

An Intellectual Historical Study on the Discussion of Sacrifice Music in Northern Song Dynasty

【作者】 杨成秀

【导师】 洛秦;

【作者基本信息】 上海音乐学院 , 音乐学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文以北宋雅乐乐论为研究对象,讨论北宋雅乐乐论的文献情况、撰述语境、主导观念三个彼此关联且纵向深入的问题,最终试图解答:是什么样的思想、观念或信仰,影响、促成和支撑了作为历史事件、文化现象的北宋雅乐乐论。全文由绪论、三章正文、结论构成。《绪论》中提出本文所希望解决的问题,确立课题作为思想史研究的学科定位,分析研究面临的困境,寻求理论借鉴并提出解决方案。第一章《北宋雅乐乐论文献的撰述类型与史料价值》是全文研究的基础与起点,参照文体类型对北宋雅乐乐论作不同门类的区分,对文献进行统计、梳理和分析文献特征,并在从文体出发的语境分析基础上提出书文撰著、制礼作乐、科考应试三种撰述空间。第二章《论北宋雅乐乐论现象之特殊性》聚焦于雅乐乐论的生成/撰述这一动态的视角,将其视为一种特定时空下的音乐文化现象,阐述不同撰述空间下的雅乐乐论现象及其历史特殊性,并提出整合这一不同维度下的复合性的音乐文化现象的内在结构模式。第三章《北宋雅乐乐论之主导观念及其现实影响》作横向的共时性分析,以思想与音乐人事的互动关系为核心,讨论政治、制度、学术不同维度下,乐为致治之本、与礼相须为用、重构性回向三代的北宋雅乐乐论主导观念,如何与音乐人事互动。在《结论》中对全文的方法、思路和主要观点予以回顾,并重申课题的研究意义。

【Abstract】 The essay takes the discussion of Sacrifice Music in Northern Song Dynasty as the object of study; mainly talks about the historical documents, the writing contexts and the leading concepts of it. It tries to solve the problem of what kind of thought, concept or belief influences and forges the discussion of Sacrifice Music in Northern Song Dynasty which is regarded as a historical event and a cultural phenomenon.The whole essay is consisted of an introduction, three-chapter body and a conclusion.The introduction brings up the problems that the essay wants to solve, sets the problems as the subject of intellectual history, analyses the difficulties that the research faces and comes up with the solution under the cover of the discussion.Chapter one is the basis of the whole essay. According to the differences decided by the different styles of the discussion of Sacrifice Music in Northern Song Dynasty, it organizes the historical documents and analyses the feature of the documents, and brings up three ways of writing on the base of context analyzing from the writing style, which are, publishing and writing, ritual music and imperial examinations.Chapter two focuses on the aspect of how the discussion of Sacrifice Music in Northern Song Dynasty was made of and takes it as a musical cultural phenomenon in a certain space and time; it talks about the phenomenon of the discussion of Sacrifice Music in Northern Song Dynasty and its historical specificity, and put forward the inner pattern of integrating this compounded musical cultural phenomenon.Chapter three analyses the discussion of Sacrifice Music in Northern Song Dynasty laterally; it takes the interaction between thought and man and his doing in music as the center, talks about the guiding thought of the discussion of Sacrifice Music in Northern Song Dynasty and how does it interact with man and his doing in music under politics, system and science.The last is the conclusion.

  • 【分类号】J609.2
  • 【下载频次】189