

【作者】 丁笑生

【导师】 刘云林;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 大学生公寓文化是校园文化的重要组成部分,凝聚着浓厚的校园精神和人文气息,彰显着大学生朝气蓬勃和奋发向上的精神,丰富着大学生的文化生活和精神世界,陶冶着大学生的道德情操和高尚品质。随着时代的发展、高等教育的改革、大学生呈现的新特点,越来越凸显大学生公寓文化对大学生健康成长成才的重要作用,迫使我们必须寻求新的理论认识和实践方式,以促使大学生公寓文化建设符合时代的特征、先进文化的要求和学生的合理诉求,从而提升大学生公寓文化的育人作用。本文共分七个章节:第一章:阐述了文化的概念、分类、基本性质以及先进文化的特征和校园文化的作用,界定了大学生公寓文化的内涵,分析了大学生公寓文化的稳定性与渐变性、认同性与超越性、同质化与异质性和包容性与排他性等特点以及大学生公寓文化的教育导向、凝聚激励、心理调适、怡情陶冶、约束规范和传承创新等功能,同时,阐释了公寓文化对大学生思想政治教育的重要性。第二章:通过对240名高校辅导员和15所高校6950名学生进行调研,发现大学生公寓文化建设中存在一些亟待解决的问题,如思想认识不到位、机制体制不顺、制度建设缺位、监督措施不力、文化个性不突出、主体发挥不够、非主流文化冲击、隐性壁垒太强等问题,同时,分析发现大学生公寓文化建设也受社会环境、网络环境、教育环境、传统文化被弱化和庸俗文化等因素的影响。第三章:明确了大学生公寓文化建设的目标。通过大学生公寓文化建设的制度规范化、管理精细化、服务人本化和教育纵深化等方面,探索大学生公寓文化建设的科学化;通过大学生公寓文化营造公寓风气、熏陶班级风气、浓郁学校风气等方面,促进学校形成浓厚的氛围;通过大学生公寓文化锤炼学生的政治观、塑造学生的道德观、树立学生的生命观、端正学生的消费观和引导学生的发展观等方面,深化大学生思想政治教育;通过大学生公寓文化培养学生自我教育、自我管理、自我服务、自我完善等能力,锤炼大学生的综合素质。第四章:探究了大学生公寓文化建设的原则。在大学生公寓文化建设中,需要坚持主旋律与多样性相统一、理论性与实践性相统一、传承性与创新性相统一、科学性与人文性相统一、共性与个性相统一等原则,同时,分析了他们之间的关系,以期共同促进大学生公寓文化的繁荣和发展。第五章:明确了大学生公寓文化建设的物质文化、制度文化、精神文化和行为文化等内容。通过对公寓物质文化的类别、地位、特性和规划的分析,认识到大学生公寓物质文化是表层文化,是大学生公寓文化建设的基础;通过对公寓制度文化的类型、原则、功能和塑造的分析,认识到大学生公寓制度文化是中层文化,是大学生公寓文化建设的保障;通过对公寓行为文化和精神文化的分析,认识到大学生公寓精神文化和行为文化是深层文化,是大学生公寓文化建设的核心。以上内容是一个统一的整体,在大学生公寓文化建设中,相互影响、相互制约、相互促进。第六章:从管理体制、队伍建设、文化载体等方面探索大学生公寓文化建设的途径。建立学校统一管理、职能部门具体管理、院系积极管理和学生组织参与管理的垂直管理体制,把服务直接送到学生中间去,提高工作的时效性和针对性。强化大学生公寓文化队伍建设,注重队伍的选拔、培养、使用、考核和激励等措施,激发大学生公寓文化队伍的积极性和创造性。注重大学生公寓文化活动的系统化、时代化、主题化和持续化,塑造公寓文化活动品牌,以期通过活动锻炼学生、通过文化熏陶学生。第七章:按照“以评促建,以评促改,以评促管,评建结合,重在建设”的方针,从大学生公寓文化建设评估的意义、原则、内容、方法与步骤等方面,分析大学生公寓文化建设评估的作用,构建大学生公寓文化建设的评估体系,进而促进大学生公寓文化建设的可持续发展,以期确保大学生公寓文化的育人效果。

