

The Synthesis. Property and Application Study of Novel Functional Siloles

【作者】 梅菊

【导师】 唐本忠; 孙景志; 秦安军;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 高分子化学与物理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 由于其特殊的电子结构和优异的光电性能,噻咯已在光电材料、化学传感、生物检测与成像以及智能材料等众多领域引起了越来越多的关注,从而使得设计与开发具有新颖性能的功能化噻咯成为有机合成和材料等多个研究领域的重要课题,在有机半导体的理论研究和实际应用中均具有重要意义。合成方法的改进、构效关系的研究以及应用的拓展是开发新型噻咯体系的关键点。开发功能化噻咯的平台是解决这些问题的根本策略同时也是噻咯研究领域的一个挑战。由于极性基团与催化剂的不相容性,极性基团或活性官能团难以引入噻咯体系,目前已开发的噻咯中功能化的噻咯体系屈指可数,而可作为修饰平台的噻咯更是凤毛麟角。本文通过醛基的保护与原位脱保护的方法成功地合成了两种醛基功能化的噻咯,利用这些噻咯的多反应性成功地制备了其它几种功能性噻咯,实现了噻咯的长波发射。并利用这些功能化噻咯与某些特殊氨基酸的特异性反应构建了生物探针体系。与此同时,还通过对这些功能化噻咯的分子结构、电子结构和光物理、热学、电化学以及电致发光等性能的系统研究探讨了这些极性取代基的种类和取代位置对噻咯性能的影响。首先,设计并通过改进Tamao法合成了三种2,5位的苯环上对称取代的带有吸电子性或给电子性基团的新型功能化噻咯,并对这些功能化噻咯的结构和理化性质作了系统地研究和对比分析,为功能化噻咯的后续研究提供了有力的依据和指导。这些新颖的噻咯表现出典型的聚集诱导发光(AIE)或聚集荧光增强(AEE)性能以及独特的溶致变色性能和电荷转移效应。其中,醛基功能化的噻咯DMTPS-ALD成为噻咯后功能化的有效平台,由它得到的DMTPS-DCV实现了橙红光发射。DMTPS-DPA成为首例用AIE活性的噻咯分子成功改造聚集荧光猝灭(ACQ)分子的工作,它能同时充当空穴传输层和发光层,所制得的器件性能可与已报道的黄光OLEDs的性能媲美甚至更佳。这些功能化噻咯填补了极性噻咯的空白同时拓展了噻咯体系。其次,通过总结前人的工作发现了由具有螺旋桨结构的AIE分子构筑软质多孔晶体(SPCs)的巨大潜力,提出了不同于已报道的经典有机骨架和金属有机骨架的构筑思想的全新的SPCs的构筑理念。筛选出了具有光电活性的纯共轭的有机组分DMTPS-DCV来验证这一设计理念,制得了性能优异的SPCs.该SPC的柔软性由多重刚性芳香取代基相对于共轭核心的分子内旋转来体现,其多孔性源自扩展的旋转芳香性基元的非共平面的构型,结构的长程有序性通过强极性基团间的偶极-偶极相互作用来保证。更重要的是,由于具有光电活性和结构变换性的有序骨架,该SPC表现出了独特的发光行为,其荧光性能对诸如溶剂、机械力和热处理等的环境刺激极为敏感,在化学、生物传感及信息存储等领域极具前景。因此,所提出的SPCs的构筑策略具有十分重大的指导意义,有利于基于各种共轭基元来构建和发展新型的具有特定功能的有机多孔性材料。基于DMTPS-ALD开发了一种新型的荧光探针,该探针以醛基为反应基团,以AIE活性的DMTPS骨架为信号基元,具有优异的特异性和选择性。探针分子与Cys和Hcy的反应动力学差异可将这两种结构十分近似的氨基酸相互区分开来,响应体现在荧光的增强,峰位的蓝移以及沉淀产物的产生上。GSH对Cys和Hcy的检测干扰明显,故而GSH可被反向检测。开创了一种前所未有的利用单一荧光探针通过荧光“开启”和“关闭”法检测并区分Cys, Hcy和GSH的荧光滴定法,该方法同时结合了荧光光谱的高灵敏性和沉淀滴定法的可靠性。且该荧光探针还可用于去蛋白后的血浆中的Cys的检测,表明醛基功能化的噻咯有望用于Cys的临床检测和鉴定。利用具有AIE性能的荧光分子(DMBFDPS和(?)PE-ALD)来检测Cys和Hcy,对前面提出的荧光滴定的概念进行了验证和研究。证明了所有双醛基取代的AIE分子检测Cys和Hcy的原理均为沉淀(聚集)诱导的发光且其对Cys与Hey的区分性检测均依赖于探针与两者反应的动力学差异。在去蛋白的人体血浆中或生物相容性介质中对Cys的响应行为的研究结果表明DMBFDPS和TPE-ALD对Cys的响应浓度与正常生理水平的区域的上限或下限重合,意味着它们有望被用于Cys缺乏症的检测与指示。值得一提的是,虽然所有这三个双醛基取代的AIE分子的响应行为大体相同,但其检测性能却不尽相同,说明:区别性地检测Cys和Hcy的能力是所有双醛基功能化的AIE分子的共性,且探针分子的响应性能可通过分子结构和亲疏水性来调控。最后,以DMBFDPS为中间体合成了DMTPS-m-DCV,并且将这两种间位功能化的极性噻咯及其对位取代的同分异构体DMTPS-ALD和DMTPS-DCV的结构和理化性质(晶体结构和电子结构、热性能、聚集诱导发光性能、溶致变色性能、在共混膜中的发光行为等)进行了详尽的对比分析。总体来说,由于共轭效应的差异,相比于对位取代,间位取代对母体噻咯的影响更小。该工作不仅拓展了极性噻咯的种类,完善了功能化噻咯的体系,且为噻咯的研究和开发提供了理论依据。基于α,β不饱和丙二腈与巯基化合物的反应活性,分别将DMTPS-DCV和DMTPS-m-DCV点在TLC板上制成了“荧光试纸”,简便快捷地检测了有机溶剂中的巯基化合物,且由于巯基化合物的反应性及产物的溶解性的差异而呈现不同的响应行为。与DMTPS-DCV相比,DMTPS-m-DCV具有更高的反应性,能更加快速地与Cys反应。特别地,DMTPS-m-DCV的“试纸”能在1min内对水溶液中的Cys响应且响应浓度低至0.0003mg mL-1。此外,DMTPS-m-DCV对水溶液中的Cys的检测具有非常高的特异性,仅对cys明显响应,而对结构高度近似的Hcy的响应则相当微弱,故而该探针分子可区分Cys和Hcy,有望成为临床上检测Cys的高效荧光探针。

【Abstract】 Due to their unique electronic structure and excellent optoelectronic properties, siloles have attracted more and more attention among numerous areas such as photoelectric materials, chemo-sensing, bio-detection and imaging, and smart materials, making the design and development of functional siloles with novel properties become an important issue in the fields of organic synthesis and materials. They are of great significance both in the theoretical research and real-world applications of organic semiconductors.The improvement of synthesis methods and the investigation on structure-property relationship as well as the expansion of their applications are the key points of the exploring of novel silole systems. Exploiting of silole as a platform for functional siloles is a fundamental strategy to figure out these problems but at the meantime itself is a challenge. Owing to the incompatibility between polar groups and catalysts used in silole preparation, polar or active functional groups are hard to be incorporated into silole systems. Among the existed siloles, functional siloles are numbered and the ones can be used as modification platforms are very rare. In this paper, we take this