

【作者】 朱孟武

【导师】 刘赦;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 美术学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 云水法作为中国画重要的法式之一,具有丰富的表现形态,是画家对自然云水观照、阐释的一种绘画方法。云水法研究旨在通过中国画作品结合文献资料对云水法进行重新认识。具体而言,以不同时期云水法发生的变化作为线索,从技法层面对其进行不同层次和角度地分析,厘清其发展历程的真实面貌。魏晋时期,云水的审美价值不断地被画家挖掘,开始用于传达绘画意图,烘染所述故事情境的氛围,使得云水法在画面效果和视觉欣赏上发挥了巨大的作用;唐、五代、宋是云水法表现语言发展比较迅速的时期,在这些历史发展的不同阶段,云水法的变化体现在各类云水法表现语言形成这一事实上。在画家群体的努力下,各类云水法表现语言相继成熟,相互辉映,在中国画的艺术表现方面发挥了巨大的作用;在随后的发展中,云水法的变化表现在不同艺术风格的出现。此时,云水法的技法运用发生了一些具体变化,表达了不同时期画家的审美趣味,使中国画艺术有了更加完美的艺术效果。20世纪,在中西文化交融的时代背景下,云水法依旧发生着变化。作为云水法创新的代表性人物,陆俨少在传统与现代、东方与西方之间开辟了一条云水法现代创新之路。不仅如此,他还通过推出具有强烈个人风貌的云水形象,完成了其云水法的现代转变,成为艺术创新的典范。云水法研究旨在解决云水法技法实践中的实际问题,重点强调云水法的现代创新。根据不同的技法特点和运用范围,云水法的运用类型可归纳为:“叙述故事型”、“调节画面型”、“艺术风格型”。三种类型所包含的内容结合在一起构成了云水法的技法传统,这个传统为云水法技法实践能力的培养提供了方向。然而,云水法技法实践基本功的培养固然是重要的,但训练出的绘画能力终究是服务于云水法的现代创新。因此,云水法的创新才是云水法技法实践的重中之重。只有在技法传统的基础上,创造出具有现代审美意味的云水法形式,我们的技法实践才能说是有意义的。云水法研究的出发点蕴涵着这样一个指向:它是一座桥梁,一条路径,而最终目的是解决当下云水法技法实践中的问题,进而实现云水法的艺术创新。因此,云水法应该进入艺术史研究视野,并值得深入研究。

【Abstract】 Cloud water, as one of the most important skills of painting,has rich forms.It is a painting method showing the painter’s conception on the reflection and interpretation of natural cloud and water.The research of cloud water attempts to rediscover cloud water on the basis of traditional Chinese painting works in combination with literature documents.To be specific,it uses the change of cloud water in different period as a clue,analyses cloud water in different levels and angles on the skill level in order to clarify the real appearance of its development.In Wei Jin period, the aesthetic value of cloud water was constantly tapped by painters.It began to express intentions, created the atmosphere of described story situation, making cloud water play a huge role on the picture and visual appreciation; In Tang, five dynasties and Song dynasty,the language development of cloud water is relatively rapid. In the different phases of historical development,the change of cloud water is embodied in the fact of the language form of all kinds of cloud water.With the help of the painter group, the languages of all kinds of cloud water have been mature, reflected mutually and played a huge role in traditional Chinese painting art; In subsequent development, the change of cloud water showed in the appearance of different artistic styles.At this point, the techniques of cloud water have taken place in using some specific changes, expressed the painter’s aesthetic taste in different periods, making the traditional Chinese painting art have a more perfect artistic effect. In the era background of culture exchange between east and west in the20th century, cloud water is still changing.As the representative of the innovation of cloud water, Lv Yanshao had opened up a modern innovation path of cloud water between tradition and modern, east and west. Besides, he also created a strong personal style and image of cloud water, completed its modern transformation and become the model of artistic innovation.The purpose of the research of cloud water is to solve practical problems in the technique practice of cloud water and stress the modern innovation. According to the different technique characteristics and application scope, the using types of cloud water can be summarized as"story telling","picture adjusting" and"artistic style".The content contained together in the text of these three types constitutes the traditional techniques of cloud water, which provides a direction of the cultivation of practice ability. However, although the cultivation of basic skills is important, the training of drawing ability is under the service of the modern innovation.Therefore,the innovation of cloud water has the top priority in technique practice. Only by creating a form of modern aesthetic taste on the basis of traditional techniques can our technique practice be meaningful.The starting point of the research of cloud water contains such a point:the cloud water is a bridge, a path whose final purpose is to solve the present problems in technique practice in order to achieve artistic innovation of cloud water. Therefore cloud water should be put into the vision of art history and worth further research.

【关键词】 云水法中国画图式传统创新
【Key words】 Cloud waterChinese paintingSchemaTraditionInnovation
  • 【分类号】J212
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】312