng’s biography creation is a substantial one, and not stick to one pattern, has spread, biographies, the family, so, biographies, etc., some of these biographies from the corpus, also some from the chorography, zhang xue-cheng notice from specific needs, choose and the actual content suitable biography form, content and the form has been perfect and unified. Zhang xue-cheng’s historical biography narrative method, or characters, considerable literary value.The sixth chapter elaborates zhang xue-cheng the eight-part essay writing under the influence of the theory and writing education. Zhang xue-cheng put forward its own clear eight-part essays theory:especially makes a different taste, especially have specific for principle, teachers have distinctive skills. But also it is not hard to see finally ambivalence of eight-part essay writing:on the one hand lightly eight-part essays, on the other hand, and on the eight-part essay writing a positive attitude, finally opposes the eight-part essays writing, but it is not advocated to abolish this important article form, but advocates a kind of high grade have qualitative eight-part essays writing, it is through this claim, to reconcile the inherent contradiction in his theory of the eight-part essay writing psychology. Professor zhang xue-cheng speaker in several college life, for public language, as the reader left a generous about writing education, its writing education is under the influence of eight-part essay writing theory.The seventh chapter elaborates on the zhang xue-cheng’s literary criticism theory and practice. Zhang xue-cheng’s important literature critics, has a wealth of critical practice, and on this basis to form the unique and rich theory of literary criticism. He feel criticism subject should have weld thought, namely "in the article will worship" and "theory of ancient shall be subject to". Zhang xue-cheng in criticism practice sums up the rich variety of criticism method, namely the origin co-prime, psychological criticism, counterevidence, see the criticism method and analogy method, etc. Zhang xue-cheng devoted his life to literature and history JiaoChou career, in order to evaluate ancient and modern literature and history, disease and losses as own duty, he told the tongcheng school GuWenWen series, righteousness, put forward the question and criticize, moreover, yuan mei also hateful to zhang xue-cheng, in his poetics, GuWenGuan, textual research and its "with garden zhen also criticized and liquidation.The eighth chapter elaborates on the zhang xue-cheng’s theory of literature and its contemporary significance. Zhang xue-cheng through "chapter distinguishes the academic origin, mirror" approach, to teaching as the center, to build up its unique theoretical system of pure literature, he points out that the evolution history of the development of Chinese ancient literature, think that the development of ancient literature has experienced three times of evolution, namely by LiuYi of the development of the warring states period, and by the papers into a stream of future generations of the warring states period, although the forms, but throughout a vein, constitute the complete sequence of literature development history. Zhang xue-cheng also the style of the rheological history made accurate comb, think later style from images, to the warring states period, the later development style is largely complete. From our present point of view, zhang xue-cheng’s theory of literary history is undoubtedly correct reveals the historical truth of the development of Chinese ancient literature, both these theories summarized research methods, and puts forward the specific point of view, all of today’s literature research has important guide role.Appendix is divided into two parts:one is based on and finally original reference related information, make the timeline zhang xue-cheng works, through the chronology, can clear understanding of the writing course of finally;2it is to research the zhang xue-cheng part of this title.

【关键词】 章学诚文学古文诗歌小说八股文
【Key words】 zhang xue-chengLiteratureAncient prosePoetryThe novelEight-partessay writing
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期