

【作者】 王申连

【导师】 郭本禹;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 描述心理学是科学心理学初创时期产生的一门举足轻重却长期被埋没的人文科学心理学分支,主张通过现象学的描述方法或解释学的理解方法如实呈现人类心理生活的全貌。本论文从科学心理学史的人文主义与科学主义两条路线相对独立发展的整体视角,采用文献与历史分析和理论与逻辑分析相结合的方法,对描述心理学进行全面而系统的梳理和研究。具体思路是:首先从总体上概述描述心理学的基本内涵、历史演变和理论形态,其次从社会条件、哲学渊源、科学土壤和心理学背景等角度考察描述心理学的思想来源,接着详细阐述描述心理学的两种研究传统及其所包含的具体理论形态的基本主张,再接着阐述描述心理学在第三势力心理学和当代质性心理学中的发展融合效应,然后从科学观、对象论、方法学和理论观等方面概括描述心理学的理论特征,最后从主要贡献、主要局限、主要影响和主要启示四个方面对描述心理学作出客观公正评价。]9世纪70年代,欧洲在科学特别是自然科学领域的巨大进步,促使人们抛弃传统形而上学而崇尚科学和经验,但也导致欧洲思想文化被科学主义“绑架”而陷入人性缺失的深重危机。布伦塔诺和狄尔泰为拯救欧洲思想文化危机而追求心理学的人文科学化,共同开创了不同于冯特等人的自然科学取向的发生心理学或说明心理学的描述心理学。描述心理学沿循布伦塔诺所开创的严格科学传统和狄尔泰所开创的浪漫主义传统两条路径发展,并各自贯穿着三种独具特色的理论形态,前者包括布伦塔诺的意动描述心理学、斯顿夫的机能描述心理学和胡塞尔的本质描述心理学,后者包括狄尔泰的体验描述心理学、斯普兰格的结构描述心理学和斯特恩的人格描述心理学。每种理论形态都有自己独特的基本主张、理论焦点和方法侧重点,它们在描述心理学框架体系下结成了反对心理学自然科学化的“强力同盟”。描述心理学作为一门重要学科形态,最终融没于心理学的历史进程中,但它的基本精神在由现象学心理学、存在心理学和人本主义心理学组成的“第三势力”心理学中得以延续,并在当代质性心理学中获得新生。描述心理学是一个具有丰富人文蕴涵的学科领域,表现出与发生心理学或说明心理学相对的理论特征,反对心理学的自然科学观而坚持人文科学观,反对剥离社会文化情境的机械对象论而坚持寓于社会文化情境的生机对象论,反对实证主义导向的客观实验范式而坚持现象学或解释学导向的主观经验范式,反对方法中心论、还原论、因果决定论、主客二元论和价值中立论的理论观而坚持问题中心论、整体论、自由意志论、主客同一论和价值负载论的理论观。描述心理学开创了现代科学心理学的人文科学研究取向,对后来的精神分析心理学、格式塔心理学、“第三势力”心理学以及当代质性心理学产生了广泛而深远的影响,并与冯特等人开创的发生心理学或说明心理学针锋相对,开启了科学心理学史上入文主义与科学主义两条路线之间的对立与纷争,从而推动了科学心理学的发展。描述心理学贡献巨大且影响深远,但也存在着缺乏统合性理论体系、带有理论思辨色彩、缺乏具体微观研究以及操作和推广难度较大等局限。我们应在充分消化和吸收描述心理学基本精神的基础上,从人文主义与科学主义的融合视角,重新审视和思考心理学的科学性质、研究对象和研究范式等基本问题,以推动当前心理学向着更加健康的方向发展。

