

【作者】 侯超

【导师】 潘文;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 皖北绝大部分地区处于中原官话区,只有淮河沿岸部分方言点处于中原官话和江淮官话的过渡区域。皖北中原官话(统称皖北方言)分属商阜片、信蚌片和徐萧片三个小片。皖北方言在语法上具有不少一致性特征,如丰富的“子”缀词、程度补语“很得很”、特殊格式“非VP”等。皖北方言各小片又各自特色,如徐萧片的反复问句可用“VP吗/不”;商阜片西北部有“不粘”等说法;信蚌片西南部可在句末用“在”表示进行。本文从词缀、程度、体貌、疑问和句式五个方面对皖北中原官话的语法现象做了比较详细的描写和分析,得出的关于皖北方言语法的主要结论有:(1)词缀系统包括前缀、中缀、后缀,有些词缀具有方言特点,如前缀“老”、后缀“乎”、“子”以及贬义后缀“不拉唧的”等;存在中缀“不/巴”、“不子/巴子”,这组中缀的主要功能是增加贬抑色彩;“子”缀词特别丰富,可构成名词和数量结构。“子”缀具有“成词”、“转类”、“变义”、“增义”功能。(2)程度表达有加程度词缀(词法)、重叠(词法)、加程度状语和程度补语四种手段。程度缀有前缀,也有后缀;有高量级的,也有低量级的。重叠、程度状语和程度补语主要表达高程度量。比较特别的程度状语有“死”、“血”、“镇(么)”、“恁(么)”等,述程式有“X得很”、“X狠唠”、“X得很得很”、“X得很得很得很”等,后两种形式是一种超常规表达方式,“狠唠”可修饰行为动词,程度量为“超量”。(3)体貌方面:实现体采用“了”的音变形式“唠/喽”;持续体有两种标记:子(中东部),住(北部);尝试体标记有:看、看看、瞧、瞧瞧、试试,可表达“警告”的语用意义;"VV"、"VVV"可表示动作反复持续进行;“来”可表示进行,有的方言点可表示实现(如阜阳),金寨、霍邱可在句末用“在”表示进行。(4)反复问有"FVP"、"VP-neg-VP"、"VP+疑问语气词”三种形式,前两种形式可共存,可VP”问句形式复杂,句末语气词可显示体貌信息;“可是”问句是一种偏向是非问;是非问有语调是非问句、偏向“吗”问句和“可是”问句三种形式;特指问与普通话的差异表现为疑问代词的不同;无关联词语的紧缩式选择问为常用形式。(5)“非VP不X”中的“非”已演变为情态副词,式中“不X”隐现的规律主要受制于语义特征、语法化程度和句法格式,省略式“非VP”为常用格式;“PP+X+啥+PP+X”是一种框式结构,意义是“否定”和“制止”;受事主语句表被动是常见格式,被动标记主要用“叫”、“让”、“给”,处置标记主要用“叫”、“把”、“给”,其中“叫”、“给”为被动、处置共用标记。

【Abstract】 The vast majority of northern Anhui province belongs to Zhongyuan mandarin district, only some cities near Huai river are situated on transition region of Zhongyuan mandarin and Jianghuai mandarin. The Zhongyuan Mandarin of northern Anhui province can be divided into three parts:Shangfu, Xinbeng and Xuxiao. The dialects of Northern Anhui have some consistencies in grammar, such as the suffix of "Zi", the degree complement of "Hendehen", the special construction of "Fei VP", and so on. Each piece of Northern Anhui dialect has its own characteristics, such as Xuxiao dialect mainly use " VP Mang/Bu" with repeated questions, the Northwest of Shangfu dialect has "Buzhan", etc.; the Southwest of Xinbeng dialect has special aspect mark of "Zai".This paper study the affix, degree expression, aspect, question patterns and the syntactical structure of Northern Anhui dialect. The main conclusions about North Anhui dialect are:(1) The affix system includes prefix, infix, postfix, some affixes are special, such as prefix "Lao", postfix "Hu", and pejorative postfix "Bulajide" etc.. There are pejorative infixes of "Bu/Ba" and "Buzi/Bazi". The words with postfix "Zi" are especially rich."Zi" can be used for noun, pronoun and quantitative structure. The functions of "Zi" are word-formation, class shift, meaning change and increase meaning.(2) The means of degree expression are mainly add the degree affix, the pre-adverbial, the degree complement and overlap. There degree affix include infixes and postfixes. The pre-adverbial and the degree complement are mainly express high degree. The special adverbials are "Si","Xie","Zhenmeng","Nenmeng" etc.. The degree complements of are "Henlao","Dehen","Dehendehen","Dehendehende hen", etc.. The latter two are hyper-normal degree expression."Henlao" can be modify action verb.(3) The main aspect features are:realization aspect is "Lao/Lou"; Persisting aspect can be divided into two forms:"Zhu"(north) and "Zi"(middle and east);"Kan","Kankan","Qiao","Qiaoqiao","Shi shi" can be used as trying aspect and can express caution;"VV","VVV" means the action repeated and continued;"Lai" and "Zai"(Jinzhai and Huoqiu) can be used as progressive aspect.(4) The repeated question has three forms:"FVP","VP-neg-VP" and "VP+interrogative word"; The first two can be coexistence; The "Ke-VP" is complex, its modal particles can be express aspect information;"Keshi-VP" is "yes-no" question; There are three forms about "yes-no" question:intonation,"Mang" and "Keshi"; Interrogative pronouns are distinction between North Anhui dialect and Putonghua; The alternative question without associated word is general in North Anhui dialect.(5) The "Fei" of "Fei+VP+Bu+X" has evolved a modal adverb. The "Bu+X" appear or disappear be connected with semantic feature, degree of grammaticalization and sentence structure. The "Fei+VP" is most used frequently."PP+X+Sha+PP+X" is a construction and means negative or stopping. The pertinent subject sentences are common. The marks of passivity are "Jiao","Rang" and "Gei" and initiative are "Jiao","Ba" and "Gei"Jiao" and "Gei" are common marks.

  • 【分类号】H172
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