

Measurement and Evaluation Research on Employee Safety Behavior Ability of Metallurgy Enterprise Based on Accident Root Cause

【作者】 段瑜

【导师】 赵云胜;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 我国冶金技术有着悠久的历史,冶金企业在建国后占据了我国工业的重要地位,伴随着工业技术的发展,冶金企业的安全生产事故呈现出了规模较广、后果较大、损失较重的特点,近几年来大型冶金企业发生的工亡事故依然居高不下。从企业安全生产与“人—机—环境”之间的关系看,冶金企业的安全生产必须紧密结合企业生产规模、生产工艺、生产布局、生产品种和技术装备,要解决员工伤亡事故的安全问题,必须具体问题具体分析,对于“人—机—环境”系统而言,关于“机”方面,国家及行业法规、标准及规程已经为冶金企业开展安全标准化做出了规定,只要切实执行和良好的管理就能保证物的安全状态,其次“环境”方面,通过观测也是可以提前预防和制止事故直接发生,所以更多的员工伤亡事故的研究锁定到了充满不确定因素的“人”,因为员工很难做到整齐划—的标准,所以员工个体安全一直是企业抑制安全生产事故关注的重点。由于企业员工个体安全与企业文化、工作环境、个体习惯和性格、个体心理等影响因素交织在一起,更显示出其的复杂性。其中,员工所处社会的发展又主导着企业员工个体安全行为影响因素,所以在分析冶金企业安全生产问题时不得不锁定由社会的时代发展影射出的企业员工个体安全行为问题,经分析归纳主要有以下两点:1、员工队伍中存在从“农民”到“工人”的转变大多数大型冶金企业都是新中国成立后国家投资建设的,在国家改革开放的30多年里,也伴随着国家的步伐进行着各项改变。国家这三十多年最重要的现象是人口流动速度在逐年加快。这些农民工主要从事矿山、建筑、制造业和密集型劳动产业的高风险的劳动,在冶金企业的各个工作岗位上不乏看到“农民工”,他们正在经历着从“农民”到“工人”的转变。2、员工队伍中“80后”、“90后”员工的加入冶金企业在前进道路中一直伴随着新员工的加入,“80后”、“90后”新毕业大学生员工成为了不得不关注的群体,他们受过高等教育,有着良好的家境,在他们的成长道路上“艰苦”、“朴素”等类似词汇亲身体验经历缺乏。他们的加入虽然使得员工队伍更加有活力,但是不得不承认“80后”和“90后”是有着鲜明特点的,而且这些新加入的高学历人才,除了少部分在技术管理岗位,大部分都工作在生产第一线。除此之外还有冶金企业安全管理队伍年轻化等问题存在,面对当前冶金企业员工的特点,以及当下冶金企业员工作业方式,针对员工个体安全行为能力的研究需要更系统的思考方式,更细致的分析思路,更到位的研究方法。事故致因理论探讨的是事故发生的因果关系,而事故与“人—机—环境”具体变量之间的因果关系的挖掘很难达到完整性、明确性、准确性。然而事故的相关关系的根源分析中,事故完整的相关关系能较易获取,并且能更充足的展示“人—机—环境”系统与事故之间的相关关系以及其强弱程度,对于全面认识事故以及准确预测事故都不乏是个不错的角度。因此基于事故相关关系的根源分析上的围绕员工个体安全行为能力的测量、趋势及特征、评估及提升等方面的研究更能从多角度增强企业的安全水平。论文以冶金企业员工个体安全行为能力为研究对象,以事故根源的相关分析为理论基础,结合某冶金企业历史事故统计资料,通过与测量问卷的相互验证,研究事故与“人—机—环境”相关关系,同时基于“人—机—环境”与事故互动模型构建,研究员工个体安全行为能力的趋势和特征,进一步探讨了冶金企业员工个体安全行为能力的评估和提升方法,主要研究内容如下:1、冶金企业安全生产事故历史数据分析研究以事故根源的相关关系分析为理论指导,从描述事故的时间、地点、人物、事件四个基本角度出发,对该冶金企业2001年至2011年的11年区间发生的安全生产事故333起,411人,主要涉及了该冶金企业的硅钢、炼铁、冷轧、烧结厂、能源动力总厂、轧辊公司、电气公司、工业炉、炉窑公司、轧板厂、焦化公司、物流管理公司等50个部门的安全生产事故进行了分析,分析按照《企业职工伤亡事故分类标准》GB6441-86对事故资料进行收集,同时针对冶金企业安全生产事故的研究对象进行了锁定,即年份、月份、日期、时点、事故地点、事故类别、年龄、工种、工龄、伤害程度、受伤部位、受伤性质、起因物、致害物、伤害方式、不安全状态、不安全行为等17项分析因子进行,采用了假设检验、关联分析、聚类分析、对应分析等方法,以事故根源分析为目标,进一步分析了事故发生的时间规律,高危环境与事故的关系、人的生物钟和人体三节律与事故的关系、高危工种与事故之间的关系等。研究结果发现冶金企业因其特殊的工作环境产生了高危岗位、高危作业和高危工艺,这些也同时是事故高发、频发之处,更应重视起因物、致害物、不安全状态、不安全行为的管理;冶金企业的工业流程及技术决定了员工的作业方式,然而人的生理规律是配合冶金作业方式的硬极限,在“人—机—环境”三者协调基础上更应加强人的生物钟以及体力、情绪和智力的最优化。2、冶金企业员工个体安全行为能力测量问卷研究采用现场问卷调查的方法,设计了《安全技术对个体安全行为影响研究问卷》和《企业组织管理对个体安全行为影响研究问卷》,对冶金企业现场883份问卷,从安全技术和企业组织管理两个方面来阐述员工个体安全行为能力的影响以及影响强弱等内容,对调查员工社会属性的性别、年龄、婚姻状况、最高受教育程度、工龄、职位等内容作为员工基本状况,分析了安全技术和企业组织管理的各个方面与员工这些方面的影响程度。其中,问卷的设计和编制经过问卷的可信度和有效度检验,认为是结构一致的、可信的;安全技术对员工个体安全行为能力表现出了不同水平,该冶金企业员工的作业环境安全意识较好,安全技术管理方面其次,安全设备使用方面一般;企业组织管理对个体安全行为能力的影响方面,使用五个方面来考察,当前,冶金企业员工对这五个方面表现出了不同水平,对冶金企业员工的个体安全行为影响最大的是上层安全支持;其次是安全管理者对基层员工安全影响;再次是安全制度对个体员工安全影响;第四位是奖惩手段;最后是安全文化对员工安全影响;对该冶金企业问卷调查进行打分计算,得到针对目前的员工个体安全行为能力水平处于中等及良好之间,大部分在中等状态,但也有一部分还处于合格状态。安全技术、企业组织管理分别对员工个体安全行为能力应更加关注未婚、刚参加工作的、年龄在31至40岁的员工,在安全管理工作中应注意中层管理者;员工属性中“农民工”、“80后”员工、知识型员工、婚姻美满员工、中层和基层管理者对该冶金企业员工个体安全行为的均产生了较为深远的影响。3、基于人机环仿真模型构建下的个体安全行为能力的趋势与特征研究为表征和描述某冶金企业员工个体微观个体行为和员工群涌现出的宏观行为,借助多主体仿真思想,使用NetLogo软件,通过定量化描述各种安全措施影响下员工与员工群体作业行为的变动,来揭示员工行为与该冶金企业安全生产状况之间的响应关系,从而建立由员工视角出发的研究该冶金企业安全生产管理方法。从两个方面进行了员工个体安全行为能力的研究,其一是间接展现,即简单环境下个体安全行为能力通过作业风险中的环境风险和设备风险的征服情况进行了展现,其二,即复杂环境下,企业采取改变安全培训密集度和安全管理严厉度来影响员工个体安全行为能力,同时通过改变员工中高、低员工人数来影响员工群克服作业风险情况;建立的“人—机—环境”系统较好模拟了该冶金企业员工作业特点,安全管理人员可以通过调整安全培训密集度和安全管理严厉度等手段来影响员工个体安全行为能力,从而影响员工群整体征服作业风险的能力,安全管理者可以按照员工特点来对安全培训和安全管理流程的执行情况的节奏提出有针对性的建议,从而提高安全管理措施的效力;整个仿真系统,微观个体和宏观群体交织,直接和间接相互验证,再一次证明了多主体仿真在安全学中的应用价值。4、冶金企业员工个体安全行为能力的评估及提升随着工业化的发展,信息和网络技术的参与,现代作业现场上的安全管理控制结构面临着前所未有的挑战,企业员工作业行为越来越呈现出空间多维化、时间实时化,作业隐患多元化、发展多样化等新的特点。展开员工个体安全行为能力评鉴工作,有助于全面了解员工个体安全行为能力水平以及深入开展员工个体安全行为能力的研究。针对员工个体与群体的特点,分别采用了多层次模糊综合评价法对员工个体安全行为能力进行了分析,对多个员工个体安全行为能力评估采用灰色聚类法进行了分析。员工如何提高个体安全行为能力,采取怎样的途径和方法去训练个体安全行为能力,一直是困扰安全管理者的实际问题。论文对企业现有的安全培训和安全管理机制进行了分析,找出其缺点,提出了以岗位作业为根本的岗位作业分解训练法,并应用于该冶金企业的烧结厂,产生了较好的效果。研究体现了以下意义:1、安全学是从企业安全生产事故中发展起来的,面对安全生产事故,一直以来侧重于从本质上阐明事故的因果关系,说明事故的发生、发展过程和后果,如事故因果连锁论、能量意外释放论、人因失误论、轨迹交叉论等十余种事故致因理论为安全学打下了坚实的理论与实践基础。随着工业技术文明的发展,对安全生产事故不仅要重视结果更应注重事故的细节,不仅要重视事故的逻辑发展的因果关系,更应注重“人—机—环”与事故的相关关系。对生产事故的追根寻源,用系统的、动态的思想,围绕企业安全生产事故开展相关关系的研究是很有必要的,更能发现新问题。2、冶金企业自动化程度越来越高,但还要由人来设计、制造、操作、维修,人在系统中的作用不是降低了而更加重要和突出,一旦因人的失误导致的事故,所产生的损失比任何时候都惨重。但是,在系统中作为主体的人,由于其生理、心理、受教育程度等诸多因素的不同,导致其可靠性具有很多的不确定性和难以控制性。从冶金企业历年来的各类工伤事故中,约有90%以上事故直接或间接源于人的因素。因此,开展针对员工个体安全行为能力的研究,是从深层次上改善企业安全管理的一项重要基础性科学工作。3、从能量的角度讲,安全生产系统处于稳定态时,其能级最低,从运动角度讲,是安全生产系统由无序到有序的渐变。冶金企业经济效益滑坡、劳动力短缺及劳资矛盾,以及整个社会生存观的深刻巨变,对安全的关注已经上升到前所未有的高度,传统的以生产领域为主的技术安全观已经扩展为生活与生存安全观,关注员工个体的发展和生存空间,满足员工个体发展需求,已是我们无法回避的问题。

