

Study on Agricultural Carbon Sink Function and Compensation Mechanism

【作者】 李颖

【导师】 葛颜祥;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 温室效应引起的全球气候变化,已经威胁着人类的生存与社会经济的发展,成为当今国际社会及学界关注的重大环境问题。要解决这一问题就必须减少温室气体在大气中的积累,其途径可从两个方面考虑,一是减少碳源,即温室气体的排放;二是要增加碳汇,即对温室气体尤其是二氧化碳的吸收。除森林碳汇以外,在地球上面积最大的农作物,尤其是粮食作物,同样也具有碳汇功能,也对气候变化起着重要的调节作用。但因为粮食作物的经济价值,掩盖了其生态功能,因此有必要对其碳汇功能进行研究。农田生态系统是全球陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,也是重要的大气碳源和碳汇。农田生态系统特别是农田土壤具有巨大的固碳潜力。根据一些学者的研究,水稻、小麦等粮食作物具有明显的净碳汇功能。我国有大片的粮田,如果能够进一步加大对粮食作物种植的保护和投入,不仅可以保障我国的粮食安全,同时还能增加碳汇,以保障我国低碳减排目标的顺利实现。本文以粮食作物为例研究了农业碳汇及其补偿机制,主要完成了两大部分的工作:一是粮食作物碳汇作用和碳汇效益的计量;二是以第一部分为基础,设计两个碳汇补偿机制。主要研究的内容包括:(1)粮食作物具有一定的碳汇功能。在当前全球温室效应加剧、环境不断恶化的背景下,粮食作物的碳汇作用凝结了人类劳动,具有使用价值,已经具备了一定的生态环境价值。而长久以来这种生态服务没有得到应有的补偿,造成了外部正效应。粮农应该得到一定的生态补偿。而且根据WTO的规定,国家对粮食的直接补贴受到限制,而从生态角度对粮食进行补贴不受限,因此是一个很好的选择。(2)粮食作物净碳汇功能的计量。分别计量粮食作物的碳排放和碳汇量,两者相减,得到净碳汇量。粮食作物的碳排放量计量主要包括三部分:粮食作物生产过程中的碳排放、粮食作物农田土壤呼吸碳排放和粮食秸秆焚烧碳排放。粮食作物碳汇量的计量主要包括三个方面,即粮食作物生长过程碳吸收、粮食作物种植过程土壤固碳和粮食秸秆还田土壤固碳。由此得出的粮食作物净碳汇量乘以我国碳市场的单位碳价格,得出粮食作物单位面积的碳汇效益为每年每公顷814.22元。(3)粮食作物碳汇功能补偿机制的设计。对补偿主体、补偿原则、补偿方式和标准等方面进行了研究。粮食作物碳汇功能的生态补偿主体为国家政府、地方政府、企业、社会团体等,受偿主体为粮食种植者。粮食作物生态补偿要遵循公平原则、受益者付费原则、可持续发展原则、需要和现实相结合原则,补偿方式以政府补偿为主,政府主要从资金、实物、政策和技术方面对粮农进行补偿。本文对政府补偿的标准和资金来源也进行了探讨。(4)低碳种植模式碳汇补偿机制的设计。低碳种植模式包括化学品减量化使用、低碳耕作和秸秆还田。进行低碳种植可能会影响粮食产量,需要耗费成本,粮农的收入可能会因此受损。但低碳种植起到了减排增汇的效果,应该得到鼓励。因此参与低碳种植的粮农应得到相应的生态补偿。政府补偿主要通过财政转移支付和专项补贴对低碳种植产生的净碳汇效益、造成的产量损失、耗费的成本以及粮农的机会成本进行计量,在保证粮农收入不降的前提下进行补偿。市场补偿主要是通过低碳种植项目生产碳汇产品,经过认证后在国内碳交易市场上交易,或者通过CDM项目参与国际碳交易市场的交易。本文探讨交易平台的交易主体、认证机制、交易信息平台的建立等并且对CDM项目的建立、实施、监测和认证等方面进行了研究。(5)对农业自愿减排项目典型案例分析。本文对国外精准农业减排项目、灌溉节能减排项目、水稻碳汇项目以及国内陕西农业温室气体减排项目和四川农业温室气体减排项目进行简要介绍,并分析了这几个案例所具有的特点,以及对于我国农业碳汇补偿的启示。(6)为完善我国农业碳汇功能补偿机制提出一些建议,包括加大低碳意识和低碳农业的宣传和教育、完善法律体系、建立政策保障机制等。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the increase of Greenhouse gases influenced global climate and putthreat to human’s existence and social economic development. It has become a greatenvironmental problem causing widespread concern from international society and theacademic world. This problem can be solved from two aspects: the first is to reducecarbon emission, and the second is to increase carbon sink, the absorption of greenhousegases, especially carbon dioxide. In spite of forest carbon sink, the crops occupying thegreatest area on the earth, especially alimentarn crops also feature carbon sink function.However, because of the economic value of alimentarn crops, the ecological function isoften ignored, which makes it necessary to research on the carbon sink function.The farmland ecological system is an important part of the global land ecologicalsystem, which features carbon source as well as carbon sink. The farmland ecologicalsystem, especially farmland soil has great potential in carbon sequestration. According tothe study of some scholars, the alimentarn crops as rice and wheat have obvious carbonsink function. There is great area of alimentarn farmland in China. Further increase ofprotection and input to alimentarn crop cultivation will not only safeguard alimentarnsecurity, but also can increase carbon sink and help to achieve the goal to reduce carbonemissions.This study takes alimentarn crops as the example to research on agricultural carbonemissions and ecological compensation mechanism. The study includes mainly two parts:the first is to calculate carbon sink function of alimentarn crops and the carbon benefit;the second is to design two carbon ecological