

TV Legal Information Communication and Peasants Legal Consciousness Cultivation

【作者】 王平

【导师】 方晓红;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 新闻学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 在中国法制现代化建设的过程中,农民法律意识水平的高低、法治观念的强弱,将直接影响到依法治国方略的贯彻实施和法治建设的成败。由于历史、地理、政治、经济和文化等种种因素,农村社会的法治化发展相对于城镇来说,比较薄弱和缓慢,日益成为中国法治建设的“焦点”和“难点”所在,而农民法律意识的现代化则是中国农村法制现代化建设的重要精神和文化基础。因此,加强农村普法和涉农法制传播,培育农民现代法律意识,不仅非常重要,而且十分迫切。普法宣传教育与大众传播媒介有着越来越紧密的联系。在中国法治建设和普法教育的进程中,大众传媒的作用一直受到党和政府的高度重视。随着信息传播技术的飞速发展、农村经济文化条件的日益改善和普法教育形势的变化,在农村拥有最广泛受众的电视媒介越来越成为农村普法传播的主渠道。关于电视法制信息传播与农民法律意识培育问题研究不容忽视。那么,电视法制信息传播对农民法律意识的生成究竟有多大影响作用?两者之间有何关联?如何运用电视法制信息传播更有效地培育农民的法律意识?这既是本研究之难点,也是本研究拟解决的关键问题,值得进行系统深入的实证研究和理论探讨。本选题以江苏睢宁农村为个案,通过定性研究与定量研究相结合的方法,分别对农民具有的法律意识水平状况、农民接触电视法制信息传播的概况及动机、农民对电视法制信息传播的态度、电视法制信息传播对农民法律意识的影响等进行了调查分析。研究表明,当前中国农民的法律意识尚处于低水平状况,电视法制信息传播对农民法律意识的影响有一定的成效,但因受到内、外部多重因素的影响,从总体上看,其培育作用却是很有限的。虽然农民对电视法制信息传播的接触与关注度并不低,对传播的社会意义与价值评价也给予充分肯定,但农民对电视法制信息传播的可信度、实效性、舆论监督等功能的发挥评价相对偏低。从电视涉农法制传播的内容上看,电视有关农村立法、执法、司法及基层民主与自治等方面的报道普遍存在数量偏少、题材偏窄、针对性和实效性不强、法理性缺乏、深度不够、多元化功能发挥不足等问题。因而,电视法制信息传播在农民法律意识培育方面所发挥的实际效能不够强。当然,影响电视涉农法制传播效果的因素是多方面的,既包括媒介自身方面因素、受众方面因素,也包括社会政治、经济、历史和文化等因素。如何提升电视法制信息传播对农民法律意识的培育效果?本文认为,首先应提升电视从业人员的主体意识、素质和责任感,加强电视涉农法制传播内容、方式的针对性和实效性等;其次,应激发农民自身潜能,培育农民主体意识及素养;再次,作为国家法制信息的实质传播者和普法决策者的政府,应与时俱进,更新普法“治理”理念,加强电视等媒介涉农法制传播的组织领导和制度保障,构建电视等媒介涉农法制传播的内外部协作机制等。总之,农民现代法律意识的培育是一个系统工程,需要全社会的共同努力,作为当前农村普法传播主渠道的电视媒介的职责和作用亟待加强。

【Abstract】 In the process of the Chinese legal system modernization, the level of farmers’ legal consciousness, the strength of their legal sense will directly affect the implementation of our basic strategy of ruling the country by law. Due to the historical, geographical, political, economic, cultural and other factors, the development of the rule of law in rural areas is relatively weak and slow compared with that in the urban areas, which has increasingly become the "focus" and "difficulty" of the Chinese legal construction. Farmers’ modern consciousness of law is essential to strengthening the socialist legal system construction in the countryside. Therefore, it is not only very important but also very urgent to advance the building of the law, enhance the publicity of legal information in the countryside and cultivate farmers’modern legal consciousness.Nowadays, the publicity campaigns to promote legal knowledge are increasingly connected to the mass media. The role of mass media has been highly appreciated by our party and government in the process of the Chinese legal system modernization and the rule of law publicity and education. With the rapid development of information technology and the increasing improvement of the social and economic condition in the rural areas, TV, as a medium with the broadest audience in the countryside, is increasingly recognized as a main vehicle in the process of law-related communication. The propagation of legal information through TV and the cultivation of fanners’ legal consciousness cannot be ignored, and then, what’s the relationship between them? How much influence does the TV legal information on the cultivation of farmers’legal consciousness? How to cultivate legal awareness of farmers more effectively by using TV legal information dissemination? These are the difficult as well as the key points of the research which deserves an in-depth empirical research and theoretical discussion.In this thesis, the combination of qualitative research and quantitative research methods are adopted to make a case study of Jiangsu Suining County. We have made empirical investigation on the general situation of farmers’legal awareness, their motivation, attitudes towards TV legal information communication, as well as the influence of legal information on the farmers’ legal consciousness cultivation. The study shows that the current Chinese farmers’ legal consciousness is still in a low situation. TV legal information communication plays a certain role in the building of law consciousness of the peasants. However, such effect is well limited due to the internal and external factors. Although farmers’exposure to and attention to the TV legal information communication is not low, fully affirming its social significance and value, they still have low evaluation on the function of its reliability, effectiveness and supervision by public opinions. On the other hand, in terms of the content, there were very few reports on country legislation, law enforcement, judicial practice as well as the grass-roots democracy and autonomy. Most reports are less-targeted, ineffective, serious lack of legal theories and deep analysis which will undoubtedly result in the deficiency to bring the diversified function of the media into full play. Therefore, in terms of the cultivation of farmers’legal consciousness, the actual effectiveness of TV legal information dissemination is not strong enough.Of course, there are many factors influencing TV legal information communication which include media factors, audience factors, social, political, economic, historical, cultural and other factors as well. How to improve the social effect of TV legal information communication and cultivate farmers’ modern legal consciousness? From the author’s perspective, firstly, the individual subject consciousness, the subject quality as well as the professional responsibilities of the TV program makers should be improved. We should strengthen the pertinence and effectiveness on TV information communication in rural areas, etc. Secondly, we should stimulate the peasants’ potential abilities; cultivate their subject consciousness and quality. Moreover, as the principal or decision makers of national legal information dissemination, the government should keep pace with the times, update the thought of "rule" over the publicity of legal information, enhance the organization and institutional guarantee of TV legal information communication for peasants, establish the internal and external collaboration mechanism for TV and other media while propagating the legal information for peasants. In conclusion, farmers’ modern law consciousness cultivation is a systematic project, which needs the joint efforts of the whole society. As the main legal information communication channel in rural areas, the television media’s social responsibility should be strengthened.

  • 【分类号】D920.0;D220
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】597