

【作者】 杨名

【导师】 潘百齐;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 唐代舞蹈诗指唐代诗歌中对舞蹈、舞人、舞境作相关描写的诗歌以及流行于唐代并以诗歌形式被保存下来的舞曲歌辞,因此可以将其分为咏舞诗、舞曲歌辞、咏舞姬诗及涉及舞蹈情境的诗歌四类。在对唐代舞蹈诗的研究中,整体创作特征的分析、诗歌的分类研究以及诗歌作者的研究都是必要的。本论文即从这三个方面入手,在归纳评论、批判继承前人研究成果的基础上做进一步深入、系统的研究。本文对唐代舞蹈诗的整体研究包括历史渊源、创作背景、创作概况、文化内涵及艺术成就五个方面。第一章追溯了唐代舞蹈文化及舞蹈诗的历史渊源,分析了各个历史阶段的舞蹈及舞蹈诗创作对唐代的影响。先秦礼乐文化是唐代礼乐制度的来源,《诗经》、“楚辞”中描写舞蹈、舞人的诗歌,为唐代舞蹈诗的创作打下了良好的基础。汉代确立的以楚舞为范式的中国传统舞蹈审美标准直接影响到唐代的舞蹈审美,汉魏乐府及雅舞歌辞、杂舞曲辞是唐代舞曲歌辞的创作典范。魏晋风流是唐代舞蹈精神气质的来源,而南朝宫体诗中的咏舞、咏妓诗直接促使了唐代咏舞诗、咏舞姬诗的兴盛。隋代雅乐的制定使得唐代能完全继承已有的雅乐系统,从而将更多的精力放在对俗乐舞的发展上,隋代舞蹈诗是唐代舞蹈诗的先声。第二章系统分析了唐代各时期统治者的乐舞观,并阐述了其对唐代舞蹈诗创作的影响。本文认为朝廷对雅乐的重视奠定了乐舞的重要社会地位,而对宫廷燕乐、民间俗乐的鼓励与支持使整个社会具有浓重的艺术氛围,这种社会环境极有利于舞蹈诗的创作与繁荣。第三章研究了唐代舞蹈诗的创作概况及繁荣原因。有唐一代,舞蹈诗创作在不断发展变化,其艺术技巧也逐渐成熟:初唐时期舞蹈诗多是对宴饮中舞蹈场面的偶一涉及;盛唐时期舞蹈诗描写的内容逐渐丰富;中唐是舞蹈诗创作的黄金时期,出现了大量名篇;晚唐舞蹈诗创作技巧更为成熟,内蕴更为深厚。在对唐代舞蹈诗创作繁荣原因的分析上,本文认为发达的舞蹈艺术、宴游活动的盛行以及士人与妓女的亲密关系皆促进了舞蹈诗的创作与流传,宠大的诗歌创作群体更为舞蹈诗的大量出现提供了可能。第四章研究了唐代舞蹈诗的文化内涵。本文着重分析了舞蹈诗中体现出的唐代乐舞与诗、酒的紧密联系,并详细归纳了诗歌中的各类女性形象。第五章研究了唐代舞蹈诗的艺术成就。以诗之体式描写舞之律动,这是唐代舞蹈诗最大的艺术成就。舞蹈诗善于抓住最富于特征性的动作来描述舞蹈,表现出舞蹈带给人的审美感受。融贯其中的浪漫气质是唐代舞蹈诗的又一艺术特征。浓重的抒情意味使诗歌蕴有深刻的内涵。诗中高超的写人艺术更是塑造了一群栩栩如生的舞者形象。本文对唐代舞蹈诗研究还包括对具体舞蹈及相关诗歌的研究,对著名舞曲歌辞的研究以及对重要舞蹈诗作者的研究。第六章是对唐代两支著名舞蹈及其相关诗歌的研究。本文首次对霓裳羽衣舞诗、柘枝舞诗的主题内容、艺术特征进行了分析,认为霓裳羽衣舞诗中多寄托着诗人对美好生活的向往和对昔日繁华的留恋,流露出浓郁的兴亡之叹,而柘枝舞诗则主要描写舞妓的容色,几乎没有寄托,诗中具有明显的崇尚声色倾向,是中晚唐社会注重享乐、追求艳情的表现。第七章是对几种并非以舞曲命名的“类舞”及其诗歌的研究。这些舞蹈是某一类舞的统称,其名称来源于舞蹈的动作特征或表演形式,研究者们对它们有较多的关注,但对其相关诗歌的研究却十分缺乏。本文分析了这些舞蹈诗,认为胡旋舞诗、胡腾舞诗包含着大量与舞蹈相关的信息,多以讽喻为主旨,流露出诗人对世事的关注;踏歌诗描写的内容由舞妓容色逐渐转向诗人的内心世界,尤其是在晚唐至宋代,诗中的情感色彩更浓,踏歌也由舞蹈实景转化为虚构的意象,成为文人情感的载体;剑舞诗中亦有对剑舞舞容的描写,但更注重对唐人豪情的艺术表达;与舞马相关的诗歌虽然不多,但其中对唐代舞马的舞容描写十分细致。第八章研究了唐代的三种重要舞曲歌辞及以《铜雀台》为代表的咏舞姬诗。唐代《白纻词》的发展具有一定特殊性,由于其舞蹈逐渐消亡,最终成为清唱的歌词,因此也具有了独立的审美价值。《杨柳枝》是唐代的流行舞曲,诗中多怀古之思、兴亡之感,也有部分描写艳情的内容。《竹枝词》多咏风土人情,包含了丰厚的民俗文化,舞容简单,多为踏歌之类。本文在对唐代咏舞姬诗的研究上,选取创作数量最多的《铜雀台》系列诗歌作为代表,概括出《铜雀台》的几类主题,并分析了其主要的艺术成就。第九章、第十章是对唐代重要舞蹈诗作者的研究。本文首次对白居易在不同时期创作的舞蹈诗进行了整理,认为其创作在其不同的人生阶段呈现出不同的特点。白居易乐舞美学观与传统的儒学思想大体是一致的,但他更注重舞蹈的怡情作用和娱乐性,其乐舞美学观中对乐舞政治功用的强调仅体现在早期的“新乐府”创作上,在其大多数舞蹈诗中,诗人更强调舞蹈所带来的身心愉悦。元稹的舞蹈诗创作基本与白居易同步,但也有自身的创作特点,其中描写、叙述较多,善用比兴,篇末则以议论点睛,部分诗作有“轻艳”的特点。张祜舞蹈诗对唐代著名乐舞皆有涉及,其中记载了不少大型乐舞活动及趣事,对舞蹈动作、服饰及舞蹈家的名字多有记载,是研究唐代舞蹈的重要资料。王建舞蹈诗皆以宫中生活为背景,表达了对宫人命运的关注,蕴含着对世事变迁的感叹,体现出浓郁的人文情怀。诗中多用“赋”的手法,对宫廷生活有较详实的记录,具有重要的史料价值。

【Abstract】 The dancing poems in the Tang Dynasty are the poems described dances, dancers, and the surroundings of dance, and lyrics and dance music that were popular in the Tang Dynasty and then preserved in the form of poem. Therefore, these poems can be divided into four parts, including Yong Wu poems, lyric and dance music, Yong Wu Ji poems and poems related to dance circumstances. When we study on the dancing poems in the Tang Dynasty, it is vitally necessary that the analysis of overall writing characteristics, taxonomic researches on poems, and studies on the poets. This theses, from above-mentioned three aspects, further carried on a comprehensive and systematic investigation on the base of criticizing and inheriting previous research results.The systematically study on the dancing poems in the Tang Dynasty include the historical roots, backgrounds, overviews of writing, cultural connotations, and artistic achievements. Chapter One retrospect the historical roots of dance culture and dance poems in the Tang Dynasty, and analyzed the effect of dance and writing of dancing poems of different historical stages on those in the Tang Dynasty. The ceremony and music system in the Tang dynasty originated in rites and music culture in the Pre-Qin Dynasty. The poems depicting dance and dancers in Shi Jing and Chu Ci were very valuable to the development of the dancing poems in the Tang Dynasty. Chu dance, as the Chinese traditional aesthetic standards of dance established in the Han Dynasty, affected the aesthetic