

【作者】 王剑芳

【导师】 赵光洲;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 现阶段,工业园区中的单个产业创新资源的局限性将严重制约园区内产业创新能力的提升与创新成果的涌现,分散化发展方式难以实现产业的跨越式发展与不连续创新。集成创新可以有效解决单个产业创新资源有限、技术路径锁定、创新速度缓慢等问题,通过集成效应的发挥大大提高创新成果的生成速度与质量。工业园区的集成创新强调园区内的创新行为主体利用各种信息技术、管理技术与工具等,通过对相关产业横向、纵向部门之间创新要素和创新内容的优化配置与整合,形成园区内优势互补的有机整体,从而实现相关产业间在园区间的协同创新发展。如何通过工业园区创新资源要素、创新内容等创造性融合,明确系统演化发展机理等,从而实现其协同发展是园区创新管理亟需解决的重要问题之一,工业园区集成创新系统演化发展管理已成为国内外工业园区创新管理研究的前沿问题。本文通过在园区集成创新系统演化发展研究的过程中,使创新要素、创新内容等在系统中实现协同、在集成系统中实现控制,能有效推动创新型园区建设,将有利于实现工业园区转型升级、提升工业园区整体创新能力、推动工业跨越发展和丰富工业园区创新管理理论等,因此,本研究具有重要的科学意义和现实意义。尽管目前学术界初步认识到工业园区创新管理的重要性,并有不少文献对此进行了探讨,但目前尚未建立较为完整的理论体系,至于基于严谨理论框架展开的实证研究则更少。而且在现有的文献中,仅有在生态工业园区建设、园区工业共生、园区循环经济发展、园区产业集群等方面的研究过程中简单地涉及创新问题,缺乏对于园区创新管理进行系统性研究。因此,本文通过对国内外工业园区的发展、产业集群、集成创新等相关理论的梳理,借助集成管理理论、产业集群理论、创新理论、演化经济学理论等为理论基础,从工业园区集成创新资源要素系统分析入手,全面分析影响工业园区集成创新管理的基本要素的内涵和外延;结合和运用动态博弈方法,分析集成创新系统创新主体子系统和创新环境子系统相互之间的协作机理;基于系统动力学的理论和方法,建立工业园区集成创新系统的创新主体创新活动的因果关系模型、系统创新要素间的相互作用反馈路径、系统流图以及园区集成创新系统动力学模型,并将其模拟仿真于深圳国家级经开区的实践中,为工业园区集成创新管理提供了理论支持和方法指导。具体主要做了以下几方面工作:首先,本研究通过系统地研究工业园区的可持续发展、产业集群、区域集成创新管理、演化经济学等相关理论的基础上,结合工业园区聚集了各类企业、政府、各类中介服务机构、基础设施等诸多生产要素的发展特征,为了使其要素有效实现科学、合理地聚集和流动,本文认为创造性的要素集成能够有效地帮助园区形成创新资源要素优势互补的有机整体,工业园区集成创新发展模式是实现创新型园区的必然选择之一。其次,虽然我国工业园区在近三十年取得了一些成绩,但是在快速发展的过程中存在很多问题,如园区及企业忽视创新;园区内缺乏信任机制,集群网络化协调发展意识淡薄,对园区内外创新资源整合能力弱;园区的企业之间只是简单的“扎堆”,产业关联度低;园区配套服务业发展落后等等。以上问题带来的集中结果是园区和企业的资源禀赋较低,集成创新能力普遍偏低。如何系统地提升工业园区创新主体间的有效协作、各种创新资源的有效聚合,本文提出了多种发展机制,具体包括:主体协调机制、资源聚集机制、平台服务机制、环境营造机制以及政府支持机制等,通过以上机制的构建和实施,有利于园区创新资源要素聚集效应的产生,同时也有效地支撑和保障了工业园区整体创新能力的发展和提升。第三,本文通过对园区集成创新系统的内涵、特征形成动力以及园区集成创新能力实现机制等分析研究,借助于动态博弈方法,作者构建了工业园区集成创新系统中创新主体间协作博弈数学模型和创新主体与创新环境间的协作博弈模型,明确了工业园区集成创新系统演化机理,即集成创新系统中的核心企业是否采取集成策略,当与参与集成后的净收益增量、参与企业(或中介服务机构)采取(不)集成的概率超过系统内部的平衡点同时满足时,核心企业将采取(不)集成策略。第四,基于系统动力学的研究理论和方法,建立工业园区集成创新资源要素间相互作用的因果关系模型,分析创新主体与创新环境子系统之间的协同演化路径,在此基础上,构建园区产业集成创新系统运行的系统动力学模型,并对模型进行了有效性检验;结合工业园区的实际案例,对以上系统动力学模型进行仿真。通过对工业园区集成创新系统动力学模型的构建与分析,得到如下结论:(1)工业园区内的企业加强培育和提升自身的集成创新能力,加大与园区内的其他企业、高校及科研院所等进行合作创新的投入,利用园区创新合作平台更大程度地寻求合作与交流的机会。(2)政府应进一步加强对园区创新文化的培育,增强创新主体间的互信程度、创新动力和创新投入,提升园区整体创新绩效。(3)科技中介机构是为企业、政府、科研机构之间增进交流起着桥梁作用,政府对中介机构重要性应提高认识和加大对其发展的投入。最后,研究发现,创新主体和创新环境两个子系统核心成员即企业和政府,在集成创新系统发展中扮演各自不同的角色,充分发挥各自的作用。作者认为,在政府层面,在集成创新初期阶段,引导园区产业聚集,加大对产业发展的政策扶植;在集成创新基本形成阶段,应发挥监管和提供综合服务。在企业层面,从企业的战略集成、管理与信息集成、结构集成以及创新要素资源集成的视角,提升企业自身的集成创新能力。

【Abstract】 At present, the limitations that in industrial park of single industry innovation resources will severely restrict the improvement of industrial innovation ability and the arising of innovative products in the park, and diversified development modes are difficult to achieve industry’s leap frog development and discontinuous innovation. However, integrated innovation can effectively settle the problems such as single industry innovation with limited resources, technical route locking, innovation slow, etc. Through the play of integration effect, the generation speed and quality of innovation can be greatly improved. Industrial integration innovation of industrial park emphasizes that innovation behavior main body in the park use a variety of information technologies, management techniques and tools, through optimized configuration and integration of related industries’innovation elements and contents between horizontal and vertical departments, Consequently, it can form a organic whole which is complementary advantages in the park, and realize the cooperative innovation with development between related industries in the park.One of the important issues that needed to solve in the park innovation management is how to creative resource factors,content and other creative fusion, clear the mechanism of system evolution and development, then come traits synergetic development. And the industrial integration innovation system’s evolution, development and management in the park has become the frontier problem of industrial park’s innovation management research at home and abroad. In this paper, by means of a process