【Abstract】 College apartment culture is an indispensible part both in campus culture and social culture. It embodies the strong college spirit and culture, college students’youthful and energetic spirit, which also enriches their life in culture and spiritual to cultivate their moral character and mind. With the development of the times, the reform of higher education and some different characters of these college students, college apartment culture play an increasing role in college students’healthy growth. Then we attempt to explore new approach to improve our theoretical consciousness and practice method, to promote cultural development of students’ apartment’s characteristics of the times, the requirements of advanced culture and the reasonable demands of the students, thus, promote its role of college apartment culture. This thesis consists of the following7chapters:In chapter one, researchers explain the notion of culture from its classification and fundamental character, features of advanced culture as well as function of campus culture. In this part, we define the concept of apartment and college students’apartment and its cultural connotation. We also analyze the feature of college students’apartment culture:its stability and mobility; identification and transcendence; homogenization and heterogeneity; inclusiveness and exclusiveness. Besides, this part also elaborates its leading role in education, its function on inspiring, adjusting mental, cultivating mind, restricting and giving a norm and even accumulating and inheriting. In the end, this part points out that college students’apartment culture should serve as important position for college students’ ideological and political education and so on.In the second chapter, based on researches into instructors from240different universities and6950college students from15different universities, some problems are unearthed in college students’apartment culture construction such as deficiency in ideological understanding, system mechanism, institutional improvement, supervisory measures and a lack of cultural character, subjectivity, the non-mainstream culture attack and strong interest barriers. Apart from that, this part presents some factors to constrain college students’apartment culture construction, that is to say, the social and educational environment influence, weakening traditional culture and prevailing vulgar culture etc.Chapter three is concerned with the goal of college students’apartment culture construction. Firstly, standardized system, specific management, and people-based service and intensified education, which will stimulate the construction to the scientific level. Secondly, the culture of college students’apartment will be embodied in one dorm, and then influence the atmosphere of one class, one grade and even one college, enriching one university cultural atmosphere, its teaching and study style. In this way, a strong cultural essence is being established. Thirdly, the culture of college students’apartment can help to exercise college students’political ideas; develop their morality, establish their life outlook, improve their consumption concept and guide their view of development, thus promoting college students’ideological and political education. Finally, the culture of college students’ apartment can foster these students’capability in self-education, self-management, and self-service and strengthen their ability to improve themselves. Hence, it exercises students’ comprehensive quality.In chapter four, principles of college students’apartment culture are explored. These principles are what we should uphold the unity of central theme and diversity, theoretical and practicality, inheriting and innovation, the nature of science and arts, commonness and individuality. They are inseparable dialectical unity so that they are integrated, depend on and complement each other. All these will boost prosperity and development of college students’apartment culture.Material culture, institutional culture, spiritual culture and behavioral culture in college students’apartment culture construction are pointed out in Chapter five. It can be divided into three parts:firstly, being analyzed its category, status, characteristic and design, material culture in college students’apartment culture, a kind of culture in surface, is the basis of college students’apartment culture construction. Secondly, the middle level of college students’apartment culture is institutional culture, which is considered as the guarantee of cultural construction through our analyzing institutional cultural type, principle, function and its elements. Thirdly, as two cultures at deep level, behavioral and spiritual cultures become the core of college students’apartment culture construction. Consequently, being a unity, all parts are mutually influenced and constrain each other, thereby promoting the prosperity and development of college students’apartment culture.Chapter six illustrates effective means of constructing college students’apartment culture in terms of management system, team construction and cultural carrier. A vertical management system is supposed to be established that involves unified management from university, specific management from administrative departments, positive participation and management from colleges and student organizations. This timely and well-directed system can serve for students directly. One troop attaching importance to its selection, cultivation, function, assessment and incentives should be strengthened and motivates us to construct college students’apartment culture positively and creatively. As for cultural activities, they should value its systematization, modernization, theme and continuity to build brand for college students’ apartment culture. And then students can exercise, improve them and be exposed to this culture by the means of participating in these activities.According to the guideline of "promoting construction, reform and management by evaluation, at the same time, integrating construction and evaluation, focusing on construction", in the final chapter, the role of evaluation in college students’apartment culture construction is analyzed in terms of its significance, principle and contents, method and procedures and so on. Furthermore, evaluation system of college students’apartment culture construction would be established, further push ahead its continuous development, providing an effective guarantee for cultivating talents with college students’apartment culture.