【Abstract】 China’s metallurgical technology had a long history. The metallurgical enterprises occupied an important position in our industry after the founding of our country. With the upgrading of industrial technology, safety production accidents of metallurgical enterprises showed characteristics of the broader scale, the larger consequences and the heavier loss, industrial accident death rate of large metallurgical enterprises remained high in recent years. From the point of relationship between the safe production and human-machine-environment, safe production of metallurgical enterprises must be closely integrated production scale of enterprises, production process, production layout, production varieties and technical equipment. To solve these security problems, we must analyze specific issues, with regard to the "machine" that is in the man-machine-environment system, regulations, standards, regulations of the state and industry had made provisions for the metallurgical enterprises to carry out safety standardization, as long as practical implementation and good management could guarantee objects security state; with regard to the "environment", the accidents could be prevented in advance and stopped directly by observing; so more research were locked to the "person" who is full of uncertainties, and individual safety of the staff had been the focus of enterprise concerns, because the staff is difficult to achieve uniform standards.Due to individual security intertwined with corporate culture, work environment, individual habits and personality, individual psychological, which showed its complexity. Individual security behavior ability level of employees was an important foundation for safe production; it also ultimately embodied safety production level of enterprise and connotation of safety culture. Meanwhile, workforce of metallurgical enterprise presented certain characteristics due to the development of society, mainly two points as follows:1. Transition in the presence of staff from "peasant" to "workers"Most large metallurgical enterprises were built by state investment after the founding of New China, it also engaged in the change accompanied by the pace of country in the country’s reform and opening up30years. The most important phenomenon in the thirty year was population movements at a faster rate every year. These migrant workers mainly engaged in high-risk work, such as mining, construction, manufacturing and labor-intensive industry. We can see that "migrant workers" were in the presence of various jobs of metallurgical enterprises, they were experiencing transition from the "farmers" to "workers",2."80","90" employees join in the workforce,Metallurgical enterprises had been accompanied by adding new employees in the road ahead, we had to pay attention to the group of "80","90" employees who were new university graduates. They were highly educated, had a good family, lack of experience on "hard","simplicity" and similar expressions in their growth path. The accession of them made the workforce more dynamic, but we had to admit that "80" and "90" had distinctive features. In addition to a small part of them at the technical management positions, most of these new entrants of highly educated people