

The Chinese Mathematics Education of Primary and Secondary under the Influence of Western Countries (1902-1949)

【作者】 王敏

【导师】 代钦;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 科学技术史, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 清末民国时期的中国数学教育发生了根本性的变革,期间在内部需要和外部刺激的相互作用下最终与世界数学教育接轨。自1902年中国新学制颁布之后,在欧美数学教育的间接或直接影响下,中国中小学数学教育迈进了现代化的道路。欧美对中国数学教育的影响由来已久,自明末至清末,欧美的数学著作直接或间接地陆续传入中国,对中国数学教育的发展产生了一定的影响,但却没有从根本上改变中小学数学教育的走向。1902年新学制颁布实施后,中国数学教育在借鉴欧美数学教育的基础上,在数学教育制度、数学课程设置与实施、数学教学法研究等方面发生了革命性的变化。本文从发生这些变革的历史背景和教育环境出发,以研究中国对欧美数学教育的借鉴内容、过程及相关影响为切入点,采用文献研究法为主,以其他研究法为辅,深入而系统地分析了1902-1949年欧美数学教育对中国数学教育的影响。主要内容如下:第1章,绪论。论述了研究目的与意义、研究问题、文献综述、所采用的研究方法及拟创新之处。第2章,清末民国时期中国对欧美数学教育的借鉴概述。基于对1902年新学制颁布后中国通过日本学习欧美数学教育的历史背景的介绍,分析学习欧美数学教育每一阶段所呈现的形式和特点。另外,通过梳理欧美数学教育改革运动中提出的数学教育改革思想的要点,阐明《壬戌学制》下的中国数学教育受欧美数学教育的影响。第3章,民国时期美国数学教育制度对中国的影响。1922年全国教育联合会新学制课程标准起草委员会制定公布的《新学制课程纲要》是中国课程发展史上的一次重大改革,这次改革主要是受到美国实用主义教育思想的影响,文中从数学教育制度的三个方面论述了它所产生的影响。1.在中小学各阶段数学教学总体目标方面的影响。从数学观的养成、数学学习心理的关注、数学能力的培养三个方面分析了美国数学教育尤其是实用主义教育思想对中小学数学教学目标的影响。2.在中小学各阶段数学教育理念方面的影响。从数学教育联系生活、数学问题解决理论、数学态度与习惯三个方面剖析了受美国数学教育影响下的中国数学教育的变革。3.关于民国时期数学教学法要求方面受美国的影响。主要表现在设置数学游戏、教学联系生活经验、数学教学使用发现式、启发式教学和归纳法与演绎法并注重理论思维的培养。第4章,欧美数学教科书在中国的传播。清末民国时期欧美数学教科书由起先的通过日本传入到从欧美直接翻译引进,在中国经历了使用外文原版书到翻译编译的过程,最终经过众多研究者的融合改编实现了创造性转化的过程。这一部分的主要内容有:1.概述清末和民国时期对欧美数学教科书译介背景的基础上,对欧美数学教科书在中国使用的外文原版书及翻译版的情况进行分析,考察数学教科书的译介团体与出版机构,同时通过一些相关专家学者的观点,讨论欧美数学教科书在中国使用的优点与缺点。2.1922年颁布的《新学制课程纲要》中规定初中实施混合数学教学,数学教科书也在以往分科的基础上从欧美翻译引进混合数学教科书,并在混合数学理念指导下,国人编写了三套混合数学教科书。文中分析了分科数学与混合数学各自特点的基础上,归结了分科到混合数学教科书过渡的过程。3.欧美数学教育改革运动提倡实验几何教学,使得实验几何学教科书一度成为20世纪初几何学改革的重点,文中从实验几何教学以及与论证几何教学的区别入手,论述了实验几何教学在中国的实施过程。4.欧美数学教科书在中国的创造性转化主要表现在内容方面的转化,该过程是翻译和编译的内容与课程纲要规定内容逐渐相符最终实现自编的过程。另外,从欧美数学教科书的翻译目的、使用范围及自身特点的角度分析其特点。以此阐明欧美数学教科书在中国的转化过程。第5章,欧美数学教学法在中国的实施。中国自清末实施新教育制度后,学校采用的数学教学法大多模仿欧美,中国在借鉴欧美教学法的基础上经过一系列的探索实现了自主创新。主要涉及以下三方面的转化:1.清末通过日本学习欧美数学教学法,即通过日本学习赫尔巴特的五段教学法以及单级教授法。文中通过算术科单级教授法的具体实施情况的介绍阐明中国在清末对赫尔巴特教学法的借鉴。2.论述了设计教学法、道尔顿制、文纳特卡制在数学教学中的具体实施情况,以此分析欧美教学法在中国的探讨与转化。3.阐述了数学教学实验,从借鉴欧美的数学教学实验的开展情况及相关实验结果直至自主实施教学实验的过程,并以民国时期算术科教学实验中具体的几种类型及特点分析,总结中国数学教学实验的开展情况。第6章,实用主义教育思想对中国数学教育的影响。民国时期实用主义教育思想对中国数学教育产生了巨大的影响。1.通过蔡元培、黄炎培、庄俞等学者的观点,论述实用主义教育思想在中国的早期传播。2.基于实用主义的倡导者杜威、孟禄关于数学教育的观点,摭取黄炎培在算术科中实施实用主义教育思想的具体应用,从教材的选择、教学设施的制定及教学方案的选取等方面论述实用主义与数学教育的联系。3.论述实用主义教育思想在中国数学课程标准的制定、数学教科书的编写及数学教学法的选择方面的回响。第7章,结论。阐明欧美数学教育的影响下中国数学教育的走向,同时提炼这一演变过程中的经验对当今数学教育改革的启示与借鉴。