of the Tang Dynasty. Yue Fu Poems, lyric of ritual dance and Za Wu of the Han and Wei Dynasty were excellent examples of the lyric of dance in Tang Dynasty. The Wei Jin style was the source of the spirit of Tang dynasty dance. Moreover, Yong Wu and Yong Ji Poems in royal style verse of the Nan Dynasty facilitated the development of Yong Wu and Yong Ji Poems of the Tang Dynasty. At the same time, dance in the Tang dynasty completely inherited the Ya Yue system in the Sui Dynasty, thus paying more attention on the development of the common music. The dancing poems in the Sui Dynasty were the prelude to those in the Tang Dynasty.In chapter two, the orchestic and musical perspectives of emperor in the Tang Dynasty were systematically analyzed, and then the effect of the orchestic and musical perspectives of emperor on the writing of the dancing poems in the Tang Dynasty were elaborated. The Tang Dynasty emperor had liberal views about music and dance. They attached great importance to Ya Yue, which endued the music and dance with an important social status. Moreover, they encouraged and supported the development of court Ya Yue and folk music, thus resulted in the whole society are immersed in the extensive artistic atmosphere, which is advantageous to the writing and prosperity of dancing poems. In chapter three, the survey of writing and reasons for boom of dancing poems in Tang Dynasty were examined. The writing of dancing poems continuously developed, and the artistic skills became gradually mature during the Tang Dynasty. Most of the dancing poems in the early period of the Tang Dynasty simply depicted the scene of banquet dance. The content of dancing poems were gradually enriched in the flourishing period of Tang Dynasty. Subsequently, the emergence of many famous poems indicated the middle period of Tang Dynasty is the golden age of the writing of dancing poems. The writing skills and implication of dancing poems in the late Tang Dynasty became mature and profound. According to the analysis of writing of dancing poems, there are many reasons for the prosperity of dancing poems in the Tang Dynasty, such as the developed dance, prevailing banquet and outings, and the intimate relation between intellectuals and prostitutes. Moreover, the huge writer group enable the emergence of large amounts of dancing poems.The cultural connotation of dancing poems in the Tang Dynasty was investigated in chapter four. The dancing poems of the Tang Dynasty contain deep culture connotation, which not only embodied the close connection between music, dance, poems and wine in the Tang Dynasty, but also exhibited female characters. In chapter five, we studied the artistic achievements of dancing poems in the Tang Dynasty. The greatest artistic achievements of dancing poems of Tang Dynasty is that dance rhythm were depicted in the form of poems. Poets were good at describing dance by the most characteristic movements in dance, which exhibited aesthetic feeling of dance. Romantic temperament all throughout is another artistic features of dancing poems in the Tang Dynasty. Strong lyric emotion made the connotation of poems profound. The excellent writing technique further portrayed a group of vivid dancer.In addition, studies on dancing poems in the Tang Dynasty included studies on the specific dances, poems, well-known lyric, and important poets. The themes and artistic features of poems of Ni Chang Yu Yi and Zhe Zhi were firstly analyzed. Poems describing Ni Chang Yu Yi exhibited poets emotions of looking forward to a better life, looking backward to the splendours of the recent past, and complaint of the rise and fall of country. The poems of Zhe Zhi Wu mainly described the beautiful dancers, has