based on the evolution, development and research of industry integrated innovation system, factors and content of innovation can realize synergy and command, the construction of an innovative park can be effectively promoted. This is conducive to come true the transformation and upgrading of the industrial park, improve the whole innovation ability of industrial park, promote the spanning development of industrial and rich industrial park innovation management theory, etc. Hence, this study has important scientific significance and practical significance.Now, the academic circles preliminarily understand the importance of industrial park innovation management, and there are not a few literature discussed it, but hasn’t yet set up relatively complete theoretical system, as for the empirical study on account of rigorous theoretical framework is few. In the existing literature, only simply involving innovation problem in the research process of construction of ecological industrial park, park, industrial symbiosis, development of circular economy park and industry cluster, lacking of the systematic research for the park innovation management. Consequently, this article through to teasing development of domestic and foreign industrial park, industrial cluster, integrated innovation on the basic of integrated management theory, industrial cluster theory, innovation theory and theory of evolutionary economics, starting with the analysis of industrial park’s industry integrated innovation resources system, comprehensively analyzing the basic causes ’connotation and denotation that influence industrial integration innovation management in industrial park; By incorporating and using method of dynamic game, analyzing the collaboration mechanism between innovation main body subsystem and environment subsystem of integrated innovation system each other; Based on the theory and methods of system dynamics, establish causal models of industry integrated innovation system that innovation main body creative activities in industrial park, interactional feedback path between system innovation elements, system flow diagram as well as dynamics model of integrated innovation system of industrial park, and simulate that to the practice of Shenzhen economic development area at the national level, that provides a theoretical support and method guidance for industrial integration innovation management of industrial park. This study mainly does the following specific works:First of all, this study combined with the industrial park on the foundation of the systematical research on sustainable development of industrial park, industrial cluster, regional integration innovation management, evolutionary economics and other correlation theories, gathered of the development characteristics of various production factors such as enterprises, governments, intermediary service agencies and infrastructure and so on. In order to make these elements effectively realize scientific and reasonable gathering and flow, this article argues that the creative elements of integration can availably help the park form an organic whole that innovation resources can complement each other’s advantages, integrated innovation development mode of industrial park is the inevitable choice to realize the innovative park.Secondly, the industrial park of our country has made some achievements in the past thirty years, but there are still a lot of problems in the process of rapid development. For instance, the park and enterprises ignore innovation, the park lack of trust mechanism, the cluster network consciousness of coordinated development, the ability to integrate inside and outside innovation resources in the park is poor, enterprises in the park are only simply "cluster" and industry correlation is low, the development of park’s matched service lags behind, and so on. The concentrated result of the above problems is the inferior resources