compensation mechanisms based on thecalculation. The main contents include:(1) The alimentarn crops feature carbon sink function. As Greenhouse effectaggravates and the environment deteriorates, the carbon sink function of alimentarn crops is beneficial to humans and contains human labor. This function already hasecological environmental value. However, this ecological service did not getcompensation, which caused positive external effect. The alimentarn farmers should getrelative compensation. Besides, according to the WTO regulations, the government’sdirect subsidy to alimentarn crops is restricted. However, the subsidy from the ecologicalangle is not restricted, which is good alternation.(2) Measurement of net carbon sink function of alimentarn crops. The studycalculates the carbon emissions and absorptions separately and gets the net carbonabsorption by the minus of the emissions. The measurement of carbon emissionscontains input things’ carbon emissions, soil respiration emissions and straw burningemissions. The measurement of carbon absorptions contains crop-growing absorptions,soil sequestration and straw sequestration. By multiplying the net carbon absorptions andcarbon price, we get the carbon benefits.(3) The design of alimentarn carbon sink ecological compensation mechanism. Thestudy probes into the compensation subjects, principles, modes and standards. Thecompensating subjects include the governments, enterprises, social groups, etc. Thecompensated subject is alimentarn farmers. The compensation priciples include principleof fairness, the beneficiary pay principle, sustainable development principle, etc. Themain compensation mode is governmental mode. Government mode includes financialcompensation, material compensation, policy compensation and technical compensation.The compensation standards and fund sources are also studied.(4) The design of alimentarn low-carbon cultivation ecological compensationmechanism. Low-carbon cultivation includes reduction of chemical input, low-carbontillage and straw returning. The low-carbon cultivation may influence alimentarn outputand cause loss to farmers. However, it is helpful for emission reduction and carbon sinkincrease, which should be encouraged. Therefore, farmers participating in low-carboncultivation should get compensated. The governments measure increased carbon sink,the loss of production, the costs of the project and opportunity costs of farmers, andcompensate through fiscal transfer payment or special subsidies, which is under thepremise of no falling of farmers’ income. Market compensation is mainly to establish the domestic market for the trading of certified carbon products, or through CDM projects.(5) Case analysis of typical agricultural voluntary emission reduction projects. Thestudy gives brief introduction of overseas precision agriculture emission reductionproject, irrigation energy-saving emission reduction project, rice carbon sink project anddomestic agricultural voluntary emission reduction projects in Shanxi and Sichuanprovince. The features of these cases are studied, as well as their inspiration toagricultural carbon sink compensation in our country.(6) Suggestions to improve alimentarn carbon sink compensation mechanisms. Thestudy also puts forward some suggestions, including enhancing people’s low-carbonawareness, improving relative laws and regulations, and establishing systems like fundand institution safeguard, etc.