no inner resources and sensual tendencies, which is representation of hedonism and sensualism in the middle and later Tang Dynasty society. In chapter seven, we studied some kinds of dance and poems, which are not named after dance music. These dancing poems also recorded many dance, which is a general term for a kind of dance. The name stemmed from the dance movement characteristics or performance forms. Researchers have paid more attention to these dance, but the studies on poems related to these dance is scarce. This thesis analyzed these poems. The poems about Hu Xuan, Hu Teng contained large amounts of information related to dance. The purport of many poems are allegory and revealed attention of the poets to world. The content of Ta Ge was gradually transformed from the appearance of bayadere into the world inside poets. Especially, during the late Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty, poems became more emotional. At the same time, Ta Ge has also transformed from the pure dance scene into fabled intention and became a carrier of literati emotion. Although sword dance poems described the appearances of sword dance, sword dance poems had paid more attention to artistic expression of lofty sentiments of Tang People. The poems related to horse dance are rare, but the description of horse dance were very careful.In chapter eight, three important dance music and lyric and Yong Wu Ji poems in the Tang Dynasty were investigated. The development of Bai Zhu CI in the Tang Dynasty is special. Because dance vanished, Bai Zhu CIultimately evolved into an unaccompanied lyric and possess more independent aesthetic value. Yang Liu Zhi is a popular dance in the Tang Dynasty. Most of poems contained a thought of the past and a sense of the rise and fall, others described erotic content. Zhu Zhi Ci mostly chant customs and culture, and is rich in folk culture resources. However, the dance movements were simple, and dances were mostly Ta Ge. Tong Que Tai are representative of Yong Wu Ji poems in the Tang Dynasty. This theses generalized several types of theme of Tong Que Tai, and analyzed the artistic achievements.The important poets of dancing poems in the Tang Dynasty were studied in chapter nine and ten. The dancing poems created by Bai Juyi in different periods were firstly examined. The dancing poems presented different features at different stage of poet life. The orchestic and musical perspectives of Bai Juyi is in coincidence with conventional Confucianism thought, and his poems also paid attention to entertainment. The political function of dance was only exhibited in his early writing named Xin Yue Fu. In most of his dancing poems, Bai Juyi placed greater emphasis on physical and mental pleasure of dance. The dance poems of Yuan Zhen and Bai Juyi were almost synchronous. However, the dance poems of Yuan Zhen possessed individual feature. His poems have many descriptive and narrative contents. Yuan Zhen were skillful in metaphor and analogy. The ending of poems were always comments. The features of some poems were frivolous and gorgeous. The dancing poems of Zhang Hu were important materials for study of dance in the Tang dynasty. These dancing poems have recorded many big music and dance activities and amusing stories. In addition, many dance movement, dress and dancers were introduced in his poems. The dancing poems of Wang Jian set against a backdrop of life in the court, expressed the attention to the fate of the court ladies, implicated the plaint on the changing of current affairs, and exhibited profound humanistic feelings. These poems always employed the skill of ode, contained the detailed records of the court life, possessed important historical value.