【Abstract】 At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republicanperiod, Chinese mathematics education underwent fundamental changes whenit finally integrated with international mathematics education under theinfluence of internal requirements and external stimulation. Starting in1902,after the initiation of the new education system, Chinese elementary andjunior high mathematics education stepped forward to the era ofmodernization under both direct and indirect influences from WesternCountries. Western countries have historically influenced Chinesemathematics education. From the end of the Ming Dynasty up until the end ofthe Qing Dynasty, Western mathematics works had directly or indirectlyarrived in China, which impacted the development of Chinese mathematicseducation to a certain degree. However, little fundamental changes had beenmade to the trajectory of elementary and junior mathematics education. Withthe introduction of a new academic system, following the path of the Westernmathematics education, Chinese mathematics education experiencedrevolutionary changes including: the education system, curriculum design andimplementation, the teaching method, and many other areas. Based on thesechanges, this dissertation analyzes Western mathematics education’s impacton Chinese mathematics education from1902to1949, using historicalbackground and educational environment as a starting point and emphasizingChinese adaptation of Western mathematics education, using the literatureresearch method as well as other research methods. It includes followingchapters:Chapter One, Introduction; This chapter includes an analysis of theresearch aims, significance, research problems, literature review, researchmethodology, and innovative parts. Chapter Two, A Brief Introduction of Chinese Mathematics Education’sIntegration of Western Mathematics Education; Based on the enactment in1902of a new education system and by introducing the historical backgroundof Japan’s learning from Western mathematics education, this chapteranalyzes the forms of acquisition and characteristics which emerge at everystage during Western mathematics education. It also illustrates the influenceof Ren Xu Xue Zhi’s mathematics education under Western mathematicseducation, by analyzing the main points of mathematics education reform.Chapter Three, The Impact of the US Mathematics Education System inChina During the Republican Era; One of the biggest reforms in the history ofthe Chinese curriculum was the National Education Association NewCurriculum Standard Drafting Committee’s formulation and promulgation thenew academic structure in1922. This reform was influenced by the USPragmatism in a large extent. This chapter argues the impact of three aspectsof the mathematics education system.1. The Impact on Overall Objectives of Different Stages of Elementaryand Secondary Mathematics Education; By analyzing the acquisition of viewof mathematics as a habit, focusing on the psychology of mathematicalacquisition and the cultivation of mathematical ability, this section examinesUS mathematics education, especially pragmatism’s impact on elementaryand secondary mathematics education.2. The Impact of Educational Philosophy on Different Stages ofElementary and Secondary Mathematics Education; This section illustratesChinese mathematics education reform under the influence of Americanmathematics education, based on the connection between mathematicseducation and life, the theory of resolving mathematical problems, andattitudes towards mathematics, and mathematical conventions.3. The Impact of Requiring Mathematics Pedagogy during theRepublican Era Under the Influence of the US; This section discusses setting up mathematical games, teaching with life experiences, using DiscoveryTeaching Method in mathematics pedagogy, the heuristic method of teaching,inductive and deductive reasoning as well as emphasizing the training oftheoretical thinking.Chapter Four, The Creative Transformation of Western MathematicsTextbooks in China; During the end of the Qing Dynasty and the Republicanera, Western mathematics textbooks were first introduced through Japan afterbeing translated from the original and finally being transformed creativelythrough the integration and adaptation of many researchers. It includesfollowing sections:1. Based on background information from Western