worked in the forefront of production.Safety science had a distinct modernity and reality. In the face of employees’characteristics of metallurgical industry at present, as well as the current operation mode, the research on employees’ individual safety behavior ability need a more systematic way of thinking, a more detailed analysis of ideas and better place of research methods.Accident causation theory explored causal relationship of accident occurrence, but the excavation of causal relationships between an accident and specific variables of man-machine-environment was difficult to achieve completeness, clarity and accuracy. However, complete correlation of an accident can be more easily obtained in the root cause analysis. The root cause analysis also full showed the relationship between man-machine-environment system and the accident, as well as its strength degree, it was a good angle to comprehensive understand accidents and accurately predict accidents. Therefore, research that centre on measurement, tendency, characteristics, assessment and promotion of employees’ individual safety behavior ability could enhance the security level of enterprises from multiple perspectives based on root cause analysis of correlation.Employees’ individual safety behavior ability of metallurgical enterprise as the research object, correlation analysis of root causes as the theoretical basis, combined with historical accident statistics of a metallurgical enterprise, by mutual authentication with measurement questionnaire, the paper did research on relationship between accidents and human-machine-environment. In the meantime, it studied trends and characteristics of employees’ individual safety behavior ability and further explored assessment and improvement methods based on building interactive models of human-machine-environment and accidents, the main contents were as follows:1. Historical data analysis on safety production accidents of metallurgical enterprisesCorrelation analysis of root causes as a guide, from four perspective of the time, place, people, events,333production safety accidents of the metallurgical enterprise during11-year interval from2001to2011were analyzed, which were involved in411people, and mainly related to silicon, iron, cold-rolled, sintering plant, energy power plant, roll the company, electric, industrial furnaces, furnace company, rolling mill, coking company, logistics companies etc.50departments. Accident data was collect according to " Enterprise employees casualty classification standards "(GB6441-86), meanwhile research objects of production safety accidents of metallurgical enterprises were locked, i.e. year, month, date, time-point, accident site, accident category, age, type of work, length of service, the degree of injury, the injured area, nature of injury, cause physical, virulence matter, injury way, unsafe condition, unsafe behavior etc.17factors, using the hypothesis testing, correlation analysis, cluster analysis, correspondence analysis and other methods, root causes as the goal, the paper respectively carried out research on time pattern of accidents, relationship between high-risk environment and accidents, relationship between the human biological clock, three biological laws of human body and accidents, relationship between high-risk trades and accidents.2. Questionnaire of employees’ individual safety behavior ability measurement of metallurgical enterprise"Questionnaire on security technology impact on individual safety behavior" and "Questionnaire on enterprise organization and management impact on individual safety behavior" were designed, in the field of metallurgical enterprises distributed883questionnaires, using field survey methods to illustrate influence, impact strength, etc. of employees’ individual safety behavior ability from both