

【作者】 赵星

【导师】 赵仁康;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 空间经济学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 随着知识经济的到来,文化产业在世界各国GDP中占据越来越多的份额,已经迅速成为全球经济增长的发动机。如今许多发达国家的文化产业都成长为拉动经济的重点产业,如美国电影出口额仅次于航空产品,在美国出口商品中位居第二;日本的动漫、唱片、出版业占据了全球市场的大片江山。进入21世纪,我国已经成为全球制造业基地,社会生产的物质产品非常丰富,而满足人民精神需求的文化产品相对匮乏。我国目前产业转型升级和促进内需增长的迫切要求都使文化产业上升到一个非常重要的地位。2012年2月出台的《国家“十二五”时期文化改革发展规划纲要》提出2015年我国文化产业将成为占GDP比重5%以上的支柱型产业。本文首先回顾了我国文化产业近十年的发展历程,我国文化产业的机构和人员数量以年均5%的水平增长,文化建设投资在2001-2006年之间缓慢增长,在2006-2008年之间增幅较大,2008-2009年实现跨越式增长,之后继续保持高位平稳增长。本文使用绝对集中度、区位熵和Theil指数分析了我国文化产业集聚水平,并使用ArcGIS软件将2011年我国各省文化产业发展水平的空间差异、基于供给的区位熵的空间差异和基于需求的区位熵的空间差异清晰的展示出来。研究结果表明:我国文化产业总体的区域不均衡程度有下降趋势;我国东部地区的文化产业区域发展差异是全国总差异的主要构成部分;我国文化产业发展水平较高的地区集中在东中部,基于供给视角的文化产业集聚水平较高的省份集中在西部地区,基于需求视角的文化产业集聚水平较高的省份主要位于西部、东部地区,多数省份的此三个指标评价结果差异很大,说明我国文化产业的发展尚未充分利用当地供给能力以实现最优发展,也与充分满足当地居民的文化产品消费需求之间存在一定差距。我国文化产业集聚水平存在较大的空间差异,导致差异的文化产业集聚的动力机制是本文研究的核心问题。本文首先从定性角度分析了推动文化产业集聚的作用力:包括知识溢出、贸易自由度、本地市场需求、生产要素禀赋、政府的政策激励、地理区位优势、历史文化资源禀赋。然后借助空间经济学的经典模型TP模型,改变假设条件后应用于我国文化产业集聚动力机制问题的分析。TP模型在空间经济学模型的垄断竞争和规模收益递增的一般均衡分析框架下,引入知识创新与传递因素,这样经济活动的集聚力不仅包括经济关联还包括知识关联,模型分析认为知识创新和知识扩散可以促进经济的集聚。TP模型是在消费者效用最大化和厂商利润最大化的一般均衡条件下进行分析,认为初始对称的两个的地区,知识分子为了追求更高的实际工资可以跨区域自由流动。分析得到如下结论:当区域之间知识传递强度一定时,知识分子区域对称分布状态下,知识创新效率最低;核心边缘分布状态下,知识创新效率最高。北部(或南部)文化产品生产企业的份额与北部(或南部)地区支出份额呈正相关关系,系数大于1,支出份额增加,则企业份额增加更多,即存在本地市场放大效应。贸易自由度的提高,有利于促进文化产业的空间集聚。消费者多样化偏好程度的增强,也有利于文化产业的空间聚集。在对我国文化产业集聚动力机制进行理论分析之后,本文利用我国31省2001-2011年的面板数据对理论分析得到的结论进行实证检验,面板模型的回归结果验证了理论假设:知识溢出越多的地区,文化产业集聚程度越高;贸易自由度高的地区,文化产业集聚水平越高;市场规模大的地区,文化产业集聚水平较高;政府规模较大、政策支持较多的城市,文化产业集聚水平较高;具有劳动要素禀赋优势的地区,文化产业集聚水平较高;资本要素充裕的地区,文化产业集聚水平较高;具有历史文化资源优势的地区,文化产业集聚水平较高。文章最后提出了优化我国文化产业集聚化发展、促进我国文化产业繁荣发展的对策,如提升政府的管理与服务能力;促进文化产业集聚区建设;促进文化消费市场建设;重视文化产业人才队伍建设;延伸文化产业链条;提升文化产品的贸易自由度;完善文化产业的投融资机制。

