

Influence of Copper Based Foliar Fertilizer Combined with Controlled-release Fertilizer on Yield Increase and Antibiosis in Vegetable and Fruit Cultivation

【作者】 孙瑶

【导师】 张民;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 土壤学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 随着果蔬栽培面积的不断扩大,科学施肥、合理灌水便成了生产中的薄弱环节。尤其是在施肥方面农业生产者因过量施用氮肥,而忽视磷、钾肥及微量元素肥料的施用,同时造成农田土壤环境的进一步恶化和肥水浪费,如土壤酸化、土壤盐渍化及有害病菌大量繁殖等,这既限制了蔬菜产量的提高,并对其抗病性、产品质量和经济效益产生影响,已成为当前果蔬生产亟待解决的重大问题。本研究采用自行研制的铜基多功能叶面肥结合新型高效控释肥从营养学角度,重点探讨了铜基多功能叶面肥与控释肥加保水剂对辣椒和甜瓜生长发育、叶片保护酶活性及果实采后生理作用的影响,以期为提高果蔬产量和改善品质寻求一条理想的途径。另外,通过对辣椒疫霉菌和甜瓜细菌性角斑病菌的室内抑菌试验,对辣椒幼苗的化学保护防治效果进行验证,初步确定了铜基多功能叶面肥应用于辣椒、甜瓜的喷施浓度范围。主要研究结果如下:1、以辣椒为试材,通过盆栽试验研究了叶面喷施铜基多功能叶面肥和土壤施用控释肥及保水剂对辣椒产量、品质、保护性酶活性变化以及铜在辣椒植株中分布的影响。辣椒种子发芽试验结果表明,当Cu2+浓度为25mg/L时,辣椒种子发芽率和发芽指数分别较对照提高了32.7%~61.6%,差异均达显著水平。两年内喷施铜基多功能叶面肥和土壤施用控释肥均能提高辣椒产量,其中叶面喷施铜基多功能叶面肥土壤施用控释肥加保水剂(CBFF+CRF+W)组合对辣椒产量的提高幅度最大,与叶面喷清水土壤施用控释肥加保水剂的组合(CKW+CRF+W)相比,2011年增产4.86%和2012年增产32.0%。叶面喷施铜基多功能叶面肥和土壤施用控释肥均使辣椒果实类黄酮和总酚的相对含量上升,果实中可溶性蛋白和维生素C的含量也显著增加。此外,与喷清水相比,叶面喷施铜基多功能叶面肥能够显著提高辣椒植株体内各器官铜浓度。喷施铜基多功能叶面肥后,辣椒叶片的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性升高,而过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性下降。通过铜基多功能叶面肥与控释肥配施可在一定程度上调控植株微量元素积累,改善辣椒营养品质,提高辣椒的产量。2、铜基多功能叶面肥与美国Kocide2000可湿性粉剂均对辣椒疫霉菌和甜瓜细菌性角斑病菌菌丝生长具有良好的抑制效果,铜基多功能叶面肥在浓度为0.784mg/mL和0.392mg/mL时,对辣椒疫霉菌和甜瓜细菌性角斑病菌的抑杀效果最好。通过对辣椒幼苗的田间防效分析,浓度为0.784mg/mL的铜基多功能叶面肥对辣椒离体叶片和幼苗疫霉病有良好的防治效果,其离体叶片防效达100%,对辣椒幼苗的防效达57.38%。同时浓度为0.784mg/mL的铜基多功能叶面肥对叶片喷施后24h接菌的辣椒幼苗生长发育具有促进作用,其在株高、茎粗、叶绿素较对照分别上升了130.2%、146.7%和25.1%。3、根据室内抑菌试验确定铜基多功能叶面肥最佳喷施浓度后,以喷清水和传统波尔多液为对照,研究了不同铜基多功能叶面肥与控释肥配施后对薄皮甜瓜产量、养分吸收及土壤养分含量的影响。结果表明:两年内土壤施用控释肥,叶面喷施铜基多功能叶面肥(CBFF)和添加锌、硼的铜基多功能叶面肥(CBFF+ZnB)均能显著提高甜瓜单株果实产量,与叶面喷施传统波尔多液(TBM)相比,2012年分别增产106.3%和35.4%,2013年分别增产106.2%和40.0%。添加锌、硼的铜基多功能叶面肥与控释肥配施可显著提高果实可溶性蛋白和游离脯氨酸含量,使果实中抗氧化酶SOD、POD活性升高。同时叶面喷施CBFF和CBFF+ZnB还可显著提高甜瓜果实中全量铜、锌、硼浓度。另外,叶片喷施铜基多功能叶面肥还可使叶片叶绿素浓度明显升高,叶片中SOD、POD、GR和APX活性升高,MDA和产生速率降低。通过相关分析表明,两年内甜瓜成熟期中的土壤速效钾对土壤有效铜影响较大,且为负相关;同时土壤速效钾对土壤有效锌的影响为正相关关系。