aspects of security technology enterprise organization and management. Social attributes such as gender, age, marital status, highest level of education, length of service, positions and so on as employees’ basic condition, it also analyzed extent about all aspects of security technologies, enterprise organizational and management impact on these basic conditions. Among them, after the credibility and validity test, the questionnaire was considered to be structure consistent and credible; safety technology showed different levels in allusion to employees’ individual safety behavior ability, safety awareness of working condition is the better, safety technology management secondly, the use of safety equipment in general. By using five areas to inspect the effect of enterprise organization and management reaction to individual safety behavior ability, currently, the employees showed different levels aim at these five aspects, top security support is the greatest impact on employees’ individual safety behavior ability; followed by was the effect of security managers on junior staff; once again, the impact of security system on the individual employee; the fourth was incentive means; finally, the impact of safety culture on employee safety. The score was calculated by questionnaire obtained that the current level of employees’ individual safety behavior ability of metallurgical enterprise was between middle and good, the majority were in the moderate state, but some still were in qualified status. Enterprise should pay more attention to the unmarried, just to work, aged31-40years old employees and middle managers in safety management, staff attributes such as "migrant workers","80" employees, knowledge workers, happy marriage employees, middle and lower-level managers generated a more profound impact on employees’ individual safety behavior ability of metallurgical enterprise.3. Trends and characteristics study of individual safety behavior ability based on man-machine-environment simulation model In order to represent and descript microscopic individual behavior of metallurgical enterprise’ employees and macroscopic behavior emerged from staff group, with multi-agent simulation ideas and Netlogo software, by quantitatively describing changes of employees and employee groups’ operating behaviors through a variety of security measures to reveal the response relationship between employee behavior and safety production situation of metallurgical enterprises, thereby we should establish the safety management methods from the perspective of employees. Employees’individual safety behavior ability were studied from two aspects, one was indirectly display, i.e., it was demonstrated in the case of conquering environmental risks and device risks under the simple environment; secondly, companies changed safety training intensity and severe degree of safety management to influence employees’ individual safety behavior ability, at the same time by changing the high and low employees to influence employees overcoming operational risk under the complex environment."Man-machine-environment" system better simulated the operating characteristics of metallurgical enterprise’ employees, security managers could adjust safety training intensity, severe degree of safety management and other means to influence employees’ individual safety behavior ability, thus affecting the whole employee group to conquer operating risks; security managers can proposed targeted proposals with respect to safety training and the rhythm of which safety management process was implemented according to staff features. Micro-individual and macro-groups of intertwined, direct and indirect mutual verification, the entire simulation system proved once again that multi-agent simulation had application value in safety science.4. Assessment