

【作者】 夏世德

【导师】 谢刚;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 冶金物理化学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 电子废弃物对环境危害很大,不能随意抛弃,目前对电子废弃物回收处理主要目的是回收其中的高值品——金属和易回收的材料(如玻璃),而对其中的多组分共混高分子材料因其回收价值低、回收处理难度大、回收工艺流程长、投入高、投资回收期长等而形成技术瓶颈,在电子废弃物拆解厂到处堆积如山,造成白色污染。为了完善电子废弃物处理工艺,提高废弃资源综合回收效率,必须为电子废弃物中的废弃高分子材料寻找归宿,开发出电子废弃物中多组分共混高分子材料综合利用技术、工艺和设备,减少资源浪费,防止环境污染。本文研究了电子废弃物资源化处理技术,提出把电子废弃物中的多组分共混高分子材料不分类、不清洗、磨碎后与基质沥青在一定条件下熔融共混制成改性沥青的处理技术。研究了用电子废弃物中多组分共混废弃高分子材料生产改性沥青(塑料沥青)的配方、设备及产品性能,具体内容如下:(1)研究了不同种类电子废弃物的材料构成,不同电子废弃物的拆解处理方式,发现国内外学者及电子废弃物收购处理单位重视电子废弃物中的高值品(如金属)、易回收物(如玻璃)的回收,而对回收价值低、回收难度大的多组分共混高分子材料回收研究报道较少,几乎没有处理报道,而电子废弃物中的高分子材料占了总量的40%左右,如果不妥善处理,其对环境的危害、对资源的浪费是十分显著的。(2)研究了不同电子废弃物中高分子共混高分子材料的使用情况,包含使用的种类、含量,及其相应的物理化学特性,分析国内外的处理技术工艺。(3)系统研究了电子废弃物中常用的6中高分子材料废弃后的常用处理方法——物理回收、化学分解和焚烧。物理回收要单一种类的高分子材料,回收办法是造粒后添加到新料中制成较低档次的塑料制品出售,要么制成木塑等建材,这种制品老化更快;化学回收也是需要分类,然后分解成小分子,工艺复杂、投入高;焚烧的二次污染太大,这些方式均不适合处理电子废弃物中多组分共混高分子材料。(4)研究了电子废弃物中的高分子共混高分子材料的分离、提取技术工艺。电子废弃物中的高分子共混高分子材料往往是与金属粘合在一起的,需要进行分离。主要通过对电子废弃物的拆解、筛分、形状分选、磁选、电选、重力分选和涡电流分选,提取高分子材料。(5)研究了电子废弃物中的高分子共混高分子材料生产沥青的助剂选用,不同高分子材料对助剂的敏感性不一样,主要对增塑剂、引发剂、分散剂及稳定剂进行了实验选择。分别实验了季戊四醇、过氧化钠、过硫酸钾、邻苯二甲酸二丁酯、聚丙烯醇、四氢呋喃、二氯乙烷、硫磺、甲苯、丙烯酸对PS、ABS、PP、PU、PC、PF等材料的影响,最后选定用二氯乙烷、甲苯和过硫酸钾。(6)研究了利用电子废弃物中高分子共混高分子材料生产改性沥清的技术工艺配方。通过多次实验,提出液化技术,将废旧塑料(不清洗、不分类如PE、PP、PVC、CR、NR等共混高分子材料)在120~160℃,压力为一个标准大气压、氦气环境下液化;然后按照10:1~12:1的比例混合沥青与废旧共混高分子材料,并使之充分融合,生成沥青酚,得到高性能的共混高分子材料改性沥青。(7)研究了用电子废弃物中的多组分共混高分子材料制成的改性沥青的各项主要性能。分析了相容性,计算了不同参入比下的针入度(即黏稠度)、延度、软化点及稳定性。(8)设计了废旧高分子共混高分子材料改性沥青生产设备,根据废旧高分子材料改性沥青技术工艺产生设计改性沥青反应釜,反应釜采用PLC程序控制器,人机界面操作,自动恒压、恒温、高压、低压保护、漏电保护、过热、过冷保护、电导越限控制等自动处理。

