

Media, Geography and Identity:Forming and Changing of the National Identity in Southwest Minorities

【作者】 张媛

【导师】 邵培仁;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 传播学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文以认同的传播理论为基本理论视角,通过对西南地区少数民族大众媒介使用和国家认同的问卷调研来分析少数民族国家认同形成的传播动力机制,探讨大众传播如何与人际传播相结合共同作用并影响着西南地区少数民族国家认同的形成与变迁。后现代国家的认同的多样性影响着少数民族国家认同研究从本质主义向建构主义的理论转向,因此本文在借鉴赫克特所提出的“认同的传播理论”基础上,结合安德森所提出的“想象共同体”的观点,从大众传媒建构后现代国家的想象基础的角度切入。国家认同由地理、政治、文化和符号等要素构成,受到社会、地理、信息传播等层面的因素的影响。从清朝末期到新中国成立,“中国人”概念内涵的不断变化也影响着少数民族对于国家认同的边界的形成,西南地区少数民族国家认同的形成也经历了从族群到国家的变迁,基于原生情感的国家认同在大众媒介和人际传播的互动影响之下得到不断的强化。本文的重点部分是对西南地区少数民族媒介使用与国家认同感知的关联性分析,从受众差异、收视时间、收视状态、收视内容、地区(民族)差异等不同角度入手,结合不同的变量从各个角度来分析这些变量对少数民族国家认同的影响。经过分析得出了以下结论:①年龄和文化程度成为影响少数民族媒介接触的关键变量,而少数民族受众的媒介接触与其国家认同感之间存在较强关联性。②在媒介内容的选择上,性别差异导致了内容偏好上的差异,但是文化程度的差异与内容偏好关联不大。③电视和网络媒体的普及率的提升以及广播等传统媒体影响力的下降,使得必须关注电视和网络对于少数民族国家认同的涵化作用。④少数民族媒体作为不可忽视的大众传媒,其在少数民族国家认同感的塑造中也起到一定的辅助作用。⑤媒介接触状态决定了人际传播在少数民族国家认同塑造中的重要影响力。⑥不同的少数民族地区之间的地理环境差异,影响了少数民族媒介使用和国家认同感的塑造。全文共分五章,第一章为绪论,主要说明本文的研究对象、研究方法与基本框架以及基本概念的界定和以往研究的梳理。第二章到第四章是论文的主体部分,分别探讨了:国家认同的想象基础以及影响因素;少数民族国家认同从族群到国家的变迁以及认同边界的形成;媒介使用与少数民族国家认同的关联分析。第五章作为结语对传播与国家认同关系进行再思考。随着大众传播的全球化以及少数民族人口的流动,尤其是身处在中国特殊的社会转型时代,少数民族个体与外界在交流的过程中生活方式和价值观发生着不断的冲突与变化。由于大众传播媒介在少数民族个体获取信息的过程中扮演重要的中介角色,个体对于客观世界的认知因此更加依赖于非直接的信息。只有通过大众传媒努力获取各民族对于国家和政府的认可,才能有助于国家的统一和发展,才能有助于政府统治的合法性维系。正是在此意义上,少数民族的国家认同问题的重要性得以凸显。

【Abstract】 In order to investigate how the combing of mass media and interpersonal communication and how it influence the national identity in southwest minorities, the communication mechanism of national identity in ethnics was analyzed based on the communication theory of identity, though the research about use of mass media in southwest minorities and questionnaire survey of national identity.Because of the diversity about the postmodern national identity, the ethnic national identity studies shift from essentialism to constructivism. Therefore, based on the "communication theory of identity" proposed by Hecht, and considering the "Imagined Communities" proposed by Anderson, the research was conducted from the angle that the imagination of postmodern state was constructed by mass media.National identity influenced by the factors from social, geographic and information dissemination. From the late Qing Dynasty to the founding of The People’s Republic of China, the changing of connotation about "Chinese people" affected the boundaries of national identity in minorities. The formation of national identity in southwest minorities also has changed from ethnic to nation. Under the influence of mass media and interpersonal communication the feelings of national identity which is based on native emotion was strengthened continuously.The key part of this dissertation is the analysis of the relationship between media use and the national identity of the Southwest minorities. From the analysis of different variables, such as audience differences, viewing time, viewing status, viewing content, area (ethnic) differences, and combining different angles of these variables, how these variables could affect the national identity of ethnic minorities were studied. The following conclusions were drawn:①Age and education background become the key variables which affect minority media contact, and there is a strong correlation between media use and national identity in minority audiences.②About media content selecting, the different gender leads to different preferences on selected content, but there is no apparent correlation between the education level and the content preferences.③Increased penetration of television and internet associating with the decline of traditional media such as radio, indicate it is important to focus on the roles of television and the internet on affecting the acculturation of national identity for the minorities.④As a important mass media, minority media cannot be ignored because it also plays a supporting role in shaping the national identity of minorities.⑤The status of media contact determines the interpersonal communication and greatly influence and shape the national identity of ethnic minorities.⑥The differences between different minority geographical environments impacts the media use and the shape of national identity in minorities.This dissertation is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is an introduction, which described the object, methodology and the basic framework of this dissertation as well as to define the basic concepts and literature review. Chapter two to Chapter four are the main parts, which discussed the following topics:the imagine foundation of nationai identity and the factors that could impact the foundation; how did the national identity of ethnic minorities change from ethnic to national identity and the formation of the identity borders; the correlation analysis of media use and national identity of ethnic minorities. As the conclusion chapter, the chapter five rethought the relationship between communication and national identity.With the globalization of mass communication and China’s social transformation, the conflct taking place in lifestyles and values when the minority individuals communicate with the outside world. Because of the mass media play an inermediary role when the minorities obtaining information, the individual’s therefore more dependent on indirect information to cognitive the objective world. Nowadays, it becomes more difficult to avoid influence from others because of the influence of new social transformation. The individuals are exposed to more and more non-experienced and long-distance symbols through the media and image information life in the world. Only use the mass media to obtain the recognition of state and government in ethnic groups can contribute the unity and development of the country and help maintain the legitimacy of the government. It is in this sense, the importance of national identity of minorities was highlighted.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期