challenge. Through the protection and in-situ deprotection of aldehyde group, we successfully synthesized two siloles functionalized with aldehyde group and by taking advantage of their polyreactivity, several other siloles were further prepared and the long-wavelength emission of silole has been achieved. Utilizing the specific reaction between these functional siloles and some particular amino acids, we constructed efficient biosensors. Meanwhile, through systematic investigation of the molecular structure and electronic structure of these functional siloles, and their properties such as photo-physical, thermal, electro-chemical and electroluminescence properties, we gained a deep insight into the influence of the type and the position of these polar substituents on the properties of siloles.We firstly synthesized three novel functional silole derivatives symmetrically substituted on their2,5-positions with electron-accepting or donating moieties by means of modifying the classical Tamao procedure. A systematical study and comparative analysis of the structure and physicochemical properties provided a strong basis and effective guidance for follow-up study of functional siloles. The obtained functional siloles exhibit a typical aggregation-induced emission (AIE) or aggregation-enhanced emission (AEE) characteristics and unique solvatochromism as well as intriguing charge effect. Aldehyde-functionalized silole, i.e. DMTPS-ALD is an effective post-functionalization platform, and the DMTPS-DCV prepared from it is orange-red emissive. DMTPS-DPA is the first example that successfully transform an aggregation caused quenching (ACQ) fluorophore into an AEE active one with a silole molecule. It can not only act as a hole-transporting layer but also a light-emitting layer simultaneously, and the resulted device performance is comparable to or even better than the reported results of yellow light EL. These functional silole derivatives filled the blank of polar siloles and expanded the silole family.Secondly, carefully examined and summarized the previous works, we then found that the propeller-shaped AIE molecules have the great potential to be used as a building block to construct soft porous crystals (SPCs). Thus then we came up with a bran-new SPCs construction rationale which is distinctly different from the ones used to build the classic organic frameworks and metal-organic framework. We screened out the pure conjugated component possessing photoelectronic activities, i.e. DMTPS-DCV, to verify the above design concept, and the SPCs with outstanding performance were obtained. The softness of the resulted SPC is rendered by the intramolecular rotations between the multiple rigid aromatic substitutes and the conjugated core. Its porosity is intrinsically generated by the non-coplanar configuration of the extended rotatory aryl blocks and the long-range structural regularity is guaranteed by the dipole-dipole interactions between the polar groups of the building blocks. More importantly, the present SPC has demonstrated unique emission behavior that is acutely sensitive to environmental stimuli such as solvents, mechanical force and thermal treating. Conceiving the promising and interesting applications of the ordered frameworks with electronic-optical activities and structural transformability in chemical and biological sensing arrays, the present strategy to build up SPCs has great significance and is helpful to construct and develop novel organic porous materials with specific functions based on various conjugated building blocks.Thirdly, based on DMTPS-ALD, we developed a novel fluorescent (FL) probe, which utilizing the aldehyde groups as reactive functionalities and the AIE active DMTPS core as the signaling moiety. The probe exhibited excellent specificity and selectivity