and improvement of individual safety behavior ability of metallurgical enterpriseWith the development of industrialization and participation of information and network technology, modern safety management control structure on the job site was facing unprecedented challenges, meanwhile operations of employees increasingly were showing multidimensional space, real-time, operating risk diversification, diversify and other new features. The evaluation of employees’ individual safety behavior ability contributed to fully understand the level of it and carry out in-depth research on it. According to characteristics of the individual and groups, multi-level fuzzy comprehensive evaluation was used to analyze individual safety behavior ability and grey clustering method was used to assess multiple employee safety behavior ability. How to improve employees’ individual safety behavior ability? What ways and means can be taken to train individual safety behavior ability? These real problems had been plagued by safety managers.The paper analyzed the existing safety training and security management mechanism of the enterprise, then identified its shortcomings, presented decomposition training method that post jobs as a fundamental and applied to sintering plant of the metallurgical enterprise, which it produced good results.The research embodied the following meanings:1. Safety science was developed from safety production accidents had been focused on illuminating accident causation and indicating occurrence, development process, consequences of the accident in the face of production safety accidents, such as on the causal chain of accidents, on the accidental release of energy, human error theory, on cross-track, more than ten kinds of accident causation theory laid a solid theory and practice foundation for safety science. With the development of industrial technology civilization, enterprise should not only focused on results but also the details; not only pay attention to causality of logical development of the accident but also correlation between accidents and "man-machine-environment". The correlation research around enterprise production safety accidents aim at tracing the source of production accidents with the system, dynamic thinking was necessary to discover new problems.2. Although automaticity of metallurgical enterprises was increasing higher, but the man who design, manufacture, operation, maintenance it, so the role of people in the system was not reduced but more important and prominent, once an accident caused by human error, the losses were heavy than ever. However, man as the main in the system had a lot of uncertainty and difficult controlling because of their different physical, psychological, educational level and many other factors. From the point of a variety of work-related accidents over the years, about90%or more accidents directly or indirectly were derived from the human factor. Therefore, the research on employees’individual safety behavior ability was basic scientific work for profoundly improving security management of the enterprise.3. From the energy point of view, the energy level of security production system was the lowest when it was in a steady state; from the sport point of view, the security production system gradual changed from disorder to order. Metallurgical enterprises’ economic decline, labor shortages and labor conflicts, as well as the profound changes of social survival concept, the concern about safety had risen to unprecedented heights. The traditional technology security concept that production areas as the main had been extended to life and survival security concept, we had been unable to avoid the issue that concerning about the development and living space of individual employees, meeting the development needs of individual employees.
