

【作者】 马宇

【导师】 胡建华;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 教育领导与管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 残疾人教育早已成为世界各国关注的主题,残疾人高等融合教育问题理应成为我国教育发展特别关注的焦点。作为人类社会弱势群体的残疾人,同样享有平等的受教育权利。残疾人接受高等教育需要政府、学校、家庭、非政府组织、社区等社会各界的大力支持,建立和完善残疾人高等融合教育支持体系是我国残疾人高等教育发展的一项重要内容。本文通过对我国残疾人高等融合教育支持体系研究相关概念的界定,明确我国建国以来三类残疾人接受高等教育所获得的相关支持等研究内容;运用文献法、调查研究以及比较研究的方法,分别从融合教育理论、教育公平理论以及社会支持理论三个方面来阐述残疾人接受高等教育,尤其是残疾人高等融合教育的支持体系研究的理论依据,回顾了我国残疾人高等教育发展的历程、残疾人高等融合教育发展的实践探索和残疾人高等融合教育支持体系发展的历程,梳理了我国残疾人高等融合教育支持体系从雏形期、形成期到完善期的发展路径,并分析和总结了我国残疾人高等融合教育支持体系发展的特点和趋势。通过对我国江苏、北京、吉林、天津等省市高校中的残疾人大学生进行抽样问卷调查,走访残疾学生及其家长、残联系统、教育系统、高校基层等相关人员,实地察看等方式,了解我国政府、高校、家庭等各个层面对残疾人高等融合教育支持的情况,发现现有支持体系建设中所存在的问题,主要包括政府的政策与经费支持力度仍显不足;高校管理的规范性不够,支持系统不健全;家庭关心和支持程度明显降低;残联系统的关注和支持力度较弱;社区支持与服务并不到位;现有支持体系缺乏稳固合作机制。针对我国目前残疾人高等融合教育教育支持体系的发展现状,积极探索和构建我国残疾人高等融合教育支持体系的“多元双通路支持体系模式”,试图重新构建全社会支持残疾人高等融合教育的网络系统,自上而下,从政府到学校、家庭、非政府组织以及社区的独立支持体系,最后形成一个完整的残疾人高等融合教育支持体系,并从政府、学校、家庭等不同层面提出我国残疾人高等融合教育支持体系建设策略,希望为我国残疾人高等融合教育发展提供理论与实践参照,也为政府制定残疾人高等融合教育政策法规提供理论依据。

【Abstract】 Education for the disabled has been the theme focused on by every country in the world. Higher Inclusive Education for people with disabilities should naturally become the focus of the development of Special Education in China. As a vulnerable group in the human society, disabled people have the equal right to the education, including Higher Inclusive Education. They need all walks of support from the government, schools or universities, families, non-governmental organizations, communities and so on. It is an important content of our country’s development of higher education for the disabled to establish and better the support system of Higher Inclusive Education for people with disabilities.Based on some relevant defined concepts of the support system of Higher Inclusive Education for people with disabilities, the research content is clarified about the support for three types of people with disabilities of new China. Through different research methods, this paper research is based on three different theories, such as Inclusive Education Theory, Education Equality Theory and Social Support Theory. The history of China’s Higher Inclusive Education for the disabled and the developmental history of its support system are reviewed in this paper. The developmental path of the support system has been experiencing three stages from prototype stage, forming stage to perfecting stage and the developmental characteristics and trend of the support system are also analyzed here. By the sampling questionnaire survey of some universities or colleges in Jiangsu, Beijing, Jilin, Jianjin, and some other provinces and cities in our country and the investigations of some governmental departments, parents, NGOs, and communities, some current situation details about the support system of Higher Inclusive Education for people with disabilities and its main problems can be found on inadequate supports from the government’s policy and fund, non-standardization of college management without bound support systems, lower degree of care and support from families, less attention and support from NGO, incomplete support and service from communities and lack sustainable cooperation mechanism from the current support system. According to the present situation of the development of support system of Higher Inclusive Education for people with disabilities, the Mode of Two-route Multi-support System for Higher Inclusive Education for people with disabilities is actively explored and constructed in China to reconstruct the top-to-bottom network system of respectively supporting Higher Inclusive Education for people with disabilities from the government to universities, families, NGOs and communities, which is forming a whole support system from the whole society. In the end, some construction strategies are put forward from different support subjects to provide the government with the theoretic and practical basis of making policies and laws for people with disabilities.