endowment in park and enterprises as well as generally low ability of integrated innovation. On how to perfectly promote the level of effectiveCollaboration between innovation subjects in industrial park and effective polymerization of kinds of innovation resources, this paper presents a variety of development mechanism, specifically including:main body coordination mechanism, resources aggregation mechanism, Platform service mechanism, Environment to creating environment mechanism and Government support mechanism, etc. The above mechanisms’construction and implementation is conducive to the generating of aggregation effect of park innovation resources, also effectively support and guarantee the development and promotion of the whole innovative ability for the industrial park.Thirdly, through the analysis and study on the connotation of integrated innovation system, characteristics of forming dynamics and integrated innovation implementation mechanisms of industrial park, by men’s of dynamic game, the author constructed cooperation game mathematics model between innovation subjects and cooperation game model between the innovation main body and the environment, define the evolution mechanism of industrial clusters innovation system, that is the core enterprises in the integrated innovation system whether to adopt integration strategies. When the net income increment that participates in the integration and the probability to take integration that participate in the enterprise (or intermediary service institutions) both go over the balance point within the system, core enterprises will take integration strategies. Whereas the opposite.Fourthly, based on theory and method of system dynamics, to establish a causal relation model of interaction between integrated innovation resources, analyze the synergy evolution path between the innovation main part and the environment subsystem, and onthisbasis, to build a system dynamics model of industrial park integrated innovation and have validitycheck on the model. Combining with the actual case of industrial park, to have simulation for the above system dynamics model. Based on the building and analysis of integrated innovation system dynamics model of industrial park, get the following conclusions:(1)Enterprises in industrial park should strengthen, cultivate and improve their own integrated innovation ability, seek opportunities of cooperation and exchanging at a greater degree by using the park innovation cooperation platform.(2)The government ought to further strengthen the cultivation of the park innovation culture, enhance the degree of mutual trust between innovation subjects, increase innovation power and innovation investment, improve the park’s overall innovation performance.(3)Science and technology intermediary organizations play a bridge role in enhancing communication between enterprises, governments and research institutions, so governments are supposed to raise awareness of the importance of intermediary agencies and increase the investment in its development.Finally, the study shows that the core members of the two subsystems of innovative subjectand innovation environment is enterprise and government, they play different role in the development of integrated innovation system, and give full play to their respective role. The author thinks that at the government level, they ought to guide the industry clustering in the park and give more policy support to industry development in the initial stage of integrated innovation, and governments should play a role of regulation and provide integrated services in the integrated innovation basic formation stage. At the enterprise level, enterprises are supposed to improve their own integrated innovation ability from the perspective of enterprise’s strategic integration, information integration and management, structure integration and innovation elements resources integration.