and its response was reflected in the enhancement of fluorescence, shift of emission peak and the precipitation of products. Due to the aldehyde functionalities, this specially designed probe can selectively react with Cys and Hey in distinct kinetics, which discriminated these two highly similar amino acids. GSH shows a significant quenching effect on the FL responses of the probe molecule to Cys or Hey and thus can be reversely detected. We set up an unprecedented strategy of using a single fluorescent probe to discriminately detect Cys, Hey and GSH by FL turn-on and turn-off strategies. The present strategy is intrinsically a fluorescent titration, which combines the high sensitivity of FL spectroscopy and the reliability of precipitate titration methodology. What’s more, the primary investigation of the FL response to deproteinized human plasma indicates that this FL probe is a promising one for the discriminatory detection of Cys on a clinical level.We used the AIE-active fluorogens (DMBFDPS and TPE-ALD) as a probe to detect Cys and Hey and verified that the above mentioned fluorescence titration method is a proof-of-concept study. The action principles for the present probes are consistent to be the precipitates (aggregation)-induced emission and the discriminatory detection of Cys over Hey depends on the kinetic difference. Moreover, the response behaviors of DMBFDPS and TPE-ALD to Cys in the deproteinized human plasma or biocompatible medium showed that their response point meets coincidently with the normal level of Cys in human plasma, which gives a clue that these two dialdehy-substituted AIE molecules could be applied as potential indicators of Cys deficiency. It’s worthy mentioning that although their response behaviors are largely the same, their detection performances is different. Thus we could come to the conclusion that the capability of discriminatorily detecting Cys over Hey is a common attribute to all the dialdehyde-functionalized AIE-active molecules and the response performance could be modulated by the molecular structures and the hydrophobicity.Finally, using DMBFDPS as an intermediate, we synthesized DMTPS-m-DCV and then carefully studied these two weto-functionalized siloles and their/rara-substituted isomers on their structure and physiochemical properties (crystal structure, electronic structure, thermal, AIE, solvatochromism properties and their emitting behaviors in their PMMA blended films) and further carried out a detailed comparative analysis of them. In general, by virtue of the difference in conjugation, the meta-substituted groups exert smaller impact on the parent silole compared to para-substitution. This work not only enlarged the family of polar siloles and perfect the silole systems but also provided a solid basis for the research and development of silole. In view of the reactivity between a,αxβ-unsaturated malononitrile and mercapto compound, the solution of DMTPS-DCV and DMTPS-m-DCV was spotted on the TLC plates to fabricate "fluorescent testing strips", which acted as very handy sensors to detect the mercapto compounds in organic solvents and showed different response behaviors due to the difference in the reactivity of the thiols and the solubilities of products. Compared with DMTPS-DCV, DMTPS-m-DCV is more reactive to thiols. In particular, the "testing strips" of DMTPS-m-DCV can readily respond to the Cys in water in1min and the response concentration is as low as0.0003mg mL-1. In addition, DMTPS-m-DCV possessed a very high specificity to Cys in aqueous solution but hardly showed any response to Hcy, in other words, DMTPS-m-DCV can discriminate Cys over Hey in water, indicating that it has great potential to be clinically used as an efficient fluorescent probe.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期