【Abstract】 Descriptive psychology is quite an important branch of human scientific psychology, which emerged at the start-up period of scientific psychology but has been ignored and buried for a long time. It holds that we should present the whole picture of human mental life as what it is via the method of phenomenological description or the method of hermeneutical understanding. Based on the combination of documentary and historical analysis and theoretical and logical analysis, this dissertation comprehensively and systematically combs and studies descriptive psychology, from the holistic perspective of relatively independent development of the two different lines of humanism and scientism during the history of scientific psychology. The detailed content of this dissertation is as following:Firstly, it summarizes the basic connotation, historical evolution, and theoretical modalities of descriptive psychology on the whole. Secondly, it examines the sources of thought of descriptive psychology from the various perspectives of sociology, philosophy, science, and psychology. Thirdly, it elaborates and analyzes the two research traditions of descriptive psychology and basic arguments of each theoretical modality within them. Fourthly, it elaborates the integrative development of descriptive psychology into the third force psychology and contemporary qualitative psychology. Fifthly, it generalizes the theoretical characteristics of descriptive psychology in such aspects as view of science, research object, methodology, and theoretical viewpoint. Finally, it makes objective and fair comments on the contributions, drawbacks, historical effects, and instructive values of descriptive psychology.By the1870s, many countries in Europe had made great progress in the field of science, especially in the field of natural science. This prompted people to abandon the traditional metaphysic and respect science and experience. However, this progress also caused the European thought and culture to be kidnapped by scientism and be beset with a serious crisis of human nature being lost. In order to help Europe to get rid of the crisis of thought and culture, Brentano and Dilthey tried to make psychology become a human science and finally co-founded descriptive psychology, which is a different discipline modality from genetic psychology or explanatory psychology oriented to nature science inaugurated by Wundt and others. Descriptive psychology walks along the two different paths of rigorous scientific tradition inaugurated by Brentano and romantic tradition inaugurated by Dilthey, both of which mainly exhibited three distinctive theoretical modalities. The rigorous scientific tradition of descriptive psychology included Brentano’s act descriptive psychology, StumpF’s functional descriptive psychology, and Husserl’s essential descriptive psychology. The romantic tradition of descriptive psychology included Dilthey’s lived experience descriptive psychology, Spranger’s structural descriptive psychology, and Stern’s personalistic descriptive psychology. Each of all the six theoretical modalities has its own basic argument, theoretical focus, and method preference. They form a powerful alliance within the framework of descriptive psychology in order to prevent psychology to become a nature science. Descriptive psychology as an important discipline modality finally blends and disappears in the historical course of psychology, but its basic spirits get inherited in the third force psychology including phenomenological psychology, existential psychology, and humanistic psychology and have taken a new lease of life in contemporary qualitative psychology.Descriptive psychology as a branch of psychology has rich humanistic implications and shows quite different theoretical characteristics from genetic psychology or explanatory psychology. In the aspect of view of science, it opposes to take psychology as a natural science and sticks to take psychology as a human science. In the aspect of research object, it opposes to consider mental life as mechanical and unrelated to society and culture and sticks to consider mental life as vital and related to society and culture. In the aspect of methodology, it opposes to the objective experimental paradigm under the guidance of positivism and sticks to the subjective experiential paradigm under the guidance of phenomenology or hermeneutics. In the aspect of theoretical viewpoint, it opposes to method centricism, reductionism, causal determinism, subject-object dualism, and value neutralism and sticks to question centricism, holism, libertarianism, subject-object monism, and value load theory. Descriptive psychology marks the beginning of the humanistic science approach of modern scientific psychology and has extensive and far-reaching effects on later psychoanalytic psychology, gestalt psychology, the third force psychology, and contemporary qualitative psychology. The direct confrontation between descriptive psychology and genetic psychology or explanatory psychology launches the uninterrupted opposition and conflict between the two research lines of humanism and scientism during the history of scientific psychology, which promotes the development of scientific psychology. Although descriptive psychology makes great contributions and has far-reaching effects, it also has some drawbacks, such as not owning an integrative theoretical framework, going with a speculative tendency, lacking concrete and micromesh researches, having low operability and generalizability, and so on. We should digest and absorb adequately the basic spirits of descriptive psychology and reexamine and rethink the nature of science, research object, and research paradigm of psychology from the perspective of integration of humanism and scientism. Our ultimate aim is to lead contemporary psychology to become healthier.