【Abstract】 With the arrival of knowledge economy, the output value of cultural industry occupies more and more share of GDP in countries around the world; the cultural industry has quickly become the engine of economic growth in the world. Today, the cultural industry has been the key industry in stimulating economic growth in many developed countries. For example, in USA, the value of export of film is second only to that of aviation products, ranking the second in USA; the Japanese industry of anime, record and publishing has occupied half of the global market. In the21st century, China becoming a global manufacturing industry base, people’s material wealth has enriched dramatically, but the cultural products which meeting people’s spiritual needs are relative deficient. Now it is urgent to improve the status of cultural industry during the course of industry transformation and upgrading, and promoting domestic demand in China."National cultural reform&development plan outline in ’twelfth five-year’period" which enacted in February2012put forward that the cultural industry in China will become the pillar industry taking a more than5%share of GDP in2015.At first, the thesis retrospects the development of cultural industry for nearly10years in China:the number of institutions and personnel of cultural industry shows an increase at an average annual rate of5%; the investment of cultural industry increased slowly between2000-2006, rose rapidly during2006-2008, made an unprecedented leap from2008to2009, and remains high steady growth after2010. And then, the thesis analyzes the agglomeration level of the cultural industry in our country by using the approaches of absolute concentration ratio, Location Quotient and Theil index, and clearly displays the space differences of development level of the provincial cultural industry, Location Quotient on the basis of supply, and Location Quotient on the basis of demand using of the software of ArcGIS. The study shows that the level of regional disequilibrium is low in the development of China’s cultural industry, and had the trend of balanced development; the overall difference of the cultural industry development level among provinces in China come mainly from the eastern areas; the provinces which have high level of development of cultural industry concentrate in the central and eastern regions, and the provinces which have high agglomeration level of cultural industry based on the perspective of supply mostly lies in the western areas, however the provinces which have high agglomeration level cultural industry on the basis of demand concentrate upon the western and eastern areas. The results of the three evaluation indicators differ greatly, which indicates that the development of cultural industry in China has yet not make full use of local supply capacity to realize optimal development, and also has a certain gap in fully meeting the cultural consumption demand of local residents.In consideration of the existence of space difference of agglomeration level of cultural industry in China, the dynamic mechanism of cultural industry agglomeration which accounts for the difference is the core issue of this thesis. At first, this thesis analyzes the factors promoting cultural industry agglomeration by the approach of qualitative analysis:knowledge spillover, freeness of trade, the demand of local market, production factor endowment, the incentive of government policy, good geographical location, historical and cultural resources endowment, and etc. And then, this thesis discusses the dynamic mechanism of cultural industry agglomeration with the help of the classic model of spatial economics:revised TP model by changing the assumptions. Under the framework of general equilibrium analysis of monopolistic competition and increasing return to scale of the new economic geography model, the TP model adds the factor of knowledge innovation and transfer, so the centripetal forces of economic activities include not only economic connection, but also knowledge linkage. The thesis argues that the innovation and diffusion of knowledge can promote economic agglomeration. The TP model analyzes under the general equilibrium conditions of consumers’ utility maximization and manufacturers’profit maximization, it assumps that cross-regional flow of intellectuals in initially symmetrical two regions happens because of pursuing higher real wages. This paper gets the following conclusions:when the intensity of knowledge transfers among regions is certain, the efficiency of knowledge innovation is the lowest under the conditions of symmetrical distribution of intellectuals; and the efficiency of knowledge innovation is the highest under the conditions of Core-Periphery distribution of intellectuals. There is positive correlation between the shares of culture product manufacturing enterprises and expenditure in northern area (or southern area), in which the coefficient is greater than1. That means that when the share of expenditure rising, the share of enterprises rising more. That is to say, there is amplification effect in local market. This thesis argues the increase of trade freeness is helpful for promoting cultural industry agglomeration, and the consumers prefer more diversified products that can also accelerate the space agglomeration of cultural industry.This thesis empirically tested the above conclusions of theoretical analysis by using the panel data of31provinces from2001to2011, the results of the panel model validate the theoretical hypothesis:the more knowledge spillover, the higher the degree of cultural industry concentration is; the higher the degree of trade freeness is, the higher the degree of cultural industry concentration is; the larger the market scale is, the higher the degree of cultural industry concentration is; the level of cultural industry agglomeration is higher if the areas have abundant factor endowments; the level of cultural industry agglomeration is higher if areas have more support from governments.In the end, this thesis put forward suggestions of promoting the development of cultural industry and optimizing the agglomerational development of cultural industry: improving the government’s abilities in management and service; promoting the construction of cultural industry clusters districts and cultural consumption market; attaching great importance of talent team construction; extending cultural industry chain; increasing the trade freeness of cultural products; perfecting the investment and financing mechanism of cultural industry.