mathematicstextbooks at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the Republican era, this sectionsummarizes the advantages and disadvantages of China’s adaptation ofWestern mathematics education by analyzing the state of Chinese editions ofWestern mathematics textbooks, investigating translation organizations andpublications as well as looking at the point of views of some experts.2. Based on a foundation of traditional mathematics along withtranslations of Western textbooks brought to China that used the philosophyof integrated mathematics, China compiled three sets of integratedmathematics textbooks based on the1922promulgation of the new academicstructure, which regulates the implementation of junior high schoolmathematical pedagogy. This section summarizes the transition process ofmathematics textbooks from traditional to integrated mathematics throughanalyzing the characteristics of each respective type.3. The Western mathematics educational reform movement advocatedexperimental teaching techniques for geometry, resulting in experimentalgeometry textbooks becoming the focus of geometry reform in the beginningof the twentieth century. By analyzing the differences between experimentalgeometry teaching and the teaching of geometric proofs, this section discusses the implementation process of geometry teaching in China.4. The original adaptation of Western mathematics education’s textbooksin China includes the adaptation of content. This process of translation andoutlining of the content gradually coalesced, resulting in the final editions ofthe textbooks. Additionally, this section analyzes the aims of translatingWestern textbooks and the extent of their usage from the perspective of theircharacteristics. We illustrate the process of adapting Western mathematicstextbooks in ChinaChapter Five, The Implementation of Western Mathematics TeachingMethods in China; Since the implementation of the new education system atthe end of the Qing Dynasty, a high proportion of schools followed Westernmathematics teaching methods. Using this foundation of Western teachingmethods as a reference, China began to experience independent innovationafter some experimentation. This transformation includes three aspects:1. At the end of the Qing dynasty, through Japanese learning fromWestern teaching methods, such as their following of Herbart’s Five StepMethod, this section illustrates how China used Herbart’s pedagogy as areference for the specific implementation of Dan Ji Teaching arithmeticspedagogy.2. This section discusses the Project Method、Dalton Plan、WinnetkaSyetem’s implementation in actual mathematics pedagogy in order to analyzethe exploration and transformation of Western pedagogy in China.3. This section illustrates mathematics pedagogy experiments, byreferencing the development of Western mathematics pedagogy and its effecton the main implementation process of experimental teaching. At the sametime, this summarizes the development of Chinese experimental mathematicsteaching through analyzing the characteristics of arithmetics pedagogyexperiments during the Republican era.Chapter Six, Pragmatic Educational Theory’s Impact on Chinese Mathematics Education; Pragmatic educational theory had tremendousinfluence on Chinese mathematics education.1. Through Cai Yuanpei, Huang Yanpei and Zhuang Yu’s point of view,this section discusses the early spread of pragmatic educational theory inChina.2. Based on the points of view of the advocates of pragmatic educationaltheory, such as Du Wei, Meng Lu, and Huang Yanpei’s specific application ofpragmatic educational theory in arithmetics, this section discusses theconnection between pragmatism and mathematics education through choice ofteaching materials, the formulation of teaching facilities, and refining ofteaching schemes.3. This section discusses pragmatic educational theory’s standardizationin Chinese mathematics education, the composition of mathematics textbooks,and reflects on mathematical pedagogy.Chapter Seven, Conclusion; This chapter illustrates the ongoing directionof Chinese mathematics education under the influence of Westernmathematics education while clearly examining the evolutionary experiencebrought about by the inspiration and construction of contemporary Chinesemathematics educational reform.

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