

A Research on ’Xiang Shan Band’

【作者】 孟琳

【导师】 曹林娣;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 设计艺术学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 “香山帮”的营造技艺已被列入“国家级非物质文化遗产”,作为一种“无形文化遗产”的传承,离不开人、技术特征、作品特色三个方面的共同支撑。文章的研究也紧紧围绕这三个方面展开。作为一个民间匠帮组织,“香山帮”既有一位领袖性的人物,又有一册指导性的营造典籍成文。这种一脉相承的发展与“香山帮”所处的吴地背景休戚相关,其作品被归类为具有吴文化特色的建筑流派。上编第一章的内容以梳理吴文化影响下“香山帮”的发展脉络为主线,勾勒出“香山帮”的营造技术在“先吴时代”、“勾吴时代”、“后吴国时代”的发展轨迹,包括“技艺滥觞期——吴越文化时期”、“技艺转型与奠定期——六朝至两宋”、“技艺的辉煌期——元明至盛清”、“技艺的式微和复兴——近当代”四个阶段。文化为孳育之壤,建筑艺术是文化的体现,技术也会受到“富而思文”的影响。并从技术特征、匠人、典籍举隅及发展趋势的角度丰富了对“香山帮”人文特征的分析。“香山帮”匠人的作品涵盖了民居、园林、寺观等不同类型。下编着意分析技术和艺术相融和、匠人和“能主之人”相契合下“香山帮”作品。“香山帮”私家园林作品,其独树一帜的特点在于从“布局擎划”到“建筑类型的多样性”,从“建筑单体的艺术性”到“空间组成的整体性”。因此,将第四章私家园林营构的技术嵌入到构园程序中,有针对性地介绍了“一法多制”、“有法无式”的“香山帮”技艺特征。“香山帮”民居建筑作品,工艺成就极高但装饰手法淡雅,合乎礼制要求又极富生活意趣。研究一门技艺切不可闭门自喜,故将徽州与浙中北部地区的民居建筑引入进行比较性的研究,凸显了“香山帮”民居中“雕饰简洁、注重建筑构件的节点变化、工艺细腻、构件轻巧雅致”的技术与装饰特征。寺观建筑的营构是促进营造技艺发展的重要动因,第六章特设专题加以解析。通过研究可以发现,“香山帮”营造技艺的精粹当推私家园林,营造技艺的精细当推民居建筑,营造技艺的精巧当推寺观建筑。粹,园林建筑特征之纯粹;细,民居建筑做法不恃张扬专于工细;巧,吴地寺观独辟蹊径巧于营构。

【Abstract】 The construction technology of ‘Xiang Shan Band’ has been included in the ‘NationalIntangible Cultural Heritage’ list. The continuity of an ‘Intangible Cultural Heritage’ iscommonly supported by three key elements: people, technical features and characteristicsof the work. The present research is also conducted around the three elements.As a grass-roots organization,‘Xiang Shan Band’ has not only a leader but also aconstruction instruction, which is very rare in China. The development of ‘Xiang ShanBand’is closely associated with its Wu-background. Chapter One of Part One describes theband with its development vein as the main line and draws the outline of developmenttrack of the construction technology from ‘Pre-Wu era’ to ‘Gou Wu era’ then to ‘Post-Wuera’, including four stages which are respectively ‘Initial period in the Wu and Yue era’,‘Transformation and validation in the Six Dynasties to Song Dynasty’,‘Booming period inthe Yuan and Ming to Qing Dynasty’and ‘Declining and reviving period in Modern Times’.Culture is the soil of inoculation and Architectural Art is the expression of culture.Meanwhile, the technology will be impacted by the thought of ‘being rich and then think ofculture’. This paper also enriches the analyses of humanistic characteristics for ‘XiangShan Band’ from distinct angles of technical feature, workmen, cases from ancient booksand the development trend.The works of ‘Xiang Shan Band’ workmen mainly include dwellings, gardens andtemples. Part Two analyzes the works which is not only a fusion of technology and art butalso an agreement of the workman and charge workmen. The features of the private gardendesigned by ‘Xiang Shan Band’ are unique from ‘layout planning’ to ‘diversity ofarchitectural types’ and from ‘the artistic quality of single building’ to ‘the integrity of thespatial composition’. Therefore, in Chapter Four, it is targeted to introduce the techniquefeatures of ‘one method multiple ways’,‘with the method but without the way’, with insetting the construction technology of private gardens into the procedure of gardenconstitution. The works of dwellings from the ‘Xiang Shan Band’ have the extremely hightechnological achievements but its decoration is simple and elegant. At the same time, theworks satisfy the requests of etiquette and they are full of life charm. It is not advisable tobe closed when studying an art. So ‘Xiang Shan Band’ brings the dwellings buildings inHuizhou and the North of Zhejiang into the research to conduct a comparative analysis. Inaddition, this study highlights various technological and decorative features of thedwellings such as the simple carvings, exquisitetechnology, light and handy componentsand nodes changes of the building components. Chapter Six is contributed to thespecialized analysis that the construction of temple buildings is a significant cause of theimprovement in build skills. The research discovers that the pithy skills of ‘XiangshanBand’ are presented by private gardens; the exquisite skills are represented by thedwellings; and the ingenious skill are represented by the temples. To be exact, the pithyskills mean the pureness feature of the gardens; the exquisite skills show that theconstruction of the dwellings is not publicized and focuses on details; the ingenious skillsreveal that Wu temples develop a new style and are skillful in construction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期