

The Development Research of Chinese Modern Public Sculpture

【作者】 邵靖

【导师】 吴为山;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 设计艺术学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文以中国现代城市雕塑作为主要研究对象,着重分析了我国现代城市雕塑在各个不同历史时期的发展历程。现代城市雕塑作为一个舶来品,是从19世纪末才从西方国家引入中国的,论文按照“殖民时期——民国时期——建国初期和文革时期——改革开放”这一历史脉络进行分析,对中国大陆上的城市雕塑进行了基本历史梳理,并对各个时期主要的作品进行了案例分析的基础上,探讨了中国的城雕在各个时期受不同的文化历史背景、社会因素和意识形态的影响,形成其不同的特点及其内在联系,对中国不同时期的雕塑教育和几代雕塑家的发展及特点也进行了深入的分析。本文由绪论、正文三章和最后的结论三大部分组成:绪论部分对论文的研究对象、研究方法、研究缘起、研究现状和研究的重点难点进行了剖析。第一章重点写了殖民统治时期的殖民者建立的城市雕塑和民国时期第一代雕塑家所创作的城市雕塑。殖民统治的强行开埠、西方思想的引入及新文化运动、美术革命、新兴艺术学校与社团对中国现代雕塑的兴起都是直接或间接的影响,殖民者在租界地的公共空间、公共建筑、公共花园及私家花园中都开始兴建现代城市雕塑。民国时期的雕塑家们都是经历了艰苦的留学之路后归国的,他们为民国时期的现代雕塑教育和雕塑事业都做出了卓绝的贡献。第二章主要论述了新中国解放初期和文革时期的城市雕塑发展历史。美协的成立、“百花齐放、百家争鸣”、“两结合”的方针对此时的雕塑界有着诸多的影响,而在与苏联关系僵化之前,新中国几乎所有领域都深受苏联的影响,雕塑教育和雕塑创作也不例外。此时最大的城市雕塑项目就是建造人民英雄纪念碑,之后的十大建筑雕塑和“文革”期间毛泽东像的遍地开花揭示了这一时期的城市雕塑完全笼罩在政治的阴影之中,城市雕塑彰显其独有的艺术特色。第三章结合改革开放和经济发展的大背景,阐述了改革开放后中国现代城市雕塑发展的历史。这一时期的城市雕塑呈现出百花齐放的多元化,从千篇一律的不锈钢抽象雕塑,到各种风格的百花齐放,全国城市雕塑艺术委员的成立为繁荣的中国城市雕塑发展指明了方向,各种国际雕塑创作营、国际城市雕塑大赛此起彼伏,使得雕塑公园开始兴旺起来,其中以名人雕塑园居多,但是经过近三十年的建设,雕塑公园的发展起起落落,雕塑公园的后续管理令人堪忧。结语部分对全文进行了归纳总结,对不同时期的中国城市雕塑发展特点进行了论述。对中国现代城市雕塑的现状进行了分析,鱼龙混杂的城市雕塑建设现象使许多雕塑家开始对中国城市雕塑的发展不断深入探讨,对中国传统雕塑进行反思,将传统融入现代城市雕塑之中,力求使得中国城市雕塑有更良好和合理的发展趋势。

【Abstract】 This article discusses the Chinese modern public sculpture and focuses on the analysis of theChina’s modern public sculpture development in different historical periods.Chinese modern public sculpture is an exotic. From late nineteenth Century, it imported fromwestern countries. This article analyses according to the history of Chinese history: colonial period——the period of the republic of China——the early days and during the cultural revolution——after thereform and opening up. This article teases public sculptures on the Chinese mainland, analyses the mainworks in each time, and discusses the impact of Chinese public sculpture by the different cultural andhistorical background, social factors and ideology in different periods. It formats its differentcharacteristics and their relations. And it has carried on the thorough analysis of the development andcharacteristics of different period of Chinese sculpture education and several generations of sculptors.This article in composed of three parts: introduction, three chapters and conclusion:In the first part of this article, it analyses the research object, research method, research origin, andresearch status and research key difficulty.The first chapter focuses on the colonial settlers’ established public sculpture and the period of therepublic of China’s first generation of sculptors created public sculpture. Colonial ruler forced openingChinese. Western thought, new culture movement, the art of revolution, new art schools andassociations influenced directly or indirectly the rise of Chinese modern sculpture. Colonists arebeginning to build modern public sculptures in the concession of public space, public buildings, publicgarden and private garden. Sculptors in the period of Republic of China all returned after hard study inthe abroad. They made outstanding contributions for the China modern sculpture and sculptureeducation undertakings in the period of Republic of China.The second chapter mainly discusses the development history of the public sculpture in the earlyliberation of the new China and Cultural Revolution. Chinese artists association was founded,“let ahundred flowers blossom, let a hundred schools of thought contend”,“two combinations”, these policiesimportant influenced the modern sculpture. Before the relations rigid between the new China and theSoviet Union, almost all areas are deeply influenced by Soviet, including sculpture education andsculpture design. The largest public sculpture project in this period is the monument to the people’sheroes, later the sculptures of ten large buildings. During the “cultural revolution” Mao Zedongsculptures were building flourish across the country. It reveals this period of public sculpturecompletely shrouded in the shadow of politics. Public sculptures show unique artistic characteristics.The third chapter illustrates the development history of Chinese modern public sculptures after thereform and opening up with the background of economic development. During this period the publicsculptures show all flowers bloom together. From stainless steel sculptures, follow the same pattern, to the variety of style. The national guiding committee for public sculpture indicates the direction for theprosperity of Chinese public sculpture development. Various international sculpture camps,international public sculpture contest make Sculpture Park began to prosper. Most of these parks are thefamous person sculpture parks. After nearly thirty years of construction, development of Sculpture Parkis ups and downs. The management of Sculpture Park is anxious.The conclusion part summarized the whole article. The different periods of Chinese publicsculpture development characteristics were discussed in this article. This article analyzes the presentsituation of Chinese modern public sculpture. Nowadays, in public sculptures, good and bad are mixedtogether. This phenomenon makes many sculptors start to constant the development of Chinese publicsculpture deeply, reflect on the Chinese traditional sculpture, and strive to make China public sculpturedevelopment trend of good and reasonable.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期