【Abstract】 With the increasing of planting area, scientific fertilization and rational irrigation are theweakness of crop production, especially in N fertilization, while applying with P、K fertilizersand microelement fertilizers were neglected, the blindness fertilizer application and irrigationmethods are still followed and lead to the wasting of water and fertilizer resources and theworsening of soil in gardens, such as soil acidification, salinization and harden. It not onlylimited the increasing of vegetable and fruit yield, but also influenced the anti-disease, qualityand economic benefit, and become the important problem must be solved in present invegetable and fruit production.Field plot experiments were conducted to study the effects of copper-based foliarfertilizer and controlled-release fertilizer used for fruits and vegetables developed byourselves on growth and development of pepper and muskmelon. Based on choosing the mostsuitable concentration of the product, we focus on studying the effects on growth, protectiveenzyme activities of leave and posthavest physiology of fruit of pepper and muskmelon, inorder to find an ideal method to increase yield and improve quality of vegetables and fruits. Inaddition,the concentration range of spraying CBFF on capsicum and muskmelon, wasascertained by bacteriostatic experiments with Phytophthora capsici and Pseudomonassyringe pave. lachrymans or control effect experiments of CBFF on Phytophthora capsici.The findings provided a theoretic support and technical reference for improving theprocessing techniques and exploring the extensive of CBFF. The research results were asfollows:1. A pot experiment was conducted on pepper to evaluate the effects of copper basedfoliar fertilizers(CBFF)and controlled-release fertilizers(CRF)on the concentration of yield,quality, copper partitioning and activities of protective enzymes in plant. Pepper seedgermination experiment results showed that when the Cu2+concentration was25mg/L,pepper seed germination rate and germination index significantly increased by32.7%and61.6%compared with the control. The results also indicated that different interactions ofCBFF and CRF had significant effects on yield. The optimal combination of fertilization foryield was CBFF+CRF+W. Under the optimal application condition, yields were significantlyincreased by24.1%and29.0%, respectively in the first year (2011) and the second year(2012) compared to CKW+CRF+W. Under this condition, relative content of total phenolicand flavonoid, soluble protein and vitamin C content of pepper was significantly higher thanthe control. Compared to spraying clear water,foliar spraying copper fertilizer significantly increased copper concentration in the pepper plant. Meanwhile,the active oxygen that wasproduced by copper based foliar fertilizers leaded to an increase of superoxide dismutase(SOD), peroxidase (POD) activities. Application of CBFF decreased the catalase (CAT)activity and malondialdehyde (MDA) content. In the treatment with CBFF+CRF+W, higherSOD activity was observed in the leaves of pepper. The results indicate that appropriatecombined fertilization management can increase micronutrients content in peppers andimprove the yield and nutrition quality of peppers.2. In this study, antimicrobial circle method was conducted to test the antimicrobialactivity of copper based foliar fertilizers (CBFF) and American product Kocide2000todetermine the inhibitory concentrations respectively (CBFF,0.784mg/mL,0.392mg/mL).CBFF with a concentration0.784mg/mL were inoculated to in vitro leaves, control efficacyof Phytophthora capsici was100%. The CBFF provided excellent control effect of capsicumseedling Phytophthora capsici cubensis, the control effect was57.38%at24h after sprayingCBFF. The CBFF could have a promotable effect on growth and development of plants. Plantheight, stem diameter and content of chlorophyll with CBFF treatment were significantlyincrease by130.2%,146.7%and25.1%.3. The effects of different fertilizer application on yield, nutrient uptake and soil nutrientcontent of muskmelon(Cucumis melo L.)were studied by adopting controlled releasefertilizer and copper based foliar fertilizers, taking clear water and traditional Bordeauxmixture application as contrast. The results showed that under the condition of sprayingleaves with CBFF+CRF and CBFF+ZnB+CRF, yields were significantly increased by106.3%,35.4%and106.2%,40.0%, respectively in the first year (2012) and the secondyear (2013) compared to TBM. Under this condition (CBFF+ZnB+CRF), soluble protein andfree porline content of muskmelon was significantly higher than the control. At the same time,the treatment with CBFF (or CBFF+ZnB) inhibited decomposition of chlorophy anddecreased the content of MDA and superoxide anion. At the same time, the muskmelon wastreated with CBFF obviously enhanced the activities of antioxidant enzymes (SOD, POD, GR,APX). Meanwhile, foliar spraying CBFF and CBFF+ZnB significantly increased copper, zincand boron concentration of muskmelon fruits. The correlation analysis indicated that, soilavailable K was correlated negatively with soil available Cu (P<0.05) and positively with soilavailable Zn (P<0.05).