【Abstract】 Electronic waste does harm to our environment, so it can not be abandoned. At present, the main purpose of the E-waste recycling is to reclaim the high value products--metal and recycled materials (such as glass). The recycling of the multi-component blend polymer material in the E-wastes has formed a technical bottleneck because of its low recovery value, its high difficult processing and recycling, its long recovery process, and its high investment and long investment recovery period. Thus the E-waste piles up around like a mountain hand in E-waste dismantling plant, it has caused white pollution. In order to improve the E-waste treatment process and improve the efficiency of the waste resource comprehensive recovery, we must find a family for the E-waste polymer materials and develop the comprehensive utilization technology, process and equipment for the multi-component blend polymer material in the E-wastes. At last, it will reduce the waste of resources and prevent from the environmental pollution.The author has studied the treatment technology which the multi-component blend polymer wastes in the E-wastes became harmless, resource and has studied the formulations, equipment and product performance which the multi-component blend polymer wastes in the E-wastes were produced to become the modified asphalt (plastic asphalt). Specific contents are as follows:The author has studied the material composition of the different E-wastes and the dismantling processing methods of the different E-wastes. At the same time, the author has found that the domestic and foreign scholars and E-waste acquisition processing department all pay attention to the recycling of high value products (such as metal), easy recycling material (such as glass) in the E-wastes. While the reports of the recycling of the multi-component blend polymer wastes in the E-wastes are few, almost no treatment reports because of its low recycling value and difficult recycling. The polymer materials in the E-wastes account for about40%of the total. If we could not handle them properly, it will be very significant that they do harm to the environment and it is waste for resources.The author has studied the use of the blend polymer material in the different E-waste, including its type, content, and physical and chemical properties, and has analyzed the domestic and international processing technology. The author has studied the common processing method after the six polymeric material abandoned in the E-wastes. That is the physical recycling, incineration and chemical decomposition. A single type of polymer materials may do the Physical recycling. The recycling solution is that after the polymer materials added to the new material through granulation, the plastic products made into lower grades are for sale. They can also make into the wood and other building materials. This kind of products is aging faster. Chemical recycling is that the polymer materials needs to be classified, and then they are decomposed into small molecules. This kind of method has the characteristic of complex process, high investment. Incineration method is too big for the environment pollution again. All these methods are not suitable for processing the multi-component blend polymer materials in the E-wastes.The author has studied the separation, extraction technology of the multi-component blend polymer materials in the E-wastes. The multi-component blend polymer material in the E-wastes is often bonded with the metal together, so they need to be separated. We extracted the polymer materials through dismantling, screening, separation, magnetic separation, electrostatic separation shape, gravity separation and eddy current separation for the E-wastes.The author has studied the auxiliary selection of the polymer blend materials made into asphalt in the E-waste. Different polymer materials are not the same to the auxiliary sensitivity. We selected mainly the plasticizing agent, initiator, dispersing agent and stabilizer in the experiment. We also did the experiment that pentaerythritol, respectively, potassium persulfate, sodium peroxide dibutyl phthalate, polypropylene glycol, tetrahydrofuran, two chlorine ethane, sulphur toluene, acrylic affected on PS, ABS, PP, PU, PC, PF and other materials. At last, we selected with two chlorine ethane, toluene and potassium sulfate.The author has studied the technology formula of the polymer blend materials being produced to the modified asphalt in the E-wastes. Through many experiments, the author put forward the liquefaction technology. The waste plastic (not cleaned, not classification such as PE, PP, PVC, CR, NR and other polymer blend materials) was liquefied at120-160℃, a standard atmosphere pressure, helium environment, and then the waste polymer blend material was mixed with the asphalt according to the radio of10:1-12:1, and was integrated fully with the asphalt and came into phenol. At last we got the high performance polymer blend modified asphalt. The author has studied the main properties of the modified asphalt which is made by multi-component blend polymer materials in the E-wastes. At the same time, the author analyzed the compatibility between them, and calculated the needle penetration (i.e., viscosity), ductility, softening point and stability under the different incorporation ratio.The author has designed the production equipment of waste polymer blend polymer made into modified asphalt. We designed the modified asphalt reactor according to the process of the waste polymer modified asphalt technology. The reactor used the PLC programmable controller, man-machine interface operation, automatic constant pressure, constant temperature, high pressure, low pressure protection, leakage protection, overheat, cold protection, conductance and more control and other automatic processing.
