

【作者】 邵波

【导师】 周川;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪50—60年代,在世界范围内的科技经济发展、国家转型和教育民主化思潮等因素的联合推动作用下,世界经济发达国家高等教育出现了一个规模高速扩张时期。美国社会学家马丁·特罗教授在系统考察美国高等教育发展的基础上,提出了高等教育大众化理论,指出高等教育由于量的扩张必将引起质的改变,对高等教育发展具有极强的解释力,成为了指导各国应对高等教育规模扩张的预警理论。随着高等教育由精英向大众化乃至普及化方向发展,高等教育的教育对象越来越趋向多元化,高等教育的主体不再是培养精英人才,而是着重培养应用型、职业型专门人才。作为高等教育基础与核心的高深知识也越来越趋向实用化,并且随着现代科学技术的进步,导致了社会职业岗位的要求不断提高,技术人员出现了明显分工,有的侧重于技术科学的研究和新技术的设计,有的侧重于技术的开发和应用,侧重技术开发与应用的人才已成为独立的人才群体,出现了对高层次技术应用型人才的需求,传统的以科学范式为主导的高等教育知识模式已不能满足和适应工程、技术类应用型人才的培养需要。科技进步和社会发展都要求高等教育走出高楼深院,遵循市场的规律和要求,重新进行自己的功能定位,扩展自己的功能范围,不仅要培养从事“发现”和“发明”的研究人员,更多的是培养从事应用领域的各类工作人员,以满足经济、社会对人才类型的多样化需求。在此过程中,一个重要的趋势就是应用型高等教育的发展,高等教育发达国家和地区普遍采取精英高等教育机构和大众高等教育机构并存的二元结构,同时也是一个多元、多层次和多规格的体制。德国、美国、英国以及我国台湾等地区在高等教育由精英向大众发展的过程中,重点建设和发展的应用科学大学、社区学院、原多科技术学院以及科技大学等都属于高等职业教育体系的应用型大众高等教育机构。尽管对应用型本科教育的概念及提法尚不统一,但是通过考察和研究上述国家的应用型本科教育机构特征,我们可以发现,应用型本科教育是高等教育大众化的必然结果,是不同于传统学术导向型高等教育的,以复合性应用型人才培养为核心的职业和应用导向型高等教育,是学历教育与职业能力养成的有机统一,在高等教育大众化发展过程中具有重要地位。世纪之交,中国大陆高等教育的发展经历了一场巨大而深刻的变革,以推进高等教育大众化的名义,高等教育规模急剧扩张,在较短时间内实现了高等教育量的大发展。在此过程中,伴随着我国经济社会的快速发展和工业化进程的不断深入,尤其是地方经济和行业经济的发展对本科层次应用型人才的需求大量增加,一批新建本科院校在发展过程中,提出了“应用型本科教育”的办学定位,并在实践中不断发展壮大,日益成为我国高等教育体系中的重要组成部分,并成为了我国地方性普通本科院校发展的方向和趋势。但是,由于我国对高等教育大众化理论存在着种种误读,而且由于我国的应用型本科教育发展具有典型的中国特色,因而一方面需要从高等教育大众化对应用型本科教育的影响进行理性解读和反思;另一方面,从国家、社会等各方面加大对应用型本科教育的支持和扶持力度,促进应用型本科教育的健康快速发展,并最终形成具有鲜明中国特色的大众高等教育发展体系。

【Abstract】 From1950s to1960s, higher education in developed countries expanded at a great speed, under the push of scientific and technological developments, national transformation, and democratization of educational trends etc. Based on the systematic study on developments of American higher education, U. S. sociologist Martin Trow puts forward the theory of higher education Massification. He points out that the quality of higher education is definitely going to transform because of the expansion of quantity. This theory fully explains the developments of higher education and therefore becomes the early-warning theory that guides different countries to deal with the expansion of higher education.With higher education developing from elite education to massification, those receive higher education tend to be diversified. The main body of higher education is not elite talents, but application-oriented and professional talents. As the basis and core of higher education, profound knowledge tends to be practical. Moreover, with the advancements of modern science and technology, the requirements of social positions become higher, so that there is clear division between technical personnel, some focusing on scientific and technological research and new technology design, and some focusing on technology development and application. The talents who focus on technology developments and application have become independent group, in which demands for higher level application-oriented talents appear. Therefore, the traditional higher education knowledge model which centered on scientific paradigm can not satisfy and adapt to the requirements of developing application-oriented talents of the engineering and technology type. Scientific, technological and social developments require that higher education go out of the Ivory Tower, follow the rules and requirements of the market, re-consider its orientation, and expand its functions. In this way can it develop the type of researchers who can "discover" and "invent", and can be engaged in application field of work so that the diversified requirements of talents can be satisfied. During this process, an important trend is that developed higher education countries and areas adopt the dual structure that elite higher education institutions and massification higher education institutions co-exist. At the same time, it is a pluralistic, multi-level and multi-standard system. During the process from elite to the mass higher education, the focused applied science universities, community universities, technical colleges, and original multi-disciplinary universities of technology all belong to the vocational higher education system in Germany, the United States, Britain and Taiwan of China and other regions. Although there are different definitions and concepts on application-oriented undergraduate education, we can find, through study and research on the characteristics of the above-mentioned institutions, that application-oriented undergraduate education is the inevitable result of popularization of higher education. It is different from the traditional academic-oriented higher education and the core of it is to develop application-oriented professional and applied type of higher education. Furthermore, it is the compound of academic education and vocational elements and it plays an important part in the process of massification of higher education.At the turning of the century, higher education in the mainland of China is experiencing a great and profound change. In the name of promote of popularization of higher education, higher education expands quickly and achieve its developments at a short time. During this process, with the fast developments of Chinese society and industrialization, especially the high requirements of application-oriented talents from the local and industrial economy, a group pf new undergraduate university puts forward the "application-oriented undergraduate education" in the process of their developments. By practice, they are developing and becoming an important part of higher education in China and becoming the direction and trend of Chinese local undergraduate universities.However, due to the different misunderstandings towards massification of higher education and the typical Chinese characteristics of application-oriented undergraduate universities, there are two points that we need to pay attention to. On the one hand, we have to understand and reflect the influence of massification of higher education on application-oriented undergraduate education. On the other hand, application-oriented undergraduate should get the support and help of the country and the society so that the developments of application-oriented undergraduate education can be promoted, and finally form a popularization of higher education system which has its Distinguishing Chinese Characteristics.

  • 【分类号】